Thursday, July 25, 2013

Peter Feed My Sheep My Words....

      Something to think about.....Jesus said to Peter, "If you really love me Peter, then FEED MY SHEEP....Continuously teach them MY WORDS."  Parents, Mothers, Fathers, if you genuinely love Jesus, FEED YOUR CHILDREN HIS WORDS. Teach HIS WORDS to them.  Feeding others HIS WORDS is an act of Christ love and an act of your love for Him.  He said, if you love Me then feed My Sheep My Words. This can also mean this. Are you tuned in?  If we only feed and teach our children the things of the knowledge and wisdom of this world, then that is an unloving act.  Even a hate crime in the Law books of heaven and of Jesus Christ. Peter, Jesus said, If you really love Me, FEED MY CHILDREN MY  WORDS.            
       America really used to love its children. They taught their children the gospel in the schools all over this nations for hundreds of years. Led them in prayer and taught them the behavioral laws of the 10 Commandments. In those years teenage pregnancy and divorce was hardly heard of.  It was very rare.  But oh how things have changed in America since the so called new age enlightened ones took a great big  giant step against God. The evidence of all this is CLEAR to see. It is Undeniable.....deno......think about it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Prayer Is A Covenant Agreement Between God and You. Faith Mixed In The Prayer Makes The Prayer Powerful And Effective.....deno

      Prayer is a Covenant transaction and agreement between God and You in Jesus Name. Jesus taught in Mark 11:23-34 the covenant agreement of the prayer of faith. He revealed to all of us that faiths power and righteousness far exceeds even a whole life time of self righteous deeds under the Law. People of old and new often have said, Well if you keep Gods 10 Commandments God will answer your prayers, meaning. If you work hard at doing good then your prayers will prosper and prevail.
      Now we all know the importance of obeying God. But there is an obedience of faith that Jesus taught would guaranty full prayer results, put in motion, the moment of the prayer without the deeds of the law having power for or against the prayer result. He revealed in Mark 11:23-24) What things you desire, when you pray, at that time believe you receive them and you shall have them. They will come to pass. Your faith will be your right for God to answer and perform your prayer. This is a covenant agreement. (See James 1:5-8)
       Every prayer of real bible faith is a covenant interaction between God and Us in Jesus Name. If we bible like believe it, it will come to pass. Doubt is a sin as vile and as wicked as a thief. It is uglier than adultery and all fornications. It is even known in the bible as a murderer to the soul. It can also kill a prayer. It is that powerful.  It has this word of God attached to it..Romans 14:23...for whatsoever is not of faith is SIN. It also has this power attached to it....Mark 16:16...Those that do believe shall be saved. Those that believe not shall suffer loss of soul and freedom in damnation.
      Believers in Jesus Christ can be saved and forgiven of every sin in the book as long as they remain IN CHRIST JESUS by the justification of faith in Christ blood, death and resurrection and follow Christ Lordship in love. But Unbelievers have no hope for their sins to be forgiven because the power, not of their carnal sins, but the power of their hearts unbelief robs and condemns them.(See Hebrews 4:2)
      Faith can get our prayers performed, but unbelief can cause our prayers to be nothing more than a wishing on a wishing well. With even less hope than the tossing of the coin......What you are sure of be sure of in Christ Jesus. And keep pressing on in the spirit, love, and faith of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Let us grow in faith giving glory to God (Romans 4:16-25)....Romans 10:17..So then faith, real bible faith, comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What do you listen to everyday?....deno....please share freely.


Then Came The Morning When Our Hope Would LIve Forever.........A Song and A Praise You Will Never Forget......deno

How could a night be so long. Their hope and joy for the last three years was now crucified and placed in the tomb.  The powers of darkness and of doubt toyed constantly with their minds driving hope into caverns of despair within in the deep places of their hearts. Their Shepherd had been smitten and their hopes and dreams suddenly shattered. They were sheep scattered. But as always Jesus had given them Words to hope in.
 Oh my soul, Why are you so crushed and down within me. Hope thou in God. His words cannot fail or falter. He said, You will weep for what you see, but I shall rise again and appear unto you. In that hour they nor all the world can take your hope out of your heart ever again. THEN CAME THE MORNING.

Denos Testimonies #15...Dads Last Words


      As our dads physical body began to little by little shut down on the bed of his affliction, peace was still everywhere. No rush. No fretting. No fear was in the atmosphere. Only the beauty of a heavenly calm. Many of us were in the room and one by one and group by group we each and all said our good byes for now to a man who to us would for ever be a legend of the love of Christ in this world. Dad had preached and inspired people with His gifts and love in many nations and even after several decades, many of the people his life had touched maintained visiting contact with dad every year. You couldn't hang around our dad to long until that precious loving soul touched your heart and life in a manner unforgettable. His mark on my soul is eternal.
      Well while each of us were paying our visit, the time came for Larry White to have his moments with dad. Larry was a pastor and a preacher whom our dad had and was mentoring. Personally I did not know Larry real well. Only had met him on a few occasions when he was painting my sister and nieces homes. But I did know that dad thought highly of Larry and Larry felt the same of our dad.
       As we backed away and gave them their space I tuned in intently to their conversation. I could tell this man was dear to my dad just by the way dad was talking to him. Maybe it was like Paul and Timothy his student in conversation and spiritual heart to heart fellowship. As they talked and you could tell that dad was really having to exert himself to speak, Dad got to a point in their mix of words and fellowship to tell Larry, "Larry I'm Ready. I'm Ready Larry. I fought the good fight. I kept the faith." Well all deno could do was rain down tears from his eyes. 
      Dad for my 51 years was a living epistle of Christ and His Spirits love. The kind of love that was unselfish and very very giving. Dad always always had us and others on his heart and mind and actions. He was the man of the second mile. The give them your cloak also man of God. He could take a tractor engine a part and put it back together. Or sow a new dress for Mom and my sisters, dad could do it and did so more than once. He was a preacher, a pastor, a shepherd, an evangelist. A man rich though the world would not classify him wealthy at all. He was such an honest man, a man of integrity that in all the years I've known him only one time was he late paying a bill or a note and after he investigated the why and how come it was late matter. The in conclusion was, Mr. Smith we apologize. It was not tardy. Our fault and they fixed the issue. Dad was that dogmatic about integrity and honesty in all you say and do and in all your business affairs. I wish I could say I was that pure but deno cannot. But I do have his image and standard to keep pressing unto. 
     Well eventually dad could not speak no more and his eyes for several hours only stared at the ceiling. Nurses told us he can still hear you he just cannot communicate back.
      We ended up taking dad to my sisters house to depart and be with Mom and Jesus and the rest of those who had overcome the darkness of this world. After being there several hours my brother and his wife were by dad when he turned to my brothers face and said, I Love You, 3 peaceful quiet breaths later dad was gone to be with Jesus in Paradise.  Dad was ready ladies and gentlemen. He said" Larry I fought the good fight. Larry I kept the faith. I'm ready. I'm going home."
       Dad to me and my brother and sisters was one of Gods special jewels from God and heavens beautiful grace and love  to man. From my birth to his departure Dad loved and served His God and Savior, His Country and His Family and Friends as a servant of Jesus Christ. He never stopped preaching the word, nor did he ever stop loving us all. 
       God I pray we all become much like dad and Jesus more and more everyday. In Jesus Name Amen.

THIS SONG IS DEDICATED TO OUR DAD, Pastor, Evangelist, Chaplain, Lt. Colonel Gerald H. Smith.
Title: Your Still Lord by Janet Paschal whom dad admired.



Oneness Of All Believers......Gods Everyday Word For Us All In Christ Jesus

Jesus prayed....Father that they who believe in me may be One as You Father are in Me and I in You. That they all will come together and be One in Us. This united in the heart and in the mind oneness Jesus prayed for us to achieve as Gods dear children is the finest fruit heavens love can achieve in usward who believe and belong to Christ. It is time believers. Oneness In Heart And In Mind Is His Everyday Word And Sermon To Us all Henceforth And Forever Who Know And Believe In The Love Of God That Is Revealed In Christ Jesus. (John 17:20-26).
Galations 3:27-28) For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. When you wear Christ and not your own trip or ego or self, you find that there is neither Jew or Gentile, there is neither bond or free, their is neither even a notice of the difference between male and female in religious comparisons; for you are ALL ONE (Equal and the same in Him and Christ is your all and your identity.
2 Corinthians 5:16...for we no  longer know one another after the present flesh and its appearances and achievements. But now IN CHRIST JESUS we only know one another as IN CHRIST AND JESUS has become OUR ALL IN ALL.
Well then what also does this mean? It means that in Gods eyes there is neither black or white, red or yellow, purple or green. He loves and values us all as THE SAME. When will we ever learn?

2 Corinthians 5:17 is who we are. This is a word of truth and identification that is entirely patterned after Christ in the spirit of our heart in the hidden man within (1 Peter 3:4). It is not fleshly or physical. It is THE MAN Jesus taught and revealed in John 3:1-12) that must be born again. Once he (The Hidden Man within) is born again, he is a NEW SPIRIT, A NEW CREATURE whose newness is ALL patterned after the Spirit of Jesus Christ who is the SEED of the new creatures conception and newness of life image created in righteousness and true holiness. As believers born of God by faith in Jesus Christ, what we are in our spirits is different in its life and nature than what we are in our present sinful flesh that wars against the soul and the spirit within. That is why Paul wrote that as Christians we no  longer know one another after the flesh, after what is SEEN. But our newness  of life is in our spirit man. It is a heavenly thing. He lives on when the flesh lives no more (John 3:12) He is the one circumcised with the new circumcision made without the cit of the knife but cut by the life giving sword of the gospel of Jesus Christ that is sharper than any two edged sword. 

So whether our outer mans color is black or white or green or yellow, all believers in Jesus Christ born again are New Creatures of Light within and Jesus is the light and the life thereof. Even our everything......deno....please share freely.


       In the book of the prophet Joel the Lord gave light on something He was going to do in the last days of His grace and tolerance in human affairs. He said, It shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. This meant something wonderful was going to occur in those days on the earth that would not be limited just to the people and nation of Israel only, but would in its reach extend to ALL FLESH, meaning this outpouring of HIS SPIRIT would be wrought in ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD. The promise He made to Abraham that thru your seed (WHICH WAS CHRIST) shall ALL THE NATIONS be blessed was being more fulfilled. For Jesus came on the scene at the Jordan river and the voice of the Lord spoke of Jesus saying,  Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin (Not just of Israel) but the sin of ALL THE WORLD, OF ALL THE NATIONS, OF ALL FLESH.  The power of His Cross and redeeming blood would flow in its grace and mercy to all peoples in all nations guaranteeing in Covenant fashion ETERNAL SALVATION to all them that believe. As it is written, WHOSOEVER Will let him come and drink of the waters of life freely. Thank God, God used the Word WHOSOEVER. Whosoever reaches you, me and everyone who will IN FAITH call upon the name of the Lord.......deno....please share freely.

 P.S......Whosoever is no respecter of Persons. It covers all Jews and all Gentiles of every nation, color and creed. It is blind to both sinner and saint having no power in itself to discern between the two. It is a word used by God, from the love of God, that puts all of us in the same boat of need. We all need Christ. You may have done but little wrong or you may like many of us have weighed down the world with the heaviness of your compiled sins. But friend Whosoever extends to you to and will cover and wash away your sins just as it would any ones. It is a word to describe the power of Gods loving redeeming might that says, Gods Love hides the multitude of sins. No matter what you have done or how many times you have done it, WHOSOEVER is God loving you and inviting you to the table and grace of HIS SONS most powerful saving forgiving Cross and Resurrection......deno

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Choose Wisely. Your Choice Is Honored and Upheld By All In Heaven and In Hell Reaching Measures And Consequences That Can Extend Even Into All Of Eternity....deno

    Often in times of temptation I am reminded of the many scriptures that deal with why I should not yield in temptation and why I should resist the devil for danger is lurking around in the whole situation. However my friends. I have to admit. Though the Holy Spirit brings to my remembrance Gods scriptures that cover temptation to help me, He does not take from me the God given me right to make my OWN CHOICE in the matter. He could be standing right there next to you and you see him face to face and He could tell you what His Word says about temptation, but even in that He will not take away your freedom to choose and do what you will. He did not over ride Adam and Eves freedom of choice in the beginning though to choose the wrong path would be devastating and incredibly costly even to the price of the blood of Christ and hell to many. Nor will He not honor and allow our choices today. Our freedom to choose as we will is a gift God will never take from us. It is an everlasting precious gift. Therefore Choose Wisely.....deno.....please share freely.
Often in times of temptation I am reminded of the many scriptures that deal with why I should not yield in temptation and why I should resist the devil for danger is lurking around in the whole situation. However my friends. I have to admit. Though the Holy Spirit brings to my remembrance Gods scriptures that cover temptation to help me, He does not take from me the God given me right to make my OWN CHOICE in the matter. He could be standing right there next to you and you see him face to face and He could tell you what His Word says about temptation, but even in that He will not take away your freedom to choose and do what you will. He did not over ride Adam and Eves freedom of choice in the beginning though to choose the wrong path would be devastating and incredibly costly even to the price of the blood of Christ and hell to many. Nor will He not honor and allow our choices today. Our freedom to choose as we will is a gift God will never take from us. It is an everlasting precious gift. Therefore Choose Wisely.