Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Whats In Your Heaven? Lay Up For Yourselves Treasure In Heaven.......deno.....please share freely

     The scriptures teach us that Christ went to the Cross and tasted death for us all to bring many people unto glory, unto the heavens of God. It is written, Jesus by his death reconciled us unto God.... Now that we who have received Christ are the children of God who have received the great reconciliation that Christ death accomplished for us; and now that we as His children are RISEN WITH CHRIST (Colossians 3:1-4) in the spirit unto his heavenly places of position and honor (Ephesians 2;1-10), it is totally up to us and our decision only of how much treasure we will have laid up for ourselves in heaven where Christ is seated at the right hand of God....The world will ask you, Whats in your wallet? Angels of exceeding great power and glory will ask you, What's your treasure amount in heaven?....

     Today start being about your Saviors business and lay up for yourselves more and more treasure in your heaven in Christ.....Reminder #1, In all that you do acknowledge the Lord and he will guide your path. Reminder #2, And whatever it is that you do, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.....
      In glory right now, Angels are treasure hunting. They are looking for the treasure that you laid up for yourself this day in heaven for your enjoyment in your eternity with Jesus and God the Father. He left all this part fully up to you and me......deno

Jesus said, If you give a cup of water to even the least of these my brethren, you shall by no means lose your reward. Imagine what a full course meal given to one will provide for you in your heaven.

Jesus said, Did you not know that I must be about my Fathers works and business? 

Monday, January 20, 2014

God Swore The Peace......deno.....please share freely

  1.        I have been down many different roads in this life thru both good and bad decision making. I admit that. Sometimes I will admit this to that there are times in my life that I did not listen to my earthly father, nor to my Heavenly Father, so that i took a small bite out of that apple to start with, but by the deceitfulness of sins lying pleasures THAT ROSE UP IN MY MIND, I ended up eating the whole thing and my rear end and life ended up feeling the whip of both a loving earthly father and a mighty Heavenly Father. Both were professionals in the area of chastising the children they love........
          Did you know God who loves us and gave His Son for us knew perfectly the full precise measure of chastisement that was needful and necessary for you and I and all believers who hearken and obey His voice to have established for us the forgiveness of sins, eternal redemption and an everlasting covenant of peace? He fully pre-calculated the full measure of that chastisement and punishment that was needful and necessary to bring forth eternal salvation and a SWORN WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD of everlasting peace between God and men on earth and God put that chastisement, THAT MEASURED CUP, before His Son and commanded him to drink that cup and leave nothing remaining in it. He left nothing friend, not even a smudge on the cups sides or edge. All of it Jesus fully drank, he fully absorbed into himself all that was in that bitter cup...Then once the drinking of that was finished, once it was accomplished Jesus cried out, It is done.
           It was RIGHT THEN by those words and what they meant that all that was necessary to tear the veil in twain in the holy of holies in the temple so that ALL men by faith in Christ could enter unto Gods Holy place/presence/dwelling/throne in an upheld by God himself covenant of endless peace and His Holy Spirit into them. This was and is everyday the Power of the Blood & Cross of Christ. It is always pointing up and pointing US towards heaven to the Father and His throne. NOW NOTE THIS WITH ME. A GOOD WORD IS ABOUT TO BE PREACHED AND REVEALED HERE FOR US ALL AND FOR OUR REJOICING......

           Around that magnificent Throne is the GREAT RAINBOW which was place and positioned there TO everyday remind God what He Swore, that He would never destroy the whole earth by water again Isaiah chapters 52, 53, 54, 55 a must read....With that rainbow there in mind and its purpose to remind God what HE SWORE.....ABOVE THE IMPORTANCE OF ALL THAT, LET US TOGETHER NOTE THIS... the Father HIMSELF sat Jesus down right next to Him in the GREAT THRONE and Jesus there CONSTANTLY AND DAILY REMINDS God of the Sworn Words THAT HE SWORE of eternal salvation, of eternal redemption, of endless peace and the forgiveness of sins He Swore between God and all who believe and obey His Sons Gospel and voice. Jesus there is constantly reminding God of the scriptures of the prophet Isaiah, saying REMEMBER FATHER, I was wounded for their transgressions, I was bruised for their iniquities. REMEMBER FATHER, that the punishment and the measured chastisement that was needful and necessary for the covenant of endless peace between God and the believing and eternal redemption to BE SWORN BY GOD TO MAKE IT UNBREAKABLE SCRIPTURE AND AN EVERLASTING UNBREAKABLE GOOD REPORT and GOSPEL I DRANK FATHER FOR THEM.... AND FATHER AS YOU COMMANDED OF ME I DRANK THAT CUP TO THE FULLEST MEASURE LEAVING NO REMAINS FOR ENMITY BETWEEN GOD AND THOSE WHO HEARKEN UNTO MY GOSPEL, WHO REPENT AND BELIEVE AND OBEY MY WORDS.....As it is written. the chastisement that was needful and necessary for our PEACE WITH GOD AND HIS PEACE WITH US JESUS MET....Yes my dad preached these words to me and my family for years. In honor of him and in honor of Jesus and in their love for you I have written them to REMINDS US ALL. Hope you did not mind ....please share His Love. Your friend in Christ.....deno

Thursday, January 16, 2014

If My People Who Are Called By My Name....If We Will Resist The Devil He Will Flee From Us.....If We Welcome Him He Will Not Leave.....deno....please share freely

If your the antiChrist and your father the devil knows it is soon time for you to come upon the worlds stage, you will scope the world scene to see what nations are in power and what nations are filled with believing Christians who are the light of the world and who are the enemies that war against the powers of darkness. Those nations of power filled with Christians you will place your attention upon to either take them down or take them over so that they cannot hinder your hours works on the earth. America is his target because of her past & even present christian heritage and her present power in the world....This is why we are under going such anti Christian anti Jesus attacks and changes is this nation. So that the anti Christ spirit, his demonic power and force is less grieved and less agitated and less disturbed. He is looking for free course of his demonic will over the world.....deno

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let Gods Promises Grip Your Storm Or Need And Bring Peace & Salvation ......deno.....please share freely.

The Lord is His love and mercy can take the roughest of hearts and make them His smoothed by His Spirit, Gospel, Grace and Goodness. The Lord can take the most darkened mind and the most hate filled heart and turn that mind and that heart into a fountain of His sweet LIGHT and love. The Lord can take the storm of all storms and grip that storm with the mighty grip of His Word and Promise of PEACE BE STILL and calm it to the peace of his perfect rest. Of stones he can turn them into children of God and of Abraham.. Of the dead He can raise them up unto LIFE EVERLASTING. The empty basket he can fill to overflowing. With the Lord there is hope. All things are possible to those who really believe and please Him....And the Lord said to the blind man, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO.?". This to is included in the Word Of Gods Good News To Man In Christ Jesus.. God answers prayer. God will perform the desires of the believing. He will bring to pass the desires of those who delight and obey His voice......deno.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Come Down Off The Cross??? No Way....updated with a revelation from the Lord.....deno.....please share freely.

     They said, If you be the Christ, Come down now from the Cross.
       And the blind said to Jesus when he was upon the Cross....If you be the Christ, the Son of God, save yourself. Come now down off the Cross.
        Had Jesus come down off that Cross and failed to fulfill the Words of God (The Scriptures) concerning the passions of the Christ, all hell would have erupted and broke loose on earth and into all the regions of heaven itself FOR THE FATHER AND JESUS WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE LIARS and Satan in the great war would have been given even further incredible place. (Note this the first Adam sin gave Satan the world and the souls of men..See Luke 4:5-6, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Revelations 13:1-2. Jesus Christ the Son of God, the  2nd Adam, had he lied or sinned or fell in temptation, he would have given Lucifer the Spirit and Soul of God, even the Throne, for that sin would have been God Committed and on that Highest level so would be the consequence).
       Believe it or not it is still true. All things of God are upheld from creation to the throne of God by the word of Gods Power and His Words perfect unfailing integrity upholding strength . For man, men, or God Himself to transgress Gods words and commandments IT IS SIN and it has      grave/separation/robbing/self destructive consequences. 
One jot or one tittle failing to come to pass would bring the whole house of God down from the throne down, for the Throne had committed transgression against itself. That is a mystery of truth revealed.
       If God ever lied, then follows the cryptonite effect. That's why we see the fright, the fear, and the soulish pressure in the garden of Christ despair as his mind and soul were under temptation being pressured to side step the Cross scriptures of the Word of God. Satan in his desperate fight for self survival was using all his darkness mind manipulation power to take Jesus captive in his thoughts to use fear and anxiety by the horrors of the Cross to pressure Jesus from drinking its cup.
        If there ever was a chance for God to transgress His own Word this was it, the pressure of the Cross event. This was the hour of the power of darkness against the Son of God and also it was Lucifers greatest opportunity in the warfare to possibly cause a lie in the Godhead. All Satan needed was one lie, one transgression and the Kings guilt would be as guilty of all. A liar is a liar and the lie Satan is the father of and the ruler over.          Had Jesus side stepped the scriptures concerning the Cross that would have been the greatest sin and Word of God Transgression far above all others and it would have given unto Lucifer the greater place of authority and dominion over the Son, even to the throne of His Authority and Dominion which he had been after for a long time. Satan took Adams kingdom and keys and dominion of authority away from him by ONE transgression, and he was after the keys to the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ, tempting Jesus the second Adam to sin thru the sight of his own blood and the pains of the mercy filled merciless Cross. The scripture says, for you have not yet resisted sin unto blood.  This scripture was written all about Jesus as he sweated as it were drops of blood mixed with sweat as he was being TEMPTED to not drink the Cup of the Cross.
      When Jesus was in the garden sweating like drops of blood under extreme pressure from the weighty pressures pressing against him hoping to keep His tasting the death of the Cross FAR FROM HIM, all the Powers of darkness were united together against him in the heavenly realms of the mind, soul, spirit and body. United in the warfare against the Son of God they were doing all they could to scare our Lord, our Hope, away from the cross of Christ Word of God scriptures, in hope that a jot and tittle of the Word of God would fail to come to pass. Then by that transgression Satan would have gotten the Second Adams keys to his kingdom also. But Christ kingdom has no limit in measure as Adams did. Christ kingdom as Creator of all of heaven and earth encompasses the whole creation, even the throne of the Creator. 
      As Satan came against Eve and Adam to transgress a Word of God, even so he came against Jesus in hope to cause him to sin against a commandment given him as well. The Cross of Christ was a commandment given Jesus by God and avoiding the cross would have been sin, it would have been transgression against a commandment. Gods command of His Son to taste the fullness of death by the way of the Cross was Satan's best opportunity for his temptation to possible work to cause 2nd Adam transgression whereby he would lay holt of the keys.
      Had Jesus backed away from the Cross and failed to fulfill its scriptures, this would have meant the delicate balance of Gods Word that upholds all things would have been upended and the root that upholds all things in creation would have fallen by the power of GOD HIMSELF LYING. GOD LYING would be the end of God as we know him and the creation as we know it. Well thank God Jesus went to the Cross and stayed on the Cross even when all the evil spirits that use men and live in their hearts and in their thinking kept taunting Jesus to come down off the Cross. Thank God Jesus resisted sin even when suffering incomparable anxiety, pain and suffering in blood for the sin of all the world. 
    We to my friends must not let anyone, friend, family or foe talk us into coming off of, or coming down from, or going around the gospel of the Cross of Christ for salvation. If Jesus came down off the Cross even the Father and Jesus himself would have suffered severe condemnation and tremendous FALL from perfect light for lying. If you or I come off the Cross truth and power, or come down off the way of the Cross of Christ, being deceived by the serpent by other ways to follow other means of salvation, we to then would be found to be liars and we would suffer the severity of the condemnation of those who cleave not to the Cross of Christ. Such would be FALLING FROM GRACE and that fall has no end for it is a bottomless pit.
        And the Serpent will say to us, If you are saved, If you are a child of God come now down off the Cross and go to other means to save yourself....To do so, to do that would be spiritual suicide.....Stay Crucified with Christ and Risen with Christ......All of redemption and the so great salvation happened thru Christ drinking the Cup of the Cross...We must remain in the faith eating His Bread and Drinking the blood of His Cup in remembrance of His Great Sacrifice and Overcoming or there is no eternal life in us....deno.....please share freely.


I Will Cling To The Old Rugged Cross and Exchange It Some Day For A Crown....Keeping the faith Paul told us to keep is to cleave and cling to unwaveringly to AND with all yours hearts faith and trust to Jesus Christ and Him crucified and Risen from the dead AS THE WAY OF GODS ESTABLISHED FOR US SALVATION. No other road leds us unto glory but the Cross Of Christ. It is exactly how Jesus made it back safely to the Father,( NO WAY AROUND IT) and it is our way as well......deno.....please share freely

     What God has done from eternity we will live an eternity learning and finding out. His works are that in depth with His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. What Christ has done for us thru the cross is by no means naturally known or understood. It is revealed. Flesh and blood cannot make us know or understand it, but only by the Spirit of our Father opening our eyes can we know the glory, the benefits, the blessings, and the exceeding great saving power that is in and of the Cross of Christ. It was upon the Cross God Himself in the flesh tasted death for every man in order to save His own and all the world of believers from their sins and to bring many people unto His glory so that where Jesus is we can be also.....Only thru the Cross and the continuous mixing of our hearts faith and full unwavering trust in and with Christ precious blood and His exceeding great sacrifice and glorious resurrection shall will rise up unto God in His heavenly places that are far above.......
     Paul preached the saving power of the Cross of Christ from his beginning with Christ unto his dying in the Lord....For I am not ashamed of the Cross and Its Good news he preached, for it is the power of God, the power of God, the power of God unto eternal salvation saving all who believe from their sin. 
     The Cross of Christ is the ARK that we all are to enter into by faith and remain therein for assurance and safekeeping. It is the Ark built and provided by Gods own design and Gods own hands that will get us home safely. REMAIN IN THE ARK OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST....deno....
      OBEY THE CROSS....AGREE WITH THE CROSS OF CHRIST....CLEAVE TO THE CROSS OF CHRIST with all your love, devotion and faith for it is THE POWER OF GOD THAT SAVES US WHO BELIEVE FROM OUR SINS. Repentance is powerful but repentance without abiding faith in the Cross of Christ and His resurrection is a dead deed that cannot save. If all it took was repentance God would have spared His Son the agonies of the cup of the Cross. It is because of and from the Cross of Christ eternal redemption was obtained for us and it is also to be noted that all resurrections take place and occur only from the Cross, even the Lords. 

    So we repent yes, but we cleave to with all our hearts faith, hope, love and trust to The Power Of The Cross of Christ and His precious blood and resurrection to SAVE US. Without the blood of the passover Lamb, the repentant would have perished if they did not believe in, hope in , trust in the saving and keeping power of the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB on that wrath of God night. If the repentant Moses himself would have removed his trust off and away from the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB and put his confidence elsewhere, in himself, or in his repentance, or in anything of his name or doings, to save him from Gods wrath that night, and then step outside the great importance of the Lambs Blood, MOSES HIMSELF TO WOULD HAVE PERISHED THAT NIGHT.....Stay in the Ark of the Cross Of Christ, its that IMPORTANT...deno....please share freely.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Law of Moses Verses The Power Of Faith and The Mighty Works Of God.....deno cities and towns where Jesus came to  minister the Gospel and the Anointing upon him, (He had the Spirit of God without measure); in one village he ran into a wall, a wall of unbelief flowing from and erected  from people full of the Torah but who were also full of robbing unbelief. The scriptures reveal to us that in that village of people Jesus could do no mighty works there because of TH PEOPLES UNBELIEF. 
     Now many of these same people, being Jews, the children of Abraham, were very very familiar with the Torah, the Law, and the importance of circumcision and keeping the holy commandments. They new the commandments and many of them strove in honest effort to keep them. But did you know all that Law Keeping & Law Observing had in itself no power, nor did it give them any right or authority to be exempt, or to get around, or side step the NEED OF FAITH, THE NEED TO BELIEVE GOD to received from the Most Powerful Anointing That Flowed From Within Jesus Christ in the day of their visitation.  All that strict LAW KEEPING  of the scribes and the Pharisees profited them no special place in the arena of faith that was demanded by the Son of God who was himself inside that flesh body, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob..It takes faith to please God and the scripture plainly tells us that the Law was not of faith (Galations 3:3-14). Important  point there.....

     So what can we learn from this light. You can be one of the most strictest of Law Keepers as a Pharisee, but when it comes to believing God for a miracle, or a need, you must be justified by faith in the sight of God to receive your miracle or need met....It is a law in itself.....As it is written in Romans 14:23...for whatsoever is not from faith IS SIN.

     It is written, He that works His miracles amongst you and performs your prayers, does He do it from the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith and from the believing of the heart? From the believing heart is how they are wrought......deno.....please share freely.

   We all need to read these words penned above till it's light and revelation and importance fully dawns on us......