Brethren, My heart's desire and
prayer for Israel is, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED..(the children of
Israel-THE CHOSEN PEOPLE- had become lost like the rest of the world.
They had fallen away from the movements of God, His Word of Prophecy
fulfillment's, and grace. The Lord as He foretold them suddenly was in
Israel visiting His people as the Christ, in their temple as a man, and
they rejected Him as Isaiah foretold they would, and then
crucified him in their unbelief-Isaiah 53:1-6)....... 2) For I bear them record, (I can
say this about them), that they HAVE A ZEAL for God (passionate about
God), but not according to knowledge,(not according to Gods proper
understanding). (So what was their problem? Where had they missed God? It
was all in the area of knowledge & proper understanding concerning
Christ)...... vs3) For they (Israel) being ignorant of(blind to), of God's
righteousness, and going about (in their religion of exalting THE LAW OF MOSES)
to establish their own righteousness (Self righteousness, reward by
their doings of the LAW instead of by faith in the doings of the Cross
of Christ and His sufferings, and his bloods redeeming effects given us as a FREE GIFT). They
going about to establish their own righteousness, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED
THEMSELVES (that was the problem, they on this matter had not submitted their understanding to Gods understanding concerning Christ and the free gifts God gave us all thru him, thru the rewards of HIS SUFFERINGS), THEY HAD NOT SUBMITTED THEMSELVES unto the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. (What was this righteousness of
God that Israel failed to SUBMIT themselves to?) Here it is in vs 4)...
For Christ is THE END of righteousness by the keeping of the Law to
EVERYONE THAT BELIEVES....Believes What? Go and Read Romans 10: vs
5-13) ......believes basically that God had become a man and was dwelling amongst them in Christ. And that as a man He died for the punishment of their sins and rose again from the dead for their new real hope by grace. This VISITATION Israel DID NOT BELIEVE and their unbelief caused them to be severed from and separated from God. From that point on for Israel, to God it did not matter how intense or devoted they were about their keeping the commandments of the Mosaic Law or their physical circumcision. God had Himself visited HIS PEOPLE IN CHRIST and they rejected this truth in unbelief. So they going about to establish their own righteousness by the Law of commandments when they had rejected and crucified the LAW GIVER that had become flesh and dwelt amongst them as Christ, in their unbelief all those rules and laws they kept did not profit them anything from that rejection point on. Faith in Christ blood power, his deaths power and purpose, his resurrection power and purpose was the NEW RIGHTEOUSNESS ORDERED BY GOD to ALL NATIONS starting first in Israel then to the Gentile Nations.....deno......share freely.
It is by faith that it would be by grace so that the
promise would be sure to all THE SEED, them that believe like
Abraham....Abraham believed what God promised him and his faith God
called his righteousness....When we accept Christ by faith, believing in our heart that Jesus came down from heaven, Became a man in the virgin Mary. In the proper time Jesus laid down his life for us. He died for our sins and rose again for our justification by grace thru faith WE SHALL BE JUSTIFIED and our faith God Himself accounts as OUR ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS. Christ becomes our all in all, even our every acceptable and good thing as written in 1st Corinthians 1:29-31....Amen.....This Is Salvation..
Contrary to the mind and thinking and spirit of this world and it's
present self exalting ways, we were not created to be worshiped. We were
not created to be idolized...... Please remember this. Satan wanted
that and look where it got him.....Do you remember?....How art thou
fallen from heaven o Lucifer? You said in your heart, I WILL EXALT
MYSELF.........Jesus said. I saw Satan fall from heaven like
lightning.......share freely......deno.
In this wrestling and in this stirring that comes upon me in these quiet
times with the Lord, I try to get quiet before him exercising my faith
in a reach to receive from Him light, wisdom, and insight by which I
write these writings from. Being one that has been forgiven MUCH, it's seems He wants to use me along with many of you
and others also as well, as to speak thru us His message and mercies to
others of our generation who have committed before Him the same sins we have and have committed even the most
embarrassing sins FOR THEY ARE MANY THAT HAVE. In all this selfishness we have broken even
our children's hearts in these selfish sins, and others have confused
the children of the world also with their abominable sins.. It seems to
me if I am reading Him right, that the Lord is saying that there are many millions in our nation,
male and female that want to come to God thru Christ and be set free
from all their heavy guilt and shame from their heavy weight sins, but
they feel they have gone to far into the most flesh indulging sin and
even witch craft works of a satanical kind for God to love them, pardon them and forgive them. So these,
being so filled with shame, they lose heart and in hopelessness they roam
as slaves to even more degrading and unlawful sins of the flesh and of darkness as
spoken in the Ten commandments of God and in the many others.... But
friends Jesus said, WHOSOEVER WILL let them come unto me...He said, WHOSOEVER
WILL let them come and drink of the waters of life freely.....Whosoever
means WHOSOEVER.....Whosoever means, Strippers, Teasers, Satanist,
Witches, Humanist, Atheist, Adulterers, Fornicators, Liars, Thieves, Porn Stars, Gay
People, Whore mongers, Gossipers, Deceivers, Covenant Breakers,
Murderers, Rapist, Immoral People, and he calls even the so called good
people also although Jesus said that there is no one good but GOD.... So
friend come back home and let this promise be fulfilled in you spoken by the
Prophet Isaiah 54:4-10 & Isaiah 55:1-7...Return unto the Lord for He
swore to Abundantly Pardon us.......deno.....share
freel, Whom Jesus Pardons and sets free is PARDONED,
Notice what happens to all the vain, to all the arrogant, haughty, proud filled
people on the earth in the day God shows up in the great and terrible
day of the Lord....Revelations 6:12-17)....the heavens departed and they
no longer hid the face of the glory of God and His Exceeding Power from men.....Every mountain and
hiding place was removed.....15) And the kings (Big Shots) of the earth,
and the great men (Stars and the powerful) and the rich men
(Millionaires & Billionaires), and the chief captains (Generals of
the great worlds war machines) and the mighty men (All who are or think
themselves to be important in this world) and every slave and every
free man (Rich, poor, slave or free, the powerful or the weak on that day they all cried this same
cry about to be heard)...they all together in total weakness ran and
hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains....16) And
cried aloud to the mountains and to the rocks, FALL ON US, and hide us
LAMB (Yes that is Jesus. Jesus can GET VERY ANGRY WITH MEN AND WOMEN who
are vain, and proud, and haughty, and arrogant and who care not to
repent.) No matter how rich we are in this world and no matter what seat
of power and might we sit in or think we sit in. In that day all run
like fright filled chickens when GOD takes HIS STAND in the most unhidden
way.... People are proudful and arrogant now. But all that disappears
THAT DAY.......All that Yo, and all that YEA, and all that wrap, and all that
rock, and all the songs of sins pleasures, and all that look at me is
destroyed in one hour forever.....THANK GOD shall say all the remaining
creation...... Once it is all cleared away, then shall decency rule and the
love of God forever reign in the hearts of the remaining in heavens
unselfish manner and grace. We shall be one heart and one mind forever with Christ and the Father. Be sure to be among the redeemed of the Lord in that day (Romans 10:8-13)....deno.....share freely.
She said she loved me, but I told her I was taken. She said that matters not, for my vows I've forsaken. I said your crazy, please let me be. She said I cannot, for my name is adultery.
Sin has a name. Sin has a price. Please don't learn the hard way. Rather learn Gods way.
Simply don't do it and live in peace. Satan roams the earth, all souls to keep......poem by deno.
Just think of it. The human ear and the human heart was designed to
never have heard the word sin or to experience what sin was and its
cursing effects in any way, shape, or form.. We were designed in all 3
parts, spirit, soul, and body with all innocents, to walk with God EVER BLESSED, and without
sin, and to run with the angels in holy perfection rich in child like faith and joy. My how things went
south that day in the garden. Jesus Christ and him crucified tells us
how bad things turned for the worse for man and how bad things got out of
hand. When Christ and him crucified and his horrific, ripping sufferings was the only remedy, you
know the situations problem was EXTREME......Hell that was created for the
devil and his angels had come to man.....And we needed a Savior....Then came these precious words, Matthew 1:21) And the virgin shall conceive and bring forth a Son, and you shall call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins. This is the purpose of the blood of His Cross. Christ was born to give his life as a ransom for man.....deno.....share freely.
Christ the Lord was born of woman after the flesh so that we could be born of God in the spirit. Our spirit, the hidden man of the heart, exist and is as real as the Spirit of God exist and is Real. With the heart we find the Spirit of the Lord. With the hidden man of the heart (our spirit), God is contacted. That is why Jesus said we must believe in order to be saved. Without faith it is impossible to please God and without faith we cannot make lasting contact or connect to Gods Spirit. Our spirit, the HIDDEN MAN of the heart is real and he is the man that Jesus said must be BORN AGAIN. He is the man that goes up to heaven and talks and walks with Jesus after the body dies and gives up the ghost if he is Born of God by faith in Jesus Christ.... Read Hebrews chapter 11 and James 1:4-8 and 1 Peter 3:4......deno....share freely.