Saturday, October 18, 2014

What We Can Learn From John The Baptist......His Dedication To God And To The Work Of The Lord.....deno.....share freely.

          Matthew 3:4) And this same John (the baptist) had his clothing of camels hair and a leather girdle about his loins, and his diet was locust and wild honey (All Organic).....of this man named John the baptist, Jesus said there was no greater man ever born from a mothers womb....His greatness was not in any way carnal wealth or physical beauty, or any form of natural human education and occupation. Still yet to God, the Most High God, to the one that knows how to create the galaxies and has the power to create a glorious Universe, John the baptist next to Jesus was the greatest man and prophet every born into this world. He in Gods eyes exceeded Abraham, Moses, Elijah of old, King David, Solomon and all the former great prophets, and he was in Gods eyes GREATER than all the men of the secular world.
         John was dedicated to God from his youth. He cared not for this world or its fame platforms. Nor did John admire any of the worlds forms of pleasures and fun as to desire it. He separated himself unto God and unto the work God called him to do, to be full of the Holy Spirit daily. He was disciplined in his food intake. He fasted and stayed in fellowship with God from his mothers womb all the way thru his appearing to Israel and until he paid the price for being hated by this world. He knew who he was in the scriptures. He desired Jesus to be magnified FAR ABOVE HIMSELF. He said Jesus must Increase and I must Decrease. 

       His trademark message was one of the importance of bringing forth the fruit of true repentance and to believe in the one (Jesus the Messiah) that was to come after him whose shoes he was unworthy to untie. He preached from the Holy Spirit that men are to be content with their income, and to be givers to those in need. He preached and warned people of the great day of Judgement that was to come and that all people must be prepared to give their account to God. He preached about how God was going to clear His creation of all evil spirits and evil people. He preached about the wrath of God to come.He cried in his sermons his warnings for all to flee from the wrath of God. Repent he would tell them. Repent. He even preached about the church being gathered together to be with the Lord. And he preached on the souls being cast into unquenchable fire.
         For Johns love for the Lord and for His daily living sacrifice of His life so separated unto God for the Maters use and for all these sermons we just mentioned, Jesus said John was the GREATEST man ever born from a mothers womb.
        What are you preaching and declaring all the time? Do these same sermons subject have their place on your lips from time to time???? I must say by the holy Spirit that itching ears want allow those kinds of sermons much any more, if ever at all. Things to ponder and think about and more..........deno......share freely.

With My Right Hand Over My Heart I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Mr. President........America......We The People.....We The Patriots......share freely.

     This act purposely done and that was caught on camera as seen in the middle pic above shouted so many things into the ears and sent negative visions into the eyes of we the American people. But few connected the dots of the subtle message behind this bold in your face NON-PATRIOTIC gesture. It stunned the American people......
      This act was filled with subliminal purpose behind it. It was a move of the prince to start a wave of a non violent revolt and a non violent rebellion of many Americans who would stand with him doing the same Non Patriotic act as he boldly did in protest to the many things he felt was wrong with America, and for the many things he felt that America needed to apologize to the world for. Who also with the bold prince would stand in non violent revolt against allegiance to Americas traditional settings and ways. 
        He was set to bring a change, his change, his dream to America even in so many anti American, anti Patriotic, Anti Constitutional Ways and Manners of which now is more and more being obviously and clearly seen by ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE of the left and of the right and even those of his own party, who in this present political atmosphere are DISTANCING THEMSELVES FROM THE PRESIDENT........Scroll Down.
        Now we more and more have Romney's clear eyes on this one, and on many of the president actions.
         I know the President and his party is struggling right now. But thank God there has been so many Conservative, God fearing, Jesus loving, believing, America loving patriotic people still praying and interceding for our nation, refusing to give up on us, on America and refusing to let the wolves take her down another road not intended by our founding fathers and that is not found in the Constitution of these United States.... And these prayers and their corresponding labors have added some spiritual salt vitality, and light fuel into the spiritual atmosphere of our nation pulling down plots, plans, cover ups, and evil intents and strongholds of the spiritual and of the political kinds that were heavily and even massively set in motion under radar, and were meant to mislead, misguide, misinform. misdirect, and deceive into subtle change AMERICA and to bring change to our traditional values. 
        I sense now that the tide is about to turn in America and that into God and His Sons favor by a massive display of faith and of patriotism in our Nation and by the ENOUGH IS ENOUGH GRACE being stirred up in the spirit and heart of millions and millions and millions of Americans who now can see the writing on the wall for our Nation. It will not be an easy turn because the Anti Traditional America, the Anti God People, the AntiChrist Spirit will fuss and fight back just as the demons and the devils fussed and fought back against Jesus (Read the gospels and you will see this). But Jesus knew His Authority given him from above and HE STOOD HIS FAITH POSITION GROUND and would not allow the devils to speak or to do as they wanted. He controlled them. They did not control him. He Allowed them not......deno .....
        Please, if you have the courage and love for your country and you agree with this national high calling to an entire never ending expression of our national faith, love for God and Country, and AMERICAN PATRIOTIC FLAG WAVING NEVER ENDING STAND and if you also agree with this calling and shining light PLEASE SHARE FREELY....
      God Bless You and Keep You and Thank You. In this I have done some of my part.... Will you do yours? Or as one said to us all, "What difference does it matter any way??????

The Anti Christ Agenda ........Explained In Simple Format........deno......share freely.

        This is what is in power today in our nation. Anti traditional America people. Anti Christian Heritage of America people. Anti Bible believing people. Anti Prayer in public gatherings people. Anti American Patriotism people. Anti God people. Anti Creator people. Anti Redeemer and Anti Redemption people. Anti IN GOD WE TRUST people. Anti ONE NATION UNDER GOD people. Anti America flag waving and American flag being displayed people. Anti Commandments of God being taught people. Anti Constitution people. Anti Jesus as the Christ people. Anti Gods LAW about the definition of marriage people. Anti freedom of religion people. Anti Boarder Control people. Anti Christian influence in America people. Anti WE THE PEOPLE are to run the show people. Anti bible based morals people. Anti Cross of Christ people. Anti Preachers people. Anti faith people. Anti Pro life people. Anti freedom of speech people who feel they have the right and the power to demand preachers hand over to them in print the sermons they preach. They want to hold preachers accountable for what THUS SAITH THE LORD said about their behavior and choices. Why don't they ask God to hand over HIS SERMONS in print and hand them a bible with certain sections marked as READ THIS. It amazes me how they hate preachers for quoting GOD....
       This is not the same country that I was raised in. What is happening in our nation is from the spirit of blindness, of darkness, of the ANTICHRIST. He has to topple us or take over us IN THE SOULISH SPIRIT realms of the mind, of the heart, and of the world to RULE THE WORLD. He wants to  weaken us spiritually in the spirit. He wants to weaken our military might or makes us non threatening; And he wants to use our economic strength, spread it all over the world, or to downsize it for his NEW HOPE global agenda. 
        For this reason America, right now WE DO NOW INTENSELY WRESTLE these days with the withstanding us  principalities, and with the powers, and with the rulers of the darkness of this world, and with those perverting wicked spirits in the heavenly realms of the air about us (Ephesians 6:10-19) who are RIGHT NOW at work speedily in the present spiritual, political, and moral formations in America and World wide operations to shape and funnel things his way into his hands and moral ethics for the near future of his coming upon the world stage built in the 21st century for the worship and for the idolizing of MAN in FRONT OF GOD. He is not called and named THE MAN OF SIN for nothing folks. He is wicked to the bone and every plot of his that is so praised by the people is for their own destruction with Satan, but to this truth they are all blind.......
       America and World, you are being SO PREPARED right now with your present people worshiping craze and idolizing of the sensual man & woman, and of sensual people for the GREAT, GRAND, FINAL SHOW just ahead. A picture says a thousand words and more....Let all take heed for we are but men formed from out of the dust and brought forth by a MIGHTY EVERLASTING GOD who swore that He would thoroughly purge HIS CREATION of all evil (Matthew 3:7-12) and judge the world in righteousness by His faithful Son Jesus Christ....share freely.....deno.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Praise Instead of Panic.....deno......share freely.

      Christ in us has many many benefits. Christ in us gives us many many benefits and blessings, even every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places of God. Do you know that Christ is Perfect? Do you know Christ in you is sinless and cannot sin? Did you know that He (Knowing our past, present and future) promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us even to the end of this age.That is BIG GRACE TALK and that without our works. It is the Promise of God. Did you know that to Christ the greater one within you, that to He that dwells within you, there is never an unsolvable problem but to Him there is always incredible solutions and answers and glorious GODHEAD POWER AND ABILITY AND BACKING.
       We can go around day to day and knock our selves into the ground for all our flaws and weaknesses and sins and whatever else ails us. But still yet despite our mess, despite our sins, shortcomings, aches and pains, STILL YET we have someone wonderfully glorious living inside us as believers that we could be boasting and bragging about every day and so doing would greatly bless and edify us when we do. His name is Jesus Christ.. As it is written, God inhabits the praises of His people. And also it is written that from praises to the Lord, God has ordained praise for our strength. It is also written that we should be a thankful people and a THANKSGIVING PEOPLE giving thanks to God by Jesus Christ.... 
       But you see friends,  the devil has deceived us. He has warred with us and wrestled with us in our minds thinking to where he has trained us to constantly focus mainly on ourselves and on how weak, bad, and terrible we are, or that others are, so that we seldom see the light of the glorious truth that God, HE THAT IS AND THAT IS CALLED WONDERFUL has come thru Christ and dwells within His children thru the Spirit that He has given us, and we can praise Him for all his goodness and perfections every day and be right on the perfect mark of the perfect man, the man Jesus Christ our Lord from heaven. He is sure worth and  surely worthy of all our boasting and bragging about HIM. Oh Lord our Lord how excellent you are in all your ways....
       Here is a lesson to be learned.....Had the children of Israel in the wilderness, had they stuck to praising the Lord for His mercy and goodness to them, and for their SO GREAT A SALVATION, had they stuck to praise instead of panic, griping and complaining all the time and murmuring for being in the wilderness, things would have went a whole lot better for that generation in the victory, JOY, and blessings sense, FOR GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, WAS RIGHT THERE WITH THEM and that was His perfect goodwill for them. But instead, it is written that for all their griping and murmuring, and chronic complaining of that generation that had seen and tasted the wonderful works of God, THEY WERE OVER THROWN IN THE WILDERNESS and their blessing was handed over to the next generation (Matthew 23:37-39).....Learning to love you more in Christ......deno.......the Preachers son.....share freely.

Deno Political Patriot #4....If You Do Not Love America Signs......share freely......deno.

      If you do not love America, you will not care who comes in, what comes in, and you could care less about Americas boarders and who is coming across them. You will golf all day and take long vacations while the true sheep are being over run and attacked by the wolves and the alien foxes THAT FIT YOUR DETESTING AMERICA AGENDA.
       Remember with me how Jesus told us that there are good shepherds that love and really care for their people and sheep, and then there are WOLVES in sheep's clothing that could care less about what happens to the sheep. But oh how they can give us a great big smile while they load us down with these heavy  bundles but they themselves will not lift a finger to help us carry the load. BUT THIS THE WOLVES WILL DO . They will vote themselves a raise to ease and cushion their own loads. (Hello). And they will do so at the expense of the American People's Check Book.
      Do you know that we have one and a bunch of these Wolves that Jesus warned us about in Washington today. They could care less who is crossing our boarders and they could care less how this massive sea of illegal aliens burden down and discomfort the TRUE SHEEP OF AMERICA CALLED THE AMERICAN CITIZENS, THE HARD WORKING TAX PAYERS THAT PAY ALL THEIR SALARIES AND PAY ALL THE BILLS. They have befriended and betrayed us the American People in so many ways. GOD KNOWS.
        Wisdom. Evil gives place to evil. Wolves in sheep's clothing give place to wolves. America you are being led like sheep to a political slaughter house to destroy your Constitution and the Traditional Way of Life in this Nation and the only wall these monsters want to build is a wall to keep God and the bible and the conservatives out of power so that perversion and twisted un- Constitutional government can reign. THIS IS THE PRESENT AMERICAN TRUTH.......deno....share freely.

Deno Political PATRIOT #3.....When Jesus Returns in the glory of God it is written.....And the Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders......deno.....shre freely.

      It is a strange and sad day in America when WE THE PEOPLE have to politically fight against our OWN LEADERS AND GOVERNMENT to maintain our Constitutional freedoms and liberties more that against foreign enemies.......deno.
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       Jesus is also a very political person as well as our mighty Redeemer. First of all King means highest ranking authority. The head person IN CHARGE of a nation. (That is political). He said, he that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in MY THRONE even as I overcame and am sitting with my Father in His Throne. (That is power sharing. That is government sharing. Even a governing Party). In other words he shares HIS AUTHORITY with the overcoming saints. 
        Jesus is King of kings, Lord of lords, Ruler of rulers. All that is political lango. The Spirit of the Lord said, when Christ returns all Rule & Governments shall be upon HIS SHOULDERS. (Jesus will be the EVERLASTING PRESIDENT). It says Jesus shall Rule and Govern the nations and THAT THE CHURCH WILL RULE AND GOVERN THE CITIES WITH JESUS FOREVER. The Jesus Political Party is the ONE we all need to be sure we are a member of FOREVER......Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. He died for our sins on the Cross, and rose again for our justification to enter into His Glory.
      I ask you as a believer, as a Christian this question. In the RIGHT NOW, which party now in America is Pro God, Pro America, and Pro Jesus? (The Conservative Party). Which party in America is now so antiGod? (The Liberals)....The choice is simple. The choice is Righteousness. The choice is God and Country and the Restore Our Constitution.........deno......share freely.

Deno Political Patriot #2......share freely.......deno.

     Did you know that if you are not a CITIZEN OF HEAVEN that YOU DO NOT CROSS HEAVENS BOARDERS and enter into Paradise. YOU DON'T. YOU CAN'T. You have to go thru the DOOR, the legal entrance way or you cannot enter. That DOOR is Jesus Christ and Him crucified and risen from the dead. When you mix your hearts faith with that truth GOD SEES TO IT THAT YOU ENTER. All other ways heaven calls illegal entry and you are not allowed in thru those other means. THAT'S THE LAW. Does that mean that God is not merciful and compassionate? No it does not mean that. He went to the Cross with all it's pain and sufferings to save the world.
       God is love THE GREATEST LOVE. But He is also SMART. God is also wise and He  knows with free will creatures and for esp. evil sinful beings, you must have law and rule to maintain order and peace. Scroll Down.
       Think about this that I am about to write. Even God has laws that govern His boarders and keeps His country safe from illegal aliens and His soldiers (THE BRAVE & MIGHTY ANGELS) protect the great City. (Read the bible. This is all in there). If God allowed the lawless and the rebellious ones to enter into the heaven of God and to DO WHAT THEY WILL, another move of Satan would rise up (HELLO). 
       America and the world seems to have no real idea what the spirit of the AntiChrist is now doing to America and all the nations that are letting his armies enter into their lands and to cross freely their boarders. Just like God uses and moves thru people, so does the spirit of the AntiChrist use and moves thru people to shape this age for his world order and domination. It is going on now with the after burners on the movement.
        Gods wisdom to us is "ALLOW THIS NOT"......Vote the traitors and the betrayers out and put The Believers and The Patriots back in power FOREVER.....deno.....share freely.