.......For God and Country and for my kids and for our dad who preached THE CROSS OF CHRIST and ITS SAVING POWER all those decades i stand up and write this. We Davids even with our flaws in every sense of the word no matter how unworthy we may be must now stand UP and defend the Gospel
and the Deity Of Christ...The enemies of the Power of His Cross seek to confuse the world and to deceive the world even though some of them may have good intent...
........The subtilty of the serpent is to deny the deity of Jesus Christ bringing him down to the level of just a good man or just a submitted man or servant to God which Jesus certainly was but the scriptures in their fulness reveals much much more about Jesus than being just a man or just a submitted man....
.......Hebrews 7 about Jesus, It reads, Christ had no beginning of days neither ending. Always has been and ever shall he be...These words were not about the flesh of Jesus for the flesh of Jesus cannot fit such eternal power. These words of revelation spoke of the Spirit of Christ that was inside that flesh.
.......Hebrews 1:1-3 we must quote that also..the Son (speaking of Jesus ) by whom he made the worlds......John 1:1-14...Jesus was in the beginning with God and by him all things were made that were made.
.......How far back did Jesus exist? He said, Before Abraham was I AM....and By him were all things made that was made. So according to Jesus' Spirit and not ours, Jesus' Spirit existed before the foundation of the world.....Jesus said, Before Abraham was I AM....Jesus said...I came down from heaven..This means he existed way before Mary....Jesus said and what if i go back to where i came down from..
........Paul said the Son (Jesus) was eternal in the heavens and that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh..Yes Paul wrote that in his letter to Timothy..
.......The revelation from the Spirit of God to man about Jesus when Jesus was on earth in the flesh was first given to Peter...Jesus said and who do you say that I am?...The Spirit of truth came upon Peter and Peter said, I say you are the Christ the Son of the living God..Jesus said back to Peter, this world did not open your eyes to this truth but the Spirit of My Father..Any belief or wording of identification concerning who Jesus was and is that eliminates this revelation just given and the ones mentioned above are of another Spirit other than Jesus who knew himself perfectly. Jesus could tell you all about the throne of God and what it looked like because he came down from heaven and because has been sitting there with the Father thru-out eternity.
.......When Paul and John said By Jesus Christ all things were made that were made, both messengers were seeing by the Spirit of Truth far beyond the flesh body that the eternal Spirit of Jesus wore for the worlds redemption need that would be accomplished at the Cross of Christ. The eternal Jesus became flesh and dwelt amongst us (John 1:1014) and He took upon HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT/SELF a body of flesh and blood...
.......Truly a greater one than Moses and Solomon was inside that physical body that the real eternal Jesus lived in....And finally in John 17:1-5 Jesus said, And now Father, glorify Me with your own Self with the glory that i shared with you before the world was...Those words the Spirit of Jesus spoke, his flesh could never make that statement, His flesh came forth in the virgin Mary....And after Christ resurrection after he appeared to Thomas, Thomas went into his praise saying to Jesus, My Lord and My God...Jesus did not rebut those words. only the blind do.
........P.S...If Jesus was just a man then he dying on the cross was no different than all those other men who died by way of the Cross back then. But being in His Spirit Eternal and Divine, he was Deity, he was the Lord from heaven by whom all things were created by. That truth in itself makes Jesus who became flesh, the sinless God in flesh, that makes his sacrifice MOST POWERFUL IN ALL SACRIFICES FOR SIN REDEMPTION SIGNIFICANCE.
........Who would dare belittle the power that would be in God tasting death for every man (by way of the Cross) to save the believers soul from the devils hell? Gods taste of death on that cross thru Christ the LAMB OF GOD is our GREAT DEFENSE. It is our GREAT DEFENSE against all of Satan, against all of sin, death, hell and the grave.
.........We were the guilty but the Judge himself loved us so much he came off his Judges Seat and went to the Cross to pay the punishment for our sins and crimes himself..We deserved the blow but the Judge dank that Cup for us...What a love story....That is the love that Paul said of Jesus Christ that the world is blind to....deno....share....copy this...print it and put it in your bible or somewhere where you will not forget it..You will need these words to refer to soon. The deceivers just like Paul said are waxing worse and worse, even he said to denying the deity of Jesus...