full hearts.....No matter what they think or say, I STILL
BELIEVE...America, Romney was and is the right choice, but being deceived
by the tongue of craft & deceit of one and of many on the take and inside the media truth twisting, spinning machine, you chose a
lying wonder and now you are reaping the downward slope and your days
are over laid with more deception, more deceit, more false fronts and altered
numbers, more cover ups, with more darkness, more confusion, with more
despair, and with a cloud of gloom....
But there still exist HOPE AMERICA. Here is the true reason why and we find it in the Word of Truth the Bible. Even though the disciples
thought all hope was gone and the glory days now past by a depressing
sight, by a staring empty cross and a full grave wherein their hope
seemed buried forever, it was in that darkest hour Gods Glory and Good
News came to light SAYING...... He whom All Things Are Possible By had
great mercy, moved in front of His Sons tomb and commanded the hope of
His people TO RISE AGAIN and He poured out His glory on the situation
and upon His favored and raised His Son back to life from the dead and in doing so He
raised back up and restored the joy, faith and hope of His
God and His glory poured out on America can raise her back up in righteousness, joy, peace, prosperity, and in POWER even beyond all her yesterdays. For with God all things are possible. All God needs is real bible faith on earth praying and believing that the Glory of God be poured out on our Nation....Words to think about and to do. IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME..........deno to America with love for God and
Country.....I weep sometimes for what should have and could have been
and for what SHOULD BE but will the people hear the cry of a patriot?
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
From Eternity Into Time The Word Became Flesh......deno
about this truth of the gospel. The Eternal God became a man to TASTE
DEATH for us all. Eternal means to have no beginning of days neither
ending of days. To always have been and to ever shall be. Yet He stepped
out of His eternal into the realms of man and calculable time thru the
Word becoming flesh and took upon himself time and flesh to taste death
for every man in order to bring many sons unto eternal salvation and to no end of days....deno
The Blood Of God. It's Incomparable Power......deno.....please share freely
Christ taught us that His blood was the blood of the New Covenant between God and Man. His blood, the blood of the Son of God,was shed for many, for the remission of their sins and for their salvation from sin. As it is written...His Name shall be called Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. It is also written, "that without the shedding of blood there is no removal or remission of sin". Therefore we can see in these scriptures that TO GOD BLOOD HAS TO BE SHED TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS. Knowing this God prepared for us His best and greatest sacrifice for our sins. A body God prepared for himself and it is written, "that by the sacrifice of Himself God put away sin."
Can you imagine that with me? I mean just think about it. God became a man and by the Sacrifice of Himself he put away sin. No court of justice in their right mind on earth or in heaven could ever rightly argue against the power of the blood sacrifice of God. The blood of His own Cross is the power of God unto salvation. The only ones that do spit and wag their heads at the power of Gods own blood and of His own sacrifice are those whose hearts and minds eyes are blind to it's incredible awing saving power.
The power God unleashed thru the blood of His own Cross is more powerful than all the energy and power God released when He created the Creation. We can trust and believe in the redeeming and saving power of the blood of our Makers own Cross.....It is written Have faith in God....We also write and say, Trust in and have faith in Gods Blood, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ......
Nothing of any of us on earth or in heaven can even compare to the saving grace and redeeming power that is the the Cross of Christ where God himself shed His own blood and tasted death by the way of the Cross to save His own people from their sins......
In redemption covenant wisdom, blood is far far more powerful and far far more redeeming than any good works of men...... The works of men on His altar compared to the blood of God on Gods altar are incomparable in power.....One is as blazing fire. The other is but stubble and straw......Thru all our good works that were are to do in Christ in obedience to His Lordship over us, let us keep our hearts trust, faith, and confidence in the power of the blood of God and His own blood and Cross.......deno.
Can you imagine that with me? I mean just think about it. God became a man and by the Sacrifice of Himself he put away sin. No court of justice in their right mind on earth or in heaven could ever rightly argue against the power of the blood sacrifice of God. The blood of His own Cross is the power of God unto salvation. The only ones that do spit and wag their heads at the power of Gods own blood and of His own sacrifice are those whose hearts and minds eyes are blind to it's incredible awing saving power.
The power God unleashed thru the blood of His own Cross is more powerful than all the energy and power God released when He created the Creation. We can trust and believe in the redeeming and saving power of the blood of our Makers own Cross.....It is written Have faith in God....We also write and say, Trust in and have faith in Gods Blood, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ......
Nothing of any of us on earth or in heaven can even compare to the saving grace and redeeming power that is the the Cross of Christ where God himself shed His own blood and tasted death by the way of the Cross to save His own people from their sins......
In redemption covenant wisdom, blood is far far more powerful and far far more redeeming than any good works of men...... The works of men on His altar compared to the blood of God on Gods altar are incomparable in power.....One is as blazing fire. The other is but stubble and straw......Thru all our good works that were are to do in Christ in obedience to His Lordship over us, let us keep our hearts trust, faith, and confidence in the power of the blood of God and His own blood and Cross.......deno.
No Other Name Under Heaven Or In All Creation Above The Name Of Jesus......deno.....please share freely
When Jesus gave us His Name to do all things in, he gave us the mightiest of gifts ever given by God to His creatures. So much can be said and written about this and so much has been taught us and written to us by the elders of the church.
One thing I want us to be reminded of in God giving us His Sons Name is that God knew why He gave us the greatest Name in Heaven and in all the creation. It was because He wanted to give us HIS BEST. He wanted to give us HIS BEST access to Him. He wanted to give us HIS BEST entrance to Him. He wanted to give us HIS BEST WAY unto God's heart and ear. He wanted to give us HIS BEST power and HIS BEST reaching God authority. No One gets to God like Jesus does and it was Jesus and His Name God gave us THE REDEEMED for our salvation, safe keeping and accessing the Father to get our orders and to receive all the good He has for us each and every day on earth and in heaven. Yes this may surprise you but in heaven also, we to shall live in, pray and praise in the Mighty Name Of Jesus.......deno.....please share freely.
P.S. When we ask in the Name of Jesus we are asking God in the name of the one who is sinless and perfect in righteousness. This gives us great asking grace and power in which we are to believe in and believe on. It exceeds all our self righteousness and all the power of our very limited flawed filled records and names. We are to believe that God in His great love for us has honored us the imperfect and the weaker vessels by giving us His Sons perfect record, his sinlessness, and his perfect righteousness and relationship with the Father which all together given freely to us, is the mightiest asking and receiving from God power on earth and in heaven.
Jesus alone is the Name and the God given us gift of righteousness to Ask and Receive from the Father. Believe on that name and in his perfect record and righteousness and his perfect relationship with the Father and love one another. This is the Two New Commandments of the greatest power of God to man on earth.
One thing I want us to be reminded of in God giving us His Sons Name is that God knew why He gave us the greatest Name in Heaven and in all the creation. It was because He wanted to give us HIS BEST. He wanted to give us HIS BEST access to Him. He wanted to give us HIS BEST entrance to Him. He wanted to give us HIS BEST WAY unto God's heart and ear. He wanted to give us HIS BEST power and HIS BEST reaching God authority. No One gets to God like Jesus does and it was Jesus and His Name God gave us THE REDEEMED for our salvation, safe keeping and accessing the Father to get our orders and to receive all the good He has for us each and every day on earth and in heaven. Yes this may surprise you but in heaven also, we to shall live in, pray and praise in the Mighty Name Of Jesus.......deno.....please share freely.
P.S. When we ask in the Name of Jesus we are asking God in the name of the one who is sinless and perfect in righteousness. This gives us great asking grace and power in which we are to believe in and believe on. It exceeds all our self righteousness and all the power of our very limited flawed filled records and names. We are to believe that God in His great love for us has honored us the imperfect and the weaker vessels by giving us His Sons perfect record, his sinlessness, and his perfect righteousness and relationship with the Father which all together given freely to us, is the mightiest asking and receiving from God power on earth and in heaven.
Jesus alone is the Name and the God given us gift of righteousness to Ask and Receive from the Father. Believe on that name and in his perfect record and righteousness and his perfect relationship with the Father and love one another. This is the Two New Commandments of the greatest power of God to man on earth.
Pray Down The Rain.....deno....please share freely
are not responsible for the change in people. Our part is to plant the
seeds of Christ and His gospel and then pray down the rain. Jesus did
exactly that. He first sowed himself THE WORD thru the Cross to be
planted and received in the ground of the hearts of all men. Then He
went to the Father and prayed down the rain. Father He said. Send now to
them that believe Your Living Water, The Holy Spirit...... We need no
longer the word or the spirits of men in our nation that needs
to be healed. We need the Voice of Christ and the Spirit of the Living God. As is is written of
king Saul, The Lord said to him. Saul, when My Spirit comes upon you,
you will be a different person. You will even prophesy like the
prophets. Can you see here in this verse how Gods Spirit can really
change and heal us and make in us and in our nation the BIG DIFFERENCE.
Neither Give Place To The Devil......please share freely.....deno
never gives place to Satan nor to Atheist.They know to do so is Curse
Full and Demonic Filled. The Americans before us clearly knew and understood this truth......But now The One Nation Under God is seriously regretting more and more That DAY she relaxed her stand and compromised her glory & honor and did. Her streets now are a blazed with hate, anger, and violence. Her children are confused and have gone wild in sin & they are bringing forth the evil fruits of darkness and unbelief.......deno
Let us return unto the Lord and He will pardon us. Let us repent and He will heal our land. God I pray for America. That by Your Gospel and Spirit we as as Nation wise up and repent and return unto the Lord and bring forth the glorious fruit of repentance and forgiveness. AMEN.
Let us return unto the Lord and He will pardon us. Let us repent and He will heal our land. God I pray for America. That by Your Gospel and Spirit we as as Nation wise up and repent and return unto the Lord and bring forth the glorious fruit of repentance and forgiveness. AMEN.
Reminding America......deno
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
This verse of scripture is the foundation of the words, One Nation Under God....deno
Reminding America: Together We Stand, Divided We Fall. Blessed Are The People Whose God Is The Lord.
God Bless The United States Of America.
This verse of scripture is the foundation of the words, One Nation Under God....deno
God Bless The United States Of America.
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