Thursday, May 16, 2013

Deno's Testimonies #12a) The Day My Life And Internal Situation Began to Mend.

          To get more out of my #12a) testimony it is better that you have read my earlier ones leading up to this one.....deno

       After that hour in the blessing of the Spirit of the Lord that night where He watered my DESPERATE dry with His Living Waters of life and refreshing joy, I knew God was still with me and aware of my situation and inner vexations.  I was reminded of the REUNITED(Testimony #10) song message in my car that God knew my pains. That He knew what I was going thru and that far beyond my understanding all this had a purpose and a plan of His sufficiency of grace in my life and of things to come. 
     Friends sometimes circumstances, feelings, and situations play heavy on our minds perceptions to the degree that we even wonder where is God in all this mess and pain? Does He walk amongst the bruised and the broken hearted? Does He really care about those who need a physician? And does He really care and is He aware of what we are going thru and facing?
    Listen, as sure as God was on the scene and fully aware of Jesus' anxiety in the garden of his trying despair where in he, under great pressure sweat as it were drops of blood fearing the cross, even so and no less, God loves you and is aware of your situation no matter how ugly or abandoned the situations look or appears to be. Don't let the crosses of being a christian or the great trials, persecutions and afflictions in this life make you think you have been rejected by God. As believers whose names are written in the book of life, they mean just the opposite.
      Recall with me this. When Steven in the book of Acts whom God co-labored with mightily in signs and wonders confirming the truth that Jesus Is Risen and that He Is Lord and the Truth; when he was suffering rejection of the elders of Israel and was being brutishly stoned to death, Jesus was fully there, aware and on the scene. The Spirit does not abandon us in all our trials and test when faced with the powers of darkness raging against us, nor when we are being stone or crucified for His Names sake.
      Present pains, afflictions,  persecutions  for being  believers and for being boldly faithful to Jesus, imprisonments, stonings, being fed to lions, whippings to the flesh etc., are not to be interpreted as to say that God is not with us, or is not for us, or that He has abandoned us.  Persecutions and afflictions of these sorts come against us (the believers) because WE ARE One Spirit with the Lord and in the spirit realm all those anti Christ spirits see this and come to toy with our heads in hope to deceive us in OUR minds of what is really glory to us in the Spirit. They play with our minds to draw our attention away from the fact of the truth that CHRIST IS IN YOU AND HE IS YOUR CONSTANT SURE HOPE & GLORY.
     Again, let us not think that the cross we bear for the name of the Lord, though the CROSS at times  feels painful and afflicting as nails driven deep in ones hands and feet that we have been abandoned by the Lord. No for He is here. We in faith hold on to the word of truth of His promise to us, Lo I Am With You In All Situations and Circumstances, Even To The End Of The World.
                              *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *       
     Well like many folks going thru the fire of ignorance and thru persecutions and trials I wondered why didn't that sweet relief that precious evening that I just had experienced a few months earlier totally remove all the weight of all depressions and oppressions forever( See denos testimonies #11)? It all tasted so great in my soul when the rain and sweet spiritual honey was inside me being poured, but it was not to be the fixer, the healing I longed for. It did reinstate measures of hope to my heart and formed in me an everlasting testimony of Gods grace and great compassion to share, but in time tears would fall again often as this trial came at me again and again of oppression and depressions  trying to beat me down.
      Well a few months or so had past since that night and I was still being attacked by the oppression and depression powers and it was at times vicious to my mind and soul in its effects and  taste. Real oppressions and deep depressions are cruel to all their victims and prey. So many have not survived their mean onslaughts against their peace of mind and soul. It is a dark and dreary living night mare when your dealing with its heavy dosages. Nothing really excites you any more. Things you used to get so much joy from have no power to give you any pleasure of heart and soul against the joy crushing weight of depression and enemy oppressions. You want it all to go away but it doesn't. You even beg for it to leave but it want. And you ask yourself that same old question that you have asked a thousands times before why? What for? How come me? When will it be gone?
        Well on a Sunday evening in RAF LAKENHEATH, ENGLAND, after being in England about a year, I had to go open the base chapel for a Worship service that night. I was a chapel manager in those days in the USAF and it was my weekend to be on duty for this service. Little did I know that that day, even that very evening, God ordained for me and my personal benefit years prior. A pre appointed divine connection I was going to make. All wrought and known in God and by God whose Son Jesus Christ is the author and the finisher (Developer-Completer) of our faith.
       I  opened and entered the chapel. Went around checking the thermostats, turning on lights etc readying the sanctuary for that evenings service. I was not a preacher or anything like that. We as chapel managers assisted the Chaplains and preachers with there administrative needs and setting up the altars for the worship service. We took care of the bookkeeping and meeting minutes, bulletins, etc etc. Whatever they needed we stood by to assist.
      This particular evening a Spirit filled black congregation was going to use the Chapel for their denominations worship service. I did not know that this was going to be a Spirit filled group. I learned that as the evening progressed in the wordship service. This was like a bunch of T.D. Jakes crowd. They were excited about God and the things of Jesus  Christ.
       Well their service got started and I was sitting behind the desk in the Chapel foyer. I went into this day with all those former grace experiences that I have told you about in my other testimony accounts in my writings. Since the day my mom told me that one day I would preach the gospel, my world would never be the same. A few weeks after she told me that I had the rushing mighty wind experience in my car. I saw the vision of the huge Cross with that cluster of people under it like a massive sea of people carrying that cross. I had cried out to God one day when I was so miserable in my car and asked Him in tears of brokenness Why God? Why am I so miserable and my soul cast down within me. Im so depressed  God. Please Please, if You know what I'm going thru. If there is some kind of purpose and plan you have in all this then let the next song on this radio station be the song (REUNITED..See denos testimony #10), the next song was REUNITED. And I had heard God speak to me audibly three simple words that for dink da dee deno seemed at the time hard to be understood. I was in my room with some friends about 2 years prior to this evening.  They had asked me how I was doing? I replied well I'm frustrated and deeply depressed. Those words hardly got out of my mouth when from the unseen glory that surrounds us all in Christ, the Lord strongly shouted, WATCH YOUR TONGUE. It was so loud I thought everyone in the room heard it. Only me.    
       Folks I did not grasp what God meant by those words then, neither did I understand their purpose for me that evening on call at the chapel. I had not said a cuss word or as our mom used to call them, a vulgar word. All I said was that I was frustrated and deeply depressed. Whats so bad about those words? They are not bad words. They are not nasty words. So being ignorant of spiritual wisdom and understanding, His audible lesson, sermon and rebuke flew over denos' coo coo nest.  But in just a few minutes on this Sunday evening in RAF Lakenheath, England, my world was going to be awakened and my eyes more and more opened. Deno was about to be, by God and His mercy, and grace, put on the road of his recovery. As it is written to preach recovery of sight to the blind and ignorant. This means to us also that spiritual sight and spiritual understanding can bring us recovery. Blindness leads us to the ditches. Sight leads us out of those ditches to walking even High in God with Jesus our marvelous light of Life. We just have to find those who by God know and understand the more better and sweeter and higher bread of heaven that is in Christ Jesus......Continues on denos testimonies #12b)...see you there

Oh Yea. Well Does Being Blind As A Bat Make You Bat Man?

Come on deno, Can't you see how we and the monkey's are so alike and similar. Its easy to see that we by evolution branched off from them. Oh yea, Well does being blind as a bat make you bat man? And what about the giraffe? What other animal did he branch off from?huh? I don't see any similarity in any other. And spiders, who did they branch off from, the octopus? Who is like the peacock? All the glorious differences and similarities that we see in the animal world and the plant world came from the great mind and imagination of God. They did not come from deaf, dumb and blind mindless gases exploding, AND not from, as scientist say these days, absolutely pure NOTHINGNESS.

Jesus, Show Us A Sign They Said......Jesus, In All That He Said And Did, All Was For Our Better Advantage.

      Even after performing many great signs and wonders of His divine grace as to the raising of the dead, men still came up to Jesus and said, "If you are of God show us a sign." Had Jesus moved the moon out of its normal position of the night and kept everything else in perfect function and order (which His Father was certainly able to do), surely a great sign would have been accomplished.  But Jesus channeled His divine power and anointing in more personal and advantages ways to us. He did not come down from heaven to hang the moon but to reach, touch, bless and redeem us, you and I, man. 
       In these more advantages to us works of His Fathers choosing Jesus healed the sick and the diseased, cleansed the lepers, mended the broken hearted, set free the bruised, opened the eyes of the blind, preached the good news to the poor, fed the multitudes and greater than all these he raised the dead publicly in the eyes of many. Then he performed the sign of Jonah. After they had suddenly rejected him and nailed him to the cross, he gave up the ghost and his body tasted deaths sting for our sins death and destruction from us. Then for three days and three nights he was in the belly of the earth just as he fore told. After those three days of Word of God accomplishment, God raised Jesus His Son from the dead, and made him the first born from the dead of many to come that death could never ever touch again. All his passion and all his resurrection was wrought by the Fathers love for us and by the Fathers mighty plan and hand of power to give you and I a real and living hope and a glorious everlasting future.
       So really my friends, which is more advantages to us, to see the sun and the moon switch spots for great entertainment, or to be redeemed, forgiven, saved and healed and given the real and living hope of life everlasting in the glory of His resurrection likeness?
       It is so much better for you and I to be by Gods divine power and glory raised from the dead and created anew and made untouchable by death and given the real and living hope of being made like Jesus in all things (untouchable by sin & death ever again). When we are like him in all things we shall be darkness free and far from war and oppressions grip. Far from and free of sickness and disease. Far from any type of suffering, aging or pain. Our joy and gladness shall be as His. Our hearts shall never again faint or lose its light and strength. The joy of the Lord will be our eternal and everlasting strength. God will be smiling on us with His exalting love and favor. 
      To be like Jesus in all things of life, of spirit, soul and body is our destiny and that is the full fruit of the purpose of His Cross and Resurrection. Certainly Jesus did what was best for us in all his miracles, signs and wonders. The moon has no feelings. The moon has no heart for praise. But you and I do. Let us praise him before the rocks cry out and quake the earth for our lack of thanksgiving for the signs and wonders of the Cross of Christ and His resurrection. Amen.......deno......pleas share freely. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


One day Jesus will come. We ask when and wonder if all the signs have been fulfilled? We think in linear time, events following one another, and that Jesus must wait until in time we have passed the last one. But what is impossible in our physical world is not impossible in timelessness. Eternity and time are head-to-head. The borders of heaven and earth run alongside one another. Jesus belongs both to heaven and earth. He has a human body and is also God the Spirit. He can step across from heaven to earth, from eternity to time at any point He wants. The Lord will take us with Him, back out of this world of calendars and clocks into the dimension of endless glory, endless joy and endless pleasure, with Jesus. When I’ve been there ten thousand years, I’ll have no less to live. To live in time for ten thousand years would not be a nice experience. But Scripture says God has put eternity in our heart – we were not made to stay in this world forever, but we shall be with Christ eternally. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE


      This is involved in the Mystery of Babylon of the scriptures. It is man so carnal in his mind, and so deep in the strength and mind of his flesh that he erects a world of pleasures, provisions, of cities and towns, and a kingdom made of things patterned after the fleshes wantings and needs yet in great neglect of the eternal soul. It is flesh sophistication.

     For instance, computers, fuels, electricity came from years of mans toils, diggings and searchings from the SWEAT OF HIS BROW over the ages. It has now in the present, produced a sophisticated physical life to the level of the eyes awe, with  physicals delights, splendor and glory beyond all generations before him. All this makes the present world the greatest temptation and side tracking distraction of the eyes and of the heart than ever before. 
     But friends, let us be reminded that the scriptures reveal that this world, this present boat, this present man made ship made for life, pleasure, and survival has a very sensitive hull and is subject to cracking by a mighty contrary wind soon to come upon this world. End time scriptures shall be fulfilled and come to pass despite all the contrary dreams and will of men. (The Spirit of Truth reminds us to Love not the world neither THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE WORLD-1st John 2:15-17)
      Imagine the present course of mans present ship crashing into a power that interrupts his flow of electricity, fuel and computers. Talk about a catastrophic set back in life style and physical sophistication and order in society. It is not good for man to be so vulnerable in his life style as he is today and be headed head on with the words of the wrath of a mighty God determined to purge His creation and threshing floor from all corruption and evil. It is not good for man to be so vulnerable to cracking  and at the same time both the male and the female heart, mind and soul is way to lifted up and inflated with self idolizing divisive pride. The scriptures tell us clearly that pride and human vainess with arrogance (EGO) is the steps to a great fall.
       Friends though we are presently trained in our mindsets to not weigh in on the negative, some times God says its time to weigh in on the negative. You cannot get a positive charge without both the negative and positive current mix. A proper balance is of necessity for wisdom to have its proper organizing grace in our faith, hope, love and lives in the patient waiting for Christ return.
       God's striking rods for judgement is in His quiver. Satan's arrows for even greater deception and delusion are in the string of his bending bow. All hearts in all nations are in striking distance of Gods purging wrath and Satan's greatest deception ever launched against the human heart and mind. Woe to them the scriptures preach who together in unbelief and love for the things of darkness make up the DART BOARD of the last days. They are the ones that PRANCE without fear and DANCE in line with the curves of a swaying serpent, even though they have been told and warned about the stings of death and of unbelief......
     Please..... Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of his glory and grace. We have real lasting hope in Jesus in this life and in the life to come....deno.....please share freely.


.....And if man refuses to heed his own laws, he will have disorderly conduct beyond measure on earth. For order and peace, authority and the rule of law is established for peace, productivity and for more honest fruitful living. Woe, to the generation who despises righteous authority. That of the Throne of heaven and those of the thrones of men who fear God in righteousness (As America once did) and who honors His Son to whom God has committed all judgements of man. For Gods Son became man to save man, and to judge and rule over man in righteousness and in truth. Jesus said, "The words I speak, all men shall be judged by them, in that day."
         Christ words are to take precedence above all words and wisdom of men in all nations for judgement sake and for lifes needs sake. He conquered the grave and rose from the dead BY HIS GREATER POWER, WISDOM, AND KNOWING. Since therefore His Words and Wisdom conquered, worked in, prevailed over, and prospered in the realms of death clearly understood by his great overcoming and resurrection from the dead; THEN HIS POWER, HIS WISDOM AND HIS WORD will conquer, work in, prevail over, and prosper IN THIS LIFE, in this realm above the grave. His WORDS will profit whosoever believes and puts their hearts trust in them. His Words are full of Power. Each of His Promises are activated by the mix of faith. Faith is the hearts cord that plugs into the Power of God and Christ Words.
       In closing.....Jesus, whom the scriptures call by name THE WORD OF GOD, The Word of God said in John 10:10. I have come to enter into your heart and life, so that you could have life and have it more abundantly. Let us all learn afresh, to let our cups overflow with the goodness of God and His promises given us in Jesus Christ The Living Word Of God.......deno.....Be Blessed....please share freely

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


     When man answers only to his own laws, and only to his own self, he has exalted himself (IN HIS MIND) above Gods laws and above the governing throne of God who created him. This is an independence that will in time leave man only with shattered dreams and endless nightmares in the hopelessness of the outer realms of darkness. It is in comparison, the similitude of the path that Satans mind took, that caused his eternal desolation and separation from God and his everlasting downfall. Remember with me, Jesus said he saw Satan fall from heaven like lighting. Satan did not want God or His laws to rule over him. He wanted to exalt himself and his unholy rules above God and Gods way. His final outcome? It cost him his eternity. It cost him his soul. It cost him his own spirits freedom. God does have His limits to what He will tolerate.
      You can see Satans attitude entering in and taking over many hearts and minds in this present generation. We call them humanist and Atheist and other names. They are a grave danger to themselves and a severe danger to any society, God fearing or not. For when men have no fear of God in their eyes, no fear of present or eternal consequence; nor any fear of the souls destruction in hell,  nor any faith; they have been known in history to be the most cruelest of kings over men, people and nations when in power and the blood they have spilt of their people makes heaven blush and Gods eyes inflamed with fire for an up and coming wrath outpouring upon the world....
     America, they are after you and your children. These are not the days for we American believers to be looking the other way. Even at 12 years of age Jesus knew and understood that He must be about doing and being constantly involved in His Fathers work and business........deno.....please share freely.....Please pray for and support the ACLJ, The American Center for Law and Justice....They fight for our religious freedoms and for the upholding of our Constitution and many other Christian works. They are about the Lords business....thank you.