Monday, August 25, 2014

The Next Step of Grace.....deno.

     God knows when our hearts are ready for His next step in our lives. He knows when the spirit is willing and He knows when the flesh is still to much in control causing us to sleep when we should be praying, studying, seeking God or in church. The disciples eventually overcame the flesh by grace and we shall to. Grace will bring forth the needful things. Trust in the Lord. Commit yourself and your way to Him and He will part those Red Seas that we need opened up to get us to the next chapter of His grace in our lives......deno......please share freely.

Believing & Obeying God, The Winners Combination.......deno.....please share freely

         Friends our sins cost the Son of God his blood and his life. Sin, no matter how small or how great it is, it always carries with it a price. If the Son of God could not be spared our sins price, only a deceived heart could think that our sins will not eventually find us out somewhere and someway down the road in our life and days on earth and in the spirit world. Like John wrote, These things I write that you sin not....But if we do sin Jesus in his faithfulness will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
      Sin seems to always be a fun pleasure seeking adventure at the first. Into our minds comes all kinds of reason why we should do and cleave ourselves to that sin or pleasure or wrong doing. The devil is so clever in convincing people to sin and to do the wrong thing and to stick to that sin and repent not. Like cigaret smoking and drinking alcohol, he knows exactly how to paint in our minds the good picture to make us desire that sin or that wrong doing and by those images we become full of many persuasive persuasions to commit transgressions and do things that harm us. But like smoking cigarets eventually pay day is coming. We will reap the harvest of sin if we planted sin along our way and did not rid our gardens of it thru Christ blood and forgiveness. 
      When shall we wise up? When shall we say no to the things that God gets no pleasure in? God rewards the believer and the obedient, but He resisteth the proud and the wicked. If we love sin we love not God. Jesus said, It is those that do what I say that love Me and those that obey me my Father will bless and manifest Himself unto them.
       Friends no where in the scriptures has it ever said sin and disobedience leads to Gods favor and goodness and blessings. We cannot live in any forms of sin and be strong in faith for sins committed by believers makes the heart heavy with conviction which in turn effects faiths confidence. Lets all do as the Spirit of the Lord has already said, Let us AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TO SIN NOT. In Acts 3:26) Peter shouted that the Lord has come to us after his resurrection to BLESS US ALL BY TURNING US FROM OUR INIQUITIES. Faith and living in sin is robbery of Gods blessings in our lives. It is by no means in any form a winners combination. It has lost, lose, and loser written all up in it. So flee from iniquity. Go and read Palms chapter one all over again. It contains the wisdom and counsel of the Lord for all generations.
      Do we want the blessings of the Lord then get serious with loving the Lord and obeying His Love Commandment and Holy delights? If we plant good we reap Gods good. If we plant sin, evil follows. Obey God friend. Trust in the Lord and do good. Trust that He will honor you in your life for your faithfulness to obey Him instead of Satan and instead of blind friends......please share freely....deno.

HAS EVERLASTING LIFE and shall not come into condemnation.....deno......please share freely.

      John 5:24 speaks volumes and volumes of GOOD NEWS to us in just a few words here. Jesus himself spoke these words and he spoke them for a great assuring, comforting reason...He said. He that hears my words and believes God sent me has EVERLASTING LIFE. He could have used the words 'temporary life" but evidently being it is impossible for God to lie and he was God in flesh, had he used the words temporary life Jesus would have been lying and he would not lie to us. So he had to use the true words in unveiling this truth for He had attached His famous TRULY TRULY TO IT.....The truth of His Matter in this light is this, He that hears My Word (that hearing here means to hear, to mix faith with, and to obey them) and believes that God sent me has EVERLASTING LIFE and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life......deno.....share freely.

Even the Greatest Suffer Persecution.......please share freely.....deno.

         Saul of Tarsus on his way to persecute Christians ran head on with the Lord Jesus Christ in a mighty visitation of the Lord. The Lord appeared to Saul in much of the brightness of His Glory and when Saul beheld the glory, Saul fell from his horse to the ground blinded by the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.
        Friends that day of exceeding great light in the life of Saul was going to change and transform his heart and life forever. Sauls name would be changed to Paul and on that day the GREATEST of servants of Jesus Christ was born again and was soon to become A GIANT in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God. 
       All this is true and all this is praise worthy but one must not leave out this which also accompanied Pauls so great a salvation and so great a conversion. For a few days later while Paul was still blind from the brightness of Jesus' appearing to him on that road to Damascus, the Lord appeared to another man name Ananias and said to him about Paul that he wanted him to go find Paul and pray for him. Jesus said to the hesitant Ananias who feared Pauls past record of persecuting the church, Jesus said.....Go to him Ananias, for he is a chosen vessel unto me for my purpose, to bear MY NAME before the Gentiles, and before presidents and kings, and the children of Israel. 16) For I will SHOW him what GREAT THINGS he must suffer/endure for MY NAMES SAKE. (Acts 9:15-20). 
        Truly we have great light and blessings believing and belonging to Christ. Yet we must not become deceived as to think that such exempts us from the thorns of the beautiful rose that God planted in the world. He said to the up and coming GIANT for Jesus Christ Paul of Tarsus, You will suffer GREAT THINGS for serving Me. Count  the cost and press onward.....deno......please share freely.

Abraham Believed God......deno......please share freely.

........And Abraham took God at His Word believing that what God promised him God would bring it to pass and God called Abrahams faith his righteousness above all works.
   ....Because of this truth we find the apostle Paul writing to us in Romans 4: Read that entire chapter. That chapter is bread upon bread. But for this light we focus our attention on verses 21-25...And (Believing) Abraham being FULLY PERSUADED that what God had promised him He was also able to perform...Because of his faith God counted Abrahams faith as his righteousness to obtain promises and to walk with God. 23) Now all this was not written for Abrahams sake alone....24) BUT FOR US ALSO, to whom it shall also be counted as our righteousness to obtain promises and to walk in God IF WE BELIEVE ON GOD that raised up His Son from the dead, 25) Who was crucified for our sins and rose from the dead for our justification (THRU BELIEVING THAT GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD).....As it is written. The just shall live BY FAITH ....
      TO God the believing of Abrahams heart was for more powerful in pleasing God than all the carnal commandments imposed such as physical circumcision etc.. The scriptures reveal to Us in Hebrews chapter 11 that it is impossible to please God without faith..So whatever we are going thru or needing LET US ALL TOGETHER BELIEVE GOD FOR OURSELVES AND FOR ONE ANOTHER AND FOR OUR NATION AND FOR THE WORLD IN JESUS NAME......Scroll Down.
     And what was Abrahams faith like? It is defined in these words. Romans 4:19-21) 19) Abraham being not weak in faith He considered not how dead the situation looked of his own bodies impotence at his old age, neither did he let the deadness of Sarahs womb rock him. 20) He staggered not at the promise of God through doubt and unbelief BUT WAS AND REMAINED STRONG IN FAITH which glorified God. 21) And being FULLY PERSUADED that what God promised God would perform 22) And for his unstaggering faith Abrahams faith God counted as his right in the sight of God......And Jesus said to doubting Thomas. "Don't be doubting Thomas. BE BELIEVING."  Friends let us all BE BELIEVING and never doubting that Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the dead for our justification. TRUST GOD. TRUST JESUS. HE IS LORD.......deno......please share freely.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

In the furnace of the fire of His Grace......deno.

     In the furnace of the fire of His Grace God is molding us. Sometimes when going thru this it is not a pleasant feeling. Sometimes its agonies are as birth pains until things of Christ are formed in us (Galations 4:19 & Hebrews 12:10-11). We all need more of the image of His shape within our character. In these last days that fire will intensify in the church to ready us for His coming for our standing before the Son of God in peace. In the world the other fire comes to ready them for the great and terrible day of the Lord when God shall thoroughly purge His creation of the evil unrepentant bunch to burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire (Matthew 3:7-12).....please share freely......deno.

Zechariah 13:9) The Lord said....and I will bring a third of them through THE FIRE and by that fire I will REFINE THEM as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried; They shall call on my Name and I will hear them. I will say, they are MY PEOPLE, and they will say, The Lord is OUR GOD....

It Is Well With My Soul.....When Peace Like A River (hymn with words and music) - Horatio G. Spafford