Sunday, April 6, 2014

Roll Away The Stone.....Lazarus Come Forth.....Preaching Peace By Jesus Christ......Ephesians 2:12-17).....deno......please share freely.

  1.           Romans 4:15) For the Law works wrath (by punishing all transgressions by the hands of men and of God), but where there is no Law, there is no transgression (Leaving what? A Covenant Walk of Peace with God by faith in Jesus Christ Sacrifice & Blood, Romans 5:1 and - See Isaiah 54:7-10))...... Ephesians 2:13-17) vs 15)....And God laid on Jesus all the commandments contained in ordinances...... 
            In Gods so great a salvation of man, God did a complete and mighty thorough job. He left no stone remaining. No Stone unturned. He covered EVERY NEED TO ENSURE THAT THOSE THAT BELIEVE AND BELONG TO CHRIST WOULD MAKE IT HOME SEALED IN CHRIST AND SECURE......For not only did the Father send Jesus to take away the sin of the world by His own blood (John 1:29), but He also sent Jesus to destroy that which gave sin it's legal strength, power, and condemning force over us which was the Law to secure our redemption(1 Corinthians 15:57-58). Both the Law which was the Strength of sin, and our sins God nailed to the Cross in the crucified body of His Son.....And as sure as Jesus died, so died our sins and so died the strength of sin which was the Law.....
            Now we walk by faith in the exceeding greatness of Gods love for us (1 John 4:10,14-15), and in the greatness of Gods Power in the blood, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ by His Spirit within us, and not by the sight of the weighty letter that killeth, and condemns, and stones to death the transgressors..... In a sense, if I may put it this way and be understood, At the Cross, God stoned Jesus to death for all our sins and transgressions forever, so that we would never be stoned again by the letter and Law that kills transgressors.(Hebrews 9:26) ..... 
            Romans 7:6, 2 Corinthians 3:6, For the Law stones and the Letter of the Law kills, but the Risen Christ sets us free and make us alive in the spirit, in the inward man, unto God who hear the voice of the Good Shepherd who calls us out of darkness into His Life Giving Cross, and into His Justifying Resurrection. Romans 4:25) and into His Marvelous Light..... 
            So this I write as Jesus said in order to make Lazarus come back alive from the dead. Jesus shouted, "ROLL AWAY THE STONE",(The Tablets of the Law)...then Jesus said to Lazarus.....".LAZARUS," if you hear my voice...., COME FORTH. (John 5:21) Lazarus heard His Voice and Lazarus Came Forth alive from the dead, just as we do when our hearts hear Christ voice and respond in faith to the saving Message of the Cross of Christ....(John 5:25 and Ephesians 2:1-10).
            John 5:25,) Jesus said....Truly Truly I say unto you, The hour is coming and NOW IS, when the dead (mainly speaking hear of the spiritually dead ,,,see John 6:63)) shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear SHALL LIVE (Shall be made alive. New In their spirit, in the HIDDEN MAN of the heart. See John 5:24.......deno.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Altar of the Cross of Christ.....Let Us Go There.......deno.....please share freely

Hebrews 13:10-16) Living Bible) We have an altar (A place where we live and serve God with offerings in thanksgiving)....We have an altar-THE CROSS WHERE CHRIST WAS SACRIFICED-where those who continue to seek salvation by obeying Jewish Laws can never be helped. 11) Under the system of Jewish Laws the high priest brought the blood of the slain animals into the sanctuary as a sacrifice for sin, and then the bodies of those slain animals were burned outside the city of Jerusalem. 12) That is why Jesus suffered and died outside the city, where His blood washed our sins away. 13) So let us go out TO HIM (Jesus) outside beyond the city walls, (that is, outside the interest of this world to be despised and rejected with our Savior) to suffer with him there, bearing his same shame/rejection of the people (Taking up His Cross as ours daily). 14) For THIS WORLD is not our home; WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR EVERLASTING HOME IN HEAVEN. 15) With Jesus' help we will continually offer our sacrifice of PRAISE and of thanksgiving to God by telling others of the glory and gospel of the Cross of Jesus Christ..vs 16) And let us not forget to do good and TO SHARE what we have with those in need., for such sacrifices are very pleasing to Jesus.....deno.

What We Shall Be Like In Heaven Made Simple.......deno......please share freely

        Jesus rose again from the dead. He was the first born from the dead of many to come Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:18,. If you want to know how we are going to be in the resurrection and in heaven forever. LOOK AT JESUS. He was the first fully (everlasting) resurrected man. (1 John 3:2 reveals to us this..."but WE KNOW that, (What did they know?) WE KNOW that when Jesus shall appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM, for we shall see Him as He is".....Well there it is. This scripture takes the mystery out about that question. To be like Jesus our Master in all things in spirit, soul, and body and life as he is in the glory of His Resurrection is the highest life and highest honor. We shall be like Jesus. We are His Flesh & Bone signifying our oneness connection and oneness attachment to Jesus in all things FOREVER.....
        And the love that we shall be like is Christ Same perfect love that has no fear ever again but is always full of joy and rich in gladness, in full satisfaction of life more abundantly. We shall love ourselves perfectly and we shall love God and one another with Christ perfect holy love. Even so Come Lord Jesus.....deno.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Updated....Amazing Grace vs Amazing Envy & Hate Unto More Abounding Grace. John 5:1-47......deno.......please share freely

      John 5:8-10)...Rise, Jesus said to the cripple man who had been crippled for 38 years, Yes Rise, take up your bed and walk. 9) Immediately the man was made whole and took up his bed and walked: and on the same day that this was done it was the Sabbath......then the next thing we read is... 10) The Jews therefore seeing him healed and walking with his mat, said to him that was cured, It is the Sabbath Day; it is not allowed by the law for you to carry your bed on the Sabbath Days.....When God heals, or performs a miracle, or answers a prayer it is a time for praise not for complaints.
      It is very strange to me the hardness of those Jewish leaders and many of their people in the day of their visitation from the Lord. Some people are so religiously dark and so religiously hard in their heart that when a great thing from God has happened to others as what was done to this man, you would think that the people around would be very excited and happy for that man who received a Masterful touch from God. But No, all these wicked religious people, all they thought about was mostly themselves and how they could be exalted in the crowds above the rest to be seen and admired by men and when others received Great Touches from God, in envy they sought to make the healed man feel bad and guilty. Amazing Grace clashed with amazing hate, clashed with the pointing the big finger, clashed with the holier than thou law enforcing RELIGIOUS FILLED people who as Jesus said, did not have the love of God in them (John 5:40-42). 
      Jesus was extremely touched by God. He had the Anointing of the Spirit of God without measure (John 3:34). This caused Jesus to be highly exalted by the Father in the eyes of Israel. Some loved him for it. But those who loved to be called Teachers and other esteemed religious titles envied the Lords Grace. They ended up crucifying him for envy (Matthew 27:18). Even today God has  many Anointed men and women serving the Lord before our eyes and many  just yachatee yach yach about them with negative criticisms, gripes and complaints. What we should be doing is blessing them and thanking God such dedication to Christ is STILL ON THE EARTH in this hour. If we did not have these on TV and in our services the whole nation would plummet into even greater darkness. Do we want that?....When what could be happening is  THE GREATER WORKS Jesus promised if we would quit griping, and complaining in the wilderness and talking bad about Gods Anointed amongst us.
       Church and America and all the nations, we all know we need a mighty heart changing move of Gods  Gospel, Of Abounding Grace and of His Holy Spirit with Power and Holy Fire in the Nations in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.. When God does answer this need, He just may choose people we have never even heard of. Maybe a shepherd boy from a valley or a woman who fetches water from a well to proclaim His Good News with Power. God knows. But when He does move  in heart changing mighty power and ways, as we need in this hour, let us all be a grateful, thankful people full of praise to God In Jesus Name for what He is doing and not be filled with this evil attitude "You were all together born in sin and such a sinner and do you teach us????? It is written, Grieve not and Quench not the Holy Spirit.

John 14:12) deno expounded) Jesus said concerning the works of God, He said, This is unbreakable truth for with My own mouth I have said it and the mouth of the Lord CANNOT LIE (Hebrews 6:18), "he that believes on Me,  ( believes Me, trust Me and loves Me with obedience and reigns in life and in Me thru the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17), the works that I do shall he do also; and GREATER WORKS than these shall he do, because I go unto My Father....Now it is still the Father doing THE GREATER WORKS thru Jesus, let us notice in vs 13 how Jesus is SO INVOLVED IN THIS GREATER WORKS, He said. vs 13) " And WHATSOEVER you SHALL ASK (we should be asking for the Father to do THE GREATER WORKS) in MY NAME, that  will I DO, that the Father may be GLORIFIED in the SON....

Let us pray.....
Father in Jesus Name, we ask you now to do the greater heart changing works of the Word, Spirit, Fire and Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in us in America and in the people in ALL NATIONS in Jesus Name and deliver more than billions of people from darkness unto light, from the power of Satan unto God, causing greater repentance and a great returning back to God by Jesus Christ and causing more and more billions to be  heart changed Born of God by faith in Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead. Such a heart change that we all every where are full of Gods Spirit and works in our heart and lives that we love Jesus and holiness and righteousness more than darkness and live and show forth this great change that God  Himself has done in our hearts that makes many united in harmony and Oneness in Christ all over the world..IN Jesus Name...Amen.......deno.

FREE INDEED....THIS IS REDEMPTION......deno.....please share freely

  1. Romans 5:13) For before the Law came, people committed sins, but no legal record of sin is counted when there is no Law in place.....1 Corinthians 15:56 says....the strength of sin is the LAW....Romans 4:16 tell us this redeeming GOOD NEWS...But where there is no Law there is no transgression (meaning no legal record kept of it to be used against you in a court of Law)...... Sin committed under the Law is record kept, and every transgression fully accountable. But sin is not imputed (Kept a record of) where there is no Law, this is REDEMPTION......... 
           In Christ we are not under the Law, but UNDER GRACE. In Christ we are not under the rule and dominion of the Law awaiting the Judges rule over our sins and transgressions. Here is why? This will bless you when you understand it.......

          John 5:22 reveals to us that God has committed ALL JUDGING AND ALL JUDGEMENTS unto Jesus (very important TRUTH there, very very important point). Jesus is now THE JUDGE. We were all guilty for sure by the Law and before God. But God gave our case to Jesus His Son our Advocate who God has also appointed as THE JUDGE and his verdict would reign and be upheld and honored by God and all of heaven and hells principalities and powers, all their rulers and authorities.....For the mouth of God had spoken that "I commit ALL JUDGEMENT unto My Son."(John 5:22)
            Jesus the Judge looked at all of us. We were all guilty, helpless, hopeless, and without strength (Romans 5;5-10). We all were worthy of eternal punishment. But Christ because He is great love, decided to do the unthinkable for all of us. He the Judge, instead of casting us all (the guilty) off into the fire which we surely deserved. He said. truly you all are guilty as charged, but your punishment will I absorb into myself instead, so you want have to and so that you can be saved and go free with your penalty and punishment for all your crimes and transgressions  paid IN FULL..
           Jesus removed himself for 3 days from the Judges Seat and went to the Cross to be wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. He tasted death for every man, even the death of the Cross.....then 3 days later God raised Jesus from the dead for our LEGAL JUSTIFICATION (Romans 4:23-25)  as FREE MEN, FREED AND REDEEMED by the blood, death and resurrection price of Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Redemption.  By the Price and the Awing Disfiguring Punishment (Isaiah 52:13-15) He Himself THE JUDGE paid for all our sins, transgressions and crimes.... Jesus THE JUDGE HIMSELF paid in Full the FULL PRICE FOR OUR LEGAL LIBERTY AND SALVATION with His own life and blood. That is why in the scriptures it is called the SO GREAT A SALVATION and our freedom is called A GLORIOUS LIBERTY.... And not only this, Ephesians 2:1-10 reveals to us that God raised us up together with Jesus  to sit with Him in heavenly places as FREE MEN not under the LAW anymore.
            It is true that this kind of love and this incredible act of lovingkindness makes no human sense and it shocked heavens host, but that is the love of the Cross of Christ that passeth human logic and passes all this worlds understanding Ephesians 3:13-19) and that SAVED US who believe....This is why He Jesus, knowing that God had committed ALL JUDGEMENT unto Him and into His Hands, that when he THE JUDGE paid our punishment in full in Himself with His own precious blood, that He could boldly say, Whom the Son (The Judge) has set free is FREE INDEED....He's the Judge. No higher Judge exist above Him. For I remind you that John 5:22 reveals to us all that the Father committed ALL JUDGEMENT, ALL ALL ALL JUDGEMENT UNTO HIS SON and it was THE JUDGE (HIS SON) that gave his life and blood on the Cross for our sins everlasting punishment. By the sacrifice of Himself, Jesus THE JUDGE put away sin forever and ruled us HIMSELF as under Grace and no more under the Law.....Brethen, In Christ Jesus and By Christ Jesus We Are Free Indeed.......Praise God forevermore....deno....please share freely.

    Isaiah 52:13-15) Good News Translation) vs 14) speaking of the Passion of the Christ) Many people were SHOCKED when they SAW HIM; for he was SO DISFIGURED that he hardly looked human......therefore it is preached, Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead.

Jesus said, Why Call Me Boss But You Do Your Own Thing????? A whip is in this light followed by some extremely GOOD NEWS....deno....please share freely

        Since we were crucified with Christ (Galations 2:20) and we are dead and our life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3) and now it is Christ in us that lives and not we ourselves, then how is it that we are still calling the shots and our daily agendas have mostly our signatures on them and not Christ. their delusions and deceptions going on here in this place, in this house called the temple of the Lord?
       Why call me Lord, Boss, Your King, Jesus said, but you don't do what i tell you, you do what you want instead. In history, esp in Jesus' days on earth, if you did not obey the king you were in serious trouble. You could even be put to death for such disobedience. 
        Brethren, Christ in you means the greatest King of all is in us. But thank God He is a loving, merciful, compassionate King that loves us far far more than we love our own selves. He is not willing that any would perish, but that all would repent. He, THE KING, gave His life to ransom us and to save us with His own redeeming blood. He died to save us from our sins when we did not love him at all or when we never once had obeyed him. There is great comfort and consolation in that. See Romans 5:5-10)
        If the Lord was not love and rich in mercy then we all would all have been blasted away long ago from the early days of Adams sin and transgressions. But thank God, God is RICH IN MERCY (Ephesians 2:4) because He so greatly loves us far far more than we love ourselves. Thank God because of Gods great love and because of Jesus Christ we do not get the all of what we by sin deserve. He was severely severely  punished for them so we could be just slightly chastised as a most loving Father does his child and more abundantly forgiven and pardoned by the most loving King of all (Isaiah 55:6-7). This is Amazing Grace.. This is the so great a salvation......
       We don't get what we as sinners rightly deserve just as Jesus who was perfect in righteousness and holiness at the Cross did not get what He rightly deserved. Jesus personally did not do anything deserving of the hell of the Cross. Evenso we have not done anything personally good that deserves the bliss of salvation and the splendor of the Father and of His Heaven but By accepting Jesus' punishment's for our sins on the Cross and believing God raised Him from the dead, God freely gives us His Every good thing just as He freely gave Jesus and laid on Him though He did no sin or wrong, though he deserved it not, all the hell of our sins punishments at the Cross. This is the wisdom of God in Redemption. Think about that one until it's redemption truth dawns on you. When you actually see this your war is over with condemnation....deno

Faith Filled Words. Creating and Tilling Our Spiritual Gardens....deno

       Jesus and the Father with FAITH FILLED WORDS made all this green and majestic beauty in this pic on the left, but ALSO with FAITH FILLED WORDS Jesus cursed a fig tree and withered and dried it up from the root as dead. Faith in itself is a power that has no conscience or say so about what it will or will not do. YOU DO. I DO. God has put that part in OUR HANDS. Positive or Negative we have what we really believe and say believing...
       Does your present state within and without feel and look like that dried up tree in the pic below on the right? Do you want to beautify your life up inside and out like that beautiful pic on the left? Obey the Lords love of God rules and commandments, and serve the Lord. He is Boss. And Fill your heart with the wonderful word of the Lord in its positive marvelous light of its glad tidings of great joy in overflowing abundance, and speak forth in faith, Christ Words of Life and Blessings. In your season you will harvest the beauty if you faint not....Jesus promised us that if we BELIEVE that those things we say shall come to pass we shall have whatsoever we say....We all start as little spiritual babes in Christ in this light. and we grow upward....
        Your spirit within right now is waiting for you to tell it things. It is starving for words of life, light and delight. It will obey what you believe and tell it. You can create a beautiful garden of life within you if you obey this light and believe and faint not. 
       All All All beautiful gardens in this world MUST BE TILLED FAITHFULLY. So as your own tiller you must guard and protect your spiritual inner and outer garden desire. I mean would you tolerate and allow bugs, and worms and bad chemicals to come into your natural gardens and remain in them. No, because you no such is unhealthy and dangerous to your gardens beauty and survival. Well to let sin in, to let sin  and, evil words which are evil seeds and the creeping devil enter your garden is s garden messer upper for sure. It can destroy gardens (Hello). Adam let sin in and cursed became everything in him and in his outer garden called Earth. You must remove the weeds and any creeping things that attacks gardens seeds, plants, growths and prosperity and survival. Resist the evil one and he will flee from you. Tolerate him and look at the pic of the tree on the right. That is the devils inner garden image and guess what caused this to happen to him?  Himself did. His Sin and resisting God and His will and wanting to live independent from God to do his own thing did that to Him.  Will we ever learn?......deno.....please share freely