Monday, July 29, 2013

Deno on the Constitution....Wise Wit For All American Generations....So Wise, To Take A Stand Against Any Of It, Our Founding Fathers Called It Treason & Tyranny..

Some time ago our government, lacking healthy fore sight, forgot to save for the rainy days. I guess they figured the parade would never end. Now we all are suffering from the greed of the past and many unwise legislative decisions. Now it is time to fix and rebuild the true infrastructure of what made us a God Blessed Nation in the first place. The reverential fear of God; and Wisdom that does not contradict Gods word and wisdom on all matters of life, freedom, business, Government and of the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers wittingly did all the home work for us and wrote all this down for us all to heed, stick to, stay with, protect and defend and to uphold. It is the Constitution of the United States of America.....deno.....please share freely.

The CHIP for MARKING us is here. You need to know this information.....deno

       President Obama in his speech about OBAMACARE and about the increase of taxation upon wealthy corporations in America used the words, "And all of us are going to HAVE to CHIP IN". Watch the video below. There were more words in these words than meets the eye. We can never say that he did not for tell us of its coming, it was subliminal.  The RFID CHIP is ready. It is already manufactured and billions of them are now ready for their installment into the human body. The  amount of money that the powerful and the extreme wealthy have invested into this program is staggering and they will not relent on their investment. Thru political connections, in time, IT WILL BE ENFORCED ON ALL.
        As in all things that are darkness backed, it will be introduced to us all like the FRUIT was introduced to mankind in the Garden of Eden. Notice Satan did not tell Eve one negative thing that would happen if she ate and took in the fruit. All he told her was, Ahh it want hurt you. Those who tell you that are haters and the ones lying to you and withholding pleasant things from you. This fruit is Great, Sweet and Tasty. It is great for you and great for society. No harm in it whatsoever. It will makes us all ONE BIG HAPPY GLOBAL FAMILY with all its benefits. Just take it and you will see. Adam and Eve saw alright and it was DOWN HILL since the day they fell for the serpents deceiving tongue. Way DOWN HILL. A bottomless Pit.
        By the time the promoters of this product have groomed this CHIP in your eyes you will think its a cure for all humanities problems. A magical cancer curer. A uniter of hearts. The treatment for what ails the worlds problems -so making peace. At first it will appear this way. But it is Satan patiently fishing for the weak and unsuspecting. Like always he is using other creatures and other products other than himself to catch his prey. After much money has been spent to brainwash you into thinking how beneficial this CHIP is and will be, millions will first volunteer. They will say how WONDERFUL it is like it contains some kind of magical high. Then afterwards comes the legislation to enforce its intake on all. Soon there after comes one who smiles and tells the world, HI I AM THE WORLDS BESTEST FRIEND. Join me in making one the World And THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. The false Savior. His name is Lucifer in man. Laugh at these words if you want. Mark them. They are coming to pass even as we speak. When the legislation comes and it is voted as mandatory, it is then the blood of the saints begins to cry out unto God. The souls under the altar. Concentration Camps in America ? Ahh how could it be?  Oh foolish heart, he took the very garden of God  thru willing people. America he will take to. Today the willing and the betrayers are by the millions in this country....The question needs to be asked for all America to hear it's answer. Is the RFID CHIP written as legislation in the pages of OBAMACARE ????????? Pleas Fox News, ASK THIS QUESTION AND LET ALL OF AMERICA KNOW THE ANSWER.....
        Friends things are lining up just as Jesus for told us. I pray you will believe and love Jesus Christ unfailingly unto life everlasting. Jesus is the Answer. Jesus is THE TRUTH ....deno.....please share freely.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Passed From Death Unto Life With Christ.....deno.....please share freely

Lord I come before you this day having nothing of myself to boast or brag about. I empty myself of me. Fill this Cup Lord. Top to bottom and all in between Lord Jesus You are my all in all. For I am dead and you Lord have become and are my life, my righteousness, my goodness, my sanctification, my wisdom, my acceptance, even my resurrection from the dead, my every good thing. All this is the GIFT OF GOD and they are perfect gifts for there is no spot, wrinkle, or blemish in you Lord Jesus anywhere. And every good and perfect gift like these comes down from the Father of light to usward who believe. Lord Jesus God has made you to be for us FULL SALVATION. We connect with you from the Cross back to the Throne and therein is the NEW BIRTH translation and full passage revealed in the spirit. John 5:24: Jesus said, He that hears MY GOSPEL and believes I was sent by My Father, HAS EVERLASTING LIFE, He shall not come into condemnation, BUT(with Me) is PASSED from death unto Life. Paul preached we were Crucified with Christ and we are Risen with Christ. That is your spirit going from death unto life everlasting with Jesus in the NEW BIRTH. IT IS AN HEAVENLY THING. The spirit is what is born of God and passed from death unto the nature and holiness that is in Everlasting Life.....deno.. 1 Corinthians 1:29-31, Colossians 3:1-4)

Broken Wing....Martina Mcbride....Song & Video

Brooks & Dunn...I Believe.....Song & Video

My Name Is Boldness Here Now I Stand.......Poem by deno

My Name is Boldness
Here now I stand.
To protect and to save
This God Blessed Land.

I will not run,
Nor tuck and hide.
Nor shun the call
To stand with pride.

I will be fearless
For all to see.
The love in my heart
For the land of the free.

So all you libs
Take notice, beware.
We're running you out of office
Both here and there.

We will save our country
With its beauty and glee
Invoking our Gods Name
Proclaiming born to be free.

Poem by deno. 

Simple and to the point.



Friday, July 26, 2013

The Angels Know Your Great Worth To God......deno.......please share freely

       Do you ever feel worthless or of little value? Do you ever feel that no one really cares for you? Well Jesus loved you and valued you as so precious and important to God that He stepped out of He and His Fathers Throne to go to the Cross to ransom you with his own bodies life and sinless blood. ALL THE CREATION with all its vast gold, silver and riches cannot compare to the awing price that was paid by the Creator to ransom you. You are worth far more than you could ever naturally calculate. Now and in heaven the angels speak of you in great honor and respect saying, " Behold, there comes another that the KING HIMSELF went to the earth and became a man and died for. Let us serve them. Let us honor them......Amen.....deno