.....A President shouts in distress...What has happened and who caused all this political commotion, uproar, and backfire on all my anti American agenda, party, policies and presidency? I thought we had America on the take and in the bag?
......Servant....It was the real God fearing Jesus believing, America loving, Patriotic Conservative Americans sir. They refuse to give up and they will not quit believing, praying, and hoping.
..... President....You mean to tell me that they really still exist and are still around in those numbers? I thought all those rebels, and foreigners, and illegal aliens that we brought in and that we have on the take and on the government payroll would be out there silencing them. Plus what happened to all those dead people on the voters registration list and all those padded voter registration books in all those swing states?
......Servant.....Sir i hate to tell you this, but even they say your to dishonest and to America Untrue to be bedded up with. Word on the street is that the FBI, the CIA, the Ted Gowdys, and others are all over the nation now UNDERCOVER just waiting to crack heads for voter fraud that cost a whole lot of jail time on those caught with their hands in that cooky jar. Set ups going on every where. They say its not worth the prison time.
......President screams.....Hey Devil, you lied to me. You said if I lied and lied and deceived a whole lot, that you would bless me with all the world. You said lying and deceiving was your magic trump card for the Communist take over and progress in America and for your own dark global conquering agenda.. So I lied and deceived more than any other president and now look. Even my own have left me and I'm standing here with my own hands caught in the candy jars every day. ..
......Devil to the president....Son what did you expect from the father of all lies. You lied to them and I lied to you. It's what we do. And I never told you nor any of you to with all your lies be sure to call the American people STUPID. That was yaws doing.....Welcome to mine and the demon-estatic, democratic world my prince. The world of THE LOSERS & the FOREVER LOST.....And just for the record. Don't you even think about repenting son. Remember the contract.....
.........And Jesus said..What does it profit a man to gain all the world, but lose his own soul.....Friends let us all repent....Once upon a time in America.....deno......share freely.