Thursday, June 22, 2017

God was helpless to save us without His Sons Blood....deno.

Lord Open Our Eyes....
......All the Power of Gods Spirit (ALL OF IT) could not save the soul of any without the blood of Christ in the mix.... God needed Christ blood to save us just as much as we needed Christ blood to save us...When you understand this truth, you understand the wisdom of God in the blood of His Son.
.....We were helpless to save ourselves without Christ blood and God was helpless to save us without the blood of His Son. That is why Jesus had to drink that cup...HE HAD TO or we were hopeless forever and Gods word and heart would have been broken forever....deno.

All the Power of God could not save the soul of any without the blood of Christ in the mix.... God needed Christ blood to save us just as much as we needed Christ blood to save us.....deno.

.....When Gods people got themselves into troubles like famine and enemies, he delivered them over and over again with His divine power. He brought down kings and mighty empires for his people. He parted the Red Sea for his people. He sent His angels to help his people take down their enemies. The bible is full of the stories of God delivering His people with His mighty hand.
.....But did you know that it was only by a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice that God saved His people from their sins. Only by the shedding of blood were their sins atoned for and they were saved from them. God could take down their enemies by His mighty hand, but only in the shedding of blood could he save them from their sins.ONLY IN THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD.
.....God from the very beginning was always preaching the mystery of the Cross of His Son and of the IMPORTANCE OF THE BLOOD SACRIFICE....As even John the baptist said concerning Jesus....Behold the LAMB OF GOD that TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD...And in another place the angel also proclaimed about Jesus. He said,,Unto you in the city of David a Savior has been born who shall save Gods people from their sins...They too were preaching the Cross of Christ.
......God could part a thousand Red Seas and open the earth up under the feet of a thousand armies who rise against His People, but none of those powerful acts would nor could save us, HIS PEOPLE from their sins. NOT ONE OF THEM....Only thru the shedding of innocent sinless blood can we be saved from our sins. That is why only in the Cross, in the Sacrifice of Christ would Paul glory. He understood Gods redemption wisdom in the covenants blood sacrifice purpose..And only in the Cross of Christ should we too glory and trust..Christ Precious Blood saves us from our sins.....deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jesus verses AntiChrist....Globalism verses Americanism.....Know what is going on.....deno.

#1)....Make no mistake about it, the world is in a religious spiritual war and battle where Satan and his team is battling against the truth that is in Christ Jesus. He is battling against the truth that is in the Son of God with the various lies, misleadings, theories, fantasies, with cultures that they have formed in their world and deceptions spawn from the spirit of the son of a deceiving religious appearing Satan. We must remember, Satan knows all about God and Gods heavenly world and throne and worship. He has lived there, been there, done all that..Therefore he knows how to imitate the same with his counterfeits.

#2)....America is at war within itself. Globalist and communist within our country who are even members of the house, the senate, and congress, and of the democratic and republican parties, are at war with the American People that still love Americanism, Americas sovereignty, constitution, traditions, independence, history, and way of life who oppose globalism who always want America First for the American Citizens. It is there legal citizens right..

........THESE TWO BATTLES ARE WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT FOLKS....Jesus represents Gods truth to the world and Satan is fighting hard to upend this truth out of the heart of the nations thru Islams many lies and other means...Trump represents Americanism and the people of America who love America and so the globalist sellouts in Washington of both the democrat and republican parties, and the globalist around the world are doing all they can to take Trump and American First Americanism out of power.
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Pay Attention to What is Going On.....deno.

.....You may not understand why you write the way you write. But the time will come in this world when souls will thirst for one drop of Christ wisdom and words about the end times and the events in those days. For when Satan is terrorized with the thought that he only has a short time left until his unending torment begins and his rebellion is put down, those who are connected deeply to His deceiving terrorized spirit go forth to terrorize the world...Pay attention to what is going on. The terror going on in the world is to lead the world into the need and into the arms of the false Messiah call the AntiChrist...He fills the world with terror and problems to give his voice and platform a stage that will cause the world to marvel at him, run into the arms of his deceptions, and to worship the beast and his image...Know what is going on.....Jesus Christ Is Lord and THE TRUTH.....deno .....share freely.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Seeing thru the lie.....deno

......If love me don't judge me was of Gods Spirit and full truth, then there would be no hell. You could then do and live as you want and have nothing to worry about for there would be no judgement..But hell exist and why does it exist??? Because love me don't judge me does not work with God...It is a doctrine of devils sent forth from hell to mislead people to not worry about repenting of their wrong behavior....Keeping it real..Satan screamed at God in his heart, love me don't judge me, just let me live as i want..Just love love love and do so without judgement making no rules and drawing no lines. Satan right after that fell from heaven like lightning....deno.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.

Still Yet....written by deno and His Jesus.
......King David had a sin history liken unto us all. He also had a whole lot of wild and crazy things going on with his own children and family. And yet still, the bible declares that God used David in the ministry of a foretelling prophet that prophesied certain truths and events of Christ that was to come.
.......Folks lets all quit kidding ourselves. We can all talk about perfection and perfect relationships and families, but underneath our delusions we are all like David and his children and family. We all inside and out have spots, wrinkles and blemishes of all sorts. We all have imperfections galore. Still yet, For God So Loved...Still yet, God made good things to come forth from the most driest of grounds.... Still yet, from rock God made His refreshing water to flow....Still yet, when there was lack God brought forth plenty. Still yet, when there was hopelessness God made hope come back alive. Still yet, when Israels backs were pressed up against the wall God made a way thru the Sea...Still yet when there was sickness and disease God brought forth healing.. Still yet, when death was all over the scene God raised His Son from the dead....Still yet when the nets were empty God made a way that filled them up....Still yet when a woman was in the shame of the guilt of her sin, Still yet God forgave her and set her free and put a smile on that woman's face the world could not take away. Her soul was touched by God....
..... ..So there is you and I with all our flaws and imperfections, but let us not forget Gods STILL YET part. It is seen all thru the bible of God using such imperfect men and people who in themselves, in their relationships, and in their families had flaws and imperfections, but it was GODS STILL YET that made all the difference...Christ came to us from Gods STILL YET LOVE and Grace...Thank You God for...Still Yet......deno.....share freely.