Galations 6:14) Paul preached...But God FORBIDS me to glory in nothing else but in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Altar Of The Lord. The Sacred Ground......deno......share freely.
Galations 6:14) Paul preached...But God FORBIDS me to glory in nothing else but in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.....
Invoking THE BLESSING......deno......share freely.
Monday, October 20, 2014
The Blood Of His Cross......deno.....share freely
We can sometimes get away with breaking mans laws. You know, what they can't see they cannot see. But all things are naked and open unto the eyes of the Lord in whom we have to do and shall account to. The only thing that hides our sins from Gods eyes is the blood of Christ and the works of His Cross. Nothing of ourselves can hide sins committed nor remove from us sins guilty stain. We all have to be forgiven and cleansed with the blood of HIS CROSS.....NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.....deno.......share freely.
Christ Message to All The World. SO IMPORTANT.....deno.....share freely.
Wouldn't it be a sad thing to stand before God in the day of Judgements that we all must (depending which line your in) and find out from the Lord that all we did had no saving or redeeming value at all? That all our families beliefs were really pagan and our nations religion or faith was in vain (false light, prophets, false doctrines)? That what we believed was not right and was not true at all? That even giving my body to be burned up or blown up into dust particles (KILLING/MURDERING OTHERS) for the glory of the god I thought and believed was god was valueless and non profiting, but was all a BIG LIE that even friends and loved ones told me?
Jesus foretold us that in the day of Judgements, many would stand before him telling him all they did in the name of God and in the name of Religion and in the name of the Lord and in the name of their beliefs, and Jesus will say to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME. YOUR WORKS were the WORKS OF INIQUITY (DEAD RELIGIOUS WORKS OF NO REDEEMING VALUE). Let's explain some of this>.
All over the globe people have their beliefs. They believe this thing is god or that thing is god. They believe this person is god or that person is god. They believe this idol is the lord, or that that other graven carved image is lord. They believe this person is the wisdom of the heavens, and that that other person is gods prophet. Some of them believe Moses is the man, while many of us believe that Jesus Is The Lord of glory, the Christ, the Son of the living God. Only One is the truth.
The world is full of different beliefs and many different gods and the world esteems THEIR BELIEFS and THEIR GODS as THE LORD OF THE HEAVENS OF GOD, OR THEY CALL IT THE DIVINE or OF THE DIVINE. THEY CALL THEIR WORDS DIVINE COUNSEL AND DIVINE INSPIRATION, EVEN THE GREAT POWER OF GOD. So in the name of their lords, gods, beliefs, and religions they do ALL KINDS OF WORKS. GREAT WORKS. GOOD WORKS. EVEN WONDERFUL WORKS. Some of them IN THEIR BELIEFS even have their way/methods of dealing with demons and devils and evil spirits in the name of their beliefs and gods. They even use different god names, verbal spells and incense in the name of what they believe to exercise the evil spirits and break so called curses.
But Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-29 that there are MANY in Israels and in the world that are deceived religious people. They have beliefs. They call their gods lord and their doctrines divine counsel, but they are unto the One True God LOST PEOPLE, LOST SHEEP, and He says of their beliefs that they are nothing more than darkness and of deceptions and DEAD WORKS.
These we speak of, as they wait their turn to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ IN THE JUDGEMENT DAY, they tremble and cry and lament for fear of what they are hearing and even seeing. They see people one by one pleading with the Lord Jesus Christ saying, But Lord, we believed this and we believed that, and we did this good work in the name of our religion and that good thing and work in the name of divine power and our lord_________. Aren't you guys basically the same? Aren't you all of the same throne and source? We were told by our nation, and by our family and friends, and even by the celebrities of the world and of all those TV talk show host that the god of the Universe Power has MANY VOICES and that EACH NATION BELIEFS are all of Him and constructed and formed from the same POWER & SOURCE.
Lord, Lord they say to Jesus, All our lives in the name of faith, in the name of our beliefs, and in the name of our god, and lord, and in the name of goodness we did good to people. We even did exorcist on evil spirits in the name of our gods with spells and incense and did many wonderful things in the name of our lords and in the name of our beliefs called the religions of the world. We even came together and fed the hungry as one united force and we shook hands on this good matter as united. Wasn't that a WONDERFUL WORK? Lord Lord why is their fire in your eyes?...And the bible says, And Jesus looked at them and said I NEVER KNEW YOU. YOUR GOOD WORKS WERE OF THE EVIL ONE THAT DECEIVED YOU (the works of iniquity) (important read here=Matthew 7:11..this verse reveals that EVIL BEINGS know how to come together and give good things and even do good things to their own, to their children, to the citizens of the world, but it does not change the fact that THEY ARE EVIL and it does not nullify the fact that they (like all the rest of us) need the REDEEMING BLOOD OF CHRIST and RECEIVE JESUS AS THEIR LORD.) Jesus Christ did not suffer so much, nor die in vain.
For since Moses who literally walked with God in his hour and co labored with God in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt's grip over them; since the Cross of Christ has been tasted by the Messiah unto death for the sins of Israel and for all the wold; since Moses now has not the power to save the people of Israel since their visitation days of Jesus Christ from heaven to the Cross; how much more then have the false gods, false religions, false lords, false beliefs, false prophets OF THIS WORLDS MANY BELIEFS that are not of God and are FAR FROM GOD, that are established in the worlds heart by deceiving spirits of seducing devils NOT BE ABLE TO BLANKET OR SAVE THE SOUL FROM THE WRATH OF GOD IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENTS. For He said, He will judge all the world by His Son Jesus Christ. And also God Said of Jesus His Son, Let all the WORLD honor and worship MY SON....
Even on the great mount of transfiguration when the glory of the Lord and His kingdom of light and power was manifested to the Peter, James, and John and in that great striking glory Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. Peter who was all awed and caught up in the mightiness of the the Lord in light and in the great vision, he cries, Lord shall we make a place for worship for you, Moses and Elijah. God the Father interrupted Peter and on purpose brought Peter to focus his heart and eyes on full devotion now to HIS SON. God said to Peter, James, and John....Jesus is MY SON. Now you are to honor him, exalt him, listen to and obey Him. He is MY SON in whom I am WELL PLEASED. Then after that saying Moses and Elijah faded away and Jesus was left standing before them.
In the day of judgements to come, in that day Jesus said, many will recognize that they are in the BIGGER CROWD and among the deceived of the world and they will actually see Satan the god and ruler of the blindness of the world that deceived them bound with chains, and the more the reality of that and this end truth hits them concerning their fate, Jesus said, they begin to WEEP IN THEIR DESPERATION and the GNASHING OF THE TEETH BEGINS......Please don't be in that crowd.
Friend please please listen and heed the love of God that is in Christ Jesus His Son. For God so loved you and I that He gave us His only begotten Son. Jesus came down from heaven and was made a man for the great redeeming sacrifice for the sin of all the world, mine, yours, every bodies. He went to the Cross to bare in his body the full punishment for the sin of all the world. He died for our sins and rose again for our endless hop and everlasting justification. He shed his precious blood because in the wisdom of God for God said without the shedding of blood sin cannot be removed.
We can work our hands to the bone in good works because of what we believe, and even do many wonderful works, but if we have not Christ blood atoning personally for our personal sins, all those GOOD WORKS are dead works and cannot atone for us in the day of Judgement. We need Christ. You need Christ. The whole world needs the blood of Christ.
God said, Wherever He sees the blood, His wrath shall PASS OVER that person. I plead with you, Be as we. Be one of those people covered in the grace and mercy of God that Christ blood provides us. Those that believe and belong to Jesus Christ, God calls those believers Christ Body, Christ flesh and bone body and that has GREAT IMPORTANCE IN THE FINAL JUDGEMENT. FOR IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENTS when God is pouring out endless wrath, the Lord will not be pouring out His Wrath upon HIMSELF, UPON HIS BODY, UPON HIS OWN FLESH.... If you, if we are HIS BODY, HIS FLESH AND BONE we then will be completely SAFE/SAVED from the wrath of God......
Want you ask Jesus to save you from your sins with his own blood. He died on the Cross for you and He rose again from the dead FOR YOU. Ask Him to forgive you of all your sins, to come into your heart and teach you more and more about Him and the Father and how to love and live to please him everyday..For God swore in Hos grace and love that whosoever calls upon the Name of Jesus Christ His Son shall be pardoned.....deno......share freely.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Paul wrote, In Me, Meaning In My Flesh Dwells No Good Thing.....Romans 7:14-25...Expounded On....Deno.....Share Freely...
.........Paul was fully aware of his sinful flesh and sinful side and its daily desires that warred against the holiness of the Spirit, and against the love of God, and against the will of God....When we PRETEND that this is not so with us, we then lie against the truth and cause confusion.
.........Brothers and sister we all must learn to more and more say no to the evil and to the sin that the flesh (by its sinful nature) daily wants to do and daily desires. (It's the fleshes present sinful nature to want to sin and to do wrong and even wickedly and that is PRESENTLY IT"S " CONSTANT NORMAL").....That's it's present BORN NATURE. that it was born with. As King David wrote. Lord, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. That is where our sinful nature of all our parts including the flesh came from. INSIDE THE WOMB AT CONCEPTION. That is why we have to be BORN AGAIN IN OUR SPIRIT PART and then at the resurrection our flesh has to be risen HOLY NEW as well. But right now in the now, only our spirit is a new creature. Only our spirit is made new and BORN AGAIN. The flesh is still by nature wicked and appalling in it's creepy compared to Gods Holy Sinless Pure Constant State awaiting the promise for it's own change in the resurrection as Jesus Promised. As it is written, And we shall be changed and this vile body shall be fashioned into the very likeness of Christ resurrected body. Amen......But in the mean time, Jesus said plainly, We Are Evil. He said we are evil creatures that somehow have managed to learn somewhat how to do good things...But we are STILL ( AS HE SAID ) WE ARE STILL EVIL( Matthew 7:11))..In our flesh as Paul preached in our text DWELLS NO GOOD THING....
.........And even after we have grown in grace and have maybe more mastered the flesh so to speak, we still must be on our guard and die daily to the flesh as Paul learned himself and taught. Sort of like what Paul preached in Ephesians 4:26-32) He said, When you get angry, SIN NOT. He did not try to cause confusion as to say Christians never get mad. That kind of speech is false doctrine and very misleading and confusing. Like some nut once said of himself. I'm just a beautiful butterfly flying around in the wind, rid of all pain having in me NO SIN. Then the next thing that was wrote about that butterfly is he became a mushy spot on a wind shield for LOOKING THE WRONG WAY.
.........That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. The flesh is still headed to the dust even after salvation has come to our spirit. Why? Because as Paul preached, SIN (THAT NO GOOD THING HE TALKED ABOUT in our text) STILL DWELLS IN IT.....
..........So when you feel in you, that is in your flesh, soul, mind, and being, that tug of war to do right or to do wrong, that tug of war we all, as born again in our spirit Christians, honestly experience often. It is when you do not have that tug of war in you going on that you need to start being VERY CONCERNED. I mean if all that is within you wants to sin, sin, and more sin and craves wrong and there is nothing inside you, inside your being being crying out DON'T DO THIS and nothing in you brings CONTRARY CONVICTION to the sin or the wrong your wanting to do, it is then the conscience has been either hardened like unto a rock or it means that the Spirit of eternal life and THE HOLY SPIRIT is not within....Like Paul preached, CHECK YOURSELF TO SEE IF YOUR IN THE FAITH...Have you been truly BORN AGAIN in your spirit?....share freely.....deno. (Galations 5:14-26).
The Colonies Freedoms Are Under Attack Again....Pastors are commanded by the local government to hand over their Sermons........deno.....share freely.
This Patriotic Spirit Will Take Us Back To Freedoms True Way And Back To The Convictions and To The Faith Of Our Founding Fathers About American Independence & Liberties. There is just one thing, like the apostle Paul said about our liberty. He wrote love your liberty, enjoy your freedom, but don't use your liberty for an excuse to go wild in the flesh for such is unruly behavior and can bring incarceration on earth and in the heavenlies. (Evil, Brutal, Rioting Style Lawlessness and True Liberty Cannot Co-Exist. It Cannot Co-Exist In Heaven And It Cannot On Earth. We All Must Handle Our Freedom With A High Moral Code Of Honor And Covenant Brotherhood Ethics In Line With The Guide Called THE BIBLE).
Freedom is precious but only a moral people have the right to it's blessings and privileges. No one can live free and behave like devils. NO WAY. Even God, the God of our glorious liberty lays holt of such spirits and incarcerates them. Hell was created for the Devil and his angels that became unruly and took their liberty to invent rebellion and evil and sins and strong phrases and words against the beauty of the harmony of heaven and against the love oneness of many, and against the righteousness and the holiness of God.....
Freedom and lawlessness and immorality do not mix. Even our founding fathers understood and preached this. So they based the laws of the land ON THE CONVICTIONS OF GOD SEEN IN THE MORALS OF THE WORD OF GOD CALLED THE BIBLE..That is why they exalted Moses and the TEN COMMANDMENTS importance to be our societies light to live and walk in, and to be our behavior guide....Along with LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. These 2 life and national moral rules were posted, proclaimed, printed, preached, and engraved all over the nation.....Truly they were wise.
For this faith and conviction GOD BLESSED AMERICA WITH HIS GRACE FOR NATIONS WHO HONOR GOD AND WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD....Since the devil used his people to remove the TEN COMMANDMENTS from the schools, along with prayer and public faith expressions America began the QUENCH of THE BLESSING and this nation has been spiraling on a downward course ever since.....
Think about it. If the government did not print or borrow the extra money it needs to pay it's bills, then in 24 hours America would fully see the serious trouble and the national security financial threat and bind she is already in and has been in since she kicked the Blesser and The Blessing out by legislative votes which started in 1963 unto this present day. Now she lives artificially blessed by the print of pretended money.....But if My People Who Are Called By My Name......deno.....share freely.
.........This Patriotic Spirit.....
FOX & Friends Weekend uploaded a new video.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
What We Can Learn From John The Baptist......His Dedication To God And To The Work Of The Lord.....deno.....share freely.
John was dedicated to God from his youth. He cared not for this world or its fame platforms. Nor did John admire any of the worlds forms of pleasures and fun as to desire it. He separated himself unto God and unto the work God called him to do, to be full of the Holy Spirit daily. He was disciplined in his food intake. He fasted and stayed in fellowship with God from his mothers womb all the way thru his appearing to Israel and until he paid the price for being hated by this world. He knew who he was in the scriptures. He desired Jesus to be magnified FAR ABOVE HIMSELF. He said Jesus must Increase and I must Decrease.
His trademark message was one of the importance of bringing forth the fruit of true repentance and to believe in the one (Jesus the Messiah) that was to come after him whose shoes he was unworthy to untie. He preached from the Holy Spirit that men are to be content with their income, and to be givers to those in need. He preached and warned people of the great day of Judgement that was to come and that all people must be prepared to give their account to God. He preached about how God was going to clear His creation of all evil spirits and evil people. He preached about the wrath of God to come.He cried in his sermons his warnings for all to flee from the wrath of God. Repent he would tell them. Repent. He even preached about the church being gathered together to be with the Lord. And he preached on the souls being cast into unquenchable fire.
For Johns love for the Lord and for His daily living sacrifice of His life so separated unto God for the Maters use and for all these sermons we just mentioned, Jesus said John was the GREATEST man ever born from a mothers womb.
What are you preaching and declaring all the time? Do these same sermons subject have their place on your lips from time to time???? I must say by the holy Spirit that itching ears want allow those kinds of sermons much any more, if ever at all. Things to ponder and think about and more..........deno......share freely.
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