Friday, November 14, 2014

Kids Gone Crazy. Streets On FIre. What Else????........deno.......share freely.

       Kids gone crazy and shooting school mates in schools. Streets on fire. Girls gone wilder than ever before. Thugs destroying souls with dope and unbridled sin. Uprisings in the streets. Men living without honor or integrity. Music and so many movies that heaven does not applaud nor recognize from all the races. Jesus being insulted and mocked like never before in our nation. False ways, false gods, and false religions on the rise. Foreigners invading our southern boarders illegally. A President and his party welcoming the invasion and fighting against us and the Law of the Constitution so to make these illegal aliens citizens illegally for political gain for the future democrats party votes no matter the heavy burdening weight that this wrong, this lawlessness brings upon the backs of the true citizens of America. All this is Lawlessness and betrayal all in one. America you are under attack from without and from within. Are you deaf, dumb, and blind to what is happening to YOUR COUNTRY??????????????????
        When foreigners invade and take over countries they change the traditional ways of that nation and change and transform ITS CONSTITUTION to their foreign ideas and wants.....A Change is coming to America one said. He also said, We are about to fundamentally transform and change America....He and His Party (The Communist of America) are all together in this forbidden bed of unfaithfulness to Americas Laws and Constitution to take over and change our Constitution and Our Nation to the Communist way of life. They rose to power under radar and behind many fronts and loads of lies that deceive, because so many Americans were to busy living their lives and while they slept at the wheel they were from within politically invaded. ObamaCare is their secret weapon for the takeover of Communism over America....WAKE UP PATRIOTS....He and His ObamaCare must be repealed....America how many lies do you have to hear and catch them in before you realize what they are doing?????.......They have disguised themselves for so long and told so many lies to cover up that they no longer hardly know or remember the truth......deno.....share freely.

God Save These United States Of America.......deno......share freely.

        It seems to me that with this administration and his democrat lefties that it is no longer Gods or the American citizens rights in America anymore, but more about foreigners rights TO AMERICA. It is scary when the leader of our nation does not believe that Americans built this or built that in America. That mindset is dangerous to loyalty, rights, and ownership to the nation. For what one does not build, so often the same does not hold dear to the heart. 
        You would think by the way this President and his democratic party runs his show that he was not even a citizen of our country, nor a Patriot, but a foreigner himself giving away our nation to others for Communist style invasion that is against our Constitution. After all to him, he nor we did not build anything in this nation (Remember). It amazes me that it takes lawsuits filed by Congressman and Senators against this President to keep him in line with the Constitution. (LAWSUITS FOLKS). This is a dangerous time in our nation. He is using the present atmosphere in our country as a shield to keep his un-Constitutional agenda alive.
        The major concern now with the Patriots of America is that the Constitutions worst enemy is sitting in the White House as President. He knows this. Congress knows this. Senators know this. Most of America whose eyes are not shut know this.They are discussing amongst themselves RIGHT NOW how will America react if they do what the Law of the land requires of them to do and call the President forth under the Law of the Constitution and IMPEACH him for his Constitutional Lawlessness and behavior, for his lies, his cover ups, and the noted and recorded acts that fall under tyranny?
        Well let me remind you of this. When our founding fathers came together and made the decision to separate America from the dictatorship of the British Empire over America and to make claim to our freedoms and to our independence and to our nations own Constitution, it was for them also a fearful yet courages moment that would identify America forever in history as a FREE NATION OF FREE PEOPLE. Yes they had their concerns. War they knew would occur. Nonetheless they in faith and trust in God faced their fears and God graced them unto liberty. THEY WON theirs and our Freedom. God can do it again. If we will humble ourselves before him on bended knees and ask for His Help as they did in the spirit of faith. Even as the scriptures say, God can make even our enemies to be at peace with us IF WE PLEASE HIM and without faith men cannot please God. TRUST IN THE LORD. TRUST IN HIS ENDURING GRACE AND MERCY. CALL UPON HIS NAME IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE FOR ALL THAT CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL GOD SAVE AND RESCUE. So it is written and so should His Words be BELIEVED for Victory unto Victory.
        It is time for the strength and the courage of our fore fathers that organized and built our nation to rise in defense of our Nation and of the Constitution of these United States. Even Jesus cleared the Temple with lawful rage backed by the Fathers full approval.

         Father in Jesus Name have mercy upon us and help us with the survival of our Nation against all tyranny and all that comes against our Constitution in America......
         I know it will not be easy. No one ever wished this to be a have to. But he does not listen to advise, nor does he feel himself in subjection to the law of our Constitution, NOR DOES HE HEED THE SHOUTING VOICE OF WE THE PEOPLE. It is now obvious to all that it is not about the dreams of the American People or about the American Dream but about his own un-Constitutional dream for America for his unlawful transformation of America that he said in words before he was President, that the world did not need. He thinks we have to much. But the real truth of the matter is now and has been even before we were born into this nation and that truth to their despise is this. "GOD GRACED AND BLESSED AMERICA" IN HONOR OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS TRUST AND RELIANCE ON GOD AND BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH IN HIS SON......See Deuteronomy 8:1-14) .....God save the United States of America.......deno......share freely.

Standing Up For Jesus At Christmas.....deno.....share freely.

......Judas dumped Jesus also to please the wrong crowd and in his end it cost him everything (John17:12). The antichrist spirit that took Judas over and took him DOWN is taking over people in our nation and they are more and more betraying the gospel truth and the Son of God and all the praise that belongs to him. But as Jesus did then so shall He do now in America. By the glory of the Father Jesus shall rise again in our nation. The flame of the true faith is being highly stirred up by all this hostility against our Savior. God is fixing to do something BIG for HIS SON and HIS CHURCH IN well as elsewhere....mark these WORDS......deno.

By Todd Starnes There's a new battleground in the war on Christmas - the suburbs of our nation's capital. The school board in Montgomery County, Maryland has decided to appease Muslims families by making the school calendar -- religious neutral. That's...|By Todd Starnes

Welcome Back Elisabeth Hasselbeck......deno.

You brighten our days with your mornings at Fox & Friends......Thank You.....Welcome Back......There is so much love all over America for you........deno & friends.

Moses Verses Jesus At Christmas at the theaters......deno.....share freely.

        Jesus brought us Christmas and that is why the present anti Christ spirit of this world keeps attacking it. They want to crucify Christmas and Easter and all our American Christian Traditions and guess who is lined up with hammers in hand to drive the nails ? History is known to repeat itself...You think not? Well it is Christmas right? It is the time of the year that we chose to celebrate our Lord coming into our world thru the virgin Mary. It has been our tradition for generations. So Jesus is the reason for what we all call the Christmas season correct?    
       Well guess what? Watch who the enemies of the Cross of Christ glorify at the movie theaters this December, this Christmas season? This has been precisely planned. They exalt the tablets of stone above the cross of Christ and the grace of the Lord Jesus in this Christmas meant for Christ season. Mark these words....Moses...Now I like Moses to, but even he bows his knees at the feet of His Maker & Redeemer Jesus Christ in heavens glory. On bended knee Moses prays, Lord again, forgive your people for they know not what they do....deno..

Suddenly Great Light Sprang Up. His Name Was Jesus......deno....share freely.

       When the people of God had not heard freshly from heaven for 400 years; And when the Way of the Lord was so twisted and distorted in the land of Israel; And when the wrong people were in the seats ruling over the house of God; And when darkness had covered the hearts and the minds of the children of the covenant; It was in the midst of all that confusion and misleading leadership, and in the midst of all that darkness that One began to Cry out in the wilderness next to the Jordan river saying, Prepare Ye the entrance of the Lord, make His path straight....And in that darkest hour when all the sheep of Israel had gone astray, Suddenly the people who were confused and who sat in darkness and in hope deferred, Hope like they never knew before sprang up and THEY SUDDENLY SAW GREAT LIGHT. Jesus the light of the World was born and He grew up in their midst as a tender plant among many and at the age of 30 He entered the place of worship and said those MONUMENTAL WORDS that all the world could never erase again. He said, "The Spirit Of the Lord is Upon Me. These very words meant that Jesus was the Christ, THE ANOINTED OF THE LORD. This truth shall never be changed.....deno....share freely

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Join Me In This Prayer.....Deno......Share Freely.

     Father, now in these last days may all of us in Christ thru grace, excel in the unity of the faith and in lifting up Jesus, bragging about Jesus, in magnifying Jesus, in glorifying Jesus, in exalting Jesus far above all, in loving and worshiping Jesus, in adoring Jesus, in believing and obeying Jesus, in boasting about Jesus and His Peace and Good News, and about the riches of the glory of His Cross and Resurrection. May we all gloriously united as One excel in preaching Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead more than all yesterdays generations before us with great grace abounding. May we all as One do so in the power of God, filled full of the love of God in Christ with joy in the Holy Ghost turning many from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God unto eternal salvation (Acts 26:16-18)....In Jesus Name Amen.