Friday, July 12, 2013

COME ON HOME PARTNERS. THERE IS A SEAT FOR YOU.....Kenneth & Gloria Coplend.....Two After My Own Heart. Some People Our Hearts Just Blend With. These Two Fit Perfect My Heart. ThankYou Jesus. Give Thanks For Those Servants & Ministers That Fit Perfect Your Heart. God Placed Them There For You. Like unto the Angels. These ministers God has put in your path, life and heart, are heavenly grace connections for you to serve and bless and strengthen you in the Truth, Love, Peace, Faith, Power and Good News that is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the Covenant of Gods Good News Established Upon Better Promises and Blessings Than The Old Covenant. Even As The Blood Of Emmanuel Is For Greater and Far Better Than the Blood of the bulls, goates and heifers of the old covenant. Amen.....deno

The Consequence of the Wrong Choice. Jesus and Barabbas Episode...Scene from the Passion of the Christ....Let Us Make The Right Choice. Stick to, Cleave to Jesus with all your heart and faith......deno

     When they chose Barabbas that day instead of Jesus, little did they know they were choosing darkness over light.  In that choosing, a mysterious sowing into their lives took place for the mystery of iniquity (2 Thessalonians 2:1-14, esp vs 6-8). This sowing, this wrong choice opened up against them a Strong Judgement, A STRONG DELUSION to come. They gave the devil great place in there present & future affairs( Ephesians 4:27). They would in the future generations reap what they planted that day (Jesus said, Behold your house is left you desolate, empty of God and you shall be trodden underfoot of the gentiles (Luke 13:34-35)(Luke 21:20-24). They chose the deceptions of the father of lies (John 8:44) instead of He that is called TRUE AND FAITHFUL. (John 5:40-47). They chose death instead of life. The right choice and the right decisions are SO IMPORTANT.....please share freely.

They Fulfilled These Scriptures....
Isaiah 52:13-15
Isaiah 53:1-12....vs 5) ..The Messiah was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities.He was punished for our peace with God to be established. By His stripes He heals us and our situation with God.

Hebrews 9:26).....but now once in the end of the world has He appeared to destroy sins power over us BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF.

Priestly Blessing Prayer.....From Mercy & Me....A Prayer for the Believers

  1. Priestly Blessing Prayer (Anointing a brother/sister in Christ)
    Father In Jesus Name Thank You
    Heavenly Father I come to You now in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.
    I apply the Blood of Jesus Christ over me and I ask You Lord Jesus Christ according to John 14:14, to render powerless and harmless the enemy, so that the enemy cannot transfer onto me, in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.
    (Anoint their forehead with oil, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “I ask You Lord according to Psalms 92:10 (KJV) to anoint
    in the Name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, in Jesus
    Christ’s Holy Name.” (Anoint their ears, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord, anoint his/her ears to hear Your Voice, not that of a
    stranger, that he/she would hear you clearly, in a definite way that he/she
    would know that they know it is You!” (Anoint over their eyes brows, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord give him/her eyes to see
    into the spiritual realm what You want him/her to see.”(Anoint their
    nose, mid-ridge, leave your hand in contact as you speak) “Lord quicken
    ’s spiritual senses to the spiritual realm and the things that are going on around him/her at all times.”(Anoint their head, forehead, or
    shoulder lightly, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord Jesus, I
    impart every blessing, anointing, gifts, and impartations that You have imparted or given to me, Lord Jesus, into in the Name of the
    Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What I have received from You Lord
    Jesus I freely give to , according to Your Will in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen!” Heavenly Father, I ask You to stir the gifts in and increase the anointing in and on without measure to do Your Work and do Your Will. (Anoint their hands starting with the right, the outside top of the thumb, anoint the
    inside of the hand, the outside of the hand, then repeat with the left hand, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You to anoint and bless ’s hands that he/she puts his/her hands to, to do Your Work and to do Your Will for the Kingdom of God, that he/she will be a blessing in his/her work place and home,
    and to his/ her spouse, and children. Lord bless too, wherever he/she goes.” (Anoint their knees, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord I ask You to anoint and keep in Your paths of Righteousness, guide him/her and direct him/her in Your Paths & Ways.” (Anoint their feet, that is the top over the tips of the shoes, the
    underneath side of the tips of his/her shoes, and the backside of the heel of the shoes, leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord I ask You that everywhere goes(trods) today that he/she will possess the gates of his/her enemies, and the lands there of. Every place his/her feet shall go, that You would go before him/her, protecting him/her, that any weapon formed against him/her shall not prosper, but the enemy will be thrown into total confusion and flee from him/her in seven different directions!” (Touch the underside of the arms.) Lord I ask You to support them like Aaron and Hur supporting Moses arms for victory. “ is Victorious in all situations pertaining to Your
    will and their life whether in the valley, on the mountain top, or on level ground! (Place your hand on their head) Lord Jesus I also ask in accordance to Your Divine Design for life that you cleanse, purify, order and direct his/her blood flow, spinal fluid, mind, will, emotions, ligaments, tendons, vertebrae, all cells from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, all that he/she is, with Your Divine Order and Health for their life! (Keep your hand over his/her head, ask the Lord to bless him/her. Leave your hand in contact as you speak.) “Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You according to John 14:14 to place Your Name upon him/her, bless and anoint brother/sister _, fill him/her with Your , Peace, and Presence, sending him/her forth to do Your Will and the Work of Your Kingdom, as she/he is lead by Your Holy Spirit, to God be the glory, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maranatha Singers...Praise You Lord and Other Praise Songs....Be Blessed.

Reginas Personal Praise From Her Heart....To Me Its Beautiful. To God Its Inhabiting....Thank You Regina For Sharing....deno


Click On Picture To Hear And To View


Information Warfare In Our Universities.......Revive Us Again God. Fill Each Heart With Your Love and Truth....please share freely.....deno

        This nation that many of us so love, has in just one generation lost itself in its present blindness of it's own rich godly heritage. By the desire and the influences of atheism and the humanist by means of demoralizing warfare in our society, even our history is being blurred and rewritten, excluding most of the faith and God factor. The goal? The suppression of the bibles influence in the American future where professors at our major Universities are conducting information warfare against Americas faith rich fore fathers, founders and godly history, and doing all this in the eyes and ears of our children while they are away from home. Even this they twist and bend to fit their de-faithing agenda of the American society.  Scroll down. More below. Personal Testimony.
     My son a while back from his university called me and shared that two of his friends he grew up with no longer believe in God because of what they were taught of the theory of evolution. Friends if your children have questions about this. I suggest you go to Dr. Kent Hovinds websites and listen to his enlightening insights and seminars. And go to Answers in Genesis, where Christian professors abolish the theory of Evolution with Science and Biblical facts and History......What a time and day in America....God where darkness abounds, let there be light. Where sin abounds, cause grace to abound even more and bring all our hearts back to You thru the gospel. In Jesus Name. Amen......deno


God Put Away Sin By The Sacrifice Of Himself....He who is forever called AMAZING LOVE released His incomparable far above all power against the power of sin and death and nailed them both to the full taste of their death at the Cross of Christ. Then He fully revealed His overwhelming power over them when He rose from the dead. Truly Truly up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triump over His foes. Plenty more. Scroll Down.

     Think about that with me. God the Highest of all. The Highest Power. The Highest Authority. The Highest Judge who has the final word and say over all things, over all things in heaven and over all things on earth, He Himself, put away sin and it's power and dominion over us by the Incomparable Power of the Sacrifice of Himself.  Emmanuel,  meaning God With Us thru the Eternal Spirit which gave the sacrifice Eternal Power and gave us Eternal Redemption, offered up His Body and Blood to conquer, destroy, put away all the power sin had over us, nailing it all to His Cross in the great wrath absorption.
     In the book of Isaiah in the 53rd and 54th chapters we read that "the punishment that was needful and necessary for you and I to have establish for us an Everlasting Covenant of Redemption Peace with God, Jesus fully met. God in that day Himself was wounded for our transgressions. God in that day was bruised for all our iniquities. God in that day was chastised and punished for peace between God and them that believe and by Gods stripes laid upon His back we were made whole. Meaning nothing missing, nothing broken. Everything was fully met and met in full. If I may say it this way, That cup that God gave Jesus to drink. Well friends He Himself licked that cup, that day completely dry. In you and I there can be found shortcomings. But in the day when God put away sin by the Sacrifice of Himself He left nothing UNDONE and He left no payment still due. He left no shortcoming. It was far more than enough. Way beyond the needful measure.
        By the Sacrifice of Himself no other Judge or Lawyer or Accuser of the brethren has a prayer, nor any true hope to set aside or overcome the Eternal Soul Saving Redeeming Power that God poured out into the earth for us all in that monumental Day when He was slain for the sin of all the world. He Himself (God) went thru severe hard labor upon the Cross so that we could enter freely, by faith in His Blood, into the precious peace, rest and consolations of Jesus Christ risen from the dead and who is now seated at the right hand of the Father.     
     That peace that He has with the Father in His Throne is the peace we have with God fully disclosed and seen and revealed given us by the Sacrifice of Himself. Nothing Missing. Nothing Broken. Nothing Left Undone or Unfinished. So much so in Colossians  3:1-4 we find the great knowledge finding that we who believe are already Risen With Christ in the spirit. In the heavenly place within us. When you come to your own personal revelation of this heavenly truth that in your spirit, in the hidden man of your heart that you are Risen With Christ, your spiritual redemption view point will go from the Top down instead from the bottom up. You will begin to rejoice more and more  in the knowledge revealed in John 5:24 spoken by the mouth of Jesus Himself, who is the God that can by no means lie....Thank you Jesus our Life, Our Savior and King. Amen.....deno......please share freely.

John 5:24) Jesus said.....They that hear My words and believe I was sent from the Father, have EVERLASTING LIFE. They shall not come into condemnation, but are passed from death unto life..... If we were headed for condemnation, Jesus could have never spoken words that cannot be broken. We can all be spanked now and then by God as a Father does a child He loves. But that is not condemnation or damnation. It is a spanking for correction from Fatherly and ownership love. Condemnation and damnation belong to those who have not the Sacrifice of Christ to atone for their sins. God put away the Accuser and the condemner by the over powering sacrifice of Himself. I will not argue with Gods Great Success...But this one thing I will surely do. I will cling to the old rugged Cross and exchange it someday for a Crown. Join Me.