Monday, November 17, 2014

Once Upon A Time There Was This President...A Call To A National Integrity Revival.......deno.....share freely.


.....A President shouts in distress...What has happened and who caused all this political commotion, uproar, and backfire on all my anti American agenda, party, policies and presidency? I thought we had America on the take and in the bag?
......Servant....It was the real God fearing Jesus believing, America loving, Patriotic Conservative Americans sir. They refuse to give up and they will not quit believing, praying, and hoping.
..... President....You mean to tell me that they really still exist and are still around in those numbers? I thought all those rebels, and foreigners, and illegal aliens that we brought in and that we have on the take and on the government payroll would be out there silencing them. Plus what happened to all those dead people on the voters registration list and all those padded voter registration books in all those swing states?
......Servant.....Sir i hate to tell you this, but even they say your to dishonest and to America Untrue to be bedded up with. Word on the street is that the FBI, the CIA, the Ted Gowdys, and others are all over the nation now UNDERCOVER just waiting to crack heads for voter fraud that cost a whole lot of jail time on those caught with their hands in that cooky jar. Set ups going on every where. They say its not worth the prison time.
......President screams.....Hey Devil, you lied to me. You said if I lied and lied and deceived a whole lot, that you would bless me with all the world. You said lying and deceiving was your magic trump card for the Communist take over and progress in America and for your own dark global conquering agenda.. So I lied and deceived more than any other president and now look. Even my own have left me and I'm standing here with my own hands caught in the candy jars every day. ..
......Devil to the president....Son what did you expect from the father of all lies. You lied to them and I lied to you. It's what we do. And I never told you nor any of you to with all your lies be sure to call the American people STUPID. That was yaws doing.....Welcome to mine and the demon-estatic, democratic world my prince. The world of THE LOSERS & the FOREVER LOST.....And just for the record. Don't you even think about repenting son. Remember the contract.....
.........And Jesus said..What does it profit a man to gain all the world, but lose his own soul.....Friends let us all repent....Once upon a time in America.....deno......share freely.

.....A President shouts in distress...What has happened and who caused all this political commotion, uproar, and backfire on all my anti American agenda, party, policies and presidency? I thought we had America on the take and in the bag?
......Servant....It was the real God fearing Jesus believing, America loving,  Patriotic Conservative Americans sir. They refuse to give up and they will not quit believing, praying, and hoping.
..... President....You mean to tell me that they really still exist and are still around in those numbers?  I thought all those rebels, and foreigners, and illegal aliens that we brought in and that we have on the take and on the government payroll would be out there silencing them. Plus what happened to all those dead people on the voters registration list and all those padded voter registration books in all those swing states?
......Servant.....Sir i hate to tell you this, but even they say your to dishonest and to America Untrue to be bedded up with. Word on the street is that the FBI, the CIA, the Ted Gowdys, and others are all over the nation now UNDERCOVER just waiting to crack heads for voter fraud that cost a whole lot of jail time on those caught with their hands in that cooky jar. Set ups going on every where. They say its not worth the prison time.
......President screams.....Hey Devil, you lied to me. You said if I lied and lied and deceived a whole lot, that you would bless me with all the world. You said lying and deceiving was your magic trump card  for the Communist take over and progress in America and for your own dark global conquering agenda.. So I lied and deceived more than any other president and now look.  Even my own have left me and I'm standing here with my own hands caught in the candy jars every day. ..
......Devil to the president....Son what did you expect from the father of all  lies. You lied to them and I lied to you. It's what we do. And I never told you nor any of you  to with all your lies be sure to call the American people TUPID. That was yaws doing.....Welcome to the demon-cratic world my prince. The world of THE LOSERS & the FOREVER LOST.....And just for the record. Don't you even think about repenting son. Remember the contract.....
.........And Jesus said..What does it profit a man to gain all the world, but lose his own soul.....Friends let us all repent....Once upon a time in America.....

Hezekiah Walker New Video "Every Praise"....We Praise You Lord. With One Voice We Magnify Your Name......deno.

America Immersed in Satanism....share freely.......deno

       You want the truth? I want answers. You sure you want the truth? Yes I want the truth. Son you can't handle the truth. Friend we live in a world of walls and those walls are filled with delusions and deceptions. Your country is filled with it today. They left the truth for the king of all lies, false fronts, and deceptions for monetary gain and fame a long time ago. Under radar and yet Right in front of you Satan and his gangs are every where singing and making their melodies in your hearts deceiving your minds with magic and music, with movies and toys, and wonderlands of amusement parks......
        Are you blind? Have you not noticed lately in America the rise of Jesus and Christian opposition? You cannot tell me that you have not noticed this. Prayer out of school. The promotion of lies and false religions to weaken what is the divine truth and confuse what is real bible faith.... One nation under God being removed. In God We Trust Slandered. Pressurings to not speak or pray in Jesus Name publicly in the public squares. Take Christ out of Christmas. Sins glorification, sins beautiful promotions and alluring appealing advertisements....
       Son heed these words, it is the spirit of the devil, of the antichrist in your every neighborhood flowing thru out your nation, and right  now in America you have a generation that is loving that spirit and it's dark ways more than light. They are loving what is wrong and of evil, craving it, even wanting more of it. They've become sin and darkness addicts addicted to the pleasures of sin and of darkness tantalizing tickling amusements and dark magic. Look at your movies. What are they full of? They are filled with Sin, Sex, Dark Magic, Sorcery, Violence and the glory thereof. 
       Have you not noticed how this latest generation is mostly all acting like heathens, unruly demons and devils with no limits to their sinful cravings, indulgences, and the violence of the people and the lack of love and respect for law and authority.....? 
       What , you thought Satan was going to come at you in plain sight, looking and acting like Dracula or a Frankenstein or some grotesque monster? No, he is to sly and to deceiving to do that. He will look, act, sing and dance, and smile like an Elvis, a Michael Jackson, or a Micky Mouse, or the sweetest person in all the world saying love love love and peace peace peace. But inside he is a ruthless beast, a roaring lion seeking by his MANY false front all he may devour......share freely......deno.
You want the truth? I want answers. You sure you want the truth? Yes I want the truth. Son you can't handle the truth. Friend we live in a world of walls and those walls are filled with delusions and deceptions. Your country is filled with it today. They left the truth for the king of all lies a long time ago. Right in front of you Satan and his gangs are every where singing and making their melodies in your hearts deceiving your minds with magic and music, with movies and to...
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Mike Catalan uploaded a new video<<<<<<<Click here to watch Mike Catalans Revealing Video.

Our Hearts Gods Movie Screen.......deno......share freely.

       The scriptures says, Christ dwells in our heart and do you know His Spirit has eyes and ears? Knowing this we need to become more Christ in us sensitive and Christ in our hearts minded. Our hearts thoughts, intents, and imaginations are the Lords daily soap operas and movies and TV shows of the days of our lives that he watches. King David learned and said, God, you search my heart daily. You desire truth in the inward parts..He learned and said. Lord I will not set forth any unclean thing before my eyes in honor of You.... 
      Whats the rating of our hearts TV shows and movies that we show to the Lord day unto day?. G? PG? PG13? R? R17?....Lets us all learn together to more and more Grieve not the Spirit of the Lord......Let us in this evil and unfaithful generation repent and return unto the Lord and He will heal us. He will forgive us. He will wash and cleanse us in His own blood. He will restore unto us the blessed hope and the joy of our salvation...Jesus Is Lord......deno......share freely.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Muslim/Christian MAJOR DIFFERENCE. The Cross of Christ.......deno.......share freely.

 1 John 2:22-23) Who is a liar but those who deny that Jesus is the Christ, They are ANTICHRIST, that denies the Father and  the Son. 23) Whosoever denies the Son, the same does not have the Father......

     I was talking to a Muslim American Style. He told me that he believed in Jesus to. The Spirit of Jesus whispered take him to the Cross of Christ and ask him about the blood of My Cross. So I said to the Muslim man. Isn't it great what Jesus did for us on the Cross, redeeming us unto God and saving us from our sins with his own precious blood? The Muslim got quiet as if he were troubled somewhat. He said. We do not believe that deno. We do not believe that there was any saving value to his cross or to his blood. We believe he was a prophet that died as a prophet but nothing in his death is redeeming, nor do we accept Jesus as Gods Son or as the Christ. I also said to him. Well you say he was a prophet? Yes a prophet of Allah. I said, well since you believe Jesus was a prophet of God,  WHY DON'T YOU THEN BELIEVE  ALL HE SAID? He was stunned and stumped with that question....There's your sign America.
       When a Muslim says he believes or they also believe in Jesus, they do not believe in Jesus like Christians do. BIG DIFFERENCE. To them he was only a prophet, that he was not the Son of God, nor do they accept Jesus to be the Messiah or Savior and that nothing in his cross has anything to do with salvation from sin. That his blood is no different or no better than anybody else's blood. BIG BIG DIFFERENCE.
       And John saw into the heavens of God a multitude no man can number giving great praise unto Jesus Christ saying, Worthy are You Lord Jesus to receive all praise, glory, honor and wisdom, for out of every nation You have redeemed us unto God by YOUR BLOOD......deno.....share freely.

Back to The Cross of Christ.......deno.....share freely.

      Thru the message of the Cross of His Son God is SO PREACHING and showing us His great love for us. The Cross preaches Gods hate for sin and its destroying power, but the greater message is Gods love for us who have sinned. Sin is one thing, it is the transgression of the Law, but you are another entity. God is able to SEPARATE THE TWO and He is able to discern the difference.
       You are a spirit and a soul that lives forever and you are greatly loved by God beyond all measure. At the Cross God separates the sin from the sinner. It is a miracle of grace. As it is written. God showed us His great love for us all in the fact that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:1-11). So we see that in Gods wisdom and message of the Cross of His Son that there, on that redeeming cross God destroyed OUR SINS and THE POWER OF SIN while at the same time HE saves and spares us. He SAVED US TAKING AWAY, THRU THE BLOOD OF HIS CROSS, THE SIN OF THE WORLD. 
       Kind of like this. Sin was a cancer destroying us. Thru the cross God surgically removed sin and its destructive powers from us TAKEN AWAY SIN AND THE STRENGTH OF SIN WHICH WAS THE LAW killing the power of that disease... And by His Stripes He healed us and thru His Cross HE SAVED US KEEPING US AND MAKING US ALIVE in His removal of our sin and sins power which was THE LAW. So at the Cross God removed the cancer (sin) and its spreading  strength which was THE LAW, and He saved us at the same time thru the surgery of the Cross. 
        Redeemed means we are the healed and the reconciled back unto God by Christ blood. Now who God has healed thru the power of the Cross of Christ from the cancer and disease of sin is healed and freed indeed in the spirit perfectly. What is flesh is flesh but what is spirit is spirit and God sees the difference between the two......deno.

Would To God This Was America....Video, Every Praise Unto Our God....deno......share freely.

       Would to God this was on every street in America instead of all that hate and evil, sin, and violence. The fragrance of praise to our Lord is like nothing in all the world. What an atmosphere this would be to raise our children up in, that every praise and every thing we say and do is to OUR GOD. Haven't we hated and sinned enough America?. It is time to turn our hearts back to God and our affections back to our children for their present and their future need. Such must become our generations legacy. One of great repentance for all the self serving selfish deeds we so many have done in all our self indulging sinful feast and you know these words are right. Who are we to sin and to hold from our children's souls the sacred text of the bread of life and of Gods Sons uniting gospel and love? Christ did not die to make haters but lovers of God and His Word and to make beautifully One so many hearts.
      We can do this America. Are we not One family under God in this nation? Well we are supposed to be by now. If not, then we are still evil and full of self and prejudices, and greed is ruling and putting out the uniting holy fire that came down from heaven. If we are not family, if we are not One in Christ love and light then we are but babes in understanding the mighty high calling of God giving us all in Christ Jesus in loving our neighbors as our self to the glory of the Lord and His Uniting Cross and Gospel.
        Black and white, all are the SAME and all are equally precious in Gods sight REMEMBER? Christ gave up his redeeming life and blood for all of us and Jesus would also happily get on his precious knees and wash all of our feet and the feet of all people in all the nations. His heart must rule our ways. In the glory of His Resurrection He Is Watching.....I Believe....deno.