Friday, May 9, 2014

Those False Interpretations......please share freely......deno

         Have you ever thought about this. Can you feel and detect that incredible flow of your blood as it magnificently circulates and makes it way thru your veins. No you cannot. You are numb to it. We hardly ever think of the bloods awing circulation thru out our bodies because God made our system numb to its flow. Not until there is a blockage or damage done to the body to we detect it and that comes by the pain. But let's say the pain is in your foot, you feel it in your foot somewhat, but you do not feel the blood flowing thru the rest of the body though it is flowing speedily. So since you cannot detect THE CONSTANT FLOW of the most important physical things for life by natural senses, why do you try to go by your physical senses to define the presence of the Spirit of God and heavenly things by the bodies senses for discernment or interpretation, or by what your body is telling you by its moods or feelings? We are such a feel it, feel it people about everything. What do we FEEL like eating? What do you feel like drinking? What do you FEEL like doing? Do you FEEL like going to the mall? What did you FEEL about that movie? How did you FEEL about that person? Which car do you FEEL like you want to buy? How did you FEEL about that church service? 
        We have been such a FEEL IT people about every thing that we even have kicked God anointed Pastors and Preachers and Servants down the road because they made us FEEL a certain way or they made us not FEEL a certain way. I mean after all human emotion and feelings is HIS VOICE RIGHT ? Well if that were true, then THE WHOLE WORLD is naturally and automatically being led by THE VOICE, by the voice of the Spirit of God. Friends come on. We know that that is not true. Note this. Jesus said that Israel through out her generations stoned and killed and kicked down the road the TRUE SENT BY GOD PROPHETS too, and because they did those things, they were headed down a road called TROUBLE for it. Guess they didn't FEEL THEM either.... They would have chased you down the road with a stick if you told them that was a true God sent Man of God you just stoned or kicked out of town.
      Friends the church has been so FEEL IT in their interpretation of heavenly things, that they spend zillions of dollars to physically change the FEEL OF THE CHURCH services. The FEEL OF IT'S ATMOSPHERE with new paint, new decor, , new scent, new lighting, new sounds systems, etc. This has been going on so long and so much now that so many people even think by the luster of buildings and their beauty, size and decor they can know what church  is blessed by God and which ones are not. Who is full of the Spirit or not. Note this: Flashing News. Important Point Here....Here it is. Israel for decades after Christ had risen and returned back to heaven were still in physical awe of the great temple, but God had left them and that building with all it;s decor and beauty since the day of the Cross of Christ.(Remember the great earthquake? Remember the darkness that hovered over the land? How about that thick curtain that was rent in twain and what that signified? We should see in that truth that we cannot go by what the flesh senses tell us about the presence of God, by looking at the the decor, comeliness, and size of buildings. We could end up spending a whole lot of money only to find out that it cost us far more than it changed lives, things, or even helped us. The people are just as controlling, just as dull and just as mean and as dead as they were before.

        All Jesus needed was a field, a tree, a mountain, a table, a road, a market place, a boat and HE was always FULL OF THE SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER WITH HIM EVERYWHERE. It is all about Love, Commitment, Surrender of will, Loving, Believing, PRAYER, INTERCESSIONS and Fasting's. Loving the Father. Wanting God really glorified, magnified and honored, souls saved and people blessed. We draw God nigh to us and and usnigh to God with the heart, NOT BY BEAUTIFUL DECOR OR BUILDINGS.
        John 3:34 tells is the Jesus had the Spirit of God without measure for He spoke Gods Word. Jesus was so surrendered to God that he said I do not say anything unless the Father tells me to, and tells me what to say and preach. I do not do anything unless the Father shows it to me first. Jesus  was prayed up always. His dedication and love for God was so real and true. The less we have these real inner things and real stuff of His Spirit going on in us as it was in Christ, the more we will keep deceiving ourselves thinking all those building funds and changes will enhance our spiritual feeling and moods cause we just have to somehow FEEL IT with our physical senses and make things FEEL BETTER AND DIFFERENT.The carnal mind and it;ls ways of thinking cannot please God.
      Friends, we cannot rightly mimic the Spirit of God and His Presence by building sizes and decor, just as with money we cannot hide sin or the pain and emptiness of the soul before God. Church, lets all get back on our knees in prayers and surrender and devotion to God. We need not those other things. What we need is Him, the Lord our God. We need to seek Him until we have found Him so much that when we get poked, the Love and the Word and Spirit of the Lord comes pouring out of us as it did Jesus our Savior......Do not go no where Jesus said, until you be filled with Power from on High. They obeyed the Lord and they were in the upper room FASTING AND PRAYING FOR DAYS and the power came...That is what we all need..The Fire and the Power of the Spirit of God...KEY? PRAYER....deno.....please share free.

Personal Testimony For Prayer to Walking Worthy of the Calling.....Please Pray For Me . Thank You.......deno

       Matthew 13:15)........lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR HEART and should be converted (No conversion without believing, so it should read), and SHOULD BELIEVE from their found UNDERSTANDING and I should HEAL THEM....... 
        Friends and Church, deeply and rightly understanding what Jesus did for us on the Cross brings us healing from the Lord, even reaching all our parts, in the spirit, in the soul, and in the body. So Seeing in Christ, Hearing In Christ, and Understanding with our hearts in Christ should be amongst the top points of high personal importance, just as important as resisting the devil, and yielding not to temptation for yielding is sin..Is that important to you ???........
        When I was a child our precious Mom (The Pastor and Preachers Wife) used to sing that song to me, or around me I should say to get to me often....Wish I would have listened in the 70s to her and that song more. Sure would have saved me a whole lot of grief. They taught us that the way of the transgressor was rough and hard. But I was so stubborn and inquisitive I just had to find out the hard way.... for years.
        Yea that forbidden fruit of the world presented by the devil sure has a great look to it and a grooving sound to it, but he never shows us the down side where you suffer loss, hurt, heart ache, and if you never recover from the snares it fastens on to your life and soul, you spend and eternity rolling around in a raging eternal nightmare of never ending regret.  As it is written in the book of Isaiah, Hell from beneath has enlarged itself and stirred up the dead to meet you at your coming. Evidently they did not overcome.....scroll down...
       Thank God our Mom and Dad and loved ones kept loving us with intercessory prayers. I'm older now and more and more coming to their senses. Wished I would have obeyed earlier their light. Surely I'm not perfect but I am pressing...And You?????.....Lets all in America Come Back Home. Jesus is waiting for our generations answer......Please pray for me that God will use Me as He sees fit in bringing many to Christ senses, to repentance, to salvation and back home into Jesus Christ thru the Cross unto God where they belong.........deno.....please share freely.

My Happy Place......deno.....share freely

Gods Word has become my happy place. When Gods Word becomes your Happy Place you will find yourself joyfully with Jesus all the time (He's There Himself filling up the pages. He is THE WORD). Gods Word is the table and the feast of Bread that He prepared for us even in this midst of this world. As He said in John 21:12 to us, "Come and Dine"

The Beginning Of Your Confidence In Christ, Never Exchange It. Never Lose Sight Of It. Never Let The Devil Deceive You As To Cause You To Let Go Of It.......please share freely......deno

Hebrews 3:14) For we are made partakers of Christ if we Hold On To The Beginning of Our CONFIDENCE firmly and all the way to the end.

       The space shuttle was launched from it's launching site and millions and millions watched all over the world as it rushed into the heavens. When it reached it's destination the crew strangely caught a dose of memory loss. When Houston asked them how they were, they replied strangely the words, High and Lifted up. Houston sensing a possible problem said to the space shuttle crew, Do you know how your got so high up into the heavens and do you remember your mission? The crew replied, what mission and how did we get up here?
        Even today, so it is with many in Christ. They are born again and risen with Christ to the heights of his heavenly places of His grace and glory in the spirit, but it seems they are suffering a severe case of memory loss and cannot answer correctly how they got there, so high and lifted up into the heavenly place of Christ far above.
         Well just as the space shuttle crew can be helped to regain memory and truth of how they got so high with the help of those who do remember and know, so can the Christians who have seemed to forgotten the beginning of their confidence. In both cases all we need to do is back track and we will come to the launching pad.
          In Christ it is always and with every launch from the Cross to the Throne. It is always this way and it never changes. We launch with Jesus from the Cross to the heavenly places of Christ, unto the Throne of God and Grace... This is the Way, and The Truth That Leads To The Life. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead unto God the Father in His Throne in Heaven. Repent and Attach Yourself To His Travels From The Cross To The Throne By The Joining Of Faith And With Him And By Him You Will Arrive Safely Into The Paradise Of God That Is Far Above As He Did.. 
        The Cross of Christ Is The Launching Pad For All, NO Exceptions....No Matter how far you go into the heavens of Gods Paradise THRU THE POWER OF THE LAUNCH, and no matter how far you go into the heavenly places that are far above in Christ, never lose sight of the fact of how you got there and from where you were launched from THE CROSS......By remaining in this light and redemption truth you will not fall from grace.....deno......please share freely.


Forgive All and For Gods Sake and For Your Own Sake Stop Offending People.......please share freely......deno.

      Friends thank God. In Christ Jesus we are FREE. We are FREE to LOVE one another and ACCEPT one another as Christ loves and cherishes and nourishes all of us equally as His Own Flesh, as His One Flesh. For we two have become ONE FLESH with Christ. We are born of His Love To help one another, forgive one another, to bear ye one another's burdens which in doing so fulfills the law of Christ. You cannot do all this good, holding against people their faults and sins. We must always forgive as Christ forgave and forgives us....

.......Now on another note, this same Word has another side. It is on the back side which many ignore. Quit offending and sinning against people trying their love and patience and longsuffering. That is Wrong and that is Rude and ungodly. Beware, for some believers are still babes in Christ and they may have a short fuse which being interpreted means....Go and sin NO MORE against that person lest you get thrown into the smack and into the prison of their anger and carnality.....Well it can be a truth for you, you know....We reap what we sow REMEMBER.

      Let us learn  and  do as Jesus taught, Go and sin no more lest A WORSE THING HAPPEN TO YOU......Hello.....Jesus came to take away sin, it's stains and it's behavior by the glory of His Cross and by the glory of the Love of God and heaven alive and active in our hearts. God is Holy.... Jesus taught us, If you love Me, obey Me and keep My commandments.....He said love one another. He preached His Woes to those who OFFEND PEOPLE....Read Mark 9:42......deno......please share freely.

Christ Accepted You and Christ With His Blood Has Made Us Acceptable unto God. The Power of the Blood of the Passove Lamb prevails for all of us who believe and belong to Christ. Let us therefore accept and love one another as Christ accepts and loves us. It is a Love & Mercy filled Relationship.....deno......please share freely

Romans 15:7-9 NCV)) Christ accepted you, so you should accept each other, which will bring glory to God. 8) I tell you that Christ became a servant of the Jews to show that God's promises to the Jewish ancestors are TRUE. 9) And He also did this so that those who are not Jews could give glory to God for the mercy He gives them......He accepted us Paul said. Ephesians 1:6 KJV) To the praise of the glory of HIS GRACE, thru which He has MADE US ACCEPTED in the family of God. 7) In whom we HAVE REDEMPTION thru His Blood (There is the Grace, the way He Accepted Us revealed, the blood of His Cross. He died and did not suffer so much in vain), in Him we have the forgiveness of sins, according to THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE......GOOD NEWS GOSPEL.......deno......please share freely.

Is Your Past like an HAUNTED HOUSE.....Jesus is here to set you free......deno......please share freely.

        Does the things of your life and past look and haunt you like this old haunted house. Some of us have lived so devilishly in the past that like Mary Magdelene, the devil had to be run out of our house with the limn of a TREE. Things were pretty spooky in those days and their memory haunts us today. Well friend, you are not alone. When Jesus came down from heaven and paid His own people Israel the promised visitation, He found them a wicked people, a generation of living, breathing haunted houses full of wickedness, sin, darkness, doubt and demons everywhere. No one really from the heart seeking God. God had to seek and find them they were so lost and backslidden and blinded by devils. Everyone had turned to his own will and way in this life. Seeking their own pleasure and not to please God. They were so wicked and dark in the heart, that when the Lord suddenly was revealed in their midst and was knocking on their doors, they were deaf, dumb, numb, and blind to Him and His voice, and rejected him with mocking laughter that  turned into stones in the hands, that later turned into nails and a Cross.
       Their house my friend was truly a haunted house full of dead men's bones and all corruption, Jesus said. Evil and blindness was in every room in their hearts and minds, in their house,. Still yet, even though they were that sinful and wicked, God our Hope and our Salvation came knocking on each of their doors by His Son, He loved them anyway (did you hear that?) and said, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever (including all those haunted houses in Israel; the wicked people) believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life...
        Your past may be to you, in your mind, like an evil spirit filled wicked & scary haunted house, full of wicked embarrassing sins of all kinds. Your house may be full of the ways and full of the sins of the witch, full of dead men's bones and all corruption, with whited tomb stones in the front yard where demons use to lay. Well friend Jesus is called Savior and Deliverer, the Might Sin overcomer and Past conquer for a mighty reason. THAT IS HIS SOUL PURPOSE.
      He (((Jesus))) robed Himself in redeeming flesh and blood to set the captive free by His blood and Spirit thru the Cross and His resurrection and thru His Liberating Anointing...It matters not how devil filled, wicked filled, witch filled, sin filled, flesh filled your life has been, God in His love that passes all human logic and wisdom, wants to take you in His Saving Strong Arms, forgive you. Wash you clean in His own precious blood, and set you free. He wants to give you a new heart for a new life in Him, lived full of His love, light, grace, Spirit, truth, goodness and mercies ever the more. He wants to make you His and His Sons brand new beautiful home and your heart another one of His living majestic Thrones for His ruling and reigning in life, sharing His Name and authority with you as His child in love making you one of His Kings Robed in His Love and Honor for an eternity..
      The way to all this and your NEW BEGINNING, Jesus made simple, though He himself went thru an agonizing bloody Cross to purchase us for Himself. He bought and paid for us in full, by the price of His  sufferings on the Cross and by His own precious blood. Then three days later God raised Jesus His Son from the dead and He is out and about right now seeking new homes for His Fathers infilling and ownership. He wants to redo their interior and decorate their walls with the beauty of the Lord and His grace, goodness, gifts, presence and Redemption..... Are you on the Market????
       Today He has knocked on your front door to see if you will invite Him in and become His. He will not reach down and open the door and force His way in.... No...God is a true gentlemen respecting every mans own will to the fullest measure of free will and choice whether the choice be unto blessing or cursing, or unto life everlasting or death. The Lord knocks and it is all up to us to open our heart and invite Him In. Friend, He is knocking on your door. Want you be wise and open your door in faith and let Jesus in.
         Revelations 3:20) Jesus says, Behold I stand at YOUR DOOR and knock, If any man hears My Voice and OPENS his door, I WILL enter into Him and will sup with him and he with Me". Want you open your heart today and let the Lord of mercy and of great compassion and of heaven and glory in. Want you let the power in the blood of His Cross work and prevail for you and forgive you of all your sins, and of your past and  let Him take the glory of the Power in His Resurrection, make something beautiful of you and of your life IN HIM by He IN YOU. You need not be haunted by your past NO MORE. He forgives all our past and has Vowed and Sworn to us that He would be merciful unto our sins and our wickedness and iniquities He would forgive and forget FOREVER..... Then you can join the many of us who did this same thing before you and you can more and more learn to believe and to say, Jesus I know and believe in the love you have for me. Here I am Lord. I'm yours and You are mine. Thank you for dying for my sins, and for forgiving me of all my past and making all things New in me and in my life. I believe that God raised You from the dead....Teach me Lord to more love You, more adore You, believe You, Obey You and to Serve you joyfully in Your Name and Love...Amen.......deno.......Please share with all of America and all the World.....Someone's heart is craving these very Words.
Deno Smith's photo.Deno Smith's photo.