you imagine a world so beautiful that no one ever thinks an impure
thought, or of any hate, and all have pure hearts of no sin, evil, or
darkness and everyone delights in the Lord and His goodness and awing
glory, and all greet one another with a holy embrace in the Name of the
Lord of Love and of Light, and we all love to bless and serve one
another for our hearts have zero vain glory in them
and selfishness is not even in existence....That is the way it is in
all of heaven and everyone there is pure light in heart and in mind. All
are rich in gladness and joy. It is so delicious to the heart and to
the souls in heaven in Gods presence that just being alive is full
satisfaction for joy and happiness there does not come from possessions
and from working hard for something. In heaven joy, love, light and
happiness is our constant being. We shall be like Jesus for we shall
know and see Him as He is...1st John 3:1-2....deno....share freely.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Let All Muslims Read This Light.....God THE ONE TRUE GOD LOVES YOU and He Will Never Lie Nor Tell Others To Lie, To Cheat, To Deceive, or Murder In Cold Blood.......share freely
Come now one, come now all and incline your ears to the pleas and reasoning of the Spirit of Truth and of Grace. Come and sit quietly before the gentle voice of the Lords love and persuasion and you will hear the counsel of His truth echo in your heart like thunder after the great flash of the Lords glory and light in words of truth.
You say that you know the One true God and that your sword at the neck is of His Command. You say that the God you serve is God and hates the infidel and that He Himself in all His unblemished purity and holiness has Himself commanded you and even demanded you to lie, to cheat, to defraud, to mislead, to deceive, and to swear falsely and to make false promises to others by all means necessary to advance His Holy Sinless Cause to make converts of the nations and to take over governments by even trickery and clever deceit?????.
But Jesus Christ the Lord rebukes you for your blindness and says don't you remember? Don't you recall His Words that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand???? If your god is the God of Truth and is the real HONEST TRUTH, then why would He go against all He is (THE TRUTH) and go against all he stands for and tell all of you to be liars, to be cheaters, to be deceivers and cold blooded killers and to act like heartless little devils. If your god is the god of Abraham and of Jacob and of Moses as is the Holy One, pure and whiter than the snow in light, if He was all that, why would he tell you to go and lie when He is holy and pure? Such in itself is GREAT CONTRADICTION....
Why would He go and tell you to deceive when He cannot lie? Why would he go and tell you to hate when He is Love as Jesus said? Why would he go and tell you to mislead, tell you to cheat and defraud all by all means necessary to make converts and to overtake nations and governments if He is himself all trustable and all honest and not a liar. EYES BE OPENED.
Listen. Listen. Listen all you stiff in the neck vessels of destruction and stubble for the real Gods wrath, you are so deceived and so blind that you cannot see your own double standards and double mindness. Gods word says it is absolutely impossible for the One true God to sin or to lie or to deceive and He will not tempt any man to sin and to lie, cheat, deceive, mislead, defraud. He leads in holiness and He guides in perfect unblemished righteousness.
When Jesus was on earth he preached, That Satan the enemy of the Throne of God comes only to lie, to cheat, to steal, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, and to murder, and to destroy. But the Father who is GREATER THAN ALL has sent Me to love, to give my life as the atoning ransom and sacrifice to save the world from sin. He sent me into the world so that thru Me you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 8:44,45).
I ask all the Muslims that Jesus dearly loves and desires to be saved and have their eyes truly opened to listen to what you are about to hear. If your God is God and He demands of you to lie, to cheat, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, to murder to make converts of people and of nations and of governments for that is his obliged way of doing things, then if that is his way THEN WHAT MAKES YOU THINK HE WILL NOT LIE TO YOU or DECEIVE AND MISLEAD YOU, or KILL YOU, or CHEAT AND ROB YOU, or MURDER AND DESTROY YOU. Children are imitators of their fathers. And fathers teach their children HIS WAYS. The good fathers teach their children virtues of love and of goodness and of moral behavior, of truth, honor and honesty. Evil fathers teach their children to lie, to be cold, to be dishonest, to be heartless and merciless, to be evil, to cheat, to deceive, to be deceitful and trick artist to take advantage of others, even to hurt and to destroy, and murder in cold blood.
If he delights in the evil you say he commands you to do to make converts, to lie, to cheat, to deceive and to destroy and murder in cold blood those who reject what you preach and proclaim by lies, (The Koran is filled with sayings commanding you to do all these evil deceitful things) then what makes you think your god is not lying to you, deceiving you, and misleading you if he demands you to lie and mislead others by trickeries and misleading deceptions?????????????????????????.
Jesus said it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE. He also said, that Satan is the deceiver, the murderer, the misleader, the thief and the robber. He said Satan is THE LIAR and the lying spirit and THE FATHER OF THE LIE AND ALL DECEPTIONS and all religious and non religious lies and deceptions, NOT THE ONE TRUE GOD.. Not the Loving Holy Mercy Filled Father.......SCROLL DOWN.
PLEASE IN JESUS NAME IN LOVE WE SAY TO YOU PLEASE WAKE UP BEFORE YOU FIND YOUR SOUL IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT THAT ALL THOSE THAT SATAN DECEIVED GOES TO WITH THE DEVIL AND HIS FALLEN ANGELS THAT LIED AND DECEIVED THE WORLD......The One true God is love and He is light. In Him is no lie and in Him is no evil or darkness.....Amen....Jesus is the Son of His Love. Jesus is the Lord from heaven....He is risen from the dead.....Amen & Amen. We are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation to everyone who believes.
You say that you know the One true God and that your sword at the neck is of His Command. You say that the God you serve is God and hates the infidel and that He Himself in all His unblemished purity and holiness has Himself commanded you and even demanded you to lie, to cheat, to defraud, to mislead, to deceive, and to swear falsely and to make false promises to others by all means necessary to advance His Holy Sinless Cause to make converts of the nations and to take over governments by even trickery and clever deceit?????.
But Jesus Christ the Lord rebukes you for your blindness and says don't you remember? Don't you recall His Words that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand???? If your god is the God of Truth and is the real HONEST TRUTH, then why would He go against all He is (THE TRUTH) and go against all he stands for and tell all of you to be liars, to be cheaters, to be deceivers and cold blooded killers and to act like heartless little devils. If your god is the god of Abraham and of Jacob and of Moses as is the Holy One, pure and whiter than the snow in light, if He was all that, why would he tell you to go and lie when He is holy and pure? Such in itself is GREAT CONTRADICTION....
Why would He go and tell you to deceive when He cannot lie? Why would he go and tell you to hate when He is Love as Jesus said? Why would he go and tell you to mislead, tell you to cheat and defraud all by all means necessary to make converts and to overtake nations and governments if He is himself all trustable and all honest and not a liar. EYES BE OPENED.
Listen. Listen. Listen all you stiff in the neck vessels of destruction and stubble for the real Gods wrath, you are so deceived and so blind that you cannot see your own double standards and double mindness. Gods word says it is absolutely impossible for the One true God to sin or to lie or to deceive and He will not tempt any man to sin and to lie, cheat, deceive, mislead, defraud. He leads in holiness and He guides in perfect unblemished righteousness.
When Jesus was on earth he preached, That Satan the enemy of the Throne of God comes only to lie, to cheat, to steal, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, and to murder, and to destroy. But the Father who is GREATER THAN ALL has sent Me to love, to give my life as the atoning ransom and sacrifice to save the world from sin. He sent me into the world so that thru Me you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 8:44,45).
I ask all the Muslims that Jesus dearly loves and desires to be saved and have their eyes truly opened to listen to what you are about to hear. If your God is God and He demands of you to lie, to cheat, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, to murder to make converts of people and of nations and of governments for that is his obliged way of doing things, then if that is his way THEN WHAT MAKES YOU THINK HE WILL NOT LIE TO YOU or DECEIVE AND MISLEAD YOU, or KILL YOU, or CHEAT AND ROB YOU, or MURDER AND DESTROY YOU. Children are imitators of their fathers. And fathers teach their children HIS WAYS. The good fathers teach their children virtues of love and of goodness and of moral behavior, of truth, honor and honesty. Evil fathers teach their children to lie, to be cold, to be dishonest, to be heartless and merciless, to be evil, to cheat, to deceive, to be deceitful and trick artist to take advantage of others, even to hurt and to destroy, and murder in cold blood.
If he delights in the evil you say he commands you to do to make converts, to lie, to cheat, to deceive and to destroy and murder in cold blood those who reject what you preach and proclaim by lies, (The Koran is filled with sayings commanding you to do all these evil deceitful things) then what makes you think your god is not lying to you, deceiving you, and misleading you if he demands you to lie and mislead others by trickeries and misleading deceptions?????????????????????????.
Jesus said it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE. He also said, that Satan is the deceiver, the murderer, the misleader, the thief and the robber. He said Satan is THE LIAR and the lying spirit and THE FATHER OF THE LIE AND ALL DECEPTIONS and all religious and non religious lies and deceptions, NOT THE ONE TRUE GOD.. Not the Loving Holy Mercy Filled Father.......SCROLL DOWN.
To All The Muslims That Jesus Christ Dearly Loves.....share freely.
Strong Delusion Is Coming...So Cleave To Jesus with all your Heart......deno.....share freely.
Spirit of the Lord who is called also the Spirit of Truth will always
always ALWAYS lead, guide, and direct the heart of man to Jesus Christ
and to no other. Friends the Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of the Lord.
He cannot, I repeat HE CANNOT EVER DENY
WHO HE IS. He cannot deny HIMSELF. He will not magnify another above
Himself. Only Satan the father of all lies and the deceiver would do
such a thing to deceive people unto the destruction that is bound to him
and that he cannot get out from under...SO DON'T BE DECEIVED BY NO
MEANS....Jesus Christ is the Lord from heaven. Cleave to Jesus and to
the love of the truth that His Precious Blood Speaks from the Cross.
Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification and endless
hope. Amen.
You are going to need more and more in the days soon ahead
to know this, the be sure of this in your own heart and to fully believe
it without wavering, for strong strong delusion is soon to come upon
the world to believe a great lie from a great liar called ANTICHRIST
(2nd Thessalonians 2:1-13)......deno.
Christ Gospel, The Sword that Divides and the Love that Unites......deno......share freely.
Jesus said...Think not that I have come to bring peace on the world. What a statement from the Prince of Peace. In heaven where Gods will IS DONE each day, paradise is filled with peace, perfect peace. In heaven where the Throne of God is there are no storms, no disharmony, no friction between God, the creatures, or the nature of things. Everything lives for each other and not against one another. But the reason for the perfect peace is because all of heaven and all that is in heaven AGREE AS ONE AND WALK IN PERFECT AGREEMENT WITH JESUS CHRIST AND THE FATHER. All that lives in heaven whether angels, people, and creatures of the land and of the seas there, they know and joyfully confess that Jesus is Lord and they do so in awe of his glory, love, goodness, majesty, and divine power. Jesus and the Father are SO WONDERFUL. Wonderful is even their name to all in heaven. Unfortunately such is not so believed and said on earth as it is in heaven of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yet when Jesus the Prince of Peace came into our world thru the legal door, thru the womb of the virgin Mary, he clearly spoke that this world hates him (The Prince of Life). That in itself shouts a horrendous truth that this world is in serious trouble (lost & blind) and though the world is living in the light of the sunlight yet are they spiritually blind and in the dark in the heart where the spirit lives. As it is written of Jesus in Johns gospel that,... All things were made by Jesus Christ and without Him the Father made nothing...And the world was made by Him but the world knew Him not (John 1:1-14)... Yet in this demonic darkness that has blinded the world comes these scriptures fulfilled,.....They (the blind) hated Jesus (Our Maker) without a cause.....and.....had the rulers of this world not been blind they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:8)....
........But they did crucify him and in their blindness not only did they nail him to the cross, but the hate of Satan in their heart moved them to rip Christ flesh apart with the whips of Satans rage against God, even to the degree that the prophet Isaiah in his foresight of the sufferings of the Christ said,......he was beaten, wounded, and punished so severely that he was disfigured beyond human recognition (Isaiah 52:13-15 & Isaiah 53:3-6).
Friends the picture of these words above are gruesome but nonetheless they speak a glaring message loud and clear of this worlds horrible spiritual blind condition and of the hidden danger zone that men of all nations trod upon every day with their hearts and understanding over powered by deceptions of all sorts. For since the world in blindness and in its love for darkness and the things of darkness can lift their heel against the Lord (Their Maker) to abuse Him so, what shall come upon their own heads in the day that God fulfills the scripture that He promised to His Son, He said to Jesus after He raised him from the pains of death, God said,.....Come now My Son and sit at My right hand until I make all YOUR ENEMIES your foot stool (Hebrews 1:8-13).
In that day FOOTSTOOL MAKING DAY, the scriptures say that Christ enemies see God in the heavens as the heavens are opened enabling them to see, and they cry aloud in terror and exceeding great fright at the sight of God saying,......Mountains fall upon us and hide us from the face of He that sits upon the Throne (Revelations 6:12-17).
For us who believe and belong to Christ in that day Jesus comes with healing in his wings and we are caught up to be with the Lord and we are changed into His eternal likeness in all things and such truth is praise worthy & trust worthy. God is filled with covenant love and great power and might to do so. But to the world of people who never overcame the darkness of this world and steadfastly hated and resisted and opposed the Lord and His name and gospel thru-out the centuries and generation not knowing Him, they shall suffer the loss of life, freedom, peace, and of soul having never escaped Satans deceiving and intellectual wit power over their heart and over their natural reasoning's.
It will be a day of vengeance, of GREAT DIVIDE, and of fervent heat spawning from the wrath of God violently poured out upon them without mercy nor restraint who loved not His Son that they might be saved. In that day, as it was in the day God kept Israel in His covenant love untouched by His wrath poured out upon Egypt who resisted His warnings sent by Moses, so shall the redeemed be kept fully safe when God pours out His wrath upon the world for hating His Son and for counting the blood of His Cross as worthless. They do so because they are deceived and blind (2 Corinthians 4:3-6).
In our text Jesus said,...Think not that I have come to bring peace upon the world, but I have brought a sword. This sword shall DIVIDE families, best friends, towns, cities, nations. Friends that sword is a message, it is the DIVINE TRUTH, of THE ONE TRUE LIGHT that God and all of heavens host will not nor cannot COMPROMISE and that truth is that God sent into the world His Son Jesus Christ by whom He made the worlds, to be the Savior of the world.
(Not all believe this truth and therein the sword that unites and yet also greatly divides is revealed). And that uncompromising message, gospel, light, and heavens uncompromising stand concerning the fact that God sent into the world HIS SON, is what causes all hell to break forth and all darkness to rise up on earth in the end of the age and then because of that great darkness and the worlds praise of the AntiChrist, Jesus rains upon them the fire and brimstone from God who is far above all.
Friends the gospel of Jesus Christ is the sword that unites all of heaven, and yet also causes the greatest division on earth. To those who believe we are united by our faith in the light of Jesus Christ in the covenant of everlasting peace with God thru faith in Christ precious redeeming blood. To us Jesus is dear and to us who believe everything about Him is precious. But to the blind and the unbelieving that exalt lies, theories, illusions in and of so called science, and of presumptions, and false prophets of religions not of heaven but of fallen angels who fell from heaven and imitate the Divine and divine things only to execute their further deception of the world; they shall suffer the vengeance of that great Sword of truth that saves those that believe it and cuts asunder those who stiffen themselves against it.
Jesus even said, that the Sword He brings upon the world is of such power and of such weighty power that upon those it falls on in the end, it shall crush them to powder....As it is written in Matthew 20:17-18..Jesus speaking of the Sword he brings upon the world...He said,.....and looking at them straight in the face Jesus said......What is this that is written, The Stone which the builders rejected, the same (STONE) has become the head of the corner. 18) Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whom this STONE falls, it will grind them to powder.
Friends such words should cause all men to enter alarm measures. Such words above are manifestations of the kind of violence of the wrath of God that shall fall upon those who did not accept GODS PEACE OFFERING OF HIS SON, but instead they spit at His Son in the rejection of unbelief. So for their scoffing at His Sons tears, redeeming blood, and for their mocking of his great vexations that he endured to redeem the world thru the cross, their misery is sealed by the unfailing word of God as endless. As it is also written,....and the smoke of their torment ceases not forever....scroll down.
Friends what do you believe? Who are you daily trusting, believing, obeying and serving? Accept Gods Peace Offering that is in the blood of His Sons Cross of our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Do not resist the love and grace of God that is In Christ. For the truth which is the GREAT SWORD is God loved us and sent to us His Son Jesus Christ into this world of darkness to be the Savior of all them that believe and to be for us all each day the LIGHT OF ETERNAL SALVATION AND EVERLASTING LIFE as we follow Him by faith in the glory of His resurrection.......deno......share freely.
Yet when Jesus the Prince of Peace came into our world thru the legal door, thru the womb of the virgin Mary, he clearly spoke that this world hates him (The Prince of Life). That in itself shouts a horrendous truth that this world is in serious trouble (lost & blind) and though the world is living in the light of the sunlight yet are they spiritually blind and in the dark in the heart where the spirit lives. As it is written of Jesus in Johns gospel that,... All things were made by Jesus Christ and without Him the Father made nothing...And the world was made by Him but the world knew Him not (John 1:1-14)... Yet in this demonic darkness that has blinded the world comes these scriptures fulfilled,.....They (the blind) hated Jesus (Our Maker) without a cause.....and.....had the rulers of this world not been blind they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:8)....
........But they did crucify him and in their blindness not only did they nail him to the cross, but the hate of Satan in their heart moved them to rip Christ flesh apart with the whips of Satans rage against God, even to the degree that the prophet Isaiah in his foresight of the sufferings of the Christ said,......he was beaten, wounded, and punished so severely that he was disfigured beyond human recognition (Isaiah 52:13-15 & Isaiah 53:3-6).
Friends the picture of these words above are gruesome but nonetheless they speak a glaring message loud and clear of this worlds horrible spiritual blind condition and of the hidden danger zone that men of all nations trod upon every day with their hearts and understanding over powered by deceptions of all sorts. For since the world in blindness and in its love for darkness and the things of darkness can lift their heel against the Lord (Their Maker) to abuse Him so, what shall come upon their own heads in the day that God fulfills the scripture that He promised to His Son, He said to Jesus after He raised him from the pains of death, God said,.....Come now My Son and sit at My right hand until I make all YOUR ENEMIES your foot stool (Hebrews 1:8-13).
In that day FOOTSTOOL MAKING DAY, the scriptures say that Christ enemies see God in the heavens as the heavens are opened enabling them to see, and they cry aloud in terror and exceeding great fright at the sight of God saying,......Mountains fall upon us and hide us from the face of He that sits upon the Throne (Revelations 6:12-17).
For us who believe and belong to Christ in that day Jesus comes with healing in his wings and we are caught up to be with the Lord and we are changed into His eternal likeness in all things and such truth is praise worthy & trust worthy. God is filled with covenant love and great power and might to do so. But to the world of people who never overcame the darkness of this world and steadfastly hated and resisted and opposed the Lord and His name and gospel thru-out the centuries and generation not knowing Him, they shall suffer the loss of life, freedom, peace, and of soul having never escaped Satans deceiving and intellectual wit power over their heart and over their natural reasoning's.
It will be a day of vengeance, of GREAT DIVIDE, and of fervent heat spawning from the wrath of God violently poured out upon them without mercy nor restraint who loved not His Son that they might be saved. In that day, as it was in the day God kept Israel in His covenant love untouched by His wrath poured out upon Egypt who resisted His warnings sent by Moses, so shall the redeemed be kept fully safe when God pours out His wrath upon the world for hating His Son and for counting the blood of His Cross as worthless. They do so because they are deceived and blind (2 Corinthians 4:3-6).
In our text Jesus said,...Think not that I have come to bring peace upon the world, but I have brought a sword. This sword shall DIVIDE families, best friends, towns, cities, nations. Friends that sword is a message, it is the DIVINE TRUTH, of THE ONE TRUE LIGHT that God and all of heavens host will not nor cannot COMPROMISE and that truth is that God sent into the world His Son Jesus Christ by whom He made the worlds, to be the Savior of the world.
(Not all believe this truth and therein the sword that unites and yet also greatly divides is revealed). And that uncompromising message, gospel, light, and heavens uncompromising stand concerning the fact that God sent into the world HIS SON, is what causes all hell to break forth and all darkness to rise up on earth in the end of the age and then because of that great darkness and the worlds praise of the AntiChrist, Jesus rains upon them the fire and brimstone from God who is far above all.
Friends the gospel of Jesus Christ is the sword that unites all of heaven, and yet also causes the greatest division on earth. To those who believe we are united by our faith in the light of Jesus Christ in the covenant of everlasting peace with God thru faith in Christ precious redeeming blood. To us Jesus is dear and to us who believe everything about Him is precious. But to the blind and the unbelieving that exalt lies, theories, illusions in and of so called science, and of presumptions, and false prophets of religions not of heaven but of fallen angels who fell from heaven and imitate the Divine and divine things only to execute their further deception of the world; they shall suffer the vengeance of that great Sword of truth that saves those that believe it and cuts asunder those who stiffen themselves against it.
Jesus even said, that the Sword He brings upon the world is of such power and of such weighty power that upon those it falls on in the end, it shall crush them to powder....As it is written in Matthew 20:17-18..Jesus speaking of the Sword he brings upon the world...He said,.....and looking at them straight in the face Jesus said......What is this that is written, The Stone which the builders rejected, the same (STONE) has become the head of the corner. 18) Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whom this STONE falls, it will grind them to powder.
Friends such words should cause all men to enter alarm measures. Such words above are manifestations of the kind of violence of the wrath of God that shall fall upon those who did not accept GODS PEACE OFFERING OF HIS SON, but instead they spit at His Son in the rejection of unbelief. So for their scoffing at His Sons tears, redeeming blood, and for their mocking of his great vexations that he endured to redeem the world thru the cross, their misery is sealed by the unfailing word of God as endless. As it is also written,....and the smoke of their torment ceases not forever....scroll down.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Our Right To Defend Ourselves........deno.....share freely.
Cain got furious, then rose up an killed Abel over a religious type
difference. God did not praise Cain and give Cain 72 virgins in some
paradise somewhere to reward him for this blood shed and murder of His
brother. Not even close. He rebuked him and Cain became cursed. The
scriptures plainly speaks that Cain was of the devil in his religious
murderous raid and not of God in this slaying of his brother. If Abel
would have been aware of the religious evil that was stirred in the
heart of Cain, (put there by Satan against him over that religious type
difference), Abel COULD HAVE, Abel SHOULD HAVE and Abel WOULD HAVE
defended himself and for the second time (in Gods sight) HE WOULD HAVE
For this self defense God would have approved. For our national defense against the spirit of the Wicked One that was in Cain in those who are religiously deceived such is also justified and approved. None of us as Christians want war, or bloodshed, but we must remember there are Cains everywhere in the world today lying in secret and in wait seeking who they may deceive, devour, and destroy, all in the name of their religion and in the cause of other evil reasons.......
Jesus told us that they that live by the sword shall die by the sword. Those that terrorize others, they themselves shall die in terror according to the spiritual connecting life law of sowing and reaping. Friends, unfortunately the full days of heavens love, joy and peace among the nations on earth has not come yet. Until that promise is fulfilled Jesus says love one another in Christ, but let us also remember that after he preached the love message between the saints, he also, being aware of evil Cains in the world, said of the disciples 2 swords, BRING THEM???? Jesus did not rebuke Peter for his love for Jesus, nor for Peters sudden rise to defend the Lord when he drew out his sword. Jesus had to let those men take him and nail him to the Cross for the scriptures to be fulfilled that would redeem us who believe.....Jesus is not blind to the religious evil and the criminal evil that the earth is filled with due to sin...No where in the scriptures did Jesus, when he dealt with the murdering Satan (John 8:44), HALFWAY CAST HIM OUT. HE FULLY CAST HIM OUT....... Supporting scriptures Genesis chapter 4, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 3:11-15, Luke 22:37-38, Luke 10:17-20.......deno....share freely.
For this self defense God would have approved. For our national defense against the spirit of the Wicked One that was in Cain in those who are religiously deceived such is also justified and approved. None of us as Christians want war, or bloodshed, but we must remember there are Cains everywhere in the world today lying in secret and in wait seeking who they may deceive, devour, and destroy, all in the name of their religion and in the cause of other evil reasons.......
Jesus told us that they that live by the sword shall die by the sword. Those that terrorize others, they themselves shall die in terror according to the spiritual connecting life law of sowing and reaping. Friends, unfortunately the full days of heavens love, joy and peace among the nations on earth has not come yet. Until that promise is fulfilled Jesus says love one another in Christ, but let us also remember that after he preached the love message between the saints, he also, being aware of evil Cains in the world, said of the disciples 2 swords, BRING THEM???? Jesus did not rebuke Peter for his love for Jesus, nor for Peters sudden rise to defend the Lord when he drew out his sword. Jesus had to let those men take him and nail him to the Cross for the scriptures to be fulfilled that would redeem us who believe.....Jesus is not blind to the religious evil and the criminal evil that the earth is filled with due to sin...No where in the scriptures did Jesus, when he dealt with the murdering Satan (John 8:44), HALFWAY CAST HIM OUT. HE FULLY CAST HIM OUT....... Supporting scriptures Genesis chapter 4, Hebrews 11:4, 1 John 3:11-15, Luke 22:37-38, Luke 10:17-20.......deno....share freely.
The Great War and Then Comes The Paradise of God.....deno.....share freely.
know your bible...This present age ends by a mighty war of God waged
against all the enemies of the Cross of Christ.....The AntiChrist and
all his followers who mocked the blood of His Sons redeeming Cross, God
declares His own REAL end time holy war
against and everyone of them shall He destroy with the brightness of His
(THAT DAYS) redeeming and militant presence in His Incredible Glorious return from heaven. @ Thessalonians 2:1-12,
Revelations 12:7-17, Revelations 19:11-21. It shall be the True and
Faithful One versing all the religious liars and the father of all lies
himself. It shall be Jesus and the Father verses the devil and all
those who count the Cross of Christ as nothing. It shall be all of
heaven against all of hells fury.....GOD AND JESUS CHRIST AND the SAINTS
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