Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lookin Up.....deno.....pleaase share freely

      Have you ever noticed the fact that personal and national troubles seem to always cause people to look up and go back to church....There will be so much trouble in the last days that even Jesus confirmed this fact. He said when you see all these troubles coming upon the earth, LOOK UP for your deliverance draws nigh.     
      In the times of need and in the times of troubles LOOK UP. Look up the promises of God and stand upon them when the winds of trials and troubles blow against your house and life. The promises of God are also  part of the POWER OF GOD unto those who believe them. When we stand in bible faith on the promises of God we are standing on the HIGH GROUND OF God that God gave us in Christ to walk on ON EARTH. We are looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith when we do. Looking up unto Jesus causes the deliverance to draw nigh and be maniifested ....Amen......deno

Abba, Father, Daddy.....deno....please share freely

It is a giant step in Christ that we make when we go from calling God, God, and every day calling Him DAD. Jesus every day called God, FATHER. The word he used here in English is the name Daddy. Like a little child calls his pop, DADDY. This closeness is every child's birthright In Christ. Romans 8:14-17. This Dad and child closeness we all have in Christ with the Father. We just need our eyes opened to it's great love. John 3:16 For God so loved us. John 17:23, Jesus said," that they all may learn that you love them EVEN AS YOU LOVE ME". This is what God want us to all learn, know, believe, and walk in it's light every day as we learn more of Him and to obey His will. We really are His children. He really is our daddy. Unless you think and become as a little child.. REMEMBER.....deno.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Pro Life Is Of God. Pro Abortion Is Of The Devil.....Case Closed......deno.......please shae freely

     .....And Moses said to the people, "who is on the Lords side? And God said unto the children of Israel, "I set before you this day Life or Death, Blessing or Cursing, CHOOSE YOU this day whom you will serve in this matter. Let us all humble ourselves and repent, for without exception, we must all stand before the judgement seat of Christ to account for all we stood for or against, for every idol and for every idle word we spoke, and for all the deeds we did good or evil.  Remember also The Great White Throne of the Mighty God.

     To all Christians that some how differ in their convictions about abortion. This Word from God is for you...."And God said unto them, Be fruitful, increase, multiply and replenish the earth." These words quoted are Gods Words for the reproduction and increase of male and female, the sons and daughters of God. This Word is Gods Words that change not. He said, "I will not alter the thing I have spoken." Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth was Gods words, and God would never alter them. Abortion obeys none of these Words of God. 
     Friends, Gods revealing Word reveals to us that the devil is the one who spins the truth and spins Gods Words. The devil is the one who twisted Gods Word and formed the lie. It is written Cain was of the devil and slew/murdered his brother. Jesus said to men who wanted to tear Christ words to pieces and to those  that wanted him dead and lifeless, He said to them. You are of your father the devil and his desires you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and he is a liar and the father of all lies and deceptions. 
     In these words God makes plain to us that Pro life is of God. Pro abortion is of the devil. The devil is always roaming  and looking for blood shed of people and for souls that he can devour. Abortion and all it's blood stained utensil are some of his devouring tools. But worse than that are the people, the souls who volunteer to assist in the devouring..... Case closed..... REPENT said John the Baptist......deno.

      If we confess our sin unto the Lord, he promises us that he will forgive us and cleanse us from all our guilt and sins. He loves you that much. Maybe you did have an abortion and you feel the stings of it. God still loves you. He would have saved every one of those men who whipped him and crucified him had they just asked him to...God is that loving and that forgiving. Thank God He is. 
     Make your peace with God on this matter. He loves a repentant believing heart..... And angels rejoice when people repent on earth, agree with God on earth, and turn to Him from their wicked ways. Jesus will fix it for you. Only Jesus can make peace for you with God. ONLY JESUS. That is what He lives now at Gods right hand to do every day for us all. TO MAKE PEACE AND TO KEEP THE PEACE by his blood, and by his  prayers and intercessions for us who come to him in repentant hearts of faith.....

The Message of the Cross........deno.....please share freely

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”;”
(1 Corinthians 1:18, 21, 23, 25; 2:14; 3:19).

Notes: The first verse above teaches us that the cross of Christ makes no sense to the natural mind of man. It is foolish to the worlds course and way of thinking. But to those of us whose eyes have been opened, the cross of Christ is the power of God that saves all them who believe.

    But we preach Christ crucified....What do you preach? What are you banking on for your assurance into heaven, the paradise of God? Remember, the Cross of Christ is the Message of God, not the words of men. It is the wisdom of God and it is the Power of God. Placing your hope in the commandments of the Law and strict obedience to the Law is the choice of man and it is weak and beggarly. It is weak and beggarly because no one, no not one of us can keep it to the standard God demanded. And what was that HIGH STANDARD? He said, cursed is every soul that does not do ALL THE LAW. 
     Don't hope in that which CURSES YOU for that to the angelic host in glory is real foolishness.  Hope thou in God. Have faith in Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. He went back up into heaven itself thru his own blood, death and resurrection course and he was not going back up there until he first went thru the scriptural course of the Christ passions, of his blood shed, of his death on the Cross, and after his resurrection. 
    All of us in order to be saved must remain joined to and remain attached to JESUS, the Lamb of God, by faith that remains; by trust that remains in the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God. Abiding Faith in the Cross of Christ, abiding faith in Christ blood, death and resurrection is the winning ticket. 
     We must become and remain one with our Redeemer by the gospels faith and mix connection. By faith we must become mixed with the blood of his cross, with his death on the Cross, with his resurrection and ascension back to the Throne and never veer off or stray from this mix nor leave this message of the Cross. For the Cross of Christ is the Power of God unto salvation. Every other message, religious or not, is the power of men and of human blind wisdom.. and of the human will. 
      I'm staying with Jesus Christ and him crucified. I'm sticking with, cleaving to, remaining mixed in, and with Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior from the Cross to the Throne. This way was HIS WAY back to heaven itself and back to the Throne of His Fathers glory. He could not go around this cup, the cup of the Cross, nor side step it and make it back to heaven. He had to drink that cup to fulfill the needful scriptures and so do we in ever trusting abiding faith in the Cross of Christ that justifies us in the sight of God. 
    Keep your Faith in the scriptures of the Cross of Christ and his resurrection for it is the Wisdom of God and the Power of God that saves to the uttermost them that BELIEVE AND OBEY IT'S LOVE MESSAGE. Greater love hath no man than this than to lay down, give and to live his life for others. Love one another as I have loved you said Jesus to us all. It is written, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (His Cross & Resurrection) and love one another. It is simple my friend and these two commandments are not grievous....deno

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Being Born Again Simply Explained.......deno....please share freely

        Until you really believe and know that your born of God in your spirit. Until you really know and believe that you are a son or a daughter of God your Father. Until you really see and believe that God is your dad and His tie to you is greater than the grip of any other family tie connection. Until you really know and believe in the love God has for you, you will never feel fully secure in Christ and your days will be gloomy with fear and doubt and questions wondering whether you are saved or not. 
      In Christ God is not your Dad because of your works and deeds. No , He is your dad by actual literal born of God birthright. See 1 John :1-5....The evidence is found in your spirits DNA. That DNA is Christ and His seed in you. He is the seed, the imperishable seed of God that we are born again by in our spirit within.
     Being born again is not a work of the flesh or from human deeds. It is a NEW CREATION in the hidden man of the heart in our spirit. It takes place the very moment the heart believes and receives Christ. The moment the heart mixes its faith with the unique one of a kind imperishable seed of Christ and His gospel, God recreates our spirit. Your spirit passes from death unto life (John 5:24). As Christ physical body was change from death unto life everlasting, (IMPORTANT CONNECTION TO BE MADE HERE) so is our spirits raised from spiritual death unto spiritual life everlasting when our spirit is really born of God and risen with Christ (Colossians 3:1-4). It is a spiritual resurrection which can by no means be figured out or understood by looking to the physical senses for its reality. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit.... 1 John 5:1-5 tell us how we become born of God. 1 Peter 1:22-25.....deno.

The Inside National Security Threat To Our Constitution....Evolution.....deno.....please share freely

      To believe that man is nothing more than evolved bacteria and slushy funghi ghooo that shaped itself into a single cell thru zillions of trial runs and then thru billions of years and thru zillions and zillions more trial runs, that first single cell shaped itself into every plant life form and into every bug, fly, butterfly, spider, bird, turtles, all fish and all reptiles and every animal form and all these things different internal parts for things mindless matter formed to live and have life and reproduce, and then after figuring out all those internal and external zillions of differences cause, from the monkey squad, man to evolve and come forth is more dangerous to the National Security of Our Constitution than all other out side armies and forces. 
      America, this very threat to the National Security of our Constitution is being poured into your children in all our schools and Universities constantly. This very brain washing, mind altering lie and theory kicks God out, the bible out, Americas Constitution out, righteousness out, absolutes out, moral laws out, equality out, and leaves before this nation the DO WHAT THOU WILT SPIRIT of the lawless one and do it without fear of a God or eternal consequence from the judgement no matter how weird, violent, or perverted the act....And you wonder what has happened to the Nation that the world once looked up to as the righteous moral people of the world, a christian nation. 
      Now the very thing that caused Sodom and Gomorrah to be judged by God, wiped off the map, and it's people destroyed, Americas political forces on the take promote the same weapon for our mass destruction from God and from within. They promote the gay life style from the schools, to the porn world, to the White House and our once God fearing Supreme Courts dishonor our Christian Laws and the Great Law Giver to appease what the bible calls the deceitful lust of men of unnatural affections, who have no faith and who are, even to God, most wicked and most unreasonable. Romans 1:24-32.

Real Prayer......deno....please share freely

      Real Prayer is ones heart in faiths assurance, speaking words full of ones hearts desires, targeted toward God who when the faith measure is right moves upon the desire of the heart that prayed those words and turns those desire filled words into living heavenly and physical realities in our lives on earth.
       Prayer is always, every time, WORDS SPOKEN and WORDS PERFORMED, much like this example " and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us". The words of our prayers become our realities when performed by God..

JOHN 10:10) Jesus who is called the Word of God in the bible said.....I (The Word Of God, The Word of the New Covenant, I Gods Good News To Men) have come to you so that you might have life and have it more abundantly. It's us praying Gods Word and Promises in faith assurance that makes all the difference of life and death, heaven or hell, blessing and cursing, victory or defeat, salvation or condemnation in our lives on eath......Amen......deno.