Monday, April 15, 2013


     Jesus loved us all. HE GAVE HIS LIFE TO PAY FOR ALL HUMANITIES COMBINED SINSHE LOVES US ALL THE SAME.   HE WILL FORGIVE YOU.  HE WILL SAVE YOU. Acknowledge your sins, repent of them and call upon HIS NAME.....

     Because the body parts do not lie, those who exchange the truth for a lie as spoken of in Romans chapters one and two, form their pulpits and say the mix up is in the head or the genes of gay people. A normal genetic encoding. Adultery is not a mix up in the head, nor a twist or problem in the genes or  DNA information is it? No. It is a CHOICE. You resist it or you don't.  It is all in the heart called sin. God calls it sinful lust.
      Even as people are not genetically programed to sleep with animals, yet as God himself addressed in the scriptures, they have and do. Is this animal to person connection a legal normal connection that is understandable by the mix up in the genes or DNA? No. The truth is the same sinful lust called perversion or the deceitful lust in the scriptures, is what bends these people to these CHOICES. They are not born genetically programed or formed to do those things or to cross those lines and to have intercourse with those animals. They are tempted, and when the tempters perverted lie has been formed in their thinking, like it was in Eve, that which is forbidden suddenly comes across as a thing to be desired. Once the mind is convinced, once they fall for that, they afterwards choose, make the CHOICE, to cross over into that which is forbidden.
     Humanist will lie to justify all this activity as genetic encoding. That people cannot help but do such things for it is in our genes therefor it is wrong for God or us to judge this activity as being wrong or sin. God most definitely differs with these darkened minds, and their so called credentials do not impress God.  A great White Throne he has established to deal with all unrepentant people.
    So we conclude that the same temptation and deception that roams around in a persons head to form the temptation to sleep with animals and to justify doing such wrong, is the same perversion that draws men to sleep with men and women to sleep with women.  By this they taste that which by God and His word has strictly forbidden. The pleasure of SIN may have a good taste to it, but it is till Sin. It is not normal. There is absolutely no compromise with God on these sins or on what is right and what is wrong.  
     BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS. Thank God there is FORGIVENESS for us all if we will acknowledge our sin is sin and repent. But to say that you have no sin, or that these things we have written of in this counsel is normal & natural and not sin, but normal genetic encoding, is another great man made conjured up lie to deceive. Another great exchanging of truth for a man dreamed up lie to justify such illegal activities of humans. ITS CALLED LAWLESSNESS OF THE HEART. THE GREAT REBELLION OF PEOPLE FORMED AGAINST GOD......deno.....America Founded by Believers for Believers.......share freely.


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