Thursday, August 28, 2014

God Will Seriously Judge the Muslims for their lying to the World For Exalting Mohammed more important that His Son Jesus Christ.......share freely.....deno

       In the Koran Jesus is spoken of much more than the prophet Mohammed and every honest learned Muslim will tell you that. And Jesus never mentioned the Prophet Mohamed (NEVER). Jesus preached that HE WAS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, not any other (NO OTHER). 
      Jesus said go into ALL THE WORLD and PREACH HIS NAME, HIS GOSPEL, HIS LIGHT, HIS LOVE, HIS MESSAGE, HIS BLOOD , HIS DEATH, AND RESURRECTION PURPOSES and HIS FORGIVENESS TO ALL THE WORLD, AND MAKE DISCIPLES OUT OF ALL NATIONS (Including all the Middle East Nations and He said, and Lo I Am With You Always Even To The End Of The World......Note: To the end of the world Jesus' Gospel and Message was to be preached and his Gospel does not change)..... ( ALL ARE TO BE BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS AND EXALTERS  OF JESUS CHRIST & HIS LIGHT AND LOVE AND NO OTHER)...
      Paul in his calling for the defense and for the confirmation of the gospel of Jesus Christ shouted to all the nations that there is NO OTHER NAME OR MESSAGE UNDER HEAVEN THAT SAVES THE SOUL FROM HELL BUT JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED AND RISEN FROM THE DEAD....Christ Message has not and cannot change).....
     Jesus said He was the Way. He was The Truth. He was the Life and that no man comes unto the Father except thru Him. Jesus did not suffer so much and die in vain. His death on the Cross was the ONLY WAY FOR US TO BE SAVED. (Mohammed himself is fully subject to THIS  TRUTH and to all Jesus' Words). To think other wise is deception. 
      And even God the Father Himself said in Hebrews chapter one to His Son when He raised him from the dead, He said to Jesus, Come now MY SON, and sit here IN MY THRONE AT MY RIGHT HAND until I make all your enemies and all your opposers your FOOTSTOOL PLACED UNDER YOUR FEET, POWER AND AUTHORITY (Mohammed is not on the Throne of God) but far far far below it.......
       Mohammed himself has to humble himself at the foot of the redeeming blood of the Cross of Jesus Christ as well as all of his blind followers or he or they shall not make it into heaven no matter what he or they think and no matter what the devil said to him/them religiously. Satan deceived them to believe a religious lie, just as he has deceived America and many to believe we can keep on living in sin and it will be ok,  and no matter how they burn or kill people by self destruction such is to their own destruction....They are highly in error and highly deceived and so highly misled. It is a most horrible and a most sad ending story for them unless they repent and bow their hearts love and faith to the Risen Son of God.
        Jesus said that He was the light of Life and His resurrection was THE PROOF. God Himself bore His own witness that His Son Jesus Christ was the truth when He raised His Son from the dead......
      Jesus said that He was The Bread that CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN And the bible says by Jesus Christ God made the worlds and without Jesus was nothing made that was made. Moses, Isaiah, Ezekial, Daniel, Mohammed, nor any angel could ever honestly say by them were the heavens and the earth created and made. 
      Any so called self appointed prophets that preaches their word is above Jesus' Words, or exalt their names Above Jesus, they are FALSE PROPHETS of religious demons that roams inside the thoughts of deceived minds. Paul wrote that the devil and his demons transform themselves to come across as religious messengers that seem to be light but they are deceivers of the darkness and they deceive the blind and they deceive and seduce their hearts and minds from the truth that is only in Jesus Christ blood, death and resurrection purposes...
       Jesus Christ is Lord and For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed in Jesus in the obedience of faith would not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE.....The Muslims are in for a serious rude awakening very soon. They should not have promoted Mohammed above Jesus Christ the Son of God. You  (Scroll Down)

cannot escape hell nor live forever with Jesus in his glory by doing so......deno......please share freely.

The First Ingredient of TRUE SALT.......deno......share freely.

        Jesus said we are the light and the salt of the world....Light shows the way. Salt preserves and keeps things from rotting.
    Here is some light of the things spiritual salt does....Salt stays connected to and stays in fellowship with Jesus for without Him we can do nothing.  Salt lives by the Love of God commandments and rule. 
     Holiness without love is like clouds without water. Holiness alone is not the fulness of God. God is love. God is rich in mercy. God is good. God forgives. Love (Gods Love) holds no record of wrongs or sins done (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). 
      Holy Jesus is for sure, but it was Gods love that caused Jesus to take up the Cross and shed his blood for our ransom. Holiness says no to sin but love is what caused Jesus to step off the Throne and come to earth and lay down his life for the punishment for our sins. Love (Gods love) forgive sins and keeps no record of wrongs done. Gods love forgives every sin.
     Love (Gods love) bears one anothers burdens. Holiness God is, but His great love caused the holiest of all to become a man and He that never has ever sinned humbled Himself and  HUGGED POOR SINFUL PEOPLE DAILY when He was on earth. The God that is light in whom is no darkness at all HUGGED POOR SMELLY PEOPLE, HE HUGGED CURSED EVIL PEOPLE. HE LOVED THEM TO THE VERY END the scriptures says.
      Holiness by itself does not do the above. Love does the above. God is truly a sinless pure Holy Spirit but His heart is Love and by His love He that is Holy gave himself for us and saved us by His own blood. Therefore Love is salt so salt must forgive. 
     Forgiveness is one of the greatest ingredients of salt. Forgiveness destroys sins destructive powers coming and going......SO LET US ALL FORGIVE. Scroll Down.
     Without forgiveness all the world is doomed. Salt saves. Salt forgives. Salt keeps no record of wrongs forgiven. If we do not forgive we shall not be forgiven Jesus said. There is NO SALT at all in UNFORGIVENESS. Let us all BE SALTY IN FORGIVENESS......Amen.....deno....Pastors/Preachers there is a message in this. I know you can dig it out what I am trying to say here. God bless.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jesus Is Praying For You....Be of good cheer......deno......please share freely.

      Several times when Jesus was on earth people were in situations that seemed forever a loss cause and hopeless. Parents children had died. Mothers daughters were possessed with wicked tormenting spirits. The list is huge but Jesus healed them all. Jesus fixed their problem...... 
       Peter had denied the Lord 3 times and his heart was broken and Satan toyed with Peters head minute by minute telling him he had committed the unpardonable sin, for He had denied the Lord and Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before My Father which is in heaven. Satan pounded Peter with that scripture over and over again trying to destroy his faith and crush his hope, hoping that Peter would throw in the towel and give up all hope and quit following Jesus in faith and faithfully.....
      But friends Jesus is not called Savior in vain. He is a mighty Savior and one who prays and intercedes for us so that even when we do fail him and lie and miss him, He can still fix all that mess we made by his powerful intercessions. Peters case proves this....
     Isn't it great to know Jesus right now is at the Fathers side praying and interceding for you/for us....His prayers NEVER FAIL.....This man Peter who Satan tried to sift as wheat and tried to crush his hope by using Peters denying the Lord, and his lying sin and failure, he used all that against Peter in his mind, which I call the place of faith persecution. Jesus' interceding for him not only got Peter totally forgiven, but lined Peter right back up with Gods grace and favor and the original calling that God wanted Peter to fulfill as a soul winner....Peter was the man Jesus chose, anointed and used on the great day of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost to win all those thousands of souls to the Lord......Friend hope thou in God. Jesus is praying for you....Be Believing.......DENO......share freely.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Invoke this blessing into your life in Jesus Name. As often as you will speak these blessings over you and your childrens life. Read Numbers 6:22-27..........deno......please share freely.

Father in Jesus Name Thank You For All These Blessings In My Life. Amen.
1) Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.
2) Bless the Lord O my soul and remember all His blessings and benefits and these treasures of God and His grace in your life. These blessings are mine in Christ Jesus.
3) God forgives all my sins and God separates me from the darkness and from evil. The Lord fills my heart with Christ marvelous light of the gospel and the light of life and the path of His Joy forevermore.
4) God Cleanses me of all unrighteousness and He removes my sins and their effects from me by the deep depths of the healings that come from His forgiveness. He separates my sins from me as far as east is to the west and He remembers them no more. These blessings I have in Jesus Christ by His Blood.
5) The Lord saves me and keeps me. The Lord preserves me and delivers me and my life from failure and famine, from disasters and destruction. 
6) The Lord takes away my sickness and the Lord removes from me all diseases. He restores my soul.
7) The Lord by Jesus Christ crowns my life with His tender mercies and with His goodness and Joyfulness in the Holy Ghost.
8) The Lord touches my heart for His glory and my heart is healthy and healed, strong and tender and unstony.
9) The Lord satisfies my mouth with His goodness, with His Good News, and with His Good Things so that the youth of my spirit, heart, soul, mind and body is renewed like the eagles and as a healthy joy rich happy child of God in Christ.
10) The Lord keeps me and protects me. The Lord continues to favor me and blesses me and my life, my days and my nights exceedingly.
11) The Lord makes His Beautiful face to shine upon my life.
12) The Lord is so gracious to me.
13) The Lord is very kind to me. 
14) The Lord turns His face towards me and His love overtakes me and my life each day and night.
15) Im in Gods love and Gods love is inside my heart and life.
16) The Lord Jesus Christ gives me sweet peace and great assurance forevermore. God manifest Himself to me in His love and great favor in Jesus Name in all these blessing and much more for He is the God who is always far more than enough. My cups overflow with the blessings of the Lord and the riches of His grace, glory and presence. Christ is my Head and I am His flesh and bone.  We are the most highest, most royal, most richest blessed family in all creation. We are Father, Son, Children of God in Christ and Holy Ghost in Jesus Name...Yes and Amen. 

Yes and Amen.

To My Children Hear My share freely.

       To my children, my precious two sons and my beautiful daughter, thanks for being born. From the day I saw each of you enter this world your dad smiled and I stood there in awe. I saw the wonder of God in your eyes as with your eyes you glanced at me and said Hello Dad. I held each of you as I stood there in your very own unique awe and God given glory that babies have. Your smiles lit up my world and our world. I could not help but think of God as I looked at you with the signature of His creative touch all over your face and little bodies. I thought, Lord How Great Thou Art. Children, thank you for all the times you made me laugh and for all the times you made me cry and for all the times you made me get on my knees before the Lord with thanksgiving and with a fathers concern. Dads do that children. Dads that know the Lord call upon His Name in good times and in trying times for their children. Such never gets old. Such is common to those fathers who know the Lord. I love each of you and it is in that love I feel led to write these words today. Please Hear My Heart. Please Hear Your Fathers Cry.
         And now here we are decades later kids and I still call you my kids and as my children I want to talk to you about the God of your childhood, The Lord that formed you in the womb and about other important things.  God is the Lord and Jesus is His Name. Children I never dreamed we would see the day in America when there would be so much hostility in our nation against the Lord that formed you in your mothers womb that made me stare at you in awe and wonder when you were born. I never dreamed that in America there would rise a people of such darkness that they would boldly come against the faith that is in His Name, the Name of the Son of God. I never dreamed that America, though in so many ways imperfect, yet having faith in God,  God accounted Americas faith as her righteousness (Like He did Abrahams faith) as a nation of believers, that so many in this nation would so blatantly and viciously take their stand against the Lord and count the blood He shed in His love for us to redeem us and  for the everlasting covenant of peace with God to be established, that men and women in this Nation would mock His sacred blood and His sacrifice and strive with all their power and might to silence His message and to cast His Name out of America thru what is called the freedom from religion movement. A movement that is unlawful according to the Constitution of the United States which in all honesty of heart and print was written by believers in God and for their believing in God freedoms and expressions, privately and publicly, not for their faiths  suppression as to closet faith in America, or run faith under ground. That movement itself should be sued and the honest Constitutional Judges render such a movement as unlawful according to the Constitution that a child can read and see plainly the freedom of religion is for believers and religion and not against them and silence that unConstitutional voice forever lest America give way to even more curse and darkness and lack in the land.  Even many of these same ones that count Christ blood as un-sacred also think very little of the sacrifices many men and women have made for Americas independence and liberties. These same people not only are they anti God but many of them are also anti the American Dream and Independence and want to change the Constitution of these United States for their power and control of the greatest nation that has ever been raised up by God on earth. Kids please hear your fathers cry.
       Children when your dad was a child I heard all the politicians call upon the name of the Lord in this nation. I heard Hollywood call upon the name of the Lord. We heard Actors, Lawyers, Judges, Pro football, basketball, baseball players and coaches call upon the name of the Lord. Such was shown on TV all the time. It was common place when we were kids. We heard the entertainment industry in America call upon the name of the Lord. We heard country singers, rock singers, and soul music singers call upon the name of the Lord. We heard the Presidents of our nation call upon the name of the Lord unashamed of His Name and of their faith in Him. Both the members of the Republican party and the members of the Democratic party called upon the name of the Lord. We heard the Principals and Teachers, our Coaches and even University Professors call upon the Name of the Lord in classrooms and at graduation ceremonies. Even we as students in the classrooms proudly pledged our allegiance to God, to Freedom, and to the United States of America with our hands over our hearts as Patriots who loved the God and Country combination. That was America for many generations from her birth.  Children we were not a perfect people. America has never been a perfect nation but think about it, no nation has never been perfect or without sin or bloodshed. NOT ONE. Not one in all of history. But what we as Americans did have back in those days and for centuries before us was faith and hope in God. We believed in the Lord and in the promise that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that thru God better days would come upon Americas future. But as our founding fathers knew, we knew WE HAD TO HAVE GODS FAVOR, HELP, AND BLESSINGS ON OUR NATION.
        Children, now today in America it seems that your generation has been persuaded to set aside the ways of the old America and open your hearts to another spirit, another drum beat, and to voices that in my childhood were forbidden all across this nation. Your generation has been persuaded to accept things that in my youth America would have warred against being they were things unpatriotic and of things contrary to the Constitution of these United States. When we were children freedom to express our faith was uncompromised. Freedom to call upon the name of the Lord was allowed on every public square for we believed that we needed God, His grace, His favor, His blessings and I never saw a soul burn the American flag. Those that thought such things were considered traitors. 
        Kids our hearts were not blind to our need for God, nor were Americas founding fathers blind to our need for Gods interventions in our nations affairs. Congress even voted for the White House to be the local CHURCH BUILDING in D.C. for decades and decades. They did not believe in separation of church and state as lied about to your generation for the darkness to cover this land today. They prayed daily in all our government buildings all across this nation, and if you would have said to them that doing so was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, well go study history and find out what such would bring upon you. Hint, what did we do when England tried to take away our liberties and our independence? That children was the real spirit of Americas freedom loving, freedom upholding founding fathers.  And my generation, we hippies, and we hillbillies, and we soul men, and we crew cut college boys, we believers of all sorts, and we doctors, and we lawyers, and we pilots,  and we bike riders and we mechanics, and we plumbers, and we carpenters, with all our beautiful American girl friends and wives (YOUR MOTHERS)and we moon chasers and all the many others of the Patriotic Generations, we sang constantly and unashamedly the great hope and  prayer song titled, God Bless America, Land That I Love, Stand Beside Her And Guide Her Thru The Night With Your Light From Above. (That light we Believers all over this nation knew and believed was Jesus Christ the light of life as the bible says who was BY GOD BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY who in the proper time showed us His love for us and gave His life to ransom us from sin thru the blood of His Cross and that God raised Him from the dead giving us endless hope by faith).       
       But today children, some how others of a different creed and of a different belief structure, and of convictions prevalent in other nations, and of a different idea that opposes our traditional American ways and traditional Christian faith and values, and opposes our traditional patriotism spirit, and opposes our countries Constitution have somehow infiltrated our nation and have rose to power and their goal is to bring an UNLAWFUL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE TO AMERICA. But they can only do so if (YOU), your generation of Americans surrenders Americas  traditional beliefs and compromises Americas Constitution by the caring not just give me the money mind set which is BOUGHT BETRAYAL. Will you? Will your generation go down in history as those who cared not about Americas Traditions that made this nation so strong and great and about Americas Traditional History and Christian Heritage? Even the winos when we were kids voted to keep the righteous in power in America for they had sense enough to know we needed righteous people in power in this nation and we needed those who believed in peace thru strength because they knew like we knew that in the world are some serious crazies and nuts out there who in the name of their beliefs and in the name of their god would cut your head off for disagreeing with them and a strong America would be their downfall from spreading their poison in the world. But now we hear the words be Tolerate and Tolerance. Words which give the nuts of the world territory to infiltrate not to mention the Evil one himself. Kids as your generation sleeps your enemies, the enemies of our faith and of America move and scheme in the land waiting for the right moment. It is time for your generation to wake up and realized what is really going on in your nation and what others want to do to your generation in America. They are hoping that they have your generation so addicted to unlawful sex, to drugs, to rock and roll, to rap, to lust and pleasure that your generation could care less about what is going on as long as you can get your SIN FULL, FUN, ENTERTAINMENT  PLEASURE FIX. Kids through out history kings and mighty men have been conquered being drunk and asleep at the wheel. They have even lost their heads. Shall the statue of Liberty lose hers because your generation cared not but to have THE BIG PARTY.
         Children as an older parent now and as I look at your generation and to the things your generation esteems as important and as worthy of your time and devotion, is life now all about the pleasures of life period? Is it all about the BIG PARTY with forgetting the pains that purchased Americas Freedoms to party. Children the future of America cannot be paved rightly if her liberties past birth pains are forgotten and her much blood shed purposes silenced in the present by the loudness of your generations don't care  BIG ON GOING PARTY.  
        Kids America and Freedom has enemies and you must not forget that. God and His Son have enemies and that to you must never forget either. These enemies love your generations love for pleasure and hate for discipline and the things of God and of Americas Traditional Heritage. Satan loves your unclothed beach parties and your hate for religion, for light, and for what is right and honorable and  faith. Even as Jesus said, Those that oppose him in the end will love darkness more than light, and the pleasure of sin more than salvation. He said, the last generation that falls away from him will love fun and pleasure and entertainment more than God. They will be ripe for the AntiChrist stage and for his plucking of the American eagles feathers. This leaves that generation naked and unarmed against the wrath of God to come in the end. That is what Gods enemies and the AntiChrist wants of your generation. To be defenseless against him and against them. Your generation is asleep while they party in the scream, and they are deaf, dumb, and blind while they profess such brilliance. I love you but as a concerned father of your generation I must speak the truth. These words were destined to be penned out of my love for you. Dad has learned so many things from virtue and from so many wrongs of my own doing and mistakes. And from all I see going on in America.
        Kids if your generation continues down this dead end road of reckless irresponsibility  concerning the maintenance of freedom and faith in America, you and your generation will wake up one morning under the light of foreign leadership that our founding fathers fought against to keep America Separated and Free.  To you and to all your generation we implore and we plead with you as caring fathers and parents, put the juice down for a moment and take a record of your ways. Does your generation fear not God? Are you the faithless generation the Spirit of the Lord fore told us about that would rise in the end of days? 
         Children, all this you see in America, all her strength, all her cities and economic power, it did not happen by accident or by freak chance, nor by people who stayed in the shade all day, or on a phone 24/7, or on a computer pleasure box smoking a blunt, or with their pants hanging down every day in public rebellion and self humiliation. Nor was America built by immoral women whose mouths embarrass the Angels sent to serve and to protect. People who, though they were not perfect, yet exercising faith and hope in God, and human muscle, sweat, brotherhood, and TOGETHERNESS, they built this nations glory and independence. And each generation passes on the torch of Americas glory and freedoms maintenance to the next generation, but for the first time in our history we are finding it more difficult to find true Patriots in your generation that is worthy to receive the torch of freedoms care and this is causing our enemies and Gods enemies to be  like sharks and lions roaring about now so close to a great feast of their desire which is the FALL OF AMERICA.
        Please children, hear your father and the fathers of this nations cry. Come out from the ways of darkness. Come out from the spirit of Pilate who knows not the Lord and gave him over to be crucified by those crowds of great unbelief. Come out of the the way that Jesus said makes a person two fold the child of the devil and of hell. Please please wake up and come to Gods senses before the final chapter is fulfilled of Gods mercy offerings to the world. God is going to close the door of His Grace soon and as a loving father I want to be with you in the Paradise of Gods love forever. So come out from the way of sins pleasure and repent and do the right thing. Come out of the ways of dishonorable living and conduct. Come out from amongst them and be ye separated from the path that leads to famine and destruction and take up the Name of the Lord and to His Honor restore the hope of your fathers generation in the future of America. Freedom is at stake and so are the souls of the people of your generation. The choice is yours. We fathers cannot make this decision for you. We can guide you to the voting booth. We can cry aloud that you be wise and choose light over darkness, right over wrong, strength over weakness, but even God lets all people of every generation choose for themselves their destiny in this world and in the after life. Please children, hear the cry of Americas fathers, your dad included......please share freely.
 Love You With All My Heart. 


Nicky Cruz Conversion Testimony (70s but never gets old)........Powerful......Jesus Loves You. He Will Change Your Life. He Will Save You And Give You A Beautiful Future With His Love & Light. Just Like He Did The X Gang Leader Nick Cruz.........deno......please share freely.