Sunday, July 14, 2013

God Will Always Do His Part...... We Must Therefore Do Our Part......deno

     Frogs can do so much that we can't..... They can even jump from one lily pad to the other without sinking the lily pads. They can catch flies with their tongues for supper. You can't do that. Do you know that there are things that you can do that even Almighty God with all His glory and power cannot do? He cannot lie. He cannot steal. He cannot sin. He cannot break His Word. He cannot bear false witness. He cannot forgive FOR you. He cannot over ride your will. He cannot break His scriptures. He cannot save you if you do not choose to be saved. He cannot repent for you. He cannot even wash all your sins away without you willing it or without you asking Him to. If He could do all these things without all the world asking and being involved, then all the world would be washed in Christ blood right now and all the world would be saved and there would be no need to preach the gospel to all the nations. And neither can our Nation be healed without us asking God and following the instructions He gave us in the book of Chronicles. He will always do His part if we will do ours......deno

The Voice Of We The People Has Spoken. Let It Be......deno

    Wake up my fellow Americans. The people of California took a vote about the same sex marriage issue. The people in what could be the most liberal state in the Union said NO NO NO to it. Well what did those who did not want the power of the people to prevail do? Unconstitutionally went around the will of the people of California and took the issue to the persuadable few Judges of the State of California which being interpreted means, the will of the people was made null and void by the will of a handful of votes. HELLO. And again....the will of the people concerning gun control voted yes to uphold and keep our Constitutional Right of the 2nd amendment concerning our right to bare Arms and no to the desire of the present Administration to take away guns...... And what are they doing to get around the will and vote of WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....Going to the U.N. to subject the will of the American people under their rulings....Unbelievable. Enough is Enough America. We are not the ones trying to break the law of the Constitution. The ones who are. The guilt and the weight is on them. NOT US.

How Great Thou Art....Oh Lord Our Lord. How Majestic Is Your Name In All The Earth....Sung Most Beautifully Here By Susan Boyle. A Time For Worship, Reflection, and Meditation....LET US....amen

Jesus Is Lord. The Beauty Of The Lord Can Still Be Seen Though He And The Fathers Creation Has Been Marred By Sin. One Day In The Near Future He Shall Fulfill His Scripture, "Behold I Make All Things New." We His Children Will Be There This Time To See The Power And Might Of His Infinite Glory And Word In Universal Size Action And Beyond. After That, We're Going To Get To Make Some Serious Road Trips. All Aboard.....deno....Be Blessed....please share freely.

God Is Speaking To Us In These Last Days......deno

    How long has it been since in the great USA that we have heard the leaders of our Nation use the words, "Let us love one another as Americans in sincerity and in truth, and IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND IN GODLINESS? hmmm. At one time in our history, this was the norm. Almost the whole nation was on the same page concerning the above Words AND PREACHED IT.
      Now we do hear our chosen leaders these days over and over again use the words, exercise patience, tolerance, political correctness. We hear them use the words investigate, division, scandals, mislead, misled, and talk about so called hate crimes when people stand up for God and the morals he set for us all in the bible.  
      We hear them use the words bigotry, acts of violence, and terrorism. We hear them use the words to describe themselves like deceit, deceitful, cover ups, abuse of power, spying, spyware, national crisis. We hear them us the words illegal aliens, lie trafficking, irresponsible  government, non balanced budget, out of control spending and incompetence. We hear them use the words oath breaker, welfare fraud and abuse and abuser, and lying under oath.
      We see and hear them fight for the right to be wrong. To make lite of the womb and disgrace and shame us and God with their humanist redefining of what marriage is and what religion means. Even Atheism has been now voted to be a religion by the Supreme Courts and two men lying together in perversion is now called by enforced legislation to be NORMAL.
      And then there's those DRONES. You know, those evil flying winged machines with funny little ears and beety little eyes always buzzing around us trying to zoom their ears and eyes in on our conversations to see if we are saying or doing something wrong. You've got to be kidding me. Dear God with all the lies, deceit, fraud, oath breaking, cover ups of our government and elected officials, WHO ARE THEY TO JUDGE OF US WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. They haven't a clue anymore. Seems to me they've got the drones pointed in the wrong direction. hmmmm.
        To love thy neighbor as thyself is offensive words these days in America. Unbelievable. And the scriptures that preach, "Our Kings are to rule in righteous." Well those words are not to be tolerated either because their from the awful bible and that's just disgraceful to the nation today and they are not politically correct. What you really mean is that they are not politically correct FOR CORRUPTION STYLE IMMORAL GOVERNMENT & BEHAVIOR.
        America, once God shed His grace on thee and crowned thy good with brotherhood. But today darkness is covering the land. The darkness of evil and tyranny and sinister activity and immoral rot. The darkness of lies, deceit and cover ups. The darkness of wit illusions where Words are being redefined by corrupted minds that cannot discern the head from the tail, or a man from a woman. This is an evil and unfaithful to God and to one another delusional  generation. A period of  the powers of darkness against this nation that has been so effective that in almost every branch of life and service in  America the people now call evil good, and good evil. They love and live for the rewards and pleasures of iniquity, instead to honor and please God only. Shall these words be penned by the prophets again about America, " O Lucifer, How art thou fallen from heaven?.......
       When the nation is falling by the way side because of the crushing weight of it's iniquities, it's lies, it's cover ups and immoral behavior, and God's watchman from their pulpits limit their tongues to only preach How Sweet It Is Sermons and Get Rich Quick Messages, America is in Double Trouble. That means deceit or corruption, one of the two is every where in the land like it was in Israel, even in many shepherds, when God had to bring them to their knees and that on foreign soil pressured by foreigners wills because even the elders of Israel stood for evil going on in the land. It was profitable to look the other way and just say, All is well. All is well. We need a morals revival in America mixed with a lot of mercy and the power of God that restores proper righteous insight. Maybe even all of us......deno....please share freely.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jesus Was Marred More Than Any Man. Amazing Scriptures......

       When we stand gazing at the one pierced in hands and feet for our sins, we cannot help but stand there gazing in awe and amazement. For there upon what seemed to the world to be the most agonizing and most uncomfortable place in all the world to be that day, was actually the most Comforting grace God ever gave and displayed for mankind. What looked to the world like the most merciless situation upon a Cross was actually the greatest Mercy in all the world being activated from heaven itself for all people in all the nations of the world. What A Savior. The Lamb of God.
     Thinking on this, I'm reminded right now of the scripture in the book of Isaiah the 52 chapter, verse 14. What a revealing scripture of what our Redeemer (The Lamb of God) went thru that day, the day the  world pondered in darkness the blow to one of such great light. It says, that as they gazed upon Him, it was and He was an astonishing sight. His face and countenance had been and was marred more than any man. He had been so abused and so beaten that no face, no visage had ever looked so disfigured. One translation of this tells us that he was beaten to such great degree that you could not even recognize who he was or that he was human. More than ANY MAN Ever the Son of God was marred.
       It amazes me what our precious Jesus went thru for our redemption. Sometimes I weep when my heart strings are pressed with the thought of what He went thru. Never having done anything wrong EVER, still yet, He thru His Eternal Spirit (Hebrews 9:11-14) offered up His blood filled body (THE LAMB) to be ripped and torn to shreds and beaten beyond recognition by a hate filled, sin ridden world whose hate was strengthened by Satan himself against the Son Of God. (John 8:44)
      And then if all that wasn't enough to awe and amaze us, we have another awing scripture to behold and take in. This scripture shouts it's amazing message to us all and it is not a quiet one. It's a truth almost to much to accept and believe, but it is scripture and the scriptures Jesus said cannot BE BROKEN. Isaiah 53:10, here it is........YET IT PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM, speaking of the Father who Jesus called His God (John 20:15-17) (The Father) See Hebrews 1:8-9). IT PLEASED OUR HEAVENLY FATHER TO BRUISE HIM...He has put him to grief."
      What amazing words. What awing scriptures.  Words and scripture backed by love for us that we naturally cannot fathom or figure. The sinless and purest Son of God whose heart was more innocent, more lovely, and more pure that the purest of children's hearts was beaten, bruised, wounded, torn, ripped to shreds with cuts to the bone and to his visage to where he was disfigured and marred more than any man then nailed to a Cross. All accomplished because, not of evil, but the root of the Cross is found in the great revelation of what was my dads favorite verse in the bible John 3:16 because God So Loved The World. God loved you and I with the greatest love that exist. As it is written, Greater Love hath no man than this, than to lay his life down to save others.
     Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, we stand in awe of You and how much you love us. Open our eyes Lord to understand the Greatness of Your Love for us as to Walk in it's glory and power to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us, so that we become greater witnesses in this world of the love of the truth that is in Christ Jesus.  Amen.....deno.....please share freely.

BORN AGAIN....Born of God by Child Like Faith and Trust. I Believe Lord Jesus. I Believe. I Believe That Jesus Is The Christ, The Son Of The Living God. I Believe That Jesus Died For My SIns And Rose Again From The Dead By The Spirit Of God. I Believe Jesus Loves Me And Gave Himself For Me.......deno

     Jesus told us...Unless you become in your hearts trusting and believing as little children do, you shall not enter into the kingdom of God. The entrance into the kingdom of God is NOT A WALK but A BIRTHING. Jesus said, Unless a man is BORN AGAIN, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The Gospel is the seed for the new birthing. Faith mixed with that heavenly seed causes the inward heavenly conception. Then afterwards the new child that is born of God,(the new creature in Christ Jesus), must learn to walk in the light of his newness of life and spirit. If you will grasp the pleasant meaning of these words, you will make leaps in spiritual insight and understanding of the heavenly man within. He is the hidden man of the heart(1st Peter 3:4)....Jesus is the seed of our NEW BIRTHING....1 Peter 2:2 & 1 Peter 1:23-25)......deno
Jesus told us...Unless you become in your hearts trusting and believing as little children do, you shall not enter into the kingdom of God. The entrance into the kingdom of God is NOT A WALK but A BIRTHING. Jesus said, Unless a man is BORN AGAIN, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The Gospel is the seed for the new birthing. Faith mixed with that heavenly seed causes the inward heavenly conception. Then afterwards the new child that is born of God, the new creature in Christ Jesus,  must learn to walk in the light of his newness of life and spirit. If you will grasp the pleasant meaning of these words, you will make leaps is spiritual insight and understanding.....Jesus is the seed of our NEW BIRTHING....1 Peter 2:2 & 1 Peter 1:23-25)......deno

Gods Greatest Compassion Ever Poured Out From Heaven To Men......deno

       I would much rather God pour out His Grace and Spirit upon this nation than His wrath. You know He is capable of both. Which one are you asking Him for? One day while Jesus was on earth people rose up opposing him. The disciples said, Lord shall we pray and call down fire upon their heads. Jesus said most certainly not. You do not know what spirit you are of in this that you just said. I came down from heaven not to destroy but to intercede, intervene, and to save......Some people are always about trying to catch people in their words or in their sins so that they can accuse them, embarrass them and to bring down fire from heaven to devour them. I preach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. For the Cross of Christ is Gods Greatest Compassion ever poured out from heaven to earth to men. It's rivers can put all the fires that men or Satan want to rain down from heaven on peoples heads. It's mighty rivers even save us from the the wrath of God to come and from all it's fire. It preaches and proclaims PEACE to them that are nigh and to those that are far off.......deno.......America Founded By Believers For Believers...please share freely.


vs 13) But now In Christ Jesus, you who were before  far off are made nigh by the BLOOD OF CHRIST.
vs 14)  For Jesus is our PEACE, who has made both one, and has torn down the middle wall that separated us.
vs 15)  Having ABOLISHED in his flesh (thru the blood of His cross) the friction/enmity, even abolishing the law of condemnation, the law of commandments(that none of us could keep Acts 15:4-11)that was contained in ordinances, in order to make in Himself of the Jew and of the gentile ONE NEW MAN, SO MAKING PEACE between them.
vs 16) And (more good news) that He might reconcile the both of them unto God in ONE BODY BY THE CROSS, having SLAIN the enmity and friction that was between us thru the Cross.
vs 17) And (more good news) came and preached (What did He preach? Hello?) And came and preached PEACE  to you which were far off and to them that were  near......Yalahoolahoo...Glory to God.

1st Thessalonians 1:9-10)
vs 9) For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had, and how YOU turned to God from all those idols you use to esteem and worship. You turned from them to serve the true and living God.
vs10)And to wait for His Son from heaven, who He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which DELIVERED US FROM THE WRATH TO COME.....Glory to God in the highest..... 
I would much rather God pour out His Grace and Spirit upon this nation than His wrath. You know He is capable of both. Which one are you asking Him for? One day while Jesus was on earth people rose up opposing him. The disciples said, Lord shall we pray and call down fire upon their heads. Jesus said most certainly not. You do not know what spirit you are of in this that you just said. I came down from heaven not to destroy but to intercede, intervene, and to save......Some people are always about trying to catch people in their words or in their sins so that they can accuse them, embarrass them and to bring down fire from heaven to devour them. I preach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. For the Cross of Christ is Gods Greatest Compassion ever poured out from heaven to earth to men. It's rivers can put all the fires that men or Satan want to rain down from heaven on peoples heads. It's mighty rivers even save us from the the wrath of God to come and from all it's fire.....deno