If you want to taste the honey, your going to have to first fight off and press your way thru the opposing bees.....deno.
Christ, with every new advancing comes new withstandings and new
challenges, and with each new spiritual progression and fruit comes
fresh temptations. The enemy is always trying to set us back or to keep
us from moving forward. So be alert and on your guard for they are
coming. Coming in the form of a hello, a messaging, a conversation, a song, a dance, a text, a phone
call. Coming by friction, by fire, by discord, by strife, by the desires
of the eyes, and of the flesh, in a pair of shoes, on the screen,
from uttering lips, and the serpents sway, hisses, and other formations
of his presented to you powers set in motion against you. Every sin that goes un-resisted is
another walk around spiritual Mt. Sinai, the mountain where all the Jewish people
for 40 years spun their tires in the mud because their sins from unbelief never
allowed their feet to make progressions positive traction. Things had to die off
of their lives before their feet finally gripped the ground of grace
offered without slipping and then, and only then to the promise land
they went to obtain its milk and honey. But even there they still had to FIGHT to lay holt of the blessings of the milk and the HONEY. Note.... Just because Israel, Gods people, just because their feet landed in the promise land, that landing did not mean the battle was over and it did not cause the land to automatically give up over to them, or hand over to them all its resources, treasures, goods pile ups, milk and honey (or the Spiritual riches of Grace and Blessing). There were opposing enemies that were going to resist them to keep them from taking full possession of the treasures, the goods, the milk and the HONEY. They had to be of good courage and in faith go with God and fight all those spiritual and physical BEES to possess it all. We fight and win by obeying Jesus, and we fight and win by believing God. Jesus taught us himself how
important it is for all of us to say GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN AND MEAN
IT. Notice with me that AFTER Jesus had resisted the devil and put him BEHIND HIM, the bible says Jesus left temptations mountain and returned to the people IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT (Luke 4:13-15). Jesus resisted victoriously therefore he tasted the HONEY OF THE ANOINTING, of the Power of God in his life and divine calling as both Lord and Christ. He resisted the devil. He stayed single minded on his calling and in pleasing and serving God and us. He believed and obeyed God the Father. Jesus lived everyday in the HONEY of the Blessings of the Spirit and Presence of God from the Anointing, from the blessing of God in his life. When Satan the king bee came to oppose Jesus, Jesus resisted him and put him behind him. When the lesser imps/bees came against him, Jesus controlled them and cast them out and not the other way around. Jesus got to the Honey of the Presence of Gods Spirit and Blessings by prayer/fasting/resisting the devil/by believing and obeying God faithfully/keeping his eyes on the work that God called him to do and never taking his hands off that plow. Every day Jesus was walking to the Cross and he never turned back. The Blessing of the Lord was upon Jesus and in his life without measure. Anything He asked the Father happened and His blessing poured over beyond his banks into many others lives thru light, thru wisdom, thru the power of God, thru healing's, provisions, and miracles of deliverance's , etc.....deno.....share freely.
asked the Lord, Lord how can we as Your children deal with all this
modern day onslaughts against God, against THE TRUTH, against You and
Your Cross and Resurrections Redeeming Message? Lord, so many are now
risen up against You and us who call upon Your Name. Much was the reply
but one of the main streams from His light was to out love all in His
name. This must be the heart of our response. To every day do something
good and of Christ love for someone else, for strangers and love ones in His Name. No sensible person will argue against love and kindness and the heart and spirit of giving.
David Wilkerson years ago as he was preaching to the gangs in
the streets of New York City was often times fought against by gang
members and the famous switchblade toting Nicky Cruz. Nicky one day in
his rage against Jesus and against David Wilkerson, that rage of
conviction and of hate caused him to attack David with swtichblade in
hand. David Wilkerson told Nicky, "Nicky, you can cut me up into a
thousand pieces and every piece will still love you....Nicky Cruz who
has evangelized all over the world said, It was that love in that
preachers heart that broke him down and led him to receive Christ.
Love expressed with faith and courage in Jesus Name is the most
powerful weapon against all the confusion and hate in America and in
this world. FAITH WHICH WORKS BY LOVE......deno
The joy and hope that Jesus brings! Again I wish you JOY and HOPE!
wish you joy and hope today! It is that hope and joy that kept me
alive during some trying times in my life. The hope that Heaven is my
final destination and He awaits my arrival. To know the joy of a Savior
who loves us so much that He gave His life is most surreal to me. To
think that the ones we love and miss so much are there, healthy and also
waiting for us. That's a celebration in itself! The reason we
celebrate not only in this Christmas season but all year long is the joy and hope that Jesus brings. Again I wish you joy and hope.
Your longing for heaven is good, because it is an extension of your
yearning for Me. The hope of heaven is meant to strengthen and encourage
you, filling you with wondrous Joy. Many Christians have misunderstood
this word hope, believing that it denotes wishful thinking. Nothing
could be farther from the truth! As soon as I became your Savior, heaven
became your ultimate destination. The phrase hope of heaven highlights
the benefits you can enjoy even while remaining on earth. This hope
keeps you spiritually alive during dark times of adversity; it brightens
your path and heightens your awareness of My Presence. My desire is
that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the
redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that
is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we
hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. —Romans 8:23–25
God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is
impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope
offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor
for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the
curtain. —Hebrews 6:18–19 May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with
hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
many of the elite overseeing the educational system of our schools and
what is taught in the class rooms believe that giving allegiance to God
or to prayer or to the Word of God in school is unhealthy for our children
and our society.....REALLY ? ARE YOU SERIOUS ? In all the
generations of America, when our schools prayed together and when our
schools taught the Word of God and His love your neighbor as yourself
way and His Ten Commandments, Americas kids led all the nations in all
top qualities from intellect to morality, to achievement, to
productivity and honorable living, and our streets were not full of hate
and bitterness, with gangsters, thugs, thieves, murderers and people
that despise goodness and decency, and our movies and music were not
filled with words and ways that glorify and exalt the ways of evil, sin and wrong and make a
mockery of decency, goodness, God and righteousness. Rome
burned because love and light were lacking and sin was heavily abounding,
and she aimed her hate at the saints and warred against the
Christians....You cannot tell me this move to remove God and prayer and
the love your neighbor as yourself doctrine of Jesus Christ out of
school along with the Ten Behavioral Commandments that God gave us all has lifted our nation
higher in blessings goodness, and in strengths. IT HAS NOT AND THE
RECORDS PROVE THIS AND SO DOES OUR SOCIETY AND STREETS that are full of hate, bitter living, division, drug escapism, and blood from violence. Oh
how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer. You have said in your heart I
WANT ABOVE HIM. This is the heart of the humanist that write and enforce
this anti God agenda and print in the textbooks for our schools.
There was nothing wrong in the textbooks in the glory days of
morals high standards that were imposed on the children in our schools
in America in the day of her former incomparable strengths and
excellence when faith and trust in God was the standard. The way and the system was not broken but was a blessing to
our nations streets and moral interaction between citizens, to our
economy and to our unity and national defense. We were all patriots and patriotic. Loving God and Country. No, the way of Americas proven
successful system that included our God Heritage was not broken but was
dreaded for it's convictions that rebellious hearts felt who desired to
remove the yoke of God and of decency and of righteousness off the land
and off their lives. It's called conviction (Read Psalms 2:1-12). These who loved pleasures of sin more than God (2Timothy 3:4 KJV) formed together to attack
the proven successful way of America and ever since 1963 WE THE PEOPLE
have been deceived to be tolerant to their supposed constitutional right and we have have been sedated by lies to lay down the power to them and their godless agenda and our
nation, the great light and city on a hill just keeps crumbling and
falling further and further away from her former number one in the world status
of moral and achieving excellence. Our nation is now way way down the
achievers list and of moral excellence. Even today we are now, get this, not even
in the top twenty of the worlds freest nations. THEIR AGENDA IS KILLING
AMERICA IN EVERY DECENT WAY AND IN EVERY FREEDOM DESTROYING WAY. You see them still TODAY even more than ever suing us over and over again to remove God and Christ out of everywhere in America. These people tolerated plus sin tolerated, sin promoted, sin glorified, sin
magnified, what is evil and wrong made to look good and the right and
cool thing to do, plus God and His Name and Way being demeaned, has
been draining the life and blessings of God right out of our hearts and
homes and streets and schools and out of the strength and glory of
KNOWN TO ITS KNEES BUT NOT IN A PRAYERFUL WAY. Then our children in just decades to come will cry for what their parents of the former generations let happened to their nation, the nation that was for generations the most decent, the most achieving, the most prosperous, God loving, Jesus Christ preaching nation ever known on the earth during the centuries of Christ saving, redeeming, truth and light on earth. Our founding fathers left us the light and the gold, shall we leave our children the darkness and the scraps from unbelief and deadly immorality? .....deno.....share
of the pre planned and executed moves of the left who controls 99 % of
the news and television shows in our nation, is their scheme to try to
make the American public think or perceive that God and Christianity are
bywords of the America of long time ago but not anymore. That believing
in the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior is a minority thing and
vastly most unpopular in this modern day America. ........But friend, despite what they try to sell us about
this matter, the very opposite is the truth (Around 70 plus percent of
this nation confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But the left in
their crafty works to make you and I and all of America perceive that
this quest and dream of theirs is perceived as true, they do all they
can to try to convince you by deceptions to believe this false
perception. .........Thru news, television shows, movies and the
music industry they make war with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith
in America. After all most of the people who own these stations are from
the extreme left and they purposely push this anti Jesus movement. They
are people from Hollywood, from the Jewish monetary packs of those Jews
who withstand Jesus as Messiah and these Jewish unbelievers are many
with power and wealth in this country and Atheist groups, plus others.
Its almost like they feel they now (finally after all these American
years) have NOW their foot on Jesus' neck being that they now own and
control the majority of the information flow of our nation and they are
fighting fanatically not to lose their footing so that they do not
remove their foot off of Christ neck, not wanting to let up for even a
single second lest Christ get some fresh air in this nation and come
rising back up in popularity again. .........I have some news for
them. Jesus is the Lord of the resurrection. He is called the great
Overcomer. Since all of sin, Satan, and all of death, hell and the grave
and even all the world and it finest military could not keep Jesus from
rising back up and could not keep his fame buried deep and down, these
of this latest big effort will miserably fail and lose as well..Just
wait and see. The Red Sea is again about to part by grace and divine
intervention; and the Stone is about to be removed and rolled out of the
way again and that by the Power of God who is strongly determined to
glory and magnify and honor His Son Jesus Christ Again and again. Like
the old saying goes, You just can't keep a good man down. Well there is
no better man, nor any other man near the good of the man Jesus Christ,
who is also Gods Anointed Son and our Lord from heaven who became
flesh.....share freely......deno....Saturday...12-13-2014. 2:20pm.
The scriptures reveal that Lucifer left the way of a child's heart of
humility and it cost him dearly. It says that he began to LOOK AT
HIMSELF and HIS BEAUTIES REFLECTIONS and that he became lifted up with
pride and self idolizing and self exaltation, even to the degree that he
wanted to be praised and worshiped as a god like the Most High God. The bible tells us that God resisteth the proud, but He gives His grace to the humble. Well Lucifer was the first to realize the power and might of a resisting God resisting the proud ones. Lucifer
said in his arrogant boast that got him thrown out of heaven like lightning. (Isaiah 14:12-15) I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne (MY AUTHORITY) above the stars of God and His Word
and above His Authority (Man is doing this more and more today,
exalting himself and his words and will above Gods)...... Lucifer also
said, I will also sit on the mountain of God, on the farthest sides of
the north. I will even ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will
be like the most High God....In other words Satan threw off of himself
the rule of God over him and he chose to have things his way instead of
Gods way. Pride Pride Pride. He wanted his word and desires and rules to replace and take
precedence over and above Gods rule, law, words, and authority. He
wanted his own throne which also meant his own ways and say so. Well it
got him hell and it is sad to say it but the present man is fighting
for that same right, the same satanic way right today to do things mans way and not Gods way and it is going to
cost the humanist and the others the same exact hell. Please Father in Jesus name open their eyes unto true repentance and salvation....share