Tuesday, June 27, 2017

And you shall find rest for your souls.....deno....share.

 .........In Hebrews 1:1-4 the Spirit of the Lord said that after Jesus had by himself PURGED or REMOVED our sin, HE SAT DOWN...And where does it say that Jesus sat down? It says He Sat Down At The Right Hand Of God....This means TO US, this also symbolizes for us RE-ESTABLISHED FELLOWSHIP AND COMMUNION WITH GOD OUR FATHER. We see Jesus when after he purged us of our sin he went back up and SAT DOWN WITH GOD next to the Father for communion, fellowship and conversation with the Father...All of this was FOR US for our benefit and blessings...For our Peace with God, signifying our reestablished fellowship after our sin is forgiven and purged......
........What else can we learn from this light?...This also means Christ enters into rest about our sins once they are FORGIVEN, PURGED, REMOVED...Christ himself and the Father entering into rest about our sins after we are purged of them speaks to you and I good things...This my friends authorizes all of us to do exactly the same.
........It is time for you to ENTER INTO CHRIST OWN REST ABOUT YOUR PAST AND ABOUT THOSE SINS THAT HAUNT YOU...For since the JUDGE, the HIGHEST JUDGE can enter into REST about them because He himself purged us of those sins with HIS OWN BLOOD and MERCY, then we the purged can ENTER INTO HIS PERFECT REST ABOUT THEM also...WHOM THE SON OF GOD (whIch is THE HIGHEST JUDGE) has SET FREE IS FREE INDEED.....ENTER INTO HIS REST....Preaching Peace By Jesus Christ.....deno.

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