In his disloyalty to God & America he gets up one morning months later to go and vote in China. He prays, Hey ol Buddha, who do you want me to vote for in this election over here? Buddha answers back, Ahhh you vote fa Bruce Lee. The ol democrat said. Bruce Lee? But Buddha, Bruce Lee died over 40 years ago. Buddha answered, Your an X American democrat, WHAT DOES THAT MATTER to you????
AMERICA, PLEASE STOP VOTER FRAUD....GOD TOLD US TO LIVE HONESTLY BEFORE ALL MEN......Pics on Voter registration cards are a great thing to everyone but the democratic party...Hmmm. Yea, more of the shady same.
God has a Word for us about that and thru the democratic parties hearts own guilt and conviction they already know the title to that sermon..It's title, Living For Jesus A Life That IS TRUE...Sermon title #2 is....What would the devil do? Lie. Cheat, Steal, Defraud & Deceive....Sermon #3 is....But Lord, the devil made me do it.....Sermon #4.....There are THIEVES amongst us.....Sermon #5....Mr. & Mrs Shady......Sermon #6.....Be sure your sins will find you out....Sermon #7) Judas has a brother......Sermon #8....All thieves, deceivers, and liars shall have their place in the lake of fire (Revelations 21:8)....Let us all REPENT and RETURN UNTO THE LORD and live honestly and honorably before God and Men. ......share freely.
.....WATCH OUT FOR THE STRONG ARM OF THE LAW AND AMERICAN JUSTICE.....Americas Got A New Sheriff In Town. Congressman Trey Gowdy is his name.....