And God Said, And it was So....And God Said, And it was So.....And God said, And it was So.
And God created Man in His own Image. In the Image of God created He him, male and female create He them.
And Mary said of Jesus, "Whatever He SAYS to you, Do it. For Mary learned and knew that what Jesus would SAY, It Was So.
The People said of Jesus, His Word was with power. They saw and learned that What Jesus said, It Was So.
The disciples said of Jesus after he said to the storm, Peace Be Still and after that SAYING the storm immediately ceased, they said. What kind of man is this that even the winds and the seas obey what HE SAYS. What Jesus said, It Was So.
Cast your NET on the other side, Jesus said to the disciples and they did as HE SAID, and they caught the biggest catch of fish because what Jesus Says, Is Was So.
Go fishing, Jesus said to Peter, And the first fish you catch look into it's mouth and there in that fishes mouth will be a coin. Take that coin and go pay our taxes. Peter did what Jesus SAID to him. He caught his first fish and SURE ENOUGH what Jesus Said, It Was SO.....there was that coin in that fishes mouth.
Speak the Word only said the Centurion to Jesus and my servant shall be healed. Jesus SPOKE and What Jesus Said, Is what was So. The Centurions servant was healed.
Jesus SAID to the dead little girl. Daughter, I SAY UNTO YOU ARISE, and her spirit returned to her AND IT WAS SO. She was raised from the dead.
Master the fig tree that you SPOKE that curse to, it has withered up from the root. For what Jesus SAID, It Was So.
And Jesus commanded of the demons to shut up and be silent and He SAID come out of him AND WHAT JESUS SAID, Again IT WAS SO.
The blind man said, Lord that I might receive my sight. And JESUS SAID, Go your way in peace, Your faith has made you whole. And the bible says IMMEDIATELY the blind man received his sight for what JESUS SAYS, IT IS SO.
And the man with leprosy came to Jesus and said, Lord, if you will You can make me clean. And Jesus SAID back to him, I Am willing, Be Clean, and the man was cured of that awful disease, for what JESUS SAID, IT WAS SO.
Then Jesus arrived to the tomb of Lazarus who had been dead for four days. The peoples eyes were fastened on the Lord and wondered would He use HIS SAYING GLORY in this situation? They had seen Jesus' SAYING GLORY many times before. Could it now work in this dead situation also even after a man had been dead for four days? Well visiting that village was the I AM THAT I AM. I Am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in Me though he were dead yet shall he live. Jesus pointed HIS TONGUE, HIS SAYING GLORY that he has had with the Father from the beginning of the creation by which SAYING GLORY He made the worlds, and He directed HIS SAYING GLORY to the situation that Lazarus was in. The truth of the matter is the situation was every bit dead, and completely in the natural IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE. Lazarus Was Dead and now his body was stinking. So the situation was dead, and the situation stunk. Have you ever been in a situation much like that? The situation looks impossible to fix and YOU SAY, this sure does stink? Jesus, Lazarus is dead, said the people. Jesus he stinks, said the woman. So many times WE SAY the problems. So many times WE SAY how the situation stinks that we are in or how dead it all looks or seems to be. Complaining is not praying, AT ALL. There is NO FAITH or HOPE in the spirit of griping, murmurings, or in complaining. We need to quit scrolling down the list of the problems and of the reasons to gripe and complain, and switch that list out with a SCROLL OF THE PROMISES OF GOD concerning our situations and pray and confess them before God in the spirit of faith and of hope, believing in the love God had for us and face those challenge and those mountains with the Name and Word of the Lord. It is not complaining about your sin that will set you free from it. Complaining about our sins profits us nothing. It is when we CONFESS our sins unto the Lord that we receive the Words faithfulness and forgiveness and are set free from them. Jesus who is Lord is also the Word of God. The Word is Faithful to all them that confess and believe. Jesus knew the situation of Lazarus to the natural power and means was dead. But Jesus came down from heaven. Jesus came down from the throne he shared with the Father. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with Power. Jesus served us and ministered to the people in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT. In The Beginning THE POWER OF His Eternal Spirit had moved upon the face of the deep in a face off with the darkness and God Said Let There Be Light And It Was So, And God Said And It Was SO, And God Said And It Was SO and BY HIS SAYING GLORY WHERE "THE SECRET OF HIS SPIRITS POWER IS RELEASED" ALL THINGS WERE CREATED AND WITHOUT HIM (The Words and the Sayings of God)WAS NOTHING BROUGHT FORTH THAT WAS MADE. And Jesus, turned HIS SAYING GLORY towards the tomb of Lazarus where Lazarus laid dead for four days AND HE SAID, "Lazarus, Come Forth," and Lazarus Came Forth raised from the dead and every cell (The trillions and trillions of them) of his body were all perfectly restored and healed and set back into perfect complexity of function. Jesus took the Power of the Spirit with His Eternal Incredible Knowing and Understanding and Intelligence Glory in the Mix and with His Power and Great Knowledge Understanding Mix poured together into Lazarus situation and body and WHAT JESUS SAID, IT WAS SO. Lazarus situation was changed and Lazarus was raised from the dead by THE SAYING GLORY OF CHRIST the Lord wherein the secret of Gods Powers are released.
Now what can we learn from this SAYING GLORY of the Lord and our SAYING GLORY.....Let's read.
Mark 11:23-24) And Jesus who the disciples were astonished of how ALL THINGS HE SAID ALL HAPPENED EVERY SINGLE TIME, Jesus said to them, Truly Truly I say unto you, If you WILL SAY unto this mountain (Your problems, Your opposers, Your Situations, Your giants that you face ) Face them off with your prayers of faith and with your words in the spirit of faith. For truly I tell you that when you pray and believe what you ask of God shall come to pass, you shall have those things; And also if you WILL SAY unto this mountain be now removed and be cast into the sea, and SHALL (as I do) believe that those things YOU SAY shall come to pass, you SHALL HAVE whatsoever YOU SAY. Than You Jesus for this truth, for this bread that can give us the victory in all circumstances and situations. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD OF GOD. I love inclining my ears unto YOUR SAYINGS MY LORD AND MY GOD.....Lord, Blessings Abundant to all those that reads these words in Jesus Name.....deno.......share freely.
wise know what his majesty is doing...But to use the compassion card to
hide the politics is evil...But then again, it goes right along with all the rest
of the dishonesty mess. If this present move of the president came from a heart of real love & compassion and not from
politics, he would have given this illegal aliens compassion speech, and done and said all this months and months, and years ago when he had the house and the senate and congress made up of HIS DEMOCRATIC PARTIES MEMBERS. He would have said and done all this BEFORE THE ELECTION
and not just a couple of days after the BIG DEFEAT of his ideas, policies, and party. The damnable truth is, How wicked can mens hearts be and how many false fronts and lies can the heart conceive and speak for gain of power sake. He is mounting up
votes on the SUBLIMINAL TRAIN in hope to, in the future, make up for the difference of the
distance that defeated him and them in this last most important nation saving election. The fake tears that he and his party fraudulently shed in the name of compassion on the illegal immigrants speech of his was not for love and compassion on them but for themselves and for their loss of power. The glaring truth of this matter is that all of it was slyly formed for the gain of democratic votes they are now in desperate need of now that the voter photo ID will probably be in acted as a must which will eliminate a whole lot of numbers and voter fraud corruption that has been going on in America for the turn over of power to the left and their most unholy, anti God, non constitutional agenda to fundamentally change America. What he has done at this time is satanically super subtle. I mean it is as clever as the serpents on hiss and craftiness was in the first garden. The president, with his recent beneathing compassion speech to justify to the American people more of the tearing up and the breaking of the law of the Constitution concerning the illegal aliens, is to try to make all moves that come against this mood swaying compassion card speech, to be seen by the American people as a work of evil of the newly, so called by the democrats, unloving, uncaring elected Republican candidates that "We The People" seeing now thru all the democratic parties crafty schemes and scams which are many, voted to take the president and his unholy, lying, constantly deceiving alliance out of power over the nation. This immigration speech of his was a lying wonder of a believable kind of the serpents forked tongue in man. I don't know if the anti Christ himself could have said and done this any better. I will pray for our president, but I sure will not agree with what he ON PURPOSE KNOWS THAT HE IS DOING to America. Gods Spirit is on this with His exposing light and
is the America that I grew up in. An America where even the worlds most
educated and the intellectuals were not ashamed to profess the name of
the Lord publicly and they were not ashamed of the Word of God. They
were the worlds finest and yet they still humbled themselves before the
Mightiness of God in faith, fear, respect, and awe. Back to hell with all
this modern day Political Correctness. All that is in the spirit realm, is
Satanic Configurations in our present society be formed by the use of a weapon called ENFORCED TOLERANCE so that evil can march on in and
become planted as a norm amongst us in hope to be set firm without
resistance or complaint. It is an evil agenda. Heavenly Father we pray, Deliver us from wicked and evil men who wish moral harm and other evils upon the American heart, soul, and society. Deliver us from their power, their grip, and from their influence in our nation. Expose them all and take from them their power. Bind their works and destroy all their schemes that they have set in motion to hurt and to bring down our nation. Restore and recover our nation to faith, hope, and love of God, of one another, and of country in Jesus Name. Amen.....Jesus Is Lord.......deno.
exist but two points for THE BEGINNING. In the beginning God thru His
Eternal Power created....or......In the beginning Nothing from it's
lifeless non existence, not ever being or never having itself existed made all this something out of it's NONE
EXISTING NON SELF OR NOTHINGNESS.....deno....It's a no brainer to some of us......deno.......share freely...... But note this. We know from life and existence itself that Some One or some energy or power or thing has always existed. Eternal is it's energies. Always has been and forever is and forever shall be. That is Eternals meaning and power. Nothing from nothing can never lead to something. Such is un scientific and beyond logic and proper intellectual reasonings. To say that nothing just some how (though having never existed) leaped into something, especially into something of the scale of this incredible Universe is illogical. Something had to be before the next something is. It is a fathering or parenting force, energy, or power. Knowing this we now know something has HAD TO HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. It is the only logical power that could have struck the match that led to the fire of a well designed and formed Universe or the Creation. It is written...Christ thru His Eternal Spirit offered up the blood of His body that He took upon His Eternal Spirit, for the atoning of the sins of the world. Meaning He is Eternal in Spirit and Power, living in Oneness with His Father, having no beginning nor ending. Always has been and ever shall be. Scroll Down.
The apostle Paul and the other disciples wrote, all this was made sure to us of all that we preach of Jesus Christ, for we are his witnesses of his resurrection from the dead, which we both saw and handled with our own eyes and hands as we also saw the Lord in His glory in light. Jesus they said WE PREACH, warning every man of things to come and of things hereafter and of judgements to come for the evil men do against God and against His Sons Love.....deno......share freely.
Billy Graham above preaching TWO sermons. 1) Who is this Jesus. 2) The offense of the Cross.
the book of beginnings (Genesis) we see in the very first 3 verses that
the Spirit of the Lord MOVED FIRST and then afterwards came the
results. The Spirit moved, then the Spirit said (Preached), and then
results beyond measure that are still being calculated by men today took
place (New Creations).....Prayer. God cause the Spirit of the Lord to
move upon America and the nations afresh.. God make us your people in
Christ Jesus fountains of the Holy Spirit. Rivers of the Living
water. Springs of the Holy Ghost and pour Your Spirit afresh on this
generation. Preach & write the gospel thru us beyond even all
yesterdays and save and heal and mend and unite this generation as One
heart and one mind in Christ Jesus rich in love and the affections of
the Spirit of the Lord. Amen..And all things are possible with God and
to them that believe.....deno.
More on the subject.....In the first 3 verses of the bible we see that
things were in disarray, things were without form and purpose was in
waiting. Then God poured out His Spirit upon the face of it all and then
He began to TAKE HIS WORD and organized and made order out of chaos,
formlessness, and emptiness. Do you feel like your life is in chaos?.
Like your empty within and without purpose. God can change, rearrange,
and make order out of all of us who are in disarray and fill our hearts
with His Spirit and give us GREAT PURPOSE to the glory of His Name and
to our Joy being made full in Jesus Christ.....deno.
Did you notice also that when the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the
chaos, upon the disarray, upon the formlessness, and the without purpose
situation in the beginning of Genesis 1:1-3), He FACING OFF with the
situation poured out HIS WORDS on the situation, upon the challenge,
upon the circumstance and HIS WORDS changed everything for THE
BETTER..In our situations let us be filled with the Spirit of the Lord
and the spirit of faith, and face off our problems & challenges,
face off our situations and face off our circumstances with the WORD
& PROMISES of God. Lets SPEAK & PRAY THE WORD OF GOD on and into
them all in Jesus Christ Name. Gods Spirit and Words are the most
powerful forces in all creation....Thru faith in them we can CHANGE OUR
WORLD.....deno......share freely.
often thought it strange why the Lord asked that blind man, What would
you have me do for you? I mean it was obvious to all including Jesus
that the man was blind and needed sight. So why didn't Jesus just simply
go over to the blind man and heal him? Well in that light, why doesn't he automatically just save every soul on earth automatically? We know from the love HIS CROSS preaches to us all that he wants to. Here is some of that which I learned from the Lord. I have learned to try to quickly share what I learn from the Lord. For to those who give, more shall be given them. I want to learn more things to share. Well I have learned this from the
Lord. Ask to receive. Do not expect automatic transaction from heaven to
earth or from God to man. Salvation which is the most important need of
all people is not an AUTOMATIC TRANSACTION though it
is Gods highest desire and goodwill for all and every ones greatest need.
If you do not call upon the Lord and ASK HIM to forgive you and to save
you it will not automatically happen. You HAVE TO ASK. Jesus preached that, "You have to ask
in order receive. You have to seek in order to find. You have to knock
in order for the doors to be opened." That is the true way that God himself set up. We need to become the most
believing, the most asking, the most seeking, the most knocking on the
doors Christians ever. By doing this we in faith, in hope, and in love
more abundantly, we then prepare ourselves for the biggest outpouring of
receivings and findings and opened doors ever before us.....Jesus Is Lord......deno.....share freely.
Love and Lawlessness combined is Evils way of life, not Gods way of
life. Love and Lawlessness oppose one another. Love and Lawlessness is
National Instability. Love and Lawlessness is a Monster of a being. Love
and Lawlessness is chaos. Supposedly Love for Allah and Lawlessness
combined into One crashed together into the world trade centers and
crushed and burned and murdered thousands and turned them into powder.
Compassion which is of love, and Lawbreaking, which is disregard for
Laws is one turning the cheek while the other beats the hell out of you
for your lack of insight to how evil lawless people really are......deno....share freely.