There is never a true reason for our souls to be cast down or to stay cast down when the
heart knows that Jesus Is Always Up praying for us the church. Jesus is up in glory in the throne
of God at the Fathers right hand for a BIG REASON. To intercede and to pray for you and me, and to oversee all preparations for our arrival into paradise. "I go there to PREPARE a place for you." Also it is written, Jesus ever lives to make intercessions for the saints. Since he was totally faithful in the sacrificial calling
and the ministry of giving us HIS ALL for our salvation thru the agonies
of the blood of HIS CROSS, we can all rest assured that He is also
written in the scriptures, that Jesus at the right hand of the
Father, lives forever making INTERCESSIONS FOR THE SAINTS. When you
have The Risen, World Overcoming, DEATH CONQUERING Son of God always
praying for you, you have so many mighty reasons to be FILLED WITH HOPE
EVERYDAY THRU THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Lord Jesus I know You are interceding for me today and I will walk in faith in the beauty and the glory of your intercessions thank You. I remember when Peter was snared by the devil in a word trap and Satan wanted to sift him as wheat; You said to him, Peter Satan has desired to sift you as wheat BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU that your faith would not fail, And right after that YOU SAID to Peter, YOU WILL RECOVER. Thank you Jesus for praying and for interceding for me. I know and believe that no matter what Satan throws at me and at us WE WILL RECOVER (Luke 2:31-34). Jesus did not promise Peter exemption from Satans attack or from trials, nor did Jesus promise Peter that sins or wrong choices have no painful consequences. When Peter denied the Lord as Jesus fore told him he would, Peter felt every bit of that heart ache and that acts soul agony. But Christ intercession would RECOVER Peter, forgive Peter, heal the agony of his soul, and restore unto him the joy of his salvation and sweet fellowship with Jesus his Lord and Savior. Those intercessions of Jesus for Peter, placed Peter front stage on the day of Pentecost to preach the first sermon of the gospel of Christ resurrection in Jerusalem. Unwavering faith connects us
to the power and glory of Christ intercessions. Peter was in prayer and in the word readying himself in faith for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit believing the Word Jesus spoke into his brokenness THAT HE WOULD RECOVER AND IN THAT RECOVERY HE WOULD STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH. Doubt & Unbelief would have placed Peter else where, maybe even on the lake fishing instead of in Church praying, preparing himself, waiting, and serving the Lord. Unbelief and all manner of doubt
together grieve and QUENCH often times the effects of the Spirit of the
Lord, the goodwill of the Lord, and His Intercessions. In the light of this truth lets recall what Jesus said when He wept over Jerusalem. He said, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, How often I would have, how often I wanted to, to gathered your children under My wings (Meaning Love, Protection, Housing, Shelter, Benefits, Blessings and The reality of the Presence of the Lord in our life) BUT YOU WOULD NOT ALLOW ME. What did they do to quench this peace and goodwill desire that the Lord wanted to do for His people as mentioned in the paragraph above? The sin of doubt and of unbelief. This type of spiritual disobedience, the sin of doubt and of unbelief is the worst robbing kind, robbing from us often times the peace and the goodwill that Jesus wants to do for us. We know this truth thru this scripture, It is written, "And in His own home town, there Jesus could not do any mighty deeds, nor perform the goodwill that He wanted to for them, BECAUSE OF THEIR UNBELIEF." BE BELIEVING & BE FILLED WITH THE WORD OF THE LORD AND LIFE AND FAITH. Say Lord Jesus I receive the benefits and the blessings into my life this day of your intercessions. I know as it was in Peters life that by your interceding prayers I will make it thru this. I will recover in the name of the Lord and strengthen others in Christ.....Amen.....deno......share freely.
There is a sinful side to everyone, to every one of us, no exceptions.
HONESTY IS SUCH A LONELY WORD. It is light lacking if we preach other wise..... Let us not kid or con ourselves. And
the only true righteousness that God excepts is not by anything of ourselves but is by faith in His Son
Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead (Romans 10:1-13), for whatever is
not done from faith is Sin, meaning also that it is unacceptable to God (Romans 14:23). It is the GIFT OF GOD we all need. The precious gift of righteousness freely given by faith and without works (Romans 3:19-28)(Romans 4:2-8) (Ephesians 2:1-10)...Without this gift from God and His grace and mercies given us in Christ Jesus, we then would all be but the devils seed and the kidnapped possession. Remember that even the demons believe
and the devil transforms himself to only pretend to look holy and angelic
and to come across as a messenger of light and of righteousness, but the real truth of the matter is the most vile and the most wicked evil is all up
in him in every part of his being. Let us not pretend to be more than what we are apart from the grace and gifts bestowed upon us from God thru Christ. Resisting evil and resisting the devil are outside
and inside things. What do I mean? Paul preached, In me, that is in HIS
FLESH BODY dwells NO GOOD THING. He said EVIL lives and dwells in the flesh of his being
(Romans 7:14-25) So you say you don't believe it? Well just let your
flesh do all it wants, all it wants to say when it wants to say it and all it wants to do every time it desires to
do it without you resisting any of its compulsions and you will see how vile and evil the flesh, the sinful flesh still is and really is. The truth of this matter is that the gifts and the workmanship of Christ is in our hearts, deep in the spirit of our inner being, and not in our present flesh. The holy work is of and in the spirit of man created new in Christ Jesus but the flesh remains unregenerated and remains vile and full of wicked sly desires as the craft of the serpents constant hiss and spiritual bite that cursed us in the beginning in the fall of Adam. Yes the spirit is made alive in Christ Jesus but the flesh is still weak and sinful and must be subdued daily or the world will not be able to tell any difference of us from themselves. The spirit is right and is willing in Christ Jesus but the flesh is wrong and weak. So learn to walk in the spirit and you will not give into the desires of the sinful flesh with all its deceitful and confusing corrupted lust (Galations 5:13-26) Many many times, what christians think is the voice of the devil speaking to them, is not the devil at all but is the voice of their own sinful side, of their own sinful flesh. The voice of the flesh tells us when something feels good and the voice of the flesh tells us when we feel pain. The voice of the flesh will also cry out to us, to our minds the words and thoughts that come from the voice of its sinful wicked vile nature as well. That ROAMING EYE OF YOURS is not the devil but the lust of your OWN EYES and of your own sinful flesh. And the truth shall set you free...Preaching peace thru the
blood of His Cross......share freely.....deno.
There were THINKERS on all levels all the time around Jesus when
he was on earth, but it was only the BELIEVERS in the midst of those thinkers that drew out from the
well of CHRIST POWER the glory of God into their being and into their
lives.....As Jesus said to the woman, Be of good cheer for your
believing caused MY FATHERS POWER to flow from Me into you and made you
whole. Hundreds and hundreds were there at the same time as that woman pressing and touching Jesus, but they received nothing. They were thinkers and not believers. The Spirit of the Lord can easily decipher the difference....And in another place in the scriptures we also read, "And Jesus in
His own home town was not able to do any mighty works there BECAUSE OF
THEIR UNBELIEF." Often times the thinking mind is the souls greatest
enemy for it robs from many the needful faith one must have in the heart in order to
be healed or to be saved, or to overcome the worlds darkness and
spiritual delimma....As it is written, "And the simple and common people
heard Jesus gladly and their hearts believed." They went their way filled
and justified, while the THINKERS went away empty looking for hammer
and nails......deno.
The world is going the route of the AntiChrist way. Such must happen in
order that the scriptures be fulfilled. But individually we do not have
to and must not. In my younger years watching and enjoying our dads
preaching when he was on earth, I was so glad that America was clearly a
believing nation made up of mostly Christians and in that atmosphere we
hardly ever felt the hostility of the spirit of the AntiChrist against
our risen Lord and against the faith of the Son of God.
From the President on down our ears often heard people everywhere in
our nation call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ publicly and
unashamedly......My my my, how things have changed in such a short
period of time in America...... The spirit of the AntiChrist is today
hammering and hammering his nails again everyday against Jesus Christ,
trying to kill Him afresh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, in the manger scene on display, and in the hearts and in the minds of the American
people to bring HIS ABOMINATIONS AND CHANGE to America and to the
world.....Christians hold fast to Jesus in love and in faith no matter
what happens in the world...... And the scriptures says, And the CROWDS
shouted at the trial, CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM, but a remnant wept for
Jesus in their love for Him for they knew in their hearts that He was
the Christ, the Son of God. And that remnant three days later saw the
Lord in the power and in the glory of HIS RESURRECTION... Lord be merciful to me a sinner cried the man crucified next to Jesus and that man died a winner. The other man that was also crucified with Jesus on the other side mocked and cursed and died without hope when the true hope was there right next to him for the taking by faith but he could not see. So many perish like he did when all the time THE TRUE HOPE was ever so close for them to lay holt on to but they were deceived to do so and they died in their sins. Those that believe and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. The opposers and the mockers shall perish.......share freely.....deno.
Abraham said to the rich man in hells torments, he said, "son remember
in your lifetime". This man that Abraham was talking to in the forever
world was in hell and was told that if he looked back to the way he
lived on the earth in his earthen lifetime, he would know and understand
why he ended up in the grave that tops them all, in the place where the
dead bury the dead, and the hopeless bury the hopeless (Luke 16:19-31).
For that man nothing no one can say or do can
change his condition. He is still there to this hour and shall be for
eternity separated from God and all hope. He is amongst the billions who
on earth in their lifetime lived in darkness, in sensual pleasure, in
the way of selfish living, in the way of the blind, who never overcame
the power of the deceiver over them. And then there is a man
named Cornelius. His story differs greatly......And the angel said to
Cornelius, Send one of your servants to a man called Peter. Who when he
comes to you, he shall tell you WORDS and by believing those WORDS and
living by those WORDS, you and your family shall be justified and by
those Words shall be saved. Peter was fetched and he came and preached
to them the love of the truth that is in Christ Jesus. That God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believed in him would not perish as that rich man did, but would have
everlasting life. That Jesus loved them and on the cross He gave himself
for their sins and died on the cross for their sins punishment so that
they would never have to, on the everlasting scale. Then three days
later, this same Jesus that was born of the virgin Mary was raised up
from the dead by the glory of God to fulfill the mighty promise that God
made to the Messiah, "I will not leave your soul in hell, nor will I
allow your body to see decay." These are the WORDS that our dad preached
to us over the years as our pastor and shepherd. These are the WORDS we
believe. I pray that you receive Christ and believe them to. Forever is
a long time to spend ones everlasting state. All our eternal matters
start here.....Remember son, remember in your
lifetime......deno.....share freely.
Rich men desire poor mens wives and are known to sly and to murder to obtain them. Poor men desire rich mens goods and kill and steal and destroy to take them. The rich man is jealous of the poor mans stature of simplicity, of looks and bodily strengths so he subtly discredits them blurred by the sight of their own eye blinding logs. The poor man is jealous of the rich mans lofty dreams and his higher reach for his throne amongst the stars so he strives to shame the achievers by the use of fire and by their pulpits because they lack the honor and commitment of the ways of excellence and of honest hard work that God honors and promises to bless. For faith, real faith is no respecter of persons. It works for the rich or the poor man the same. It sees no colors and it has no fear, and real faith also knows no limits or impossibility. It can upend any mans opposing mountains if only he truly believe. If a man has no faith he is his own worst enemy and an enemy to the soul of a believing nation. Underneath all his fronts of confidence are hidden torments and soulish ills. He is possessed by an envious wicked, unreasonable spirit and he will despise the blessings of those who have true faith and its heaven sent blessings that are abundant and immeasurable. God formed the earth and the creation to respond to the faith of believers in all the nations, not to unbelievers. When unbelievers rule the earth, the soul of the world is dark, unstable, and off its intended spiritual course. Look at Jesus. He was man as God intended for man to be. The Word had become flesh and dwelt amongst us. He ruled the elements by the desire of love and by the weightiness of his faith always esteeming others in love better than himself bowing his knees to wash their feet and to serve them preferring them before himself. He being THE LIGHT OF LIFE showed us all the life that God and all of heaven honors and bestows favor upon. But the envious and the coveting of both the rich man and of the poor man are in the scale and measure of sin and evil, they are BOTH THE SAME TO GOD and either way, God says SIN LIES AT THE DOOR smothering them both. Both will perish from their covetous and envious ways if they do not repent of their multi-faced prejudices. Side by side they shall together perish in the abyss built by God for all haters, if they refuse to love one another as the created subject to their One Creator who created all things by the excellency of the spiritual glory of His Son Jesus Christ. Hate will always make a mess of many things. Evil will always push for the great divide for it's hands vaster spread amongst friends, families, races, and nations, always seeking the destruction of the soul of people and of nations in it's onward march of it's defiance against God, against the beauty of heavens harmony, against the sacredness of the brotherhood of all men, and against the holy commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself. Hate has no humility. It will always seek it's own selfishly and even if it did for a brief moment seem to bow it's knees in compromise, it does so only to deceive for later gains. Hate has no true friend and the friends possessed by hate, they split atoms that tie things together in order to form destruction and chaos. America is today splitting hairs over so many different things as the present fresh blood seek to stake their claim to the nations blessings and bounty and thrones of authority. This is the war going on within our nation today and this revolutionary ink filled war to rewrite and reroute America is so great today that the very foundations of our nation are starting to crack under the pressure of these constantly applied weights. For what men push becomes their own pressure. If you push division then by division you will be torn ascunder. If you push unity, then the nation will come together and a great sweet smelling refreshing fragrance shall fill the land once again and Gods grace shall be shed upon our nation with new mercies. America does not need to be rewritten, and we have in blood repented for our own sins against freedom and it's full formations in our society. Americas laws and freedoms rules have already been written and have already been proven as the most successful for a nation in all of history. As the famous saying goes. If it is not broken, then don't try to fix it. You will end up messing things up and that is what is presently going on in our nation. Just look at the mess that all this so called hope and change has brought upon us. We are more divided today than many decades before us. The ways of our nations abundance and prosperity are already tested and tried and have been clearly proven for all the world to see. All we need to do now in this nation is to humble ourselves and to see ourselves as One Nation Under God as our former generations did, and to love one another as Christ loved us and gave himself for us. To love thy neighbor as thyself are the words of God for the healing of this nation. All other words or routes will eventually crumble the columns and the pillars as Rome fell from self absorption and gluttonous indulgences that tore the nation apart and it's former greatness was lost and she became a byword of history. Despite all of our nations ills and all of our nations sins and imperfections as ALL NATIONS AND AS ALL PEOPLE HAVE, God still loved us and grace abounded THE MORE and Americas candle of burning faith ascended into heaven in the form of many prayers and intercessions in the name of Jesus Christ from a remnant of believers who dreamed big and believed big for this nations prosperity and freedom progressions. And it was also from this established liberty that one day freedom itself was the spokesman behind it's own printed pulpit and slavery was abolished by sacrifice to set the captive and the enslaved free. Yes we as a nation have had our many roughed edges as our clay that formed our way of life and our freedoms were being shapened. But this formed vessel of our freedoms is today in the hands of those who esteem our freedoms more like a wicked vice and not the property of a price paid in blood saying we did not build this, nor did we build that. Since they feel not the pains of the former sacrifices, then they feel NO ALLEGIANCE to the laws of our freedoms Constitution and will push their change upon this nation if WE THE PEOPLE TOLERATE THEIR STEALTH. Scroll Down.
And America, these imposters will use all the weapons in the arsenal of sly and of hate to strive to shame us as Americans for being America and for being who we are and for being SO BLESSED to divide us as a nation. This is what is going on in our beloved land. America, Satan knows that friction is one of the causes of some of the most incredible destructive fires; for this reason God countered and shed abroad His unifying grace and love in living water by His Son Jesus Christ for all nations to drink from. To by faith drink from the love of God and from the waters of His Spirits presence and life freely poured out unto us all be Jesus Christ from the Cross to the Throne. Amen......deno......share freely.