Friday, November 14, 2014

Moses Verses Jesus At Christmas at the theaters......deno.....share freely.

        Jesus brought us Christmas and that is why the present anti Christ spirit of this world keeps attacking it. They want to crucify Christmas and Easter and all our American Christian Traditions and guess who is lined up with hammers in hand to drive the nails ? History is known to repeat itself...You think not? Well it is Christmas right? It is the time of the year that we chose to celebrate our Lord coming into our world thru the virgin Mary. It has been our tradition for generations. So Jesus is the reason for what we all call the Christmas season correct?    
       Well guess what? Watch who the enemies of the Cross of Christ glorify at the movie theaters this December, this Christmas season? This has been precisely planned. They exalt the tablets of stone above the cross of Christ and the grace of the Lord Jesus in this Christmas meant for Christ season. Mark these words....Moses...Now I like Moses to, but even he bows his knees at the feet of His Maker & Redeemer Jesus Christ in heavens glory. On bended knee Moses prays, Lord again, forgive your people for they know not what they do....deno..

Suddenly Great Light Sprang Up. His Name Was Jesus......deno....share freely.

       When the people of God had not heard freshly from heaven for 400 years; And when the Way of the Lord was so twisted and distorted in the land of Israel; And when the wrong people were in the seats ruling over the house of God; And when darkness had covered the hearts and the minds of the children of the covenant; It was in the midst of all that confusion and misleading leadership, and in the midst of all that darkness that One began to Cry out in the wilderness next to the Jordan river saying, Prepare Ye the entrance of the Lord, make His path straight....And in that darkest hour when all the sheep of Israel had gone astray, Suddenly the people who were confused and who sat in darkness and in hope deferred, Hope like they never knew before sprang up and THEY SUDDENLY SAW GREAT LIGHT. Jesus the light of the World was born and He grew up in their midst as a tender plant among many and at the age of 30 He entered the place of worship and said those MONUMENTAL WORDS that all the world could never erase again. He said, "The Spirit Of the Lord is Upon Me. These very words meant that Jesus was the Christ, THE ANOINTED OF THE LORD. This truth shall never be changed.....deno....share freely

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Join Me In This Prayer.....Deno......Share Freely.

     Father, now in these last days may all of us in Christ thru grace, excel in the unity of the faith and in lifting up Jesus, bragging about Jesus, in magnifying Jesus, in glorifying Jesus, in exalting Jesus far above all, in loving and worshiping Jesus, in adoring Jesus, in believing and obeying Jesus, in boasting about Jesus and His Peace and Good News, and about the riches of the glory of His Cross and Resurrection. May we all gloriously united as One excel in preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead more than all yesterdays generations before us with great grace abounding. May we all as One do so in the power of God, filled full of the love of God in Christ with joy in the Holy Ghost turning many from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God unto eternal salvation (Acts 26:16-18)....In Jesus Name Amen.

Running With The Devil.....What If???? Satan is hid in Santa & Evil is hid in Elvis...What If ?.....share freely.

........Lucifer is so clever. He knows what fancies humans. He knows how to deceive the human mind to think evil is good and sweet tasting and how to make good to come across as unattractive and a thing tasteless and not to be desired. He is so sly he can make people think running with the devil leads to fun and bliss, while running with God leads to dread and emptiness. He makes hell look heavenly and heaven the bore of the creation. He also knows how to package his products. He knows how to package his products inside very appealing to the eyes sweet looking delicious fronts all wrapped up in beautiful looking wrapping paper that even can hugely smile, sing, dance, sway, rock, and speak.
.......So what I am about to write I write to offend none but to make us just think about this. I cannot say that this is absolutely truth, but it does make one wonder. Could this be the devils trick, the deceivers doings? Here it is....Satan, Santa....Evil, Elvis....Both seem SO SWEET, DELICIOUS, and so APPEALING but really are they???? What would Jesus say of these??? Maybe something to think about.
........ I heard a man preach that no one before was ever like Elvis. What was behind the movements? (Was it holiness?)...What was controlling him and his female audience? When Elvis came on the scene the pure morals of girls, women, and of mothers began to be hugely stripped and eroded from the American society. That girls and women began to pass out under the influence of strange unbridled passions never saw before in an audience and that sexual immorality called sins was headed from then on to becoming the constant norm and way of the American people unto the craving of all porn. Then from that platform the scene and the course of American moral values went south as the stage has become more and more a place of hearts flamed with unbridled lust and perversions that keep getting worse than the ones before.
....... If you were the devil these two products in this writing mentioned, all wrapped up for the desires and fancies of the flesh, for the appealing of the eyes, and self serving living, notice one is packaged for the children preparing and leading them later to the one that Lucifer packaged for the adults unto unbridled lust appeasements hidden behind products of people anointed by the powers of darkness to deceive and lead people astray from God, the truth, and holiness. 

........Lets honestly ask ourselves. What happened to the American moral course since Elvis' stage? Today many are shocked at what girls and boys, young men and young women do and say and sing on stage today in the music industry...One wicked rebellious evil spirit Jesus said that goes unresisted invites other wicked spirits more evil and more wicked than itself and Jesus said of this matter that the last state and stage of that person and people ends up worse at its end than its beginning.
......If we do not resist the devil, he sees it as an invite. Then the next thing that could surely happen is that the devil himself is standing upon THE WORLD STAGE lying straight to your face and you think he is God and telling you the truth because he looks so hansom and sweet, so loving and kind and so caring of all and so wise......deno......share freely.
  • Deno Smith

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Things First......deno....share freely.

      Lord, the man said, I will follow you anywhere. Jesus replied. That is not my plan for you. But what I do want you to do is to go to your own community, to your family, friends, to the people of your village and in My Name TELL THEM how great compassion the Lord has had upon you....
       Friends many many of us in Christ are also ordained by the Lord to do this very same local important work. To share with our family, with our friends, and with our local community Jesus and the great things the Lord has done for us..... 
       If the Lord tells you to tell your testimony to your family, friends, and with your local community, then that for you is just as important a task as God raising up Billy Graham to go into all the world as He did so faithfully. And remember this....Starting small often ends BIG when one is obedient and faithful to do the small things. First things first....deno......share freely.

A Special Revelation of How We Are Delivered From The Wrath to Come.....deno......share freely

       Another thought for the church today.....Christ is our head and we the believers are His flesh and bone. This also means that we are a part of Jesus from now on for all eternity. God did all this in His great love.
      We have been engrafted. We have been engrafted Into Christ Body, Life, Name, and Spirit, and into His own perfect peace with God the Father forever. When the Lord pours out His wrath upon the world as foretold that He will, He will not be pouring out His wrath UPON HIMSELF, nor upon his flesh and bone. Being His Flesh and Bone that day makes us the HIGHLY PROTECTED......
       Christ being our Head and we being His Body, His Flesh, His Bone makes us now (BY GODS OWN DOINGS) just as much a part of Jesus as He is of himself in spiritual light and by the BODY CONNECTION. This revealed LOVE TRUTH also makes us who are Christ flesh and bone, it makes us known by God as THE REDEEMED, THE SAVED, THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD in Christ and delivered from the wrath to come....
      The full equation of the blood of His Cross equals an everlasting covenant of endless peace by Jesus Christ to all those that repent and believe the GOOD NEWS.....deno.....share freely.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Jesus Prophesied Of This Generation.....Come Home.......deno.......share freely.

      The real problem seems to get shouted over in the arena of all this worlds present troubles and spin....We who are believers all know in our heart of hearts what the real problem is but to say so is Politically incorrect and seems to becoming more Pulpit Incorrect.....Jesus called it ABOUNDING SIN.....
      Let us be honest here. We are becoming more and more that evil and unfaithful, eyes full of adultery, eyes full of this worlds pleasures generation that Jesus said would mount up in the last days. Our generation may be the most arrogant, unholy, haughty, cocky, proud, self serving, loose, fleshly, spoiled, corrupt, sensual, vain, immoral, wicked, unfaithful, covenant vow breaking, evil tongued, pleasure seeking, money chasing, world craving generation that God has ever seen on earth. I know friend what you are thinking, but you know also THE TRUTH IS BEING SPOKEN HERE...
       The bible says that sin gives place to the devil in our lives and in our society....And Jesus also said that the devil given place to comes only but to lie, to deceive, cheat, murder, mislead, kill, steal, take down, take over, and to destroy. Even the religion of so titled peace, the great lie, their mission is to deceive, steal from, kill all and take over every nation on earth including America. They have spread themselves thru out the nations to rise in their lawless unruly mind and cause havoc to do this very thing at a given time even to the loss of their own lives as a so called sacrifice not knowing their acts of terror damn their own soul......
       God I pray we all find your Sons true light and love and in your mercy and holy ways we as ONE delight again. For Lord we have sinned so much and given Satan to much space and place these days and our world is feeling crept on by blood thirsty feet that we desire not. Forgive our sins and heal our land to the driving off of darkness, evil and of Satan...In Jesus Name.....Amen.....
       Wolves in sheeps clothing never come into the fold to become best friends with our children. They come to deceive them and then destroy them......deno