Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Word Satanism Means?.....deno

     The word Satanism means in part of it's meaning, to be opposite. To oppose. To be contrary. In other words God is truth so be a lie. God is light so be darkness. God is Holy so be unholy. God is pure and clean so be defiled and nasty. God is honest so be deceitful. God makes alive so make death. God is peace and calm so be violent and cause commotions and uproars, cause strife and discord.. God is faith so be fear and doubt. God gives life in the womb so the opposite would be_________ abortion. God plants truth, Satan upends truth. God takes away sin Satanism adds more sins. Both kingdoms are opposite. God is to be faithful and trustable, satanism is to be untrustworthy and unfaithful. Satan and the works of satanism is to push and tempt us to to the opposite of what God wills and wants. The music and television and movie and entertainment  industry/business is one of satanism's most powerful tools to accomplish this. Look what is has done to the heart and mind and behavior and eyes of the America people esp. the youth.
     God brings salvation, Satanism brings damnation. The children of God go up, the children of the devil go down. The children of God go to heaven, the children of the devil go to hell-just the opposite. The children of God go to the comforts and joys of God and His paradise, the children of the devil go to the devils hell of torments and pain, the worse place to be in all creation. 
     Jesus and the way of God is to humble yourself and to serve others, the spirit of Satanism is self exalting, self worship and self serving. Even when it does give to others money, food, clothing, gifts, it is done to be seen and worshiped of men. Self worship. Vanity..Wisdom says, REPENT and serve Jesus Christ before the burn.....please share freely.

Note: We find more of this truth in this verse of scripture. 
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) This is about the antiChrist (Satans son. The prince of Satanisms way) It reads of him this way....He OPPOSETH and EXALTS HIMSELF above all that is called God.....

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