Sunday, September 28, 2014
We Are Entering A Different Atmosphere In America......deno.....share freely.
We are entering a different atmosphere in America and the world. Old
battles are going to be fought again. Partly in the name of what we
believe. But these battles were fought before, even centuries ago. One
side is sinful and imperfect but believing in redeeming love, grace, and mercy that is in Christ Jesus the Son of God.
The other side is sinful and imperfect but religious evil who humiliate their women, stone and murder those who disagree with their sword. But Jesus told them and us, throw away the stone. He said, he that is without sin amongst you let him cast the first stone to kill her. They were all convicted and dropped their stones. Those of the false religion have taken back up, not only the stones, but the axe and the knife to judge, condemn, and then murder the sinner, even behead them, though none of these are without sin. They are obeying Satan and not Jesus, but they are blind in knowing this. (John 16:1-4)(John 8:44-45).
We should never take peace for granted in America and on earth. We must be on guard militarily now here at home as well as abroad because religious based enemies are the worse kind. Their armies are ALREADY HERE with fighting units stationed all over America hiding behind the fronts of Mosque. Religious murderous wolves in sheep's clothing.
We have committed and tolerated so much sin and evil in America and our religious enemies see us as a polluted people that must be subdued, though they sin much the same, its just not as fancy and splendorous looking. We must admit that we have made beautiful, glamor looking diverse industries out of sins pleasures. Honest people know we have. We should confess this sin and ask forgiveness for ourselves and our nation. We should intercede for America, which love for God, Country and for one another will. But our religious enemies do not pray and intercede for us who are not of their faith. They are taught to despise all that do not agree with Mohammed and take them out by the most tortuous and brutal and evil manners. Its all in the Koran.
But what people believe is one of the most sensitive buttons one can push. God in the man Christ Jesus our Lord was crucified as a man years ago because He and His words pushed those buttons. Those words are pushing buttons today....
The true Spirit of the Lord and of the Throne of God will never change and will not compromise the truth that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, the Messiah, and that no man of any nation shall come unto the Father except thru faith in Christ atoning blood, death, and resurrection. These words of truth above are the Sword that greatly divides people apart, spirits apart, and divides all of heaven and hell apart, how much also the world. Demonic personalities transformed into Religious Appearing Deities would and they even write religious books in other names that contradict the redeeming glory and value of the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God by whom God made the worlds and by whom He redeemed us thru the blood of his cross and resurrection. These religious opposing this truth evil forces are all part of the spirit of ANTICHRIST (1 John 2:18-23). Remember friends it was a very RELIGIOUS PEOPLE Satan used to oppose and to crucify the Lord of glory (John 8:44).....deno.....share freely.
I am a Romney Fan 2016.....deno
We should never take peace for granted in America and on earth. We must be on guard militarily now here at home as well as abroad because religious based enemies are the worse kind. Their armies are ALREADY HERE with fighting units stationed all over America hiding behind the fronts of Mosque. Religious murderous wolves in sheep's clothing.
We have committed and tolerated so much sin and evil in America and our religious enemies see us as a polluted people that must be subdued, though they sin much the same, its just not as fancy and splendorous looking. We must admit that we have made beautiful, glamor looking diverse industries out of sins pleasures. Honest people know we have. We should confess this sin and ask forgiveness for ourselves and our nation. We should intercede for America, which love for God, Country and for one another will. But our religious enemies do not pray and intercede for us who are not of their faith. They are taught to despise all that do not agree with Mohammed and take them out by the most tortuous and brutal and evil manners. Its all in the Koran.
But what people believe is one of the most sensitive buttons one can push. God in the man Christ Jesus our Lord was crucified as a man years ago because He and His words pushed those buttons. Those words are pushing buttons today....
The true Spirit of the Lord and of the Throne of God will never change and will not compromise the truth that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, the Messiah, and that no man of any nation shall come unto the Father except thru faith in Christ atoning blood, death, and resurrection. These words of truth above are the Sword that greatly divides people apart, spirits apart, and divides all of heaven and hell apart, how much also the world. Demonic personalities transformed into Religious Appearing Deities would and they even write religious books in other names that contradict the redeeming glory and value of the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God by whom God made the worlds and by whom He redeemed us thru the blood of his cross and resurrection. These religious opposing this truth evil forces are all part of the spirit of ANTICHRIST (1 John 2:18-23). Remember friends it was a very RELIGIOUS PEOPLE Satan used to oppose and to crucify the Lord of glory (John 8:44).....deno.....share freely.
I am a Romney Fan 2016.....deno
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Will I Ever Change......deno.....share freely.
Maybe we wonder sometimes as Christians will I ever change. Well it is
important that we believers who are IN CHRIST know that we have already
undergone an incredible change. A change not of our flesh, but of our
spirit. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we read, "If any man be in Christ Jesus
he is a NEW CREATURE, old things are passed away and behold, all things
are become new."...Jesus said in John 3:6-12 & John 6:62-63 that HIS
WORDS are not about the flesh of man but they are about the spirit of man
and about heavenly things, which means things of the Spirit of God and
about things of mans inner man, his spirit, the man that leaves the body
when the body dies...
In Christ our spirit, the hidden man of the heart is a NEW MAN, a NEW CREATURE. He, by God, thru faith in Jesus Christ has been changed, created new, made alive from the dead. He has been born again and created new in righteousness and true holiness *Ephesians 4:23-24*....
Learn and let your NEW MAN inside you who is spirit and who fellowships with God in the Spirit inside the TRUE TEMPLE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, guide you....
You may not understand this truth we have taught today at first but it is true. Your born again spirit is a HOLY MAN. Read again all the scriptures in this writing. What we need to do IS LEARN to walk in the spirit (THE NEW MAN IN CHRIST) and we will then learn not to fulfill the sinful desires of the flesh.(Galations 5:14-26). Scroll Down.
The same sinful flesh
that has been bugging you today will be there bugging you tomorrow. Our
sinful flesh will not be changed until the resurrection of the body day.
The fleshes sinfulness is constant. That's its present nature.. So the
good we do must come from the new man within, from our new born again
spirit who is By God In Christ created in righteousness and true
holiness. Even the apostle Paul said, He had to discipline his flesh
lest it leads him astray (1 Corinthians 9:27).....deno......share
In Christ our spirit, the hidden man of the heart is a NEW MAN, a NEW CREATURE. He, by God, thru faith in Jesus Christ has been changed, created new, made alive from the dead. He has been born again and created new in righteousness and true holiness *Ephesians 4:23-24*....
Learn and let your NEW MAN inside you who is spirit and who fellowships with God in the Spirit inside the TRUE TEMPLE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, guide you....
You may not understand this truth we have taught today at first but it is true. Your born again spirit is a HOLY MAN. Read again all the scriptures in this writing. What we need to do IS LEARN to walk in the spirit (THE NEW MAN IN CHRIST) and we will then learn not to fulfill the sinful desires of the flesh.(Galations 5:14-26). Scroll Down.
In Christ Jesus I Am Identified & Blessed Confessions.....deno......share freely.
Sons and daughters of the great and greatest I AM, we are. Therefore a
son of the great and greatest I AM, i am.
Father In Jesus Name, thank you for bringing forth the life and the good fruit of all these prayer/professions in my life and in the life of all them that believe....Amen
In Christ Jesus I am. I am saved. I am forgiven. I am washed in the blood of the Lamb. I am redeemed. I am sanctified and set apart unto God my Father. I am not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world (John 17:14-17). I am an heir of so great salvation, defense, shelter, protection, intercessions, and deliverance. I am an heir of God and of great inheritance as a joint heir with Christ. Jesus is my redemption and my translation fulness and completeness. I am complete in Christ Jesus. I am delivered from the power of darkness and i am translated into the kingdom of Gods dear Son. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. I am enjoying redemption's sweet peace with God and glorious rest and consolations being seated with Christ at the right hand of God the Father in love. I am delivered from evil for to God is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. I am an heir of eternal redemption and everlasting life. I am a joint heir with Jesus of all the Fathers good things in heaven and on earth. I am receiving more good things from God by Jesus Christ. I am comparing spiritual with spiritual. I am seeing thru the eyes of Christ and I am learning and knowing more thru the mind of Christ. I am being continuously refreshed, renewed, revived, and restored in my spirit, soul, and body by the Spirit and Mercy of the Lord renewed every morning. Christ Jesus is glorified in me and i am glorified and justified in Christ (Romans 8:15-17 & Romans 8:28-39). Thank you Father.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am bought with a price, with the precious blood of Jesus, for Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification. I am born of God. I am abounding in grace and wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am born again in the spirit of the incorruptible, imperishable seed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank God I am born again. I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I am a student of the Holy Ghost studying & learning more at the feet of Jesus. I am loving God and Jesus Christ. I am loving. I am love filled. I am love of God rich. I am greatly loved. I am filled with Christ marvelous light. I am eating of the most delicious bread of heaven and I am drinking the Holy Ghost sweetest wine. I am much favored. I am richly blessed. I am one Spirit with the Lord and with His goodness. I am crucified with Christ and I am risen with Christ. I am made alive in the spirit unto God the Father. I am created in righteousness and true holiness in the hidden man of my heart, in the spirit. I am a world over comer. I am more than a conquer. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. I am in Gods love. I am in Gods presence. I am in Gods Eye. I am filled with the joy of the Lord. I am free. I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Thank you God.
In Christ Jesus I am....I am a king in a royal heavenly priesthood. I am led by the Holy Spirit into all truth. I am endued with power from on High. I am happy in the Lord and glad. I am amongst those and one of those whose names are written in the book of life. I am growing in grace and truth and I am increasing in the knowledge of God. Christ is my head and i am his flesh and bone, this means i have great belonging and even eternal great possessions of God our Fathers power, presence, and plenty. I am in Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus is in me. I am a branch and Jesus is my vine. I am strengthen with Gods might by His Spirit in my inner man. I am comprehending Gods love for me more abundantly. Thank you Jesus.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am filled with living, everlasting hope and much assurance from God. I am filled with loves high expectation and my hope does not disappoint me for the love of God has been shed richly in my heart and every day life by the Holy Ghost. I am encompassed about with servants and angels of the Lord Jesus all around. I am receiving revelations, dreams, and visions from the Lord. I am growing in the grace and knowledge of The Lord. I am basking in Christ love, spiritual beauty, and marvelous light. I am living and walking in the light of life. I am drinking of the living waters of life freely. Thank you Holy Spirit.
In Christ Jesus I am.....I am asking and I am more receiving. I am seeking and I am more finding. I am knocking on Gods door and those doors are open to me. I am having sweeter fellowship with Jesus and the Father in Spirit and in truth. I am enjoying life in Christ Jesus and I am enjoying God the Father and Jesus in my days and in my nights and in my life, living, and being. Thank you Father.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am learning more. I am seeing more in the new covenant light and glory and better promises scriptures. I am hearing the voice of the good shepherd. I am understanding more what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. I am bringing forth more good fruit of the grace of Christ in me. I am abounding in hope thru the power of the Holy Spirit. I am rich in faith, hope, and the love of God. I am prospering. I am a New Creation in Christ Jesus. I am continuously calling on the Name of the Lord. I am believing and i am loving. I am more patient and more kind. I am more peace filled and more humble in heart. I am receiving from the Lord good things. Thank you God.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am sharing my faith in Jesus Christ with others. I am a vessel of Gods mercy unto honor proclaiming Christ Good News to others. I am co laboring with God and Jesus Christ in edifying saints, and blessing others in Jesus Name and in winning souls. I am more and more loving and adoring Jesus our King, Redeemer, and Maker and more submitting and more surrendering to His Lordship with the help of God. I am greatly helped. I am daily rejoicing in the Lord my Savior. In Christ Jesus I am all His and Jesus is all mine forever. I am one with God and God is one with me. We are walking as one in the fulness of Christ redeeming love and grace forevermore. We are Family. The Father, Sons and Daughters, and the Holy Ghost. I am not ashamed of this truth for it is founded upon Gods greatest love and good pleasure. For Jesus taught us the love that this truth is founded upon saying, Father that they would come to realize and know that you love them EVEN AS YOU LOVE ME...(John17:9-10)(John 17:23)...Thank you Jesus.
Father in Jesus Name Thank You. Thank you for all this AMAZING GRACE AND OUR WONDERFUL LIFE in Christ. Amen.
......and so much more we are in Christ but i think by now you see the good point. This is a good confession. Confessing with our mouths what we believe and what and who we are in Christ as revealed to us in the scriptures......
Mark 11:23-24) Jesus said, Believe that those things YOU SAY will come to pass, then just like the prayer you believe with your heart when you pray, THOSE THINGS YOU SAY WILL COME TO PASS.
Philemon 1:6) That the sharing and communication of your faith may become more effectual by your acknowledging (Confessing) every good thing that is in you IN CHRIST JESUS....This post is just a start to a great positive confession that your and my spirit will the more love and rejoice in as it hears us confess these truths and good things of grace more and more abundantly with thanksgiving....ALL PART OF THE RENEWING OF THE MIND.....deno....share freely.
Father In Jesus Name, thank you for bringing forth the life and the good fruit of all these prayer/professions in my life and in the life of all them that believe....Amen
In Christ Jesus I am. I am saved. I am forgiven. I am washed in the blood of the Lamb. I am redeemed. I am sanctified and set apart unto God my Father. I am not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world (John 17:14-17). I am an heir of so great salvation, defense, shelter, protection, intercessions, and deliverance. I am an heir of God and of great inheritance as a joint heir with Christ. Jesus is my redemption and my translation fulness and completeness. I am complete in Christ Jesus. I am delivered from the power of darkness and i am translated into the kingdom of Gods dear Son. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. I am enjoying redemption's sweet peace with God and glorious rest and consolations being seated with Christ at the right hand of God the Father in love. I am delivered from evil for to God is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. I am an heir of eternal redemption and everlasting life. I am a joint heir with Jesus of all the Fathers good things in heaven and on earth. I am receiving more good things from God by Jesus Christ. I am comparing spiritual with spiritual. I am seeing thru the eyes of Christ and I am learning and knowing more thru the mind of Christ. I am being continuously refreshed, renewed, revived, and restored in my spirit, soul, and body by the Spirit and Mercy of the Lord renewed every morning. Christ Jesus is glorified in me and i am glorified and justified in Christ (Romans 8:15-17 & Romans 8:28-39). Thank you Father.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am bought with a price, with the precious blood of Jesus, for Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our justification. I am born of God. I am abounding in grace and wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am born again in the spirit of the incorruptible, imperishable seed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank God I am born again. I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I am a student of the Holy Ghost studying & learning more at the feet of Jesus. I am loving God and Jesus Christ. I am loving. I am love filled. I am love of God rich. I am greatly loved. I am filled with Christ marvelous light. I am eating of the most delicious bread of heaven and I am drinking the Holy Ghost sweetest wine. I am much favored. I am richly blessed. I am one Spirit with the Lord and with His goodness. I am crucified with Christ and I am risen with Christ. I am made alive in the spirit unto God the Father. I am created in righteousness and true holiness in the hidden man of my heart, in the spirit. I am a world over comer. I am more than a conquer. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. I am in Gods love. I am in Gods presence. I am in Gods Eye. I am filled with the joy of the Lord. I am free. I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Thank you God.
In Christ Jesus I am....I am a king in a royal heavenly priesthood. I am led by the Holy Spirit into all truth. I am endued with power from on High. I am happy in the Lord and glad. I am amongst those and one of those whose names are written in the book of life. I am growing in grace and truth and I am increasing in the knowledge of God. Christ is my head and i am his flesh and bone, this means i have great belonging and even eternal great possessions of God our Fathers power, presence, and plenty. I am in Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus is in me. I am a branch and Jesus is my vine. I am strengthen with Gods might by His Spirit in my inner man. I am comprehending Gods love for me more abundantly. Thank you Jesus.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am filled with living, everlasting hope and much assurance from God. I am filled with loves high expectation and my hope does not disappoint me for the love of God has been shed richly in my heart and every day life by the Holy Ghost. I am encompassed about with servants and angels of the Lord Jesus all around. I am receiving revelations, dreams, and visions from the Lord. I am growing in the grace and knowledge of The Lord. I am basking in Christ love, spiritual beauty, and marvelous light. I am living and walking in the light of life. I am drinking of the living waters of life freely. Thank you Holy Spirit.
In Christ Jesus I am.....I am asking and I am more receiving. I am seeking and I am more finding. I am knocking on Gods door and those doors are open to me. I am having sweeter fellowship with Jesus and the Father in Spirit and in truth. I am enjoying life in Christ Jesus and I am enjoying God the Father and Jesus in my days and in my nights and in my life, living, and being. Thank you Father.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am learning more. I am seeing more in the new covenant light and glory and better promises scriptures. I am hearing the voice of the good shepherd. I am understanding more what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. I am bringing forth more good fruit of the grace of Christ in me. I am abounding in hope thru the power of the Holy Spirit. I am rich in faith, hope, and the love of God. I am prospering. I am a New Creation in Christ Jesus. I am continuously calling on the Name of the Lord. I am believing and i am loving. I am more patient and more kind. I am more peace filled and more humble in heart. I am receiving from the Lord good things. Thank you God.
In Christ Jesus I am. I am sharing my faith in Jesus Christ with others. I am a vessel of Gods mercy unto honor proclaiming Christ Good News to others. I am co laboring with God and Jesus Christ in edifying saints, and blessing others in Jesus Name and in winning souls. I am more and more loving and adoring Jesus our King, Redeemer, and Maker and more submitting and more surrendering to His Lordship with the help of God. I am greatly helped. I am daily rejoicing in the Lord my Savior. In Christ Jesus I am all His and Jesus is all mine forever. I am one with God and God is one with me. We are walking as one in the fulness of Christ redeeming love and grace forevermore. We are Family. The Father, Sons and Daughters, and the Holy Ghost. I am not ashamed of this truth for it is founded upon Gods greatest love and good pleasure. For Jesus taught us the love that this truth is founded upon saying, Father that they would come to realize and know that you love them EVEN AS YOU LOVE ME...(John17:9-10)(John 17:23)...Thank you Jesus.
Father in Jesus Name Thank You. Thank you for all this AMAZING GRACE AND OUR WONDERFUL LIFE in Christ. Amen.
......and so much more we are in Christ but i think by now you see the good point. This is a good confession. Confessing with our mouths what we believe and what and who we are in Christ as revealed to us in the scriptures......
Mark 11:23-24) Jesus said, Believe that those things YOU SAY will come to pass, then just like the prayer you believe with your heart when you pray, THOSE THINGS YOU SAY WILL COME TO PASS.
Philemon 1:6) That the sharing and communication of your faith may become more effectual by your acknowledging (Confessing) every good thing that is in you IN CHRIST JESUS....This post is just a start to a great positive confession that your and my spirit will the more love and rejoice in as it hears us confess these truths and good things of grace more and more abundantly with thanksgiving....ALL PART OF THE RENEWING OF THE MIND.....deno....share freely.
What The Spirit Of Jesus Is Saying......deno.....share freely.
One of the things that I sense the Lords Spirit saying is the days of
Sunday school play time faith are now in the past. That evil and its
face shall be seen like never before on earth and only the strong and
the overcomers shall stand under the pressure of the times for the
season of the DRY as Jesus foretold is come upon the world (Luke
23:28-31) ..... That the time of the great trials of our hearts true
love and what we most treasure is come. That we as Christians must overcome
the delusions of the church of the Laodiceans as spoken of by Jesus in
Revelations 3:14-22 (Please Read)...Those that love this world, their
hearts shall be crushed by this world for this world shall betray their
love and trust and shall fail them in the last days...That selfish men
of evil are at the controls of nations and the monetary system and they
have ANTICHRIST PLANS....and that it is so time for Colossians
3:1-4......deno.....share freely.
The AntiChrist Scheme......share freely.....deno.
please listen to the Spirit of this verse of prophetic scripture. I
assure you, the way he OVERCAME them (the saints influence) started with
This tolerance more and
more let the evil spirit of the antiChrist increase and spread in the
world. Then when that spirit reached it's peak measure, the ANTICHRIST
himself shows up in the flesh so sweetly smiling (2 Thessalonians
2:1-13). Even right now his evil spirit is working its deceptive
manipulations in the heart, in the worlds mind and thinking and in the
shifts of the worlds power, wealth, and peace. He must stir the world up
with his manifold troubles to give his voice and his message its pulpit
and reason as a false world Savior/Messiah.....
The antichrist spirit
exalts and magnifies the word tolerance that he can continue to work his
hidden schemes for his appearing on the worlds stage in due
time so that he then can be highly exalted by lies.......
Here is the verse of WARNING...Revelations 13:6-7) And the
AntiChrist opened his mouth and he spoke great evil words against God
and against His Sons Name that is also His Name, and against His works
on the earth in the places of worship, and he spoke great evil words
against those that are in heaven. 7) And it was given unto the AntiChrist by the devils backing TO WRESTLE AGAINST AND TO MAKE WAR
This evil spirit is already warring AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS AND THE CHRISTIANS FAITH IN AMERICA.....If we tolerate him, he will overcome this nation. If we resist him, he will flee. The choice is ours. He is hoping we will love pleasure more than the righteous cause. He is hoping we TOLERATE and resist not all his change he is trying to push down the throat of America and then the world. If he can bring this christian nation to his knees unto HIS LIES, the rest of the world is a piece of cake. That is why we are so now targeted in America for his deceptions and schemes.....Let us resist him.....share freely....deno.
This evil spirit is already warring AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS AND THE CHRISTIANS FAITH IN AMERICA.....If we tolerate him, he will overcome this nation. If we resist him, he will flee. The choice is ours. He is hoping we will love pleasure more than the righteous cause. He is hoping we TOLERATE and resist not all his change he is trying to push down the throat of America and then the world. If he can bring this christian nation to his knees unto HIS LIES, the rest of the world is a piece of cake. That is why we are so now targeted in America for his deceptions and schemes.....Let us resist him.....share freely....deno.
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