Friday, April 12, 2013

PolitiChicks Ann Marie Murrell guest on The Glazov Gang, With Dwight Schultz and Lela Gilbert, author of "Saturday People, Sunday People.....Let us all read and watch. Click on site below....SO IMPORTANT.....Deno

If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it" is the theme regarding our relations with Israel. If you make people believe Israel is firing rockets on Gaza & not the other way around, people will fear her; make them think the Temple Mount never existed (despite ongoing archeological proof it did) & people will doubt her importance. In Israel, a common phrase written in graffiti in Arabic is, "On Saturday we kill the Jews. On Sunday we kill the Christians." In this must-see episode of "The Glazov Gang", I'm a guest with Jamie Glazov, Dwight Schultz and from Jerusalem, Israel, the amazingly courageous Lela Gilbert, author of "Saturday People, Sunday People". Lela moved from California to Israel to become a "Christian sojourner", journaling her experiences and telling the TRUE STORY of what's happening in Israel & surrounding areas. Lela's book is an absolute must-read--it's a great reminder about why Israel is our friend and also why we as a Judeo-Christian nation cannot turn our backs on her. (Oh--and we also need to STOP FUNDING her enemies immediately...) — with Lela Gilbert.

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