Saturday, November 30, 2013

Overcoming Difficulty - Failure - Bible Promises Spoken

The 101 Best Christian Affirmations - Positive, Encouraging, Inspirational

Why Are You Punishing Yourself.....deno

In Jesus we have redemption thru His blood, even full forgiveness and complete salvation from our sins. He was wounded for our transgression. He was bruised for our iniquities. The punishment that was necessary for you and I to have a covenant of everlasting peace with God was met and laid on Him and by His stripes we were healed, fixed, saved, ransomed, redeemed, made whole. FORGIVEN. Receive Christ Today. For whom the Son sets free from sin is free indeed.........deno & Sia.

May We Forever Be Thankful For America.......deno

Imagine a world where no one gives thanks.
Where coldness of heart is the way of the non grateful.
Where life is considered a blah and a result of a mindless blob.
Where there is no certainty nor absolutes, but all is considered but natural and normal as is.
Where all rules are made up according to the worlds deceitful lust.
Where men call themselves the god of their own lives and no other but self.
Where nothing is considered Holy. Where holy is not even a word in the vocabulary of men.
Where love is smitten and replaced with lust and greed is the light of every path for in their minds you only live once and nothing exist for the soul beyond the grave.
Imagine a Constitution where God is not included. 

Imagine a people who mingle without restraint for all goes in the land of the cold in heart. Nothing is sacred for we are but evolved animals formed from the waters that rained upon the rocks in non purposed days of the past. 
Imagine America without God and without Christmas or the day of Thanksgiving. 
Folks we have so much, I mean really, SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR. For the America that we have had to love and enjoy for hundreds of years now. May we always be grateful for all those who sacrificed so much to give us this free land and free way of life and to maintain the Constitution of the Free. And let us always give thanks to our God whose Name is Holy and Wonderful, Almighty and True. The good and faithful Shepherd........deno

The Power & Glory of Seeking First the Kingdom of God......deno & Sia

Jesus said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
Always Seek ye first the kingdom God.. then you will enjoy the additions God adds to your life Himself....Your labor is to seek...God's part is to add to you all your needs and all those other THINGS HE HAS IN STORE FOR YOU.....God will work everything else out for us. He already planned this. Had He not planned it He could not have promised us this GREAT PROMISE. This takes faith also.....
What is He wanting in this promise?. Our heart first love and fore most attention and devotion to Him....He desires this so much that He swore in His Love, that if we keep Him first, seek Him first, put Him and His will first, we will enjoy His mighty Hand, His mighty Word and Promise in this seek ye first scripture, become alive and activated in our lives much like His promise and Word that He spoke into Solomon's life was living and active for Solomon in his life on earth......We will see more and more the fruits of His labor in our lives. We will see more and more God's Promise Working For Us like unto a servant sent from heaven to serve us daily.....
Hebrews 11:6)....But without faith is is impossible to please God, For those who come to God must believe that He is, that He exist, and that He is a rewarder of them that DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM.....
.deno & Sia

Friday, November 29, 2013

God Watches Over His Words To Perform Them......deno.....please share freely

     Jeremiah learned an awesome lesson from God. He learned that God keeps His constant sights on His Word, to ensure He performs it. He said,"I watch over My Word to perform it or them....Jeremiah 1:11-12)...Since God is always watching over HIS WORD to perform it, it is only wise for us to obey and build our faith and our lives on THE WORDS that God watches over to perform. Then we shall experience God in our daily lives more abundantly. As it is written. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that God has spoken for him to live by. The angel said to Mary. Because you have BELIEVED THIS WORD FROM THE LORD that I have spoken unto you there shall be the sure performance of THOSE WORDS that were spoken to you.....So let us now more and more find out what God has said about us and our lives and situation. Obey those words. Believe those words and we will see the God that watches over HIS WORDS TO PERFORM THEM surely perform them for us......deno & Sia

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Word Of God Is The Connector Between God and Man.......deno

    In John 10:10 Jesus told us that He came to give us life and that more abundantly. This meant salvation and life with and in fellowship with God to the measure of all satisfying. All thirst quenched. All life's desires that are acceptable to God fully met.
     Now in this light let us note this. Jesus, that said " I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly", He is THE WORD OF GOD. He is THE PROMISES OF GOD. When we look at Jesus we are seeing the LIVING GOOD NEWS AND GOODNESS OF GOD all wrapped up in Christ. The bible says In Christ are contained all the counsel and wisdom and promises of God in the New Covenant all together wrapped up in One in words and promises spoken that we are to believe. 
     The Word of God is and has always been the mediator between God and man AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE MEANS AND THE WAY that God has met all our life's needs and blessings. God has gotten to us thru His Word and Promises and we get to God only thru God's Covenant Spoken Words and Promises. Without God's Word nothings is accomplished, nothing is made that is made and nothing is done, nothing is met. 
     The Word was sent. The Word became flesh. The Word spoke to us in these last days. The Word bled. The Word Died. The Word rose again from the dead. The Word ascended back unto heaven and sat down next to the One that sent the Word into the world to be a light to the Gentiles and salvation to His people. The Word is at Gods right hand praying and interceding for us. It is all about the Word of God and His Name is Jesus Christ.
     Jesus said, This is the perfect will of God, that you believe in Him who He has sent. God in Christ sent to us the fullness of His Better and Best Word of His Peace and Goodwill to man. We are to believe and mix our hearts faith with Christ every word and better promises. When we really do, we will see more and more amazing results and enjoy more and more true life and life more abundantly lived with and in fellowship with God here on earth. For if you will just think about it, it was here on earth Gods Word was sent to be believed and trusted and walked in and obeyed. It was here on earth the Mighty Word Of Almighty God was sent to take root in hearts and to blossom and bring forth it's manifold good to man.
   We believers are to more and more become believing believers believing His Word and Promises In Christ going forth from victory unto victory......deno.....please share freely.