Cain on his altar offered up unto God his works and God did not accept Cains offering. Cain got furious over his works rejections. People get mad about this also today. You preach grace thru faith and not of works as revealed in Ephesians 2:8-10 and they snarl like a horse in anger. And God said to Cain, Sin REMAINS at the door. All his hard labors of cutting and gathering those fruits and vegetables and then putting them on the altar of the Lord did him no good. His works could not REMOVE SIN...Good works are fruits and vegetables on the altar. They have no REDEEMING VALUE being bloodless. HELLO. They certainly have their place, but our works are never to take the place of Jesus Christ and him crucified and His Precious REDEEMING BLOOD by which we are SAVED and ACCEPTED by God who HIMSELF instituted the ministry purpose of the altar of Sacrifice and the value of the blood in the Covenants of Promise PREACHING IN THE MYSTERY THE CROSS OF CHRIST throughout all the former ages.
Abel, Cains brother, offered on his altar the blood and forms of his first born flocks. God favored Abel's sacrifice and was pleased. He did not offer ANYTHING OF HIMSELF or of his works but another's life and blood for his offering unto God PREACHING CHRIST IN A MYSTERY and the GREAT IMPORTANCE of His sacrifice to be the fragrance of the faith and trust of our hearts in Christ. THIS NEVER IS TO CHANGE. Just as Paul preached on this matter. We are to hold on to the beginning of our confidence all the way to the finish line. He preached the blood of Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead as the beginning of our confidence to last as the way in us forever as our EVERLASTING LIFE HEARTBEAT.
You see there is only one that ever lived that pleased God in all things and that was HIS SON Jesus Christ who never sinned once. Just like God said of His Son on the mount of His glory shown to Peter, James, and John. God said of Jesus, This is My Beloved Son In Whom I Am "WELL PLEASED" Listen and Obey Him.
That same one (Jesus Christ) that pleased God in ALL THINGS laid down his life ON THE MOUNTAIN OF THE ALTAR OF THE CROSS for the sin of the worlds sin price. Believe this or not it is still the truth. All the altars of the old testament were representations of Golgotha, the mountain of the real altar to come of the Cross of Christ. As it is written of Jesus, "Thou art slain from the FOUNDATION of the world." All the altars of the old testament pointed towards this fact, THE CROSS OF CHRIST TO COME know slain by God, from the foundation of the world.
Friend, It is written, Jesus by the sacrifice of Himself put away our sins forever. So lets keep the only One that God is FULLY PLEASED with as our way, then God will be very much pleased with us. Take Christ and him crucified and his precious blood off of the altar of your faith and trusting heart and replace it with your works, then like Cain you will experience rebuke and rejection and understanding back sliding.....
The world may rise up in their anger and reject us and even kill some of us for our grace thru faith in Christ atoning blood on the altar of our hearts as our way, but that is ok. Jesus with us as OUR WAY, as OUR TRUTH, and as OUR LIFE is well pleased with us and that for an eternities GREAT REWARD.......deno......share freely.
P.S. In all things, when Christ Increases and we decrease, the JOY and the PEACE with ASSURANCE is FOUND. The more we are on the altar, the more we strain in our entering into HIS REST. Preaching peace thru the blood of HIS CROSS....deno