Christians all over America look at their country today and wonder to themselves as they hear and see such Anti Jesus, anti Christian attacks going on in this nation and say, What in the world is happening in America? I mean we can read and see every day how forward and blatant the push is against Christ and Christianity. Where is this coming from? Who is orchestrating these events and anti Christian assaults on our faith and christian heritage. Christ and the Gospel was the root cause for the construction of most of our major universities that were erected all over this nation and was the flame that drove them onward for over hundreds of years. What has happened to America? Well lets look into the answer.
Who crucified Jesus? hmmm? Unbelievers. Who constantly opposed Jesus in his days on earth? hmmm? Unbelievers. Unbelief is not a race thing, but is a spirit of the heart thing. It can be found inside every skin tone in the heart of the bodily members of every nation. In America today, that spirit of unbelief dwells inside every skin tone in this nation so we cannot say it is a racial problem, or comes from a specific race, because unbelief and spiritual blindness, it is not of the color of a persons skin tone and tint and never was. Unbelief is a demonic force of power that prevails in blinded souls, in unseeing hearts (2 Corinthians 4:3-4 & Mark 4:15). It is as ugly in its fury and demonized peak as the iron tip whips and the rods the unbelievers used to rip up Jesus' flesh. It is as cruel as the thorns and the nails, and as the blood and visage disfigurement of Jesus Christ and him crucified in its peak assault againt our christian faith. As unbelief ripped up and shred apart the flesh of Jesus, that same evil Anti Jesus, Anti Christ spirit is at work in our American society today making every effort, working thru masses of willing powerful people, to shred apart the influence of the words of the bible and the gospel in this land and our biblical based Constitution. I hope you got that.
America that evil spirit of unbelief that drove those nails into Christ hands and feet on the Cross of a great rejection has risen afresh in the United States of America in these last days and is the force behind the fleshes veil warring against the words of the atoning blood, death and resurrection of the Son of God and His Name and Gospel in the land of the American heart. Is it a spirit from the under world. It is not of men, though men and their hearts are its prey and targets and the spirits vessels of use to bring about a united rising up against the Lord Jesus Christ. (Read Revelations 16:13-16.
That and those wicked spirits at work in our midst doing this are as mean as the dogs that crucified the Lord of glory as recorded in the Psalms 22:1-31, esp verse 16). It is a merciless spirit. A bold and in your face anti Christ spirit. They are working now in America and in other societies of the world to bring about one of the greatest Anti Christ, Anti Jesus, Anti Gospel onslaughts the world has ever known since the crucifixion of the Son of God in Jerusalem. America, this is why you see and hear more and more anti Jesus, anti Christian legislation, reports and writings going on in in an abundance in our own society. All those that are in the bed together of this great and fresh Judas like betrayal have volunteered their pages, print, music, talents, visual aids and hearing aids, wealth, worldly power and influences to do just that. But there is some good news.
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And that good news is this gospel truth. Thank God Jesus gave us(The Church-His Body on Earth) the right and the authority and the power to fight back and prevail over all the power of the enemy (Read Luke 10:17-20). If they scream we must shout and preach in the name of Jesus the truth even louder. When they march we must march in the name of Jesus even greater carrying the truth of the Cross of Christ on our shoulders. When they say no we must take the uncompromising we say yes stand. It is a battle between spirits and truth ladies and gentlemen, and not that of flesh and blood. A battle of spirits and spirit against spirit confrontation, whose soul purpose is to take over and to dominate the course of what the heart sees, hears and believes. Which ever side prevails over the hearts of this nations people will be the power over this nation.
This is why our enemies have been using every available means to darken the hearts and the morals of us, our children, and of this nation and to influence and direct the lust of every heart to unite in a feast of immorality, worldly desires, and sins and forbidden pleasures which war against the righteous path of Jesus Christ to bring the moral standards of this nation down, making America a comfortable place for the wicked Spirit of the Anti Christ, the devil.
Like Esau, these impatient opposers of Christ, they would rather get their full fill right now at all cost without any hesitating to their gratification, even to the forfeiting of their souls, than to walk wisely and in Gods gospel wisdom that is given us to prep us all for the escape of THE JUDGEMENTS TO COME. He-Esau, lost his birthright from a lustful craving of the flesh. Satan knows our flesh, he knows how its lust and desire effects us and our decisions and he is a master at bringing forth and turning up its passions for the burn of forbidden lust and un-natural affections carried out into even the most perversed of sin. America today is now rich in this Satanic work. It has gripped and effected almost all of us in America in some way or another because it is spread out covering almost every home in America with its reach. T.V. is one of its channels of many.
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We must not fall in this nation as to be deceived by what we hear and see on T.V...... By twisted formed lies expressed and told constantly on television you would think that, we the believers, are not the majority in this nation anymore and that there is no God and that there is no fear of God in the land, why just look at our sitcoms. Just listen to the lyrics of this generations music. I will not be deceived by that. Frankly despite the media magic and spin, lies and false polls and cover ups, we the church, the body of believers are the majority in this nation. Its just that that deceiving Satanic anti Christ spirit working thru the media, spins their deceptive magic to deceive Americans to believe and think other wise. You know, their Goliath and we are but worms in comparison. Its all a purposed driven illusion to sway people to think that. I have found out as I talk with people that even the most wretched of lude, loose, American citizens out there believe in God and His Son and know they are doing wrong.
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The truth is, we the believers in God and in His Son Jesus Christ are the giant force of America. Its just that we forgot how much our fore fathers believed and fought for our power over this nation. We forgot how they stayed in prayer and fastings and in constant watch by heavy involvement in Americas political system and never retreated from the great cause of God and Christ in this newly formed nation. We stepped back thinking the course of this nation is now on an automatic love Jesus forever course, and that that will never change so we laid back. When we took our hands off the plow of maintaining the christian power over the politics of America, severe liars and deceivers, and those who take bribes and those who are dishonest and love not our freedoms, and those who are in the businesses of sin and immorality and whose aim is to promote the same, found openings to infiltrate our government for anti Jesus, anti Christian, anti bible, and anti righteousness legislation.