say of the picture on the left that this boot is obviously intelligent
design. Why you can see that it is. It has laid out stripes of many
colors. You can tell it is designed with a purpose. You know nature
could not make such a instrument. Its not intelligent enough to arrange
the fabric in such a precise, beautiful, colorful, comfortable manner and form it
as a shoe for purpose. Then these same so called brains look at these beautifully
designed butterflies and they REFUSE to admit or
connect any intelligent design force to them. Nope they say, mindless
energy and mindless time and mindless chance arranged all this. It was
all a freak by chance happening, period. And these butterflies are
living things of such high sophistication billions and billions of
times more sophisticated to build and to construct than those man made,
man designed boots......They do lie and they are lying to the
world.....AND THEY KNOW IT.....As it is written in Romans that God has
even revealed Himself alive to all men even by the things which He has
made. He said it is so clear and so obvious that THEY ARE WITHOUT
EXCUSE (Romans 1:19:20).......deno.....share freely.
When you know the Lord you need not others to approve or disapprove this
knowing whether you know him or not. When His Spirit is in you you know this. His Spirit bears
witness with our spirits that we are the children of God. This is an
inward witness, and a inward verification from the Spirit of the Lord to
and within our hearts that we are his and he is ours.... When that
witness and that verification is real to you, other voices or other
approvals we need not fetch. For My Sheep Jesus said hear my
voice and I am known by them. This inward witness we speak of, it is as sure and clear to you as the knowing you have in
your spirit or in your heart of whether you are married or not. It is
that clear.. Howbeit, in the mind which is often times the target and
play ground of the father of lies and the prince of doubt and deceptions,
if he can draw your attention out of the Spirit and into the flesh
senses and flesh feelings and circumstances, and get you to start to interpret spiritual things and spiritual truth by what the flesh dictates to us and other wrong
persuasions, if he can get us defining heavenly things and heavenly truths by what our flesh tells us, he can then cause even some of the most Spirit filled people that have ever lived to
doubt truths, to question their true grace experiences, and things that are already
established and true.... Listen carefully.....Remember with me how John the baptist, how he
was filled the Holy Spirit of God from his mothers womb. He was so in
tuned to the Spirit of the Lord that he lived a great sanctified life
from his childhood because he knew, and he was fully sure in his heart
that he was indeed GOD CALLED and God anointed. He even knew that the scriptures
spoke of him and his calling and ministry and its purpose and knew exactly where all that light was in the scriptures about him and his calling. He knew he
was the voice of the one crying out in the wilderness, prepare ye the
way of the Lord, make a straight path for his entrance. And also John
was taught from his childhood by the Holy Ghost all he was to do and
preach. He even knew the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord told
him one day, When you see the heavens open and the Spirit of God
descending like a dove upon a man and remaining upon him, THAT IS MY
glory and grace happened to John just like Gods Spirit told him and taught him
THAT IT WOULD. Then just a few months later after seeing, hearing, and
experiencing those mighty grace events, Satan came against John and was
messing with Johns head thru an arrest and thru threatening
circumstances. This, the greatest Spirit filled prophet of the old testament (Jesus said that of John) that even exceeding in his calling importance above Moses' pulpit, John the baptist, John was so negatively effected by the voices of the
circumstances that had come against him and by the voices and the
whisperings of the devil to his mind zone of his being, John, this most Spirit filled man and prophet of the old testament, HE BEGAN TO HAVE GIGANTIC
the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God alive and dwelling in his heart since he was in the womb and had great visions and visitations from the Lord who called him. (THIS MY FRIENDS
SPEAKS TO US VOLUMES). You see, by all these attacks of the devil, John
was lured out of the Spirit where the true and divine witness had been
teaching all things to John and got him over into the flesh and into the
upper region of the mind by the application of anxiety works, and hardships, and threatenings, and that
my friends is the devils delight and play ground where he is a master at
making even the most Spirit filled people like John was to doubt God
and even question doubtfully their own experiences of GREAT LEVELS OF GRACE...Even after all
those visions of great visual witness that he saw, and even after
hearing the voice of God clearly speak that Jesus just a few months
earlier in the Jordan was GODS SON, John in prison with his head so full
of demonic attacks against his peace, sent some of his follower to to
ask Jesus afresh. Are you really the One or are we to look for
another?..... Friends, the more we really walk in the Spirit, the more we will
hear God and experience for ourselves more of His inward Presence in us
and with us and for us. But if Satan can get us over in the flesh and in the natural mind, he will certainly start toying with our heads and we could become as double minded and not sure about our salvation, our callings, what is divine truth, and even wonder about the great grace experiences that God has given us as He did John the baptist. So do, obey, and stick with what the Word and Spirit of Jesus has said and you will be where Jesus is. Jesus is the Word. Amen....deno......share freely.
our hearts love, faith, convictions, and religion more about pleasing
us or more about pleasing Jesus.? You know, King Solomon after God had
appeared to him in a vision when he was a child when he received the
promise of wisdom, wealth, honor, and riches from the Lord, for a while
afterwards Solomon served the Lord, but eventually the world got in to him,
unbridled non covenant gentile women got in to him, and the sin nature
that we all have in our flesh took him down roads that when he was a
child he thought he would never go down such roads contrary to the will
of the God. How many of us have done this very same thing as Solomon did? We started
out loving the Lord. He was so real and beautiful to us. Our days were filled with His smile and His brightness blessings, but the tempter
came and hissed at us hiding behind something or someone, and the next
thing we know we are up to our neck in sin and disobedience and we start
to live for our own good pleasure after the flesh again, instead of the Lords good pleasure
after the Spirit, a pleasure that we were created to give Him in the first place and when we backslid or fell in the temptations, we lost the joy of the Lord and His Manifested Presence that we were so deliciously tasting and enjoying. God has seen this
over and over again in us the church and its many members..... Well for years
God saw this same thing, this same kind of behavior in King Solomon,
even to the degree of abominations. Solomon in his temptations and in his sin craving for relations
with all those un-covenant gentile women began to take the wealth God
put in his trust and hands, and he began to use that wealth to make those ladies who were IDOL
WORSHIPERS temples for their Idols so that they could bow their knee
to them, a thing which also Solomon did from time to time and that was
the major sin of his sin legacy. The king of Israel that built the magnificent Temple of the Lord, went from that holy sacred place and built for his forbidden gentile wives TEMPLES TO for their idols to be worshiped in as well... Yet as time and age began to take
its toil on Solomon he began his elder-ish level reflections of the life
he lived on earth before God and before man. What he saw concerned him
as it should have and as it should concern us all as we also look into the reflection of the real truth about us and about our lives on earth and how we have lived our life before God and before man. After all, the bible
tells us that it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the
Living God, esp. when your not on his good side, and not possessing his
favor, mercy, and approval. As it is written, He shall judge the world
in righteousness.... Well, Solomon as he was more seriously reflecting
back on his life, he, if i may put it this way, broke down in tears at
how so often he had failed God. He saw how so often he had put his interest and
pleasures and lust above Gods interest and holy pleasure when God had been so kind and
gracious to him in so many ways, even after the Lord had appeared to
him...... In his reflecting of times past, he remembered the 2 times that
the Lord had Himself appeared to him about those forbidden gentile
women that He had specifically told him and all the men in Israel, Do Not Go Into Them, and all those temples he had built with the money and wealth that
God supplied him from his youth as if they (those idols) should be
compared to Jehovah, the one true God and the glorious temple in
Jerusalem. He recalled how when the Lord appeared to him when he was in
his sin crazed madness and was marrying the gentile women and built
their idols temples after God had warned all of Israel including himself
to NEVER DO SUCH ABOMINABLE things and told him of these greater sins
of his, how that he refused to repent. Yes the bible says that after the
Lord himself had appeared to Solomon and addressed to him about these sins and these
issues, it says yet Solomon did not repent.(AMAZING). He said no face to face to God and lived to tell about it. God said, I will be merciful to him that I will be merciful unto. God was exceedingly merciful to Solomon mainly for King David his fathers sake.... He began to
reflect back on all those wine infested banquet parties he used to have
as king of Israel and all that that strong drink caused to erupt in
Israel from the kings headquarters and party feast.. It was a big time
party in the days of the great king Solomon..... But now that life and
age was wearing him down as it does us all in its season, Solomon became
a more broken down man if i may put it that way, and his heart then was TURNED TOWARD HIS CHILDREN to plead with them from his own life's sins and mistakes, to
warn them from his own experience and wisdom banks, of the two paths
that exist in life. The path of life and real blessings that comes by
living only for Gods good pleasure and obeying His Commandments, verses
the path of death and shame, and hurt and dishonor that comes from
knowing God but not living a life that honors and pleases God above
everything else and above every one else.... As we read all this GOING ON AS HE PENNED in the
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, we hear the heart of an aging Solomon crying
out in his wisdom and from the deep depths of his experiences pleading
with his sons and all his children to choose wisdom and life, over death
and shame. Over and over again we hear him cry, Hearken unto my words my son and attend unto my sayings, for they are life to those that find them and they are health to all their flesh, and they will show you in their light the path that leads to life from the path of darkness and of death. He would preach, listen , read, study, cherish my words and my sayings; Bind them about thy neck and never depart from them and it will go well with you in the land of the living.....He finished the multi-paged cry with this. He said in Ecclesiastes
12:13-14) He said...Children, let us hear the conclusion of the purpose of all
this that i have said and penned, and of its whole matter, We all from
our youth should love and fear God, and keep His commandment and ways, for this
is the whole duty of man. 14) Why? For God shall bring every work into
judgement, with every secret thing whether it be good , or whether it be
evil........ The fire of God and the heart of a most beautiful
consecrated christian lady who loves God with all her heart and soul has
helped me to also more perfectly see and come to this life purpose and
calling that God has called us all unto. Solomons' long, drawn out
sermon written in the whole 2 books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
combined called THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14--
the sermons beginning and ending text..There exist nothing in life more
important, nor of higher achievement than this, than to love Jesus our Lord and our God and to believe and obey His Words. Keep His Commanndments. And Do His Will......Amen......deno.....please share freely.
that do not really know God will hang out with any name, any spirit,
any spokesman, any song and dance, any doctrine, any theory, and any
beliefs other than Jesus Christ His Son...John 2:22-23) The scriptures say (and Jesus said the scriptures cannot be broken or err, they say), Who is a liar
but those who deny that Jesus is the Christ. These are
antichrist.....23) Whosoever denies and says that Jesus Christ is not
the Son of God and the Christ, they do not have God and they are antichrist... God put His own
period at the end of that truth just spoken above. Only the deceived and deceivers add to
this.....When they do they suddenly preach that God has many forms and many faces and
in every culture their cultures beliefs, though they differ greatly, is
God talking to them... etc.. This just said is the blindness of the world...Satan
has constructed and formed this lie into the worlds heart and mind to
keep them from seeing their need for the Cross of Christ which is the true way of God unto
salvation. For Jesus died for our sins and rose again for our
justification..But all that redeeming power does no one any good if not
believed and received. So as long as they feel God has spoken to them in
all their cultural forms, beliefs, and traditions since the founding of their
nations they feel they have no need of Jesus. This is Satan's big trick
in the worlds heart and mind. Father in Jesus Name open their eyes to their need of Jesus Your Risen Son unto their salvation.....deno....share freely.
my tears and my anxieties were the key to God fixing my problems and
meeting my needs every time, then I would have it made by now and all my mountains would be gone, and all the rough place made smooth. But I have learned and found out this
sobering truth. God does not always move according to peoples needs, nor
does our tears move Him to automatic action. In His love and mercy He sometimes responds to these, but in tears there is no guarantee or full assurance that He will. If that were the truth
then no one would be sick or lacking food no where in all the world. This is a sobering truth. Faith which works by love is what moves God. I mean God wills that
everyone be saved for that is every ones need. Its even the whole worlds greatest need. But more go to hell than
heaven so the need itself needed does not solve the problem. The need itself does not automatically meet the need just as our need of salvation does not automatically save us. The real truth of this matter is WE MUST BELIEVE
SOMETHING. We must believe His Sons WORDS & GOSPEL MESSAGE. Then
and only then is the needed connection made and your salvation need
met. And so it is with all the lesser needs. This to is a sobering truth. In Hebrews 4:2 we read that only by mixing our FAITH with Gods words, only then do we profit or gain. When you mix one thing with something else, there is an entrance, there is a blending. In Christ Jesus when our hearts believe, the hidden man of our hearts reaches his spiritual hands on to the Word & Promise of God and lays holt on to Gods presence, gripping His power on earth that is packaged and in-housed inside Gods Words & SENT TO US PROMISES. And if his (the hidden man of our hearts-1 Peter 3:4) FAITH HANDS are the strong type that grips and cleaves to God thru the counter attacks, that is he does not let go of those Words & Promises until whatever he is believing God for comes to pass, then those words and those promises COME TO PASS. Jesus truly truly said they were. The four gospels and the book of Acts are full of people like you and I that really did this, really believed and really receive. They all made THE BOOK, the bible. This FAITH TRUTH ABOVE is where a whole lot of spiritual wrestling goes on. Satan and his helpers are constantly fighting against us trying to pull those Words and Promises that we are believing out of the hidden man of our hearts hands which is our hearts faith. These dark forces wrestle with us- in spiritual warfare- desiring we give up under their many deceiving tricks that they launch against us in the fight of faith. hoping we throw in the towel and faith faint. Jesus told us in the faith battle that it is those who ENDURE IN FAITH UNTO THE FINISH LINE, they are the ones that shall be saved and shall receive what they are believing for. So in the storm Jesus says and ask us what he said and asked his disciples when they were together on the boat in a mighty opposing STORM that had rose up against them. In the midst of the storm Jesus says to us all, WHERE IS YOUR FAITH ? (Luke 8:22-25). Lets note this. When Jesus mixed HIS FAITH with that raging storm that was huge and threatening, he showed us that proper FAITH MIXING can solve any problem and bring peace in the most threatening situations. Jesus rose up. He faced the storm as one having authority. He believed in his heart. Then he spoke with his mouth his faiths purpose and his faith went forth and entered into that storm and the MIXING BEGAN and his faith after being MIXED with that storm totally put the brakes on it and the storm ceased to be. Scroll down....
Whatever our storm is we can take the promise of God that God spoke and filled with His Storm Stopping Authority and Power that covers our need or desire and fill our hearts with its spiritual substances and light, believe it is true for us in our hearts, and pray and speak in faith (as our Master & Teacher did) those words, letting the mixing of faith begin and put the brakes on our storms until the light of life, salvation, healing, the desire of our heart, and more abundant living dawns into our worlds reality... Read Mark 4:10-21, Mark 11:12-26....deno......share freely.
a nation that has become a mass of many different cultures and beliefs,
I understand that a President should not nor cannot publicly choose
sides and that is understandable, but he damn well better choose this, and that is to enforce the
Constitution that is the law of the nation that says we all must respect
one another's religious differences without blood shed, and not fight
for minority beliefs to over ride, control, and dictate over the majority
conviction in a democratic society.
For those that would murder in
cold blood as to behead another on the basis of religious differences is
far from true light, love, righteousness, and holiness, and is nothing less than a
devils habitation hiding behind the face of a religious purpose and cause to murder
and cause blood shed to their beliefs opposition(John 8:44-45)......
our founding fathers established for us in America the freedom of
religion, none of them set this freedom in stone so that Satanism or Atheism could
be RELIGIONS in America. Satanism, nor Atheism that the courts have now also redefined,
entitled, and re-titled as RELIGION, they were not included in the religion
list that the founding fathers considered when addressing the purpose
for the freedom of religion right. No matter how the Constitution is
bent and twisted by the crooked, deformed, and twisted mind, these both were considered by our founding father as
enemies of the state and of Americas Religious Liberties.....
But now
people hearts have become so cold to God and so warm and welcoming to
lies, deceit, delusional thinking, and to sin that they sit on thrones as Supreme Court
Judges over this nation and they have themselves opened the door to
Satanic Wiles to be every where in the land and the atheist now are using their new found platform in America and are
bullying and pushing THERE BELIEFS on us all everywhere all across
America shutting down God and Prayer in government, in schools, and if
they can get away with it, they will also push their beliefs inside the
walls of the church's to hold the pulpits in bondage to fear of what
they can preach by LAW SUITS......
I'm sorry but this is the absolute truth and it is
the REAL UNCONSTITUTIONAL works that are being now allowed and
perpetrated on us in America. But thank God for the American Center for Law and Justice.....Their Fighting Back For Us And For The Truth That These Words Speak.......Please Join and Support Them......deno........share freely.
P.S. Unbelievers want Jesus shut down in America. Many Jews still want Joshua shut down in America. The Muslims want the Christians shut down in America. Lucifer and Satanism want their enemy Jesus out of America. Atheist want God and Jesus shut down and forgotten in America. Well guess who else wants Jesus shut down and cast out of America? All these peoples power and backing, THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS SATANIC SPIRIT. Folks this is the raw, root truth of this whole matter.