Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Mix Of Real Bible Faith......deno

On that blessed holy night the Word became flesh so that all the manifold promises of God, from the heavenly ones to the physical ones, all could be materialized by the mix of the ingredient of our hearts faith in THE WORD...Jesus Christ....His name is Wonderful. His promises to all of us are Exceeding Great....All of Christ passions on the cross were endured so that we could attach our hearts faith to the promise of the so great a salvation and all the other New Covenant Promises that are better than all the old ones.. All that is missing from all these promises from God to us in and from Christ is the mix of the ingredient of your faith. When real bible kind of faith is mixed with Jesus Christ and all the promises of God, then real things begin to happen and occur and the promises more and more become flesh or materialize in us, in our lives, in our days. Let the Word, the promises of God become real and materialized in your life by the mix of faith Hebrews 4:2......deno

Christ...His Birth Changed The World Forever.......deno

Because of the birth of Jesus Christ and all that accompanies His work and visitation to the children of Israel and the World, many all over the world in all nations who have met and received THE SAVIOR that was born in the city of David, have smiled more, rejoiced more, laughed more and are ever being the more filled with the glad tidings of great his joy and endless good news as we in faith, together celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus, thank you for being born into this world and into the hearts of all of us that have believed the good report and have put our present and eternal trust and hope in you.. Lord you are worthy of all our praise...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS the anointed One, for the is what the word Christ means.....deno

Friday, December 20, 2013

Repent and Believe the Good News.....

Jesus first worded sermon was short and simple...He preached. Repent and believe the good news....

For God so loved the world that He sacrificed His only Son for their sins so that all who believed and called upon His Name would not perish in the day God cleans up His Creation, but would have everlasting life......

Monday, December 16, 2013

Just A Spoon Full Of Gods Power.....It Can Bring Forth A Universe When Fully Grown. Jesus said to them, Your theory is wrong, for you err because you do not understand or know Gods Word or the glory of His Power........deno......please share freely

In this present atmosphere in America where the spirit that crucified Jesus has linked back up with and is walking in unison with so many willing hearts these days to crucify afresh the Lord of glory by the nails of doubt and by the hammer of unbelief, it is fitting to write words is defense of Christ our Lord. For though in this world men and women have betrayed the Son of God and his message, still yet despite all they murmur against him, none of their murmurings or insult...Continue Reading

Friday, December 13, 2013


     All creatures that exist come from a planted seed. No way around this. All creation itself came forth and was Born because the SOWER SOWED THE WORD OF HIS ETERNAL MIGHT & POWER when the Eternal Spirit moved over the face of  the deep which was His garden for the fruit of the Universe. Everything that the Mighty Creating Spirit of God creates, from His Creation to His Creatures, all separately and sometimes things together (Depending on the Word Mix Release) are all born from God's Word. The bible reveals to us that Gods Word, His Word is with His Power.
      Seeing from the scriptures that all things God creates or gives birth to, all come forth from God's Words, it is then only fitting that we realized that all of us who are Born Again, Born of God in our spirit, the inward man, in the hidden man of the heart, in the HEAVENLY MAN, are New Creatures Born of  "A Word" of the Lord. A seed of His Eternal Glory and Power. This seed Peter said is the gospel of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:23) Being Born Again, not by corruptible SEED (Perishable Seed), but by incorruptible SEED (non perishable seed), BY THE WORD OF GOD THE LIVES, LOVES, AND REMAINS FOREVER.
     Do you know not everything made from a Word of God will live forever? For instance, all the present Heaven and Earth that God made from the words Let There Be Light, shall one day pass away melting in the fervent heat of our incredible God and Father as He erases the FIRST WORDS THAT MADE THE UNIVERSE (The First Creation) to give space for the New Creation that He so promised us in Christ. Jesus said, Behold I Make All THINGS NEW. When the first Words pass away and all the stars and planets and the elements that those First Words made are dissolved, it is then ONCE AGAIN, that the Spirit of the Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, shall move upon the face & space of the deep, and we His Redeemed children shall watch our Lord, The Father, Son & Holy Ghost in UNITED POWER AND GLORY, release the awesomeness of their COMBINED GLORY, FORCES, POWERS & ETERNAL ENERGIES in a pre-conceived New Creation plan that they together in an intelligence of infinite wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that only Pure and Perfect Light can contain. This GREAT INTELLIGENT DESIGN that they treasure and hold within themselves (Even right now at this moment they know all the full details of the design and plan for the NEW CREATION) shall be fully RELEASED in another LET THERE BE LIGHT ACTION OF ALMIGHTY GOD. It is at that moment we that made it to heaven thru the so great a salvation thru Christ precious redeeming blood shall see God in His Almighty Glory Strut His Creating Stuff. In those days and in those hours, there will  be no more confusion left in any of HOW THE UNIVERSE AND THE CREATION OF THE HEAVENS CAME INTO BEING.
      Yes friends, even now God fully knows all the plans and all the WORDS that He shall release to make the NEW CREATION TO COME INTO EXISTANCE. They will contain in THEM, IN THOSE WORDS HE SPEAKS, all the volumes of His intelligence and intelligent design for all the things that He makes NEW so that they never  perish or pass away again. Those NEW WORDS God uses in the NEW CREATION TO COME are by THE COVENANT SWEARINGS OF A MIGHTY GOD, incorruptible and non perishable......So Also Are The New Words God Spoke Out In Christ To Us In The Gospel By Which We Are Born Again By.

1 Peter 1:23) Being Born Again not by corruptible seed (PERISHABLE SEED) but by incorruptible seed, (NON-PERISHABLE SEED), BY THE WORD OF GOD THAT LIVES AND LAST FOREVER......vs 25)...this word we speak of is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.....Jesus said Heaven and Earth shall pass away, BUT MY WORDS, MY WORDS, MY WORDS, SHALL NEVER PERISH OR PASS AWAY...THIS  ALSO MEANS, that the heavenly part of us that is born of Gods incorruptible seed, non perishable seed, (CHRIST WORDS) shall live forever in CHRIST EVERLASTING LIFE IMAGE, LIKENESS AND GLORY.....
      The New Creation does not sustain itself but it is sustained and upheld by the Eternal Might of the Eternal Life that it is BORN OF. The promises of God in the NEW WORD that we are BORN OF IN CHRIST keep us alive and not we ourselves, it is the power and the gift of Christ. We in Christ, are born again in our spirit of a non perishable redemption seed. No other Creature has ever been redeemed or born again in the spirit. We are the first. This redemption seed is unique in all it's endless life, imperishable glory, and design. It is Christ Eternal Life and Eternal Might of Himself In Us Everlasting. He is The Eternal Word  that We Are (In The Spirit) Born Of and Like. The bible tells us God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and that the glory of the Life God poured into Jesus, (To fulfill the resurrection/redemption promises) those recovering/resurrection words shall never change, or decay, or grow old, nor perish (Hebrews 1:8-12). They shall keep the Son and HIS BODY THE CHURCH alive, healed and remaining forever the same  yesterday, today and forever. Jesus, the seed we are born of shall never perish. As long as we stay IN HIM so shall He remain IN US....

    So much more to say and to write on this, but this is enough for now. Words to ponder and think about....More to come.....deno....please share freely.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do You Believe In Miracles?...I Do..... Let's Join Together In Jesus Name and In Covenant Agreement For The Miracle Of This Prayer To Be Performed......deno....please share freely

Please Share Freely.....

Acts 4:16-17)...and the opposition to Christ Jesus said, "What shall we do to these men? For surely and indeed a notable (Undeniable) miracle has been done by them. All them in Jerusalem know of it and we ourselves cannot deny it."

This prayer is a BIG PRAYER. A PRAYER FOR OUR MIGHTY GOD.  A prayer for which only by His Power, By His Spirits Might, Glory & Grace such a miracle of Grace could be.

INSPIRATION.....Many thought when Jesus died all was lost and the glory of Jesus would be gone forever. Little did they know that His down moment was the seed of a mighty come back which most certainly by the promise of God was soon to come. His dropping to his knees in the Garden of despair, to the rejection of the counsel, to the whip, the thorns and the stripes, to the nailing of his feet and hands upon the cross, to his full taste of death, to his burial and three days and nights in the belly of the earth was all together a mighty seed of God sown into our world for the GREATEST COME BACK  the world would ever know.....deno

Jesus' Covenant Prayer in John 17 was the prayer that brought forth the Great Overcoming and Comeback of the Son of God. He knew what to pray by the Mind of the Spirit and He prayed the perfect intercessory prayer for His Come Back, His Resurrection, His Re-Glorification AND FOR US.....This prayer below that I have written was a prayer written against all visible odds. Like the resurrection of Jesus, even to His closest companions, such a miracle of grace just seemed beyond reach. But in their doubt and confusion and gloom, little did they know in what seemed to be the darkest moment in Israel, God was at work answering that prayer that Jesus prayed and little did they understand that the greatest event in all of human history was already under way and about to take place. The seed for Christ resurrection and mighty comeback was already planted and growing and when they thought all was that atmosphere of darkness and in much doubt.....Suddenly with all the doors being shut where they were assembled, JESUS APPEARED IN THE POWER AND GLORY OF HIS RESURRECTION.....deno

This prayer is a seed for the Church in these last days in this generation in America to plant for the God of all grace, of miracles, signs and wonders to stretch forth His Hand to perform. Please join me as we pray this prayer earnestly unto God our Father in Jesus Name (Daily praising His Name for it's undeniable notability). Thank You.

Father In Jesus Name....All things are possible with God and Nothing is to hard for the Lord. 

In Jesus Name cause the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and the saving gospel that his blood, death and resurrection speaks to have the full and free course in Americas every place, city, town, street, home, heart, mind and soul, and cause the Lord Jesus Christ to be welcomed and received in peace by the increasing OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the American  people and population from the youngest to the oldest in their hearts unto so great a salvation of the souls far far more that ever before in ALL THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 

Cause all of Americas politicians, government, all of Americas thrones, Judges and local authorities in every town and city to overwhelmingly and uncompromisingly love, adore, FAVOR, believe, STAND UP FOR, confess, profess, trust in, cleave to, no longer deny,  but rule to promote, honor, exalt, magnify and glorify Jesus Christ the Risen Son of God and the gospel truth that his blood, death and resurrection speaks,....

And Father cause America to freshly and anew overwhelmingly & increasingly love and live for and STAND UP & STAND STRONG for Jesus Christ boldly far more than ever before in our Nations History...... 

And I pray that we all together love, adore, believe, cleave to with all our hearts faith, hope, love and passion to Jesus Christ boldly preaching and professing Him publicly even in and to our final breath and beyond the grave. For we being now full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit and full of the love of God refuse to deny the Lord that loved us and gave his all and his life to save us. 

Jesus only you are our life and true Savior. Only you our TRUE HOPE FOREVER......And the church together in unison and agreement said in Jesus Name, So Be It. Amen & Amen....

Let us remember what Jesus told us of His Power and Authority that He gave us the Church On Earth. He said...Whatsoever you the church allow (BIND ON EARTH) shall be allowed (Bound In Heaven)...Whatsoever you loose on earth shall be freed and sent from and in heaven....This is our prayer authority in Jesus Name defined......deno

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Come Back To God Each & All......deno.....please share freely

If you feel you are or have been the worse sinner on the planet, or the chiefest of backsliders, then these words of the Lord Himself were spoken for you..And the Lord swore in His love for us and for the sake of His Son," I will in honor of you and your sacrifice be merciful unto there transgressions, and their sins and iniquities I will forgive and forget and never remember them ever again". We right now cannot fully do this in our present condition, but the God that made the way thru the Red Sea and raised Jesus from the dead and that cannot lie can and He is faithful to all His promises. As the scriptures says. He has sworn unto us EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES (2 Peter 1:2-4). His promises give us all hope and faith whether your the most obedient or whether you are the chiefest of sinners and backsliders.....He loved you enough to go to the cross and endure all it's manifold sufferings, to forgive you and wash you clean with that precious blood He poured out in all those pains, sufferings & agonies. Believe me, it is MUCH EASIER, EVEN HIS GOOD DELIGHT AND DAILY PLEASURE to forgive you , wash you clean. Make you brand new before Him in love. The Cross brought Him to his knees and to tears. But to forgive us and to cleanse us from all our sins is His daily good pleasure and joy. He is enjoying the fruit of his labors upon the Cross....PEACE to those who are nigh and to those who are afar off.....deno.