If I told you that Jesus will often times eat and drink real food with us and sit with us in heavenly places of the most delicious fellowship would you think not? If I told you that in heaven you will have feet and that those feet will wear sandals and shoes and literally walk on streets of gold and of glory and that every day you will FEEL SUPER GREAT would you rejoice and say amen? If I told you that we will actually go to gardens and pick fruit and herbs and vegetables, prepare them or eat them raw would you think otherwise. If I told you that we will rest and sleep at times does that sound so unlike us. You see our physical life and our physical world got all of its image and all of its realities from heaven and from heavenly things and their living realities that are in life in the paradise of God. It mirrors much of heaven all though the image by the present curse is distorted...
I reveal to you a mystery. Go back to the beginning before sin entered our world. In that state think of every thing that was there and that was going on (Everything). God, the sinless, holy, perfect in righteousness God said of it all that all of it, every single bit of it was to Him "VERY GOOD", which also means HOLY & FULLY ACCEPTABLE. From eating to everything that follows that and the highest life was all included in GODS VERY GOOD statement..If I told you that the fruit of the vine shall a servant pour into a cup and you and Jesus shall drink it together from that cup in supping remembrance of His cross and blood would you believe it....deno......share freely.