Monday, December 15, 2014

SAVING AMERICA.......deno......share freely.

        Some/ many of the elite overseeing the educational system of our schools and what is taught in the class rooms believe that giving allegiance to God or to prayer or to the Word of God in school is unhealthy for our children and our society.....REALLY ? ARE YOU SERIOUS ?
        In all the generations of America, when our schools prayed together and when our schools taught the Word of God and His love your neighbor as yourself way and His Ten Commandments, Americas kids led all the nations in all top qualities from intellect to morality, to achievement, to productivity and honorable living, and our streets were not full of hate and bitterness, with gangsters, thugs, thieves, murderers and people that despise goodness and decency, and our movies and music were not filled with words and ways that glorify and exalt the ways of evil, sin and wrong and make a mockery of decency, goodness, God and righteousness.
         Rome burned because love and light were lacking and sin was heavily abounding, and she aimed her hate at the saints and warred against the Christians....You cannot tell me this move to remove God and prayer and the love your neighbor as yourself doctrine of Jesus Christ out of school along with the Ten Behavioral Commandments that God gave us all has lifted our nation higher in blessings goodness, and in strengths. IT HAS NOT AND THE RECORDS PROVE THIS AND SO DOES OUR SOCIETY AND STREETS that are full of hate, bitter living, division, drug escapism, and blood from violence.
         Oh how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer. You have said in your heart I WILL OPPOSE GOD AND HIS THRONE AND AUTHORITY, AND I WILL EXALT WHAT I WANT ABOVE HIM. This is the heart of the humanist that write and enforce this anti God agenda and print in the textbooks for our schools.
         There was nothing wrong in the textbooks in the glory days of morals high standards that were imposed on the children in our schools in America in the day of her former incomparable strengths and excellence when faith and trust in God was the standard. The way and the system was not broken but was a blessing to our nations streets and moral interaction between citizens, to our economy and to our unity and national defense. We were all patriots and patriotic. Loving God and Country.

        No, the way of Americas proven successful system that included our God Heritage was not broken but was dreaded for it's convictions that rebellious hearts felt who desired to remove the yoke of God and of decency and of righteousness off the land and off their lives. It's called conviction (Read Psalms 2:1-12). These who loved pleasures of sin more than God (2Timothy 3:4 KJV) formed together to attack the proven successful way of America and ever since 1963 WE THE PEOPLE have been deceived to be tolerant to their supposed constitutional right and we have have been sedated by lies to lay down the power to them and their godless agenda and our nation, the great light and city on a hill just keeps crumbling and falling further and further away from her former number one in the world status of moral and achieving excellence. Our nation is now way way down the achievers list and of moral excellence. Even today we are now, get this,  not even in the top twenty of the worlds freest nations. THEIR AGENDA IS KILLING AMERICA IN EVERY DECENT WAY AND IN EVERY FREEDOM DESTROYING WAY. You see them still TODAY even more than ever suing us over and over again to remove God and Christ out of everywhere in America.
        These people tolerated plus sin tolerated, sin promoted, sin glorified, sin magnified, what is evil and wrong made to look good and the right and cool thing to do, plus God and His Name and Way being demeaned, has been draining the life and blessings of God right out of our hearts and homes and streets and schools and out of the strength and glory of America.

        IF WE DO NOT TAKE THIS UNCOMPROMISING CONSTITUTIONALLY BACKED STAND, then THE MOTH, RUST AND THE DECAY OF THEIR ANTI GOD IN AMERICA AGENDA WILL CONTINUE TO BRING THE STRONGEST NATION THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN TO ITS KNEES BUT NOT IN A PRAYERFUL WAY. Then our children in just decades to come will cry for what their parents of the former generations let happened to their nation, the nation that was for generations the most decent, the most achieving, the most prosperous, God loving, Jesus Christ preaching nation ever known on the earth during the centuries of Christ saving, redeeming, truth and light on earth. Our founding fathers left us the light and the gold, shall we leave our children the  darkness and the scraps from unbelief and deadly immorality? .....deno.....share freely.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ronald Reagan We Are Americans

Love,Honor,Click,Share. (We Are Americans.)

Jesus Is About To Rise Back Up In America.......deno......share freely.

........One of the pre planned and executed moves of the left who controls 99 % of the news and television shows in our nation, is their scheme to try to make the American public think or perceive that God and Christianity are bywords of the America of long time ago but not anymore. That believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior is a minority thing and vastly most unpopular in this modern day America.
........But friend, despite what they try to sell us about this matter, the very opposite is the truth (Around 70 plus percent of this nation confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But the left in their crafty works to make you and I and all of America perceive that this quest and dream of theirs is perceived as true, they do all they can to try to convince you by deceptions to believe this false perception.
.........Thru news, television shows, movies and the music industry they make war with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith in America. After all most of the people who own these stations are from the extreme left and they purposely push this anti Jesus movement. They are people from Hollywood, from the Jewish monetary packs of those Jews who withstand Jesus as Messiah and these Jewish unbelievers are many with power and wealth in this country and Atheist groups, plus others. Its almost like they feel they now (finally after all these American years) have NOW their foot on Jesus' neck being that they now own and control the majority of the information flow of our nation and they are fighting fanatically not to lose their footing so that they do not remove their foot off of Christ neck, not wanting to let up for even a single second lest Christ get some fresh air in this nation and come rising back up in popularity again.
.........I have some news for them. Jesus is the Lord of the resurrection. He is called the great Overcomer. Since all of sin, Satan, and all of death, hell and the grave and even all the world and it finest military could not keep Jesus from rising back up and could not keep his fame buried deep and down, these of this latest big effort will miserably fail and lose as well..Just wait and see. The Red Sea is again about to part by grace and divine intervention; and the Stone is about to be removed and rolled out of the way again and that by the Power of God who is strongly determined to glory and magnify and honor His Son Jesus Christ Again and again. Like the old saying goes, You just can't keep a good man down. Well there is no better man, nor any other man near the good of the man Jesus Christ, who is also Gods Anointed Son and our Lord from heaven who became flesh.....share freely......deno....Saturday...12-13-2014. 2:20pm.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

Lucifers Decree Has Become Mans Decree, so that the man of sin shall be soon revealed....share freely.....deno

       The scriptures reveal that Lucifer left the way of a child's heart of humility and it cost him dearly. It says that he began to LOOK AT HIMSELF and HIS BEAUTIES REFLECTIONS and that he became lifted up with pride and self idolizing and self exaltation, even to the degree that he wanted to be praised and worshiped as a god like the Most High God. The bible tells us that God resisteth the proud, but He gives His grace to the humble. Well Lucifer was the first to realize the power and might of a resisting God resisting the proud ones. 
      Lucifer said in his arrogant boast that got him thrown out of heaven like lightning. (Isaiah 14:12-15) I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne (MY AUTHORITY) above the stars of God and His Word and above His Authority (Man is doing this more and more today, exalting himself and his words and will above Gods)...... 
       Lucifer also said, I will also sit on the mountain of God, on the farthest sides of the north. I will even ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will be like the most High God....In other words Satan threw off of himself the rule of God over him and he chose to have things his way instead of Gods way. Pride Pride Pride. He wanted his word and desires and rules to replace and take precedence over and above Gods rule, law, words, and authority. He wanted his own throne which also meant his own ways and say so. Well it got him hell and it is sad to say it but the present man is fighting for that same right, the same satanic way right today to do things mans way and not Gods way and it is going to cost the humanist and the others the same exact hell. Please Father in Jesus name open their eyes unto true repentance and salvation....share freely......deno.

Well Then Crazy People Hear His Voice?....deno.....share freely.

      I heard deno say that he received a word from the Lord and wrote it down. I think he is gone crazy. Well the Bible then was written by a whole lot of crazy people....They did the very same exact thing.....Moses, Ezekial, Jeremiah, Isaiah even all the prophets said. And the Word of the Lord came unto me SAYING....AND THEY WROTE THOSE WORDS DOWN....
      Jesus said something like, Crazy people hear HIS VOICE....The real concern of our generation should be about those that do not and that mock those that somehow by child like approach, have and do....Truth, though oddly spoken, has been spoken here.
      God said, In the latter days I will pour out of MY SPIRIT on all people who believe. They will preach (what they hear given them by God). They will prophecy THE WORDS given them by My Spirit. They will utter and be as scribes to the word of the Lord and them will I send. I will in them show signs and wonders. They will hear My Voice. They will have visions and dreams from the Spirit of My Grace within them......share freely.....deno.

A Word I Received From The Lord Yesterday .....deno.....share freely.

         I lost a friend yesterday thru some words I wrote and thru a post that I commented on. This bothered me some. Then as I contemplated this loss, feeling the hurt,  part of me felt like withdrawing from being bold and straight forward about things I pen. Well, these words came floating up within me....I feel the Lord would have me share them with you.

        "To repent and to apologize for your sins I DEMAND from you and from all, for I am the Lord. But to compromise any Word or Counsel of mine no matter its fire, leads to fire, so do not get burned by the hurt. Do not Compromise, but live for the honor of God only. Keep pressing. Keep striving. Keep Believing. Keep loving. Remember your Redeemer. Remember your own Redemption for such is every mans duty whose hope is in the blood of My Cross. Remember that My true Sword is love that cuts with conviction by piercing the heart and soul with truth that burns to mend, burns to heal, and burns to make One of many. Only My fire heals and My True Word is full of it. It lifts and it cast down. It exalts and it makes low. It brings joy and turns joy into sorrow and sorrow into joy. It turns mourning into laughter and laughter into mourning. It heals and makes alive the spirit and cuts ascunder and cuts with conviction the soul of the unrepentant. It is a hammer to the rock and a Rock that crushes to powder. It is living water to drink and it is fire to purify. To serve Me is to bear the Cross in the fellowship of My Sufferings. He that is forgiven much loves much and he that is given much, more is required. The greater the light shines the greater the persecution. Show Me in My Word where this is not? I am the Lord".....Jesus Is Lord.....deno.

Poem...From The Blood of ONE MAN......share freely......deno.

......Oh that all men would act like brothers
......for such they are upon the great vine.
......And that all the women would act like loving sisters
......who love the embrace of Gods Son the Divine.

......For on our streets flows rivers of precious blood,
..... from wounded children of so many ills;
......of souls that saw such little grace & love,
..... that shaped their hearts to hate and to kill.

......Shall we see these souls but act as though,

......act as though we're all blind.
......Shall we leave them desolate and desperate among us
..... cut off from hopes redeeming vine?

......Dare not I say the truth of what,

..... piercing eyes do daily clearly see,
......of a people of America and in other countries abroad

..... being burned by the wickedness of men's greed.

......Am I my brothers keeper they say?
......Why should I care what happens to him?

......Because we are all from the blood of One Man my friend
......For your thought the worlds light in going dim......deno.

......When the Lord made His covenant with Abraham, the Lord clearly explained the reason for His connection to Abrahams life and for making Abraham rich and wealthy. One was so that thru His Seed which would be Christ all nations of the world would be blessed (This Blessing was the Blessing of Salvation and Redemption thru the blood of His Cross, the cross of Jesus Christ). #2) I will BLESS YOU (means I will make you to prosper by My Blessing) so that, so that, so that OTHERS WOULD BE BLESSED BY YOU. This was a SUPPLY BLESSING for GIVING TO OTHERS. (See also Ephesians 4:28)

......WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Jesus healed them with HIS LOVE and it is the goodness of God that when men see it, it causes them to repent. Show a precious soul Christ love and goodness today. Haven't we already shown to much divisive hate in our nation and in the world. Love and true kindness can heal anything for God is both and with God all things are possible.....deno.....share freely.