Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Deliver Us From Evil.....please share freely......deno

     When America went from 3 TV channels that never in those days would dare offend the Name of the Lord and the Church, to the cable system of hundreds and hundreds of channels owned by those who oppose Jesus Christ as Lord, who love to offend Him and crucify him afresh with their fresh unbelief, the course of America and the way Americans perceived this nation and themselves on a national level from then on out would vastly be changed and never be the same again.... The Last state shall be worse than the first without Divine Intervention of God and His Grace and Mercy upon this nation....And yet Jesus said, Men should always pray and never give up, for all things are possible to those that believe and all things are possible with God. Hope then in God...
      Let us daily call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for our nations healing and deliverance from evil....Jesus said, Father I pray, not that you take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil and sanctify them thru Your Truth, Your Word Is Truth. We to should join Jesus with these SAME WORDS  in our intercessions for our nation and the world. (John 17:9-17)....deno.....please share freely.

Why Israel Rejected Jesus As Messiah.....please share freely......deno.

     Jesus did not fit the carnal natural minds religious fantasy of what Israels elders imagined and wanted Messiah to LOOK LIKE and to be like. All the healing's and all the miracles, and all those people Jesus raised from the dead, and the preaching of repentance and of faith and obedience to Christ message of love and of His Lordship over them, they little esteemed concerning Messiah. THEY DID NOT WANT TO ACCEPT THAT PART OF MESSIAH NOR DID THEY WANT TO HEAR THAT...Jesus told them, You do not hear nor understand My Words nor the scriptures concerning Me. Even his closest disciples had to have their eyes opened to see the scriptures concerning Christ. Read Luke 24:44-48.
      What they wanted was a mighty warrior and a man of wisdom and economy wits THAT THEY COULD MAKE WORLD PRESIDENT OR KING LIKE OVER THEM AND THE WORLD to make them prosperous and super rich, super strong, and of fierce countenance in this life and in this world. Someone of riches, of power, one of glory, and worldly splendor  and militant superiority of the battle field like king David was and Solomon, that could rise them above all the powers of the world and make them rulers of the earth with all nations including Rome under their feet with Messiah as King. As that kind of Savior.....Not the law of sin and death deliverer of His People. Not the Savior that saves us from sin and hell. No, they wanted the Jewish mighty one for this life's profitings. They did not understand the spiritual or heavenly side of Messiah, Read John 3:1-21.
     They failed to see the stages of the Christ scriptures written appointments and of the importance of His blood and suffering scriptures, and why those scriptures said that Christ must first suffer and then enter into His Glory (Matthew 24:44-53), then later return to carry and deliver and exalt His Redeemed, those who were saved by His Blood. 
      When Jesus returns from heaven to earth the 2nd time in GREAT POWER AND GLORY that all the world will see all together at once, then shall his enemies be put underfoot. Then shall the government of all the world be placed upon his shoulder and shared with all the Redeemed both the Christian Jews and the Christian Gentiles whom Jesus will appoint as rulers of territories and cities and nations. But not till the spirit of AntiChrist has ran his course to fulfill 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13.....
     What is your image of Jesus? What is your image of his return? What should we all be doing at his return? Working for Jesus. Witnessing for Jesus. Living for Jesus. Dying daily for Jesus. In fellowship with Jesus. Washed in His blood. Risen with Christ (Colossians 3:1-4). Loving the brethren. Living holy and separated lives, not in sin. Calling upon the Name of the Lord. Watching our tongues. We should BE BELIEVING. Keeping our watching lamps full of oil SO THAT WE ARE NOT BLINDED BY THE WORLD. Abounding in the work of the Lord with thanksgiving. Loving the Lord our Savior more and more. Helping. Hoping. Visiting the sick and those in prison. Feeding the hungry. Clothing the poor. Bearing each others burdens. Not weighed down with love for this world and the cares of this life. Redeeming the times knowing the days are evil. Aiding our appointed shepherds/pastors. Blessing one another in the Name of Jesus Christ. Resisting the devil and the spirit of antiChrist in prayer and in strengths of all sorts God given......deno......please share freely.

The Spirit Of AntiChrist Unveiled......please share freely.....deno.

      Note: The spirit of the AntiChrist is not anti Jew, it is the spirit of the devil which is anti Jesus as the Christ, as the Son of God by whom God made the worlds (Important point there). The spirit of  the AntiChrist, it's goal and mission is to take from Jesus Christ the Anointed of God, the glory that only He deserves and to give it to another by means of deceived and mislead Jews who crucified the Christ, and who counted His blood as an unholy thing, and by the world who is blind to heavenly things, and are totally unanchored to fantasize about a world without God, and a world full of alien possibilities and many other delusions, as in the theory of evolution that scientist know today is a lie but for AntiChrist promotion it is still preached despite moderns day science contradiction and discoveries to it with the present observable facts found in DNA and other resounding truths.
     The spirit of AntiChrist was first manifested to have infiltrated into the heart and the mind of Judas and into the  majority of the Chosen People of God first in Israel. It was first thru them that came the first stages of direct face to face confrontation of man with the Lord from heaven who had become flesh. Under the bewitchings of the spirit of AntiChrist upon their theology and upon their heavenly perception of the Messianic Scriptures as clearly seen in Isaiah 61:1-3 and in Isaiah 52:13-15, and in Isaiah 53:1-12, that under it's subtle and crafty spell they argued against him (Jesus Christ the Anointed, Empowered Son of God). They challenged and withstood Jesus  all the way to the Cross of Christ despite the thousands and thousands of notable miracles of healing THEY TOGETHER SAW AND WITNESSED. Even the resurrection of many raised from the dead. (Matthew 27:50-54) (They united against Jesus and withstood him to the cross of their own desolation of the Spirit of truth and to their being fully handed over to the reprobation of their minds by the spirit of error and of AntiChrist thinking and behavior to withstand Jesus thru out their generations unto the future generations even to this day. These are heavily backed by Satans power over this world and it's finances, it's riches, over it's fame stages, it's glory and splendor supply and powers to continue this until the AntiChrist fully comes on the scene as the scriptures foretold in bodily form in the last days of grace. 
      These words of truth just penned above about how thru Jesus Christ God created the heavens and the earth, puts Jesus with the Father upon the throne of God BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN. This truth Satan knows is THE TRUTH for he was there years ago in heaven and saw the glory of the Son of God with the Father in the Godhead, with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all in One Triune Spirit in Spirit Divine Mix.(Recall with me that the scriptures says that Jesus proceeded out of the Throne and Bosom of God the Father and that He was WITH THE FATHER to be revealed in due season as He was when the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us in Israel......
     But it is this truth he, the spirit of AntiChrist, tries to hide from men because it puts Jesus in the hearts and minds of men EXALTED far above all his religious and non religious beliefs that he has formed in the world in the belief structures of the hearts and minds of men in his formations of their thoughts, thinking and cultures. And it also gives great great power and significance to the blood of His Cross, the Cross of Christ the Son of God our Redeemer and our Redemption wrought by His Precious Blood.
     Satan, the spirit of AntiChrist, he is the ruler of the darkness of this worlds blindness to heaven and to the true Divine things that are of God...So whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, if you do not believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God by whom God created the worlds, you are in the dark and you have been over powered in your thoughts and in your believing by the spirit of AntiChrist and by the Power of the Prince of all Darkness and Delusions of deceptions in this world.....Setting the record straight in Jesus Name.....Jesus Is Lord....deno.......please share freely.

Jesus & The Constitution of the United States.....deno.....please share freely.

     As Jesus and His gospel is the anchor to the believers soul and eternal pathway, so is the Constitution of the United States the anchor of liberty and of freedoms maintenance in America. The tossing away of either one of these most treasured pearls of freedom and liberty will bring men into bondage, one in the spiritual world and one in the natural world. Both must be defended and confirmed by and thru the triune union of God, faith and THE PEOPLE.....please share freely.....deno.

The Way To Gods Good Upon Our Nation.....deno....please share freely.

       In Gods plan to do the house of Israel HIS GOOD unto their nation, notice the standard He set for that good to happen and for THAT BLESSING of His to them to BE MAINTAINED in there society......Zechariah 8:14-17) This is what the Lord Almighty says, Just as I had determined to bring severe trouble and disaster on you and showed you no pity because of the sins of your ancestors who provoked Me with their sins and unbelief and just as I fulfilled those words and scattered them into the nations, So again have I thought in these days to make you a promise for MY PERFORMANCE, A PROMISE to do MY GOOD unto Jerusalem (My People) and to the house of Judah (My People): Do not be afraid (in other words do not doubt Me doing this GREAT GOOD to you. I told you what I was going to do to your ancestors for there many sins and those words and that trouble I surely fulfilled and brought to pass.  So now, do not doubt that I will also fulfill MY PROMISE HERE TO DO YOU GOOD and to bring THIS GOOD to come upon you and be fulfilled and come to pass....God can do it and is willing to do it.
     Friends Not doubting this (this good God promised) brings real hope of a BLESSED FUTURE with an EXPECTED END in these present days and in the days to come).....16) These are the things that YOU SHALL DO saith the Lord, (America are you listening again? Your founding fathers, even though they were in need of grace and mercy just like all, they hoped in the Word of the Lord and in His Promises they took their faith stand). 
      These are the things YOU SHALL/MUST DO, (Ready?) #1) Speak everyone of you truth to his neighbor. (No lies, no deceit, no false fronts, nor cover ups, no lie to hide a lie to hide that lie, and another lie to cover up that lie). #2) Render true and sound judgement and peace in your courts and in all your affairs (Truth and judgement based on GODS WORD about all situations, not humanist/atheist thought that God resist and refuses to bless. Honor God as God). #3) Let not any of you plot ill will or imagine any evil against his neighbor, #4) Love no FALSE OATH, do not swear falsely or in vain not meaning it, and do not break your Vows, For all these are things I detest, hate, and I will not bless..... 
     Well America right now is full of the DOING ALL THESE THINGS that God said DON'T DO for He will not bless such behavior. Faith and Loving your neighbor as yourself, and holiness of heart and vow keeping integrity of the tongue were the blessing combination......
     The choice is ours. God has already made His Move. He has already come down from heaven and went to the Cross (TO BLESS US read Acts 3:24-26) and was raised from the dead. Now like Israel, we must believe, love one another for real, and speak no evil, no lie, never swear or promise or vow and not keep it. We must not do these things (Swear or Vow falsely) in swearing in for political office or in marriage or in any other Vow sutations. 
     In our courts we are to render our judgements according to the Word of God even as our founding fathers laid the legal foundations for us to do FOR THUS SAITH THE LORD. We must rebuke sin and wrong lest we spoil our land and society and fill it with corruption and abominations FOR SUCH GRIEVES THE SPIRIT AND THE BLESSING OF THE LORD and things THAT GOD HATES AND WILL NOT BLESS....
      America we have done all the things mentioned above that GOD HATES and Fore told us that He would not and could not bless. We need a revival of neighborly love and honorable and righteous living in America. We need a personal and national and governmental INTEGRITY REVIVAL. Healings and manifestations of the glory of the Lord are truly wonderful. But all that good without our repenting is a miss of the whole point. For though Jesus did all those miracles and healings and all that good to His people in the days of their visitation on earth from the Lord, most refused to repent, and most refused to listen to Him to the point of that they OBEYED HIS TEACHINGS and in their unrepentant hearts of unbelief they crucified Him in. Oh they loved and wanted the supply and the loaves and fishes blessing but not repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. God could not bless Israel for that and He said, Behold oh house of Israel, Your house is now left you desolate and empty of GODS PRESENCE. Your on your own and and you will not see Me nor My Blessings again, not until you learn to cry of Me your Redeemer, Blessed is He that came to us in the Name of the Lord. 
     Note this very very very IMPORTANT DISCERNED TRUTH AND POINT: Some riches and blessings though they seem glorious and spender filled, they are not from the hand of the Lord but from the hand of the tempting Satan, who for deception sake gives abundantly the riches and fame of this world to those who do his bidding like that which was in crucifying the Lord. Read Luke 4:5-8 and then go and read John 8:44, they did the devils desire. They (even THE CHOSEN) unbeknowings to them bowed down and yielded themselves to Satan's request & will and the lust of their father they did and they crucified Jesus (John 8:44). 
     Note also, As it is written of Judas for his willful betraying of Jesus, The scriptures clearly says THAT SATAN THEN ENTERED INTO JUDAS. Well Judas was not the only one that did not believe and he was not the only one that BETRAYED JESUS to be rejected and crucified in that hour. Many many other people, both Jews and Gentiles were in on the nailing and in their unbelief that is going on even in our day today, they still crucify Jesus afresh today thru their multi faced works in our society against His Cross, against HIS NAME, and against HIS SAINTS, against HIS GOSPEL. These betrayers, just like what happened to Judas has happened to them, SATAN, (The spirit of antiChrist) HAS ENTERED THEM TO OPPOSE AND SCHEME AGAINST JESUS CHRIST in secret and publicly in America and in all the nations in these last days....Scroll Down.
      Believe it or not, and the DEVIL (the spirit of antiChrist) has put into these betrayers of Jesus  Christ, he has put into their hands much of the wealth and riches of HIS WORLD AND HIS SYSTEM for doing that (Luke 4:5-8). For doing many subtle latter days schemes against Christ Jesus, and against the Saints, these schemes. And these anti Jesus plots are going on as we speak and have hit and infiltrated America and our once Christian society Hard like the driving of the nails that comes from their unbelief. Open your eyes America...
      Paul said clearly that those (whosoever they be) that do not believe that God gave His Son and that do not love His Son and that do not believe in His Atoning Blood and sacrifice and resurrection are ANTICHRIST whether Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Humanist, Atheist, American, or other Gentiles....God in Jesus Name open our eyes......please share freely....deno.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jesus' Big Shoes that Buddah nor Mohamed could never wear......deno.....please share freely.

       Ephesians 3:8) Unto me, who am less than the least of all the saints is this grace given, the I should preach and write to the church's the unsearchable riches of Christ....and to make all men see what is the fellowship and benefits of THE MYSTERY  which from the beginning of the world has been hid away in God who created all things by His Son Jesus Christ......That God had an Eternal Son hidden from our sight was part of that MYSTERY. That by His Sons Incredible Involvement God created all things and that without Jesus His Son was nothing made that was made (John 1:1-14 and Hebrews 1:1-2 and Colossians 1:12-17)....Scroll Down.
      And there is no prophet among men that God exalts equal to or above His Son (NONE). No prophet and not one of us could ever fill the shoes of these BIG WORDS, That by Him were all things created and without Him was nothing made that was made. Moses Could not wear those shoes. Kind David could not fill those shoes. Buddah nor Mohammed, nor any other esteemed person on earth are not worthy to untie those BIG SHOE STRINGS....Jesus is Lord. No one else, no matter how much they exalt themselves or are exalted by people as to be something, can come close to Jesus Christ Gods Son, the Lord from heaven by whom God created the worlds. And the Word, the Son of God by whom God created all the worlds by, He became flesh and dwelt amongst us.....deno.....please share freely.

AS ROME BURNS......deno.....please share freely.

Photo: A tale of two leaders…As President Obama goes to a BBQ joint, Texas Governor Rick Perry goes to the border.  What happen to, “I'm not interested in photo-ops. I'm interested in solving a problem.” Who looks like the real leader here? http://fxn.ws/1r2meRh
      As Rome burns, her Caesar is out shopping, raising money for political gain, throwing a party, and on vacation reading a Post America book..By their fruits you will know them. Its called a wolf, a dragon, a beast, a Communist in Uncle Sams clothing. 
       Yes I have had enough of what this man and his party links have done to America, to National Integrity and Trust, to conservatives, to our veterans, to the Twin Towers, to our Nations image, to our Banks, to our health care system, to our military power, to our borders, to the definition of marriage, to Christmas, to the Cross, to our nations Christian heritage, to God and Country, to Patriotism, to One Nation Under God, and to Jesus Christ and the Christian Faith of our founding fathers.....WE THE PEOPLE....
      Best to note.....WHEN IT COMES TO THE FINAL BIG SHOW DOWN JUST AHEAD, IT IS BETTER TO HAVE JESUS ON YOUR SIDE THAN ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD AND IT'S BANKS. Jesus arose from what they did to him, but what God is going to do soon to them in His avenging of His Son, they will never rise back up from. It is written. And God shall destroy them with everlasting destruction and the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever. Who is on the Lords side? I AM.....deno.
      A tale of two leaders…As President Obama goes to a BBQ joint, Texas Governor Rick Perry goes to the border. What happen to, “I'm not interested in photo-ops. I'm interested in solving a problem.” Who looks like the real leader here? http://fxn.ws/1r2meRh