Saturday, November 15, 2014

If I Told You, Would You Believe?......deno......share freely.

       If I told you would you believe?......If I told you that in heaven, in the paradise of God that you will comb your hair, groom and clip your fingernails, sit down in chairs at dinning tables and eat and drink, and that you will take a shower at times and even other things would that offend you? If I told you that you will shave, put cloths on and off, change cloths now and then, would you believe me? If I told you that you will open kitchen drawers and open doors by door handles and knock on neighbors doors out of respect and kindness and wait for their invite in, does that sound strange? If I told you that people ride around at times in beautiful vehicles and chariots and that children ride horses in heaven would that be to you far fetched? If I told you children have lions and bears as pets and take walks with them in beautiful fields and meadows and in forest of the biggest trees you have ever saw and that in heaven there are so many beautiful animals and even dinosaur size creatures that in some places it is like gigantic zoos for the children's amusement would that sound crazy? 
       If I told you that Jesus will often times eat and drink real food with us and sit with us in heavenly places of the most delicious fellowship would you think not? If I told you that in heaven you will have feet and that those feet will wear sandals and shoes and literally walk on streets of gold and of glory and that every day you will FEEL SUPER GREAT would you rejoice and say amen? If I told you that we will actually go to gardens and pick fruit and herbs and vegetables, prepare them or eat them raw would you think otherwise. If I told you that we will rest and sleep at times does that sound so unlike us. You see our physical life and our physical world got all of its image and all of its realities from heaven and from heavenly things and their living realities that are in life in the paradise of God. It mirrors much of heaven all though the image by the present curse is distorted...
        I reveal to you a mystery. Go back to the beginning before sin entered our world. In that state think of every thing that was there and that was going on (Everything). God, the sinless, holy, perfect in righteousness God said of it all that all of it, every single bit of it was to Him "VERY GOOD", which also means HOLY & FULLY ACCEPTABLE. From eating to everything that follows that and the highest life was all included in GODS VERY GOOD statement..If I told you that the fruit of the vine shall a servant pour into a cup and you and Jesus shall drink it together from that cup in supping remembrance of His cross and blood would you believe it....deno......share freely.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

A Vision Of His Love & GLory.....deno......share freely.

        If you are one of the overcomers and I pray you are or will be by faith in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:1-5), the day will come when you will, with your own eyes behold the face of God. You will see Him who is the Wonder of all Wonders. You will see Him, the One who is called Wonderful and fills all the sum of that words highest definition point, power, glory, awe and love. You will look at Him who is on the mighty Throne as He looks in His love at you with the beauty and the glory of His Eternal Eyes of Endless Wisdom blazing with the glory and radiance of Gods Light that cloths Him and His Love. Then in your gaze, and in your mind struck awe your eyes will, for a brief moment, part ways as your glance goes out into the sight of all the creation of God that extends out into the farthest point in the mighty filled expansion that your eyes have shifted to view. 
       Then it happens, suddenly it really more deeply  dawns on you far beyond all you ever perceived before that the One that is on that Throne, the glorious One, He is God and by Him and His Eternal Power, He designed and created all those billions of galaxies that fill the vision of your eyes. Your struck with awe and incredible amazement. You stop. You ponder that truth and that reality like you have never pondered anything before that all this creation came out and came forth from God, from His Eternal Power, and glory, and from His great understanding who is gazing at you from that magnificent throne.  
        Then you recall the word of truth that says, that by Jesus Christ were all the heavens made and all the host of them from the breath of His mouth, and you fall on your knees crying deep tears from awe and wonder at the glorious reality and wonder of it all and of the Father and His Son that together share as One the awing Throne of God. The throne that since you were a child you wondered about and the beauty and wonder of God and His Amazing Son that you have believed on, prayed unto, cried out for and worshiped since the day you professed Jesus is Lord....
      Then Jesus flows forth from the great light, and out from the great thunders and lightnings and power noise that fills the throne and he comes to you in his Lamb gentleness and takes you in His uplifting arms. He lifts you up in His strengths and wipes away all tears from your eyes with the most beautiful smile in all creation and says, Peace be to you. Are you amazed? Yes Lord, so amazed at the Wonder of You and how great You are. You stand there refreshed and in new found strength that his greeting imparted into you and your heart is overwhelmed with the glory of the Lord and you realize that faith has passed and hope is now completed, for now what was before the unseen and hope alive in waiting, the unseen we hope for is now in clear view and is filling up the vision of your eyes. Faith and hope has now become sight and living color with perfect assurance...The full fruit of our hope has come, the saving of the soul and the riches of His glory and glorious inheritance of the saints in Christ.
        Seeing Love, Feeling His Love your spirit becomes filled with Joy and you say to Jesus, Lord Thank You. Thank You for redeeming us unto God and into His Paradise by Your Precious Blood. Then smiling back at you He says, Your Welcome. I am yours and you are Mine forever together in our Fathers love. Then for all eternity the vision continues. Amen.....deno.......please share freely.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hearts Connected By Love.....deno.....share freely.

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 Love and the hearts connected by it is the most beautiful fruit, sight, and obtainment in all the world. God is love and He is heart connected to His children in Christ Jesus....deno.
Black Prez uploaded a new video.
I cry every time I watch videos like these
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Kids Gone Crazy. Streets On FIre. What Else????........deno.......share freely.

       Kids gone crazy and shooting school mates in schools. Streets on fire. Girls gone wilder than ever before. Thugs destroying souls with dope and unbridled sin. Uprisings in the streets. Men living without honor or integrity. Music and so many movies that heaven does not applaud nor recognize from all the races. Jesus being insulted and mocked like never before in our nation. False ways, false gods, and false religions on the rise. Foreigners invading our southern boarders illegally. A President and his party welcoming the invasion and fighting against us and the Law of the Constitution so to make these illegal aliens citizens illegally for political gain for the future democrats party votes no matter the heavy burdening weight that this wrong, this lawlessness brings upon the backs of the true citizens of America. All this is Lawlessness and betrayal all in one. America you are under attack from without and from within. Are you deaf, dumb, and blind to what is happening to YOUR COUNTRY??????????????????
        When foreigners invade and take over countries they change the traditional ways of that nation and change and transform ITS CONSTITUTION to their foreign ideas and wants.....A Change is coming to America one said. He also said, We are about to fundamentally transform and change America....He and His Party (The Communist of America) are all together in this forbidden bed of unfaithfulness to Americas Laws and Constitution to take over and change our Constitution and Our Nation to the Communist way of life. They rose to power under radar and behind many fronts and loads of lies that deceive, because so many Americans were to busy living their lives and while they slept at the wheel they were from within politically invaded. ObamaCare is their secret weapon for the takeover of Communism over America....WAKE UP PATRIOTS....He and His ObamaCare must be repealed....America how many lies do you have to hear and catch them in before you realize what they are doing?????.......They have disguised themselves for so long and told so many lies to cover up that they no longer hardly know or remember the truth......deno.....share freely.

God Save These United States Of America.......deno......share freely.

        It seems to me that with this administration and his democrat lefties that it is no longer Gods or the American citizens rights in America anymore, but more about foreigners rights TO AMERICA. It is scary when the leader of our nation does not believe that Americans built this or built that in America. That mindset is dangerous to loyalty, rights, and ownership to the nation. For what one does not build, so often the same does not hold dear to the heart. 
        You would think by the way this President and his democratic party runs his show that he was not even a citizen of our country, nor a Patriot, but a foreigner himself giving away our nation to others for Communist style invasion that is against our Constitution. After all to him, he nor we did not build anything in this nation (Remember). It amazes me that it takes lawsuits filed by Congressman and Senators against this President to keep him in line with the Constitution. (LAWSUITS FOLKS). This is a dangerous time in our nation. He is using the present atmosphere in our country as a shield to keep his un-Constitutional agenda alive.
        The major concern now with the Patriots of America is that the Constitutions worst enemy is sitting in the White House as President. He knows this. Congress knows this. Senators know this. Most of America whose eyes are not shut know this.They are discussing amongst themselves RIGHT NOW how will America react if they do what the Law of the land requires of them to do and call the President forth under the Law of the Constitution and IMPEACH him for his Constitutional Lawlessness and behavior, for his lies, his cover ups, and the noted and recorded acts that fall under tyranny?
        Well let me remind you of this. When our founding fathers came together and made the decision to separate America from the dictatorship of the British Empire over America and to make claim to our freedoms and to our independence and to our nations own Constitution, it was for them also a fearful yet courages moment that would identify America forever in history as a FREE NATION OF FREE PEOPLE. Yes they had their concerns. War they knew would occur. Nonetheless they in faith and trust in God faced their fears and God graced them unto liberty. THEY WON theirs and our Freedom. God can do it again. If we will humble ourselves before him on bended knees and ask for His Help as they did in the spirit of faith. Even as the scriptures say, God can make even our enemies to be at peace with us IF WE PLEASE HIM and without faith men cannot please God. TRUST IN THE LORD. TRUST IN HIS ENDURING GRACE AND MERCY. CALL UPON HIS NAME IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE FOR ALL THAT CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL GOD SAVE AND RESCUE. So it is written and so should His Words be BELIEVED for Victory unto Victory.
        It is time for the strength and the courage of our fore fathers that organized and built our nation to rise in defense of our Nation and of the Constitution of these United States. Even Jesus cleared the Temple with lawful rage backed by the Fathers full approval.

         Father in Jesus Name have mercy upon us and help us with the survival of our Nation against all tyranny and all that comes against our Constitution in America......
         I know it will not be easy. No one ever wished this to be a have to. But he does not listen to advise, nor does he feel himself in subjection to the law of our Constitution, NOR DOES HE HEED THE SHOUTING VOICE OF WE THE PEOPLE. It is now obvious to all that it is not about the dreams of the American People or about the American Dream but about his own un-Constitutional dream for America for his unlawful transformation of America that he said in words before he was President, that the world did not need. He thinks we have to much. But the real truth of the matter is now and has been even before we were born into this nation and that truth to their despise is this. "GOD GRACED AND BLESSED AMERICA" IN HONOR OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS TRUST AND RELIANCE ON GOD AND BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH IN HIS SON......See Deuteronomy 8:1-14) .....God save the United States of America.......deno......share freely.

Standing Up For Jesus At Christmas.....deno.....share freely.

......Judas dumped Jesus also to please the wrong crowd and in his end it cost him everything (John17:12). The antichrist spirit that took Judas over and took him DOWN is taking over people in our nation and they are more and more betraying the gospel truth and the Son of God and all the praise that belongs to him. But as Jesus did then so shall He do now in America. By the glory of the Father Jesus shall rise again in our nation. The flame of the true faith is being highly stirred up by all this hostility against our Savior. God is fixing to do something BIG for HIS SON and HIS CHURCH IN well as elsewhere....mark these WORDS......deno.

By Todd Starnes There's a new battleground in the war on Christmas - the suburbs of our nation's capital. The school board in Montgomery County, Maryland has decided to appease Muslims families by making the school calendar -- religious neutral. That's...|By Todd Starnes

Welcome Back Elisabeth Hasselbeck......deno.

You brighten our days with your mornings at Fox & Friends......Thank You.....Welcome Back......There is so much love all over America for you........deno & friends.