think the worlds magnificently enlightened tell our generation that even
this multi colored, beautifully painted, awingly clothed, functionally
shaped creature was all formed and fashioned by accidental chance. Made
from a source of mindless matter that is without brain, without the ability to think,
without wisdom, without imagination, without knowledge, nor
understanding, nor having the ability to compose, YET STILL SO STARTLING INVENTIVE. Time and the grind they say just
figured all of it out. Isn't it strange how their so called parenting MINDLESS MATTER that they claim is the original source of all things, that has no ability to think, dream, or imagine IS SO INCREDIBLY INVENTIVE and APPEARS TO PLAINLY HAVE AN AWING CREATIVE IMAGINATION??????....Just look at the beauty and the diversity of all things.
So you say that NOTHING & CHANCE
are smart enough to make this awing creature yet ask of the same
mindless source and matter to make a simple pencil with a eraser on it
and it fails every time.
God for the record, I just want to
say thank You for being God and our Father, Creator, Redeemer, Savior
& King. All things were made by the Word and without the Word of God
nothing was made that was made.
When the world loses all
sight of God and has lost all fear of His glory, humanity enters such
darkness and dread of life. Life becomes a tissue formation and its
measure of value is decided by that which is nothing more than more
advanced tissue, so there is no real meaning to life WE JUST BE. Those
who have been deceived to believe that lie, well go and get the scissors
is one of their most common sayings in the last 60 years. Their belief is you are just a blob of unformed, worthless tissue and THAT THERE IS NO GOD TO ANSWER TO FOR THIS. In some
places, there are those who have more deeply fallen for this lie and
philosophy, they have and are using BIG SCISSORS.
......Abortion is
sin but God is so rich in mercy for His great love for us that even this
promised us by Christ Jesus that He would forgive us and cleanse us. He
also said thru Jesus Christ that I will be merciful to their
unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
That is the results of Jesus, His Cross and interceding, atoning blood
setting us free. Friend You Are So Greatly Loved. I will have mercy said
the Lord our hope and recovery glory and grace........deno.