Monday, September 23, 2013
What Are You In And Here For ? Conversations In Heaven & Hell.....deno.
When we that are In Christ Jesus are all gathered together in glory, into the paradise of God, each of us will have our own individual awe and wonder of what we are feeling and seeing. Our sights shall be filled with the scenes of awing Mountains of God, rivers clear and clean. Huge lush trees and beautiful flowers and gardens landscaped to heavens perfection and not a weed anywhere. Fruit trees, humongous trees with beautiful smelling leaves and the most beautiful green forest you have ever seen with birds arrayed in the most beautiful colors singing their unique praises to Jehovah. Animals we know of and ones we know not of shall roam the rolling green plains with the children. Mighty and glorious spirits called angels in the variety of shapes and forms shall we see moving about. Some with eyes all around their heads signifying the glory of the all seeing, all knowing God that created them. Others with mighty wings flying the friendly skies of heavens endless space. Cities so beautiful our earthen cities look ugh and dim in comparison. Buildings of the Mighty Builder and His carpentry angels perfectly constructed for praise and family gatherings of heavens massive numbers for the most joy filled, Jesus filled, get together's.
As we walk and stand in the awe of heaven we shall turn to one another and share our praise and awe with each other of the glory of God that we see in the things which He has made in heaven His Paradise. His ears and His knowing shall hear all our words, our conversations, and all our thoughts of praise. For there the worship is so much on the inside of our inner man, in the spirit of our being in ungrieved free flowing fellowship with God who is in us and us in God, in the domain of the connection in the heart, that is the spirit. Jesus said. "they will worship God in spirit and in truth."
In heaven we shall see loved ones and friends that overcame the darkness and spiritual blindness of this world. They called upon the Name of Jesus Christ unto salvation. They made it to heaven thru their joining Jesus, God's Son, by faith from the Cross to the throne of God the Father where in he sits and reigns with the Father. They received Jesus as Lord and Savior while they were on earth (where he must be received) or we fall short of the glory of God.
These loved ones and friends shall come to us, talk with us, share heaven with us. They will show us around in extreme delight and happiness speaking wonderfully about the Lord, His goodness, and even what is presently to us Mysteries. They will show us strange but yet such beautiful heavenly things and realities that function to the carnal mind like miracles or for lack of a better word and forgive me for using this word, God's real magic, not fake. And God shall we see High and Lifted up in His awing mighty Throne that is the headquarters of His Eternal Life, Might and Power. There in the throne lightnings, thunders, atomic energies for lack of a better word proceed out from the Father's Spirit of incredible love and light that lights up the heaven of heavens. A most perfect and beautiful rainbow extends round about and above the throne of God reflecting His covenant on earth with man.These things and so much more shall be in the walk and the conversations between you and I and those that ran the race before us who entered into the Joy Of God and Jesus Christ our Redeemer in heaven God' paradise.
But now for a brief moment let us turn our attention to THE OTHER PLACE. The place of the outer realms of darkness. The place of the knashing of teeth where the worm (meaning in part where the souls are buried in the deeper dust of the earth in hell), where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched. Into the region of the flames where the hands on witness of it's sorrow in conversation with Abraham said"for I am tormented in this flame."
We find from what Jesus revealed to us in Luke 16:19-31 that in hell to, in hell ALSO, they can still talk in their agony. They can converse with one another even in and even under extreme discomforts. There is no comforts given in hell, no not one, not even the smallest drop of water so don't go there in your departing from the body. Jesus died for your escape from hell and rose again from the dead for your way to heaven. He took care of our sins punishment thru the torments of His Cross so that we could be forever saved and eternally comforted in His Glory in heaven. Amen.
One of the things they will ask each other being in hell in the grievances of hells reality as where they are is a nightmare of nightmares but they realize it is their living reality and that forever-unending. They will ask each other inside the prison of all prisons, inside the prison God created originally for demons which are heavens criminals of the worse kind. How did you get here? What did you do? Though the answer can be heard in the trillions of response I want to write a few of them below.
Some will answer that question saying: In this writing let us look at just one of the many.
1) They answer...I don't know.....These are they who were entrapped by the sin of Adam and not their own. Let me explain....
God had given Adam a bag of seeds attached to his body to plant and bring forth from. ALL the children of God to come would all come from his loins, from that bag of seeds created attached to his body. This was the highest entrustment and honor that God could ever entrust to a created creature that He had made and to Adam such a crown of glory & honor was given.God entrusted Adam and Eve with all the safe keeping and all the bringing forth of His sons and daughters to come.
God told them,"I have given you the earth, the fulness thereof and everything in it." It is yours. Till it and farm it and have dominion over all of it, it's vegetation, forest, animals, birds, fishes and all the I have made." KEEP IT ALL SAFE, they are now in your hands. And also I have given you My Own Special Honor. I have given you a special BAG OF SEEDS and A HOLY GROUND for it's sowing called the mothers womb. This is My Highest honor that I can give. I give you the responsibility, THE SACRED TRUST, the crown of glory & honor that you, (Adam & Eve), are to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with My children, My sons and daughters. To the both of you I bless, vow and give this great sacred trust. KEEP IT AND THEM SAFE."Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.
Friends all they had to do was not eat of that one tree, remember? He gave them every other tree and fruit and herb and vegetation of the whole earth to eat with thanksgiving. Only one he said as the Everlasting Father/Parent, eat not of and it was that one Satan was hissing from.
Note: Satan is always hiding in that which is sin or forbidden. It can be an herb to smoke, or another drug, or a psychic hot line, or a false belief, or a false religion, or a false doctrine, or a demonic lit movie, or a bodily allure, or a lying, deceiving tongue, or a Wiji Board, or a Tara card, or a sin filled song that glorifies disobedience and the pleasures of sin and transgressions, or inside a friend, even a loved one, or a family member, even a church member (Read Matthew 16:21-23 for that one). He hides to lie in wait to deceive, then wound, and even kill, and destroy if allowed by non resisting prey.
Well when he deceived Eve to sin and she allured Adam to the bed of betrayal, the affliction, the curse of that one transgression, cursed, poisoned, caused spiritual and physical deformations in the DNA and genes from their original perfect image and polluted that bag with all it's seeds with evil, with weakness, with sickness and disease, with aging and decay, and with spiritual death disconnecting the children to come from God and connecting us all to sin and death, to the grave and hell, and to Satan(Acts 26:18) in a legal transaction.
This sin of Adams betrayal was no lite thing or a lite matter at all and should never be thought to have been. It's weight was so heavy and FAR REACHING that it even reached into the Throne of the Godhead and brought down Jesus to tears and to sweat as it were drops of blood and poured it's heavy weight on to the very life of the Son of God Himself by whom the Father made the worlds and slung him in it's force upon the horrors of a redeeming tormenting cross. If Jesus was forced by Adams one sin to suffer the cross and taste a horrible death for every man do, not think souls do not taste the torments of hell whomever they be. Jesus' cross reveals to us how terrible, how awful Adams sin was. Jesus' chained hands as he was brought to judgment reveals to us God's hand were tied to His words to Adam and Eve in the great SACRED TRUST and the only remedy would be that the Law Giver taste death to dissolve the power of the Law He gave. For if the giver of the Law died so legally and without argument could the Law and the letter of sin and death that killeth the soul. For the strength of all sin the scriptures reveal is the Law, but where there is no Law there is no transgression (Romans 4:15)(1st Corinthians 15"56-57) The world does not or accept what I'm about to reveal to you, but none the less it is accurate.
Adam & Eve committed the most horrible of sins man could commit and it's consequences exceeds our imaginations. Souls in hell, whether that of children or of adults, are there for the same reason Jesus was on the cross. Not because of their own sins Necessarily (Important point there) but because of Adams Sin (See Romans 5:12-21) & (Ephesians 4:17-18) & (Ephesians 2:12...friends vs 12 includes the children). This is the nightmare of Adams transgression that caused mans children much pains and sufferings, and God's Son tremendous pains and sufferings. The Law of sin and death is a real legal binding spiritual law. It was not born from human intellect or human reasoning, or of the human will, or from human wisdom, or form human fantasy, but is a spiritual binding law that the LOST BLIND WORLD is blind to in understanding.
Adam sinned and betrayed the SACRED TRUST, throwing the world and the world of God's children to the lions and the wolves of hell. Only Jesus by the power of covenant ties, becoming the Second Adam, could undo what the first Adam did. But note this (Important Point Here). Even though God's Son became a man(the Lamb) and went thru all, all, all the horrors of the cross to save and redeem man, and even though the Cross of Christ is God's mightiest maximum power to save; the truth of the matter is, the law of sin and death is so real, is so true, is so legally binding, and is so attached to mankind, that the small and the great, many many many of them still want make the great escape though the MIGHTY POWER OF GOD was fully unleashed to save them is stretched out to all the world. That itself tells us how powerful Adams Sin was on the soul. For though God Almighty himself became flesh and dwelt amongst us and went to the cross to save the world, THE POWER Adams sin and peoples sin including the sin of unbelief, KEEPS THE POWER OF EVEN ALMIGHTY GOD'S CROSS FROM PROFITING THEM (Hebrews 4:2))Mark 16:16) That is amazing but it is the truth.
When God gave Adam the bag of seeds for all the children to come from and gave Eve the holy ground of her womb, THE SACRED TRUST WAS GIVEN (That's Important)....God is not an Indian giver so to speak. His givings, his gifts and callings given man are without His regret and without his repentance. No matter what, God will not lie for no one. If it cost Him His own life God will not lie. He will swear and keep His word and His part of the bargain even to His own hurt though others don't, the cross proves this. Though others run from the truth, deny they know the truth, If God said that he was going to the cross to die for the sin of the world, friends he is going and that's it. Come hell or high water God will uphold His word. If it cost his life or others their lives, GOD WILL NOT LIE. He upholds all creation and all thing s thru the power, the truth, the unblemished flawless integrity of HIS WORD.
Adam and Eve transgressed God's commandment, God's word that God in His unbreakable integrity had attached the consequence of death unto. Only God knew the full of the reach of the death word that he used in the warning of death to the transgressor. Eternal everlasting separation from God was in the defining ingredients of the words He used saying You Shall Die if you do. It was God's vocabulary not mans. When they sinned by Satan, despite the warning God, by the law of God's unbreakable integrity, all was binding even unto eternal and everlasting measures and scales. Even to the souls in hell never dying, but rather with the devils suffering indignation and wrath forever and for them their is nothing that the mighty interceding cross of Christ can do. That is amazing but none the less is it the TRUTH. So when those that answer in hell what are you in for and they say I DON'T KNOW. What you read today unveils the answer....deno.....more to come...please share freely.
As we walk and stand in the awe of heaven we shall turn to one another and share our praise and awe with each other of the glory of God that we see in the things which He has made in heaven His Paradise. His ears and His knowing shall hear all our words, our conversations, and all our thoughts of praise. For there the worship is so much on the inside of our inner man, in the spirit of our being in ungrieved free flowing fellowship with God who is in us and us in God, in the domain of the connection in the heart, that is the spirit. Jesus said. "they will worship God in spirit and in truth."
In heaven we shall see loved ones and friends that overcame the darkness and spiritual blindness of this world. They called upon the Name of Jesus Christ unto salvation. They made it to heaven thru their joining Jesus, God's Son, by faith from the Cross to the throne of God the Father where in he sits and reigns with the Father. They received Jesus as Lord and Savior while they were on earth (where he must be received) or we fall short of the glory of God.
These loved ones and friends shall come to us, talk with us, share heaven with us. They will show us around in extreme delight and happiness speaking wonderfully about the Lord, His goodness, and even what is presently to us Mysteries. They will show us strange but yet such beautiful heavenly things and realities that function to the carnal mind like miracles or for lack of a better word and forgive me for using this word, God's real magic, not fake. And God shall we see High and Lifted up in His awing mighty Throne that is the headquarters of His Eternal Life, Might and Power. There in the throne lightnings, thunders, atomic energies for lack of a better word proceed out from the Father's Spirit of incredible love and light that lights up the heaven of heavens. A most perfect and beautiful rainbow extends round about and above the throne of God reflecting His covenant on earth with man.These things and so much more shall be in the walk and the conversations between you and I and those that ran the race before us who entered into the Joy Of God and Jesus Christ our Redeemer in heaven God' paradise.
But now for a brief moment let us turn our attention to THE OTHER PLACE. The place of the outer realms of darkness. The place of the knashing of teeth where the worm (meaning in part where the souls are buried in the deeper dust of the earth in hell), where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched. Into the region of the flames where the hands on witness of it's sorrow in conversation with Abraham said"for I am tormented in this flame."
We find from what Jesus revealed to us in Luke 16:19-31 that in hell to, in hell ALSO, they can still talk in their agony. They can converse with one another even in and even under extreme discomforts. There is no comforts given in hell, no not one, not even the smallest drop of water so don't go there in your departing from the body. Jesus died for your escape from hell and rose again from the dead for your way to heaven. He took care of our sins punishment thru the torments of His Cross so that we could be forever saved and eternally comforted in His Glory in heaven. Amen.
One of the things they will ask each other being in hell in the grievances of hells reality as where they are is a nightmare of nightmares but they realize it is their living reality and that forever-unending. They will ask each other inside the prison of all prisons, inside the prison God created originally for demons which are heavens criminals of the worse kind. How did you get here? What did you do? Though the answer can be heard in the trillions of response I want to write a few of them below.
Some will answer that question saying: In this writing let us look at just one of the many.
1) They answer...I don't know.....These are they who were entrapped by the sin of Adam and not their own. Let me explain....
God had given Adam a bag of seeds attached to his body to plant and bring forth from. ALL the children of God to come would all come from his loins, from that bag of seeds created attached to his body. This was the highest entrustment and honor that God could ever entrust to a created creature that He had made and to Adam such a crown of glory & honor was given.God entrusted Adam and Eve with all the safe keeping and all the bringing forth of His sons and daughters to come.
God told them,"I have given you the earth, the fulness thereof and everything in it." It is yours. Till it and farm it and have dominion over all of it, it's vegetation, forest, animals, birds, fishes and all the I have made." KEEP IT ALL SAFE, they are now in your hands. And also I have given you My Own Special Honor. I have given you a special BAG OF SEEDS and A HOLY GROUND for it's sowing called the mothers womb. This is My Highest honor that I can give. I give you the responsibility, THE SACRED TRUST, the crown of glory & honor that you, (Adam & Eve), are to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with My children, My sons and daughters. To the both of you I bless, vow and give this great sacred trust. KEEP IT AND THEM SAFE."Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.
Friends all they had to do was not eat of that one tree, remember? He gave them every other tree and fruit and herb and vegetation of the whole earth to eat with thanksgiving. Only one he said as the Everlasting Father/Parent, eat not of and it was that one Satan was hissing from.
Note: Satan is always hiding in that which is sin or forbidden. It can be an herb to smoke, or another drug, or a psychic hot line, or a false belief, or a false religion, or a false doctrine, or a demonic lit movie, or a bodily allure, or a lying, deceiving tongue, or a Wiji Board, or a Tara card, or a sin filled song that glorifies disobedience and the pleasures of sin and transgressions, or inside a friend, even a loved one, or a family member, even a church member (Read Matthew 16:21-23 for that one). He hides to lie in wait to deceive, then wound, and even kill, and destroy if allowed by non resisting prey.
Well when he deceived Eve to sin and she allured Adam to the bed of betrayal, the affliction, the curse of that one transgression, cursed, poisoned, caused spiritual and physical deformations in the DNA and genes from their original perfect image and polluted that bag with all it's seeds with evil, with weakness, with sickness and disease, with aging and decay, and with spiritual death disconnecting the children to come from God and connecting us all to sin and death, to the grave and hell, and to Satan(Acts 26:18) in a legal transaction.
This sin of Adams betrayal was no lite thing or a lite matter at all and should never be thought to have been. It's weight was so heavy and FAR REACHING that it even reached into the Throne of the Godhead and brought down Jesus to tears and to sweat as it were drops of blood and poured it's heavy weight on to the very life of the Son of God Himself by whom the Father made the worlds and slung him in it's force upon the horrors of a redeeming tormenting cross. If Jesus was forced by Adams one sin to suffer the cross and taste a horrible death for every man do, not think souls do not taste the torments of hell whomever they be. Jesus' cross reveals to us how terrible, how awful Adams sin was. Jesus' chained hands as he was brought to judgment reveals to us God's hand were tied to His words to Adam and Eve in the great SACRED TRUST and the only remedy would be that the Law Giver taste death to dissolve the power of the Law He gave. For if the giver of the Law died so legally and without argument could the Law and the letter of sin and death that killeth the soul. For the strength of all sin the scriptures reveal is the Law, but where there is no Law there is no transgression (Romans 4:15)(1st Corinthians 15"56-57) The world does not or accept what I'm about to reveal to you, but none the less it is accurate.
Adam & Eve committed the most horrible of sins man could commit and it's consequences exceeds our imaginations. Souls in hell, whether that of children or of adults, are there for the same reason Jesus was on the cross. Not because of their own sins Necessarily (Important point there) but because of Adams Sin (See Romans 5:12-21) & (Ephesians 4:17-18) & (Ephesians 2:12...friends vs 12 includes the children). This is the nightmare of Adams transgression that caused mans children much pains and sufferings, and God's Son tremendous pains and sufferings. The Law of sin and death is a real legal binding spiritual law. It was not born from human intellect or human reasoning, or of the human will, or from human wisdom, or form human fantasy, but is a spiritual binding law that the LOST BLIND WORLD is blind to in understanding.
Adam sinned and betrayed the SACRED TRUST, throwing the world and the world of God's children to the lions and the wolves of hell. Only Jesus by the power of covenant ties, becoming the Second Adam, could undo what the first Adam did. But note this (Important Point Here). Even though God's Son became a man(the Lamb) and went thru all, all, all the horrors of the cross to save and redeem man, and even though the Cross of Christ is God's mightiest maximum power to save; the truth of the matter is, the law of sin and death is so real, is so true, is so legally binding, and is so attached to mankind, that the small and the great, many many many of them still want make the great escape though the MIGHTY POWER OF GOD was fully unleashed to save them is stretched out to all the world. That itself tells us how powerful Adams Sin was on the soul. For though God Almighty himself became flesh and dwelt amongst us and went to the cross to save the world, THE POWER Adams sin and peoples sin including the sin of unbelief, KEEPS THE POWER OF EVEN ALMIGHTY GOD'S CROSS FROM PROFITING THEM (Hebrews 4:2))Mark 16:16) That is amazing but it is the truth.
When God gave Adam the bag of seeds for all the children to come from and gave Eve the holy ground of her womb, THE SACRED TRUST WAS GIVEN (That's Important)....God is not an Indian giver so to speak. His givings, his gifts and callings given man are without His regret and without his repentance. No matter what, God will not lie for no one. If it cost Him His own life God will not lie. He will swear and keep His word and His part of the bargain even to His own hurt though others don't, the cross proves this. Though others run from the truth, deny they know the truth, If God said that he was going to the cross to die for the sin of the world, friends he is going and that's it. Come hell or high water God will uphold His word. If it cost his life or others their lives, GOD WILL NOT LIE. He upholds all creation and all thing s thru the power, the truth, the unblemished flawless integrity of HIS WORD.
Adam and Eve transgressed God's commandment, God's word that God in His unbreakable integrity had attached the consequence of death unto. Only God knew the full of the reach of the death word that he used in the warning of death to the transgressor. Eternal everlasting separation from God was in the defining ingredients of the words He used saying You Shall Die if you do. It was God's vocabulary not mans. When they sinned by Satan, despite the warning God, by the law of God's unbreakable integrity, all was binding even unto eternal and everlasting measures and scales. Even to the souls in hell never dying, but rather with the devils suffering indignation and wrath forever and for them their is nothing that the mighty interceding cross of Christ can do. That is amazing but none the less is it the TRUTH. So when those that answer in hell what are you in for and they say I DON'T KNOW. What you read today unveils the answer....deno.....more to come...please share freely.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Why I Believe In The Trinity #5)...The Father, Son (Jesus) & Holy Spirit.........deno
Did you know that after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, conversations began to continue between the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. In these conversations was God the Father or Jesus the Son talking to their Self like in a mirror or was it a real conversation between TWO wills and two loving entities or persons? Lets look and see.
In John 20:17 Jesus freshly being raised from the dead and delivered from the grave, appeared to Mary who loved him dearly. When she realized it was Jesus talking to her, with childlike excitement Mary wanted to reach out and embrace and hug Jesus so tightly with all the strength of her love for him, for no man or person on earth cared for people so genuinely as the Lord, nor did any behave and carry themselves like Jesus. He was the only perfect man on the earth and such a man Mary was privileged to have known, touched and handled with the disciples in holy embracement and fellowship. And now above all that, here he is standing right before her in the freshly revived body with the resurrection glory of the Father still a fixed to him, and she is in full awe. The wonder of him and the wonder of what she is now witnessing after seeing him so brutally slain upon the cross gives her such excitement she is wound up for the biggest joy filled hug of her life. Jesus is risen from the dead. Her Lord. Her Savior. Her Master is standing right before her. She moves in for the great hug and Jesus needfully so says, Wait Mary touch me not. For I am not yet ascended unto MY FATHER.
You see Jesus knew the Father was to be the first to cleave to and to embrace the Son for his mighty triumph over sin, over Satan, over death, hell and the grave after the resurrection. That was the plan. The Father was to partake of the resurrections first fruits first of His Son, for the Father was the author, the sower and the harvester of the first fruits of what he had sown in the world in the SOWING, IN THE GIVEN OF HIS SON. So to Mary he says, touch me not Mary. For I have not yet ascended unto my Father. But I commission you(A WOMEN) to go preach the good news of my resurrection to the disciples. This is the sermon I want you to preach to them. Tell them I ascend unto (Notice this) My Father and Your Father. To My God and to Your God...Here after his resurrection Jesus testifies that he was not the Father, and that he has not as of yet ascended back to heaven unto His Father. Plainly in this light we can see that Jesus is still on earth, but His Father is still in Heaven needed to be ascended unto by the Son from the earth.
Now as Mary left, Jesus did ascend unto the Father in speed our known light cannot even fathom easily. He arrives in the third heaven, the paradise of the His Father even as he told Mary. He arrives there to be honored by HIS FATHER AND OUR FATHER. By His God and as he told Mary, By OUR GOD....He is standing before the mighty Throne of splendorous glory and power. His Father, the Greater One is gazing at Him and into His eyes with a Fathers love beyond the realm of all human love though we do get glimpses of this kind of love in parents love for their children. There their eyes meet again face to face for the first time since he left from the throne to the earth. Now he is back having finished the work His glorious Father sent him into the world to accomplish and he is standing before His Father as the overcoming King. It is time for the Father to fulfill Jesus' prayer petition that we have talked about in John 17:4-5) he prayed this....Father I have glorified you on the earth. I have accomplished the scriptures and completed the work you sent me into the world to do. 5) AND NOW, Loving Father, glorify me with YOUR OWN SELF with the glory which I had with you BEFORE WE CREATED THE WORLD.
Those words of Jesus' prayer rises up into the mind of the Father as if afresh. Love beyond all known love is stirring up it's exalting glory in the Father to honor His Son in heavens highest and do so far above all (See Ephesians 1:16-23). The Father begins to pour into His Son the glorifying power of God that used to be in His Son before His Son volunteered to humble himself and be emptied of the glory he, before the world was, had fully shared with his Father(John 17:5) & (See Philippians 2:3-11).
The Father says to Jesus in the presence of all of heavens angels and citizens. In front of all the patriarchs and the prophets of old Hebrews 1:13) Come now My Son and Sit on my right hand here with me in MY THRONE (see Revelations 3:21) till I make all your enemies your footstool. (One day all the so called self made prophets of religions today on the earth who exalt themselves and their messages above Jesus Christ are going to perish under the rock of THIS TRUTH. The word says the truth that is in Jesus Christ will one day crush his enemies and his opposer's to powder.
Let's continue: Come the Father says. And as Jesus is walking up the steps to the mighty Throne, the Father continues His personal praising, honoring, and the exalting of His Son that He so dearly loves with all His heart and being, with all His power and far above all might and Name. It is in these words of the Father unto His Son, (and it is absolutely impossible for God to lie or mislead), that we find in the conversation between the Father and the Son in heaven, that the Father himself, as Jesus Said, is Jesus' God and Jesus' Father, and that also Jesus, the Son, is IN THE GODHEAD as the Second Person of the Godhead, of all that makes Power of God and of all that makes God up.
Follow the words, the revelation, the light below and let it's truth burn within your hearts. God the Father Himself confesses before all of heaven and earth that He is God and Jesus shares the same Godhead status and glory with the Father and the Father Himself Calls His Son God to, God as well. Man did not introduce this light of the the trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. The Father Himself did. And it is to be noted that the Father did this upon His Throne. Upon the Throne that He swore all His promises to Abraham upon. Upon the Throne of Unblemished light and integrity.
Hebrews 1:8-12)...Unto the Son , he saith, Your throne, oh God (remember this is the Father re-glorifying His Son as Jesus prayed in John 17:5 as we talked about earlier). Your Throne, Oh God, is for ever and ever (Meaning there shall be no end to this exaltation, the re glorification of the Son, and there shall be no end to His reign. Jesus shall never have to again humble himself and empty himself of his divine position and glory with the Father as he did to become the Lamb our Redeemer. Redemption has been accomplished and the Fathers satisfaction of His Sons redeeming works is sworn as forever never to have to be repeated ever again)..... A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of your kingdom. vs 9) You have loved righteousness and hated iniquity, so for this reason (Notice the Father's vernacular)... God, even Your God.(Jesus the Father says has a God just like he told us in John 20:17, (in this they agree) and the Father has a Son (Jesus) that He Himself calls God and He has never ever been ashamed or thought it to be robbery that His Son is God,( Equal as God) and has been God with the Father (John 1:1-4) from all eternity, before all creation.....vs 9 in part again....therefore God, Even Your God, hath anointed you with the oil of gladness above all others..vs 10) And You, Lord, (The Father Calls His Son Lord...See Matthew 41-46)
in the beginning (He is not talking to the man but the Eternal Son who was with Him way before man was even created (See John 1:1-4)(Genesis 1:26) have laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of your hands (Christ Jesus shown here involved in the birthing and is fully included in the ownership of the Creation). vs 11) They shall perish; but you shall remain (In this exaltation of the Son Jesus is having so much Eternal Might and Everlasting Life Power of the Fathers Self, of the Eternal Life that is in the Father, injected into even His Body that death cannot in no way, shape, or form, come nigh his dwelling ever again.)...heaven and earth shall grow/wax old as do clothes, vs 12) And as a garment you shall fold them up and they shall be changed; but You Jesus are the same (Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever no matter what happens to the heavens or the earth)....yes heaven and earth shall undergo change, but Jesus you are the same and your years shall not fail.(Now and forever Jesus in His resurrected body and with his resurrected body shall live forever unchangeable and untouchable by death.
Friends, in this light tht we have had unveiled today, we can see Jesus calls His Father- His God- and God the Father calls His Son, A God but not His God (important point there). The Father as Jesus said is greater than he and all. What God is the Son or who is the Son both Lord and God of? Well as the Father is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of the church. The Father is the Lord of Jesus (Matthew 22:44) and Jesus is the Lord of the Church, John 13:13)(also John 20:26-29). and Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God." Jesus from all eternity has said to His Father, My Lord, My Father, My God, and the Holy Ghost the third party and person in the Godheads Eternal Mix has always rejoiced over this, but be very careful never to talk bad of or blaspheme the Holy Ghost, for such is as forbidden even as the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil was to Adam and Eve......deno....please share freely.
In John 20:17 Jesus freshly being raised from the dead and delivered from the grave, appeared to Mary who loved him dearly. When she realized it was Jesus talking to her, with childlike excitement Mary wanted to reach out and embrace and hug Jesus so tightly with all the strength of her love for him, for no man or person on earth cared for people so genuinely as the Lord, nor did any behave and carry themselves like Jesus. He was the only perfect man on the earth and such a man Mary was privileged to have known, touched and handled with the disciples in holy embracement and fellowship. And now above all that, here he is standing right before her in the freshly revived body with the resurrection glory of the Father still a fixed to him, and she is in full awe. The wonder of him and the wonder of what she is now witnessing after seeing him so brutally slain upon the cross gives her such excitement she is wound up for the biggest joy filled hug of her life. Jesus is risen from the dead. Her Lord. Her Savior. Her Master is standing right before her. She moves in for the great hug and Jesus needfully so says, Wait Mary touch me not. For I am not yet ascended unto MY FATHER.
You see Jesus knew the Father was to be the first to cleave to and to embrace the Son for his mighty triumph over sin, over Satan, over death, hell and the grave after the resurrection. That was the plan. The Father was to partake of the resurrections first fruits first of His Son, for the Father was the author, the sower and the harvester of the first fruits of what he had sown in the world in the SOWING, IN THE GIVEN OF HIS SON. So to Mary he says, touch me not Mary. For I have not yet ascended unto my Father. But I commission you(A WOMEN) to go preach the good news of my resurrection to the disciples. This is the sermon I want you to preach to them. Tell them I ascend unto (Notice this) My Father and Your Father. To My God and to Your God...Here after his resurrection Jesus testifies that he was not the Father, and that he has not as of yet ascended back to heaven unto His Father. Plainly in this light we can see that Jesus is still on earth, but His Father is still in Heaven needed to be ascended unto by the Son from the earth.
Now as Mary left, Jesus did ascend unto the Father in speed our known light cannot even fathom easily. He arrives in the third heaven, the paradise of the His Father even as he told Mary. He arrives there to be honored by HIS FATHER AND OUR FATHER. By His God and as he told Mary, By OUR GOD....He is standing before the mighty Throne of splendorous glory and power. His Father, the Greater One is gazing at Him and into His eyes with a Fathers love beyond the realm of all human love though we do get glimpses of this kind of love in parents love for their children. There their eyes meet again face to face for the first time since he left from the throne to the earth. Now he is back having finished the work His glorious Father sent him into the world to accomplish and he is standing before His Father as the overcoming King. It is time for the Father to fulfill Jesus' prayer petition that we have talked about in John 17:4-5) he prayed this....Father I have glorified you on the earth. I have accomplished the scriptures and completed the work you sent me into the world to do. 5) AND NOW, Loving Father, glorify me with YOUR OWN SELF with the glory which I had with you BEFORE WE CREATED THE WORLD.
Those words of Jesus' prayer rises up into the mind of the Father as if afresh. Love beyond all known love is stirring up it's exalting glory in the Father to honor His Son in heavens highest and do so far above all (See Ephesians 1:16-23). The Father begins to pour into His Son the glorifying power of God that used to be in His Son before His Son volunteered to humble himself and be emptied of the glory he, before the world was, had fully shared with his Father(John 17:5) & (See Philippians 2:3-11).
The Father says to Jesus in the presence of all of heavens angels and citizens. In front of all the patriarchs and the prophets of old Hebrews 1:13) Come now My Son and Sit on my right hand here with me in MY THRONE (see Revelations 3:21) till I make all your enemies your footstool. (One day all the so called self made prophets of religions today on the earth who exalt themselves and their messages above Jesus Christ are going to perish under the rock of THIS TRUTH. The word says the truth that is in Jesus Christ will one day crush his enemies and his opposer's to powder.
Let's continue: Come the Father says. And as Jesus is walking up the steps to the mighty Throne, the Father continues His personal praising, honoring, and the exalting of His Son that He so dearly loves with all His heart and being, with all His power and far above all might and Name. It is in these words of the Father unto His Son, (and it is absolutely impossible for God to lie or mislead), that we find in the conversation between the Father and the Son in heaven, that the Father himself, as Jesus Said, is Jesus' God and Jesus' Father, and that also Jesus, the Son, is IN THE GODHEAD as the Second Person of the Godhead, of all that makes Power of God and of all that makes God up.
Follow the words, the revelation, the light below and let it's truth burn within your hearts. God the Father Himself confesses before all of heaven and earth that He is God and Jesus shares the same Godhead status and glory with the Father and the Father Himself Calls His Son God to, God as well. Man did not introduce this light of the the trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. The Father Himself did. And it is to be noted that the Father did this upon His Throne. Upon the Throne that He swore all His promises to Abraham upon. Upon the Throne of Unblemished light and integrity.
Hebrews 1:8-12)...Unto the Son , he saith, Your throne, oh God (remember this is the Father re-glorifying His Son as Jesus prayed in John 17:5 as we talked about earlier). Your Throne, Oh God, is for ever and ever (Meaning there shall be no end to this exaltation, the re glorification of the Son, and there shall be no end to His reign. Jesus shall never have to again humble himself and empty himself of his divine position and glory with the Father as he did to become the Lamb our Redeemer. Redemption has been accomplished and the Fathers satisfaction of His Sons redeeming works is sworn as forever never to have to be repeated ever again)..... A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of your kingdom. vs 9) You have loved righteousness and hated iniquity, so for this reason (Notice the Father's vernacular)... God, even Your God.(Jesus the Father says has a God just like he told us in John 20:17, (in this they agree) and the Father has a Son (Jesus) that He Himself calls God and He has never ever been ashamed or thought it to be robbery that His Son is God,( Equal as God) and has been God with the Father (John 1:1-4) from all eternity, before all creation.....vs 9 in part again....therefore God, Even Your God, hath anointed you with the oil of gladness above all others..vs 10) And You, Lord, (The Father Calls His Son Lord...See Matthew 41-46)
in the beginning (He is not talking to the man but the Eternal Son who was with Him way before man was even created (See John 1:1-4)(Genesis 1:26) have laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of your hands (Christ Jesus shown here involved in the birthing and is fully included in the ownership of the Creation). vs 11) They shall perish; but you shall remain (In this exaltation of the Son Jesus is having so much Eternal Might and Everlasting Life Power of the Fathers Self, of the Eternal Life that is in the Father, injected into even His Body that death cannot in no way, shape, or form, come nigh his dwelling ever again.)...heaven and earth shall grow/wax old as do clothes, vs 12) And as a garment you shall fold them up and they shall be changed; but You Jesus are the same (Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever no matter what happens to the heavens or the earth)....yes heaven and earth shall undergo change, but Jesus you are the same and your years shall not fail.(Now and forever Jesus in His resurrected body and with his resurrected body shall live forever unchangeable and untouchable by death.
Friends, in this light tht we have had unveiled today, we can see Jesus calls His Father- His God- and God the Father calls His Son, A God but not His God (important point there). The Father as Jesus said is greater than he and all. What God is the Son or who is the Son both Lord and God of? Well as the Father is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of the church. The Father is the Lord of Jesus (Matthew 22:44) and Jesus is the Lord of the Church, John 13:13)(also John 20:26-29). and Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God." Jesus from all eternity has said to His Father, My Lord, My Father, My God, and the Holy Ghost the third party and person in the Godheads Eternal Mix has always rejoiced over this, but be very careful never to talk bad of or blaspheme the Holy Ghost, for such is as forbidden even as the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil was to Adam and Eve......deno....please share freely.
Christmas A Touch Of heaven On Earth.....deno
is like Jesus, a gift from heaven to the world in His Name. In heaven
the spirit of Christmas is an everyday reality and way of
life......Heaven loves. Heaven gives. Heaven uplifts. Heaven Laughs.
Heaven rejoices in Jesus Name. Heaven is all as One and One in all in
perfect harmony, joy and peace. Nothing missing. Nothing broken. All
given to you and I because Jesus lives.....deno....please share freely
Wishing Everyday Was Like Christmas.......deno
Coming Soon.....The most wonderful time of the year....To think Jesus Christ gave the whole world in HIS NAME this most beautiful season of grace, of good news, of glad tidings of great joy, of salvation, of love and giving and fellowship of family and friends all around the world. It was meant to be an everyday of our lives celebration. What a great place this world would be if everyday was like Christmas. Let us push and proclaim Christmas everyday, heaven does. The earth, the nations, the animal world would rejoice for it. It would be like greater measures of heaven on earth. Well we all have a dream. This is one of mine......deno
A Common Affliction......deno
heart and my flesh are two different natures of even opposite desires
and boy do I know it....Sometimes the Spirit desires one thing like
fasting but my flesh is screaming for Pizza and Ice Cream and donuts and
fried chicken and, well you get the point. Growing pains here. Surely I
can not be alone in this common affliction?.....deno.....please share freely.
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