I am a conservative, a patriot, AND I LOVE ALL OUR FREEDOMS AND
CONSTITUTION, no doubt, and I am very concerned what certain people and
groups are doing to our Constitution and the traditional American way of
life. Something very strange and wrong seems to be going on in America
with all this un-Consitutional & Anti God activity going on and all
this Redefining of things as marriage, and what religion is etc. I also believe that God expects all who are
able, to pull their weight and do their share in the work of the Lord
according to the grace GIVEN them and in the economics of a our nation
(WORK). Jesus said to those men that were not working, He said, Why do
you stand over there IDOL, come and work in my work place.... And as
Paul wrote, If people refuse to work let them not eat. He said that from
the Spirit of the Lord. So as long as a person is healthy and able to
work and work is available so they should. Even if there is not work
available, we are not to stand around twirling our thumbs being idol. We
are to be good citizens and to be HELPFUL and PRODUCTIVE someway.
Clean the house. Wash and iron the cloths. Do yard work. Pray often.
Wash cars. Volunteer somewhere. Help kids . Clean the church. Do
something. Why stand ye here IDOL Jesus said. To me, if we
are healthy and able, we should also have to work, to do something to
receive government tax payers aid. There are things the community needs
done to better the community. Such is good and edifying in so many ways.
Being idol in the mind and in the body is the devils roaming territory.
Our present society and our streets speak loudly how true this is.
Adam, God said. I've giving you this entire garden, till it and
gather the food to eat it. He did not say, go sit under a tree
somewhere and wait and do nothing expecting for those apples to come
to you in the mail special delivery. God did not say that. God
instituted WORK ETHICS. All thru the bible this is confirmed over and
over again. But as our preaching dad would say if he were still with us,
CHRIST FIRST IN EVERYTHING. As Christians, whatever your views are and
what ever your political convictions be, none of us are exempt from
LOVEISM bestowed upon those who have REAL NEEDS. So here is
my DENO'S FROM JESUS LOVEISM....Matthew 25:33-37) 35) For I was hungry
and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a
stranger and you took me in. 36) I was without good cloths and naked and
you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me like the GOOD SAMARITAN. I
was in prison and you came to me. None of us are excused from doing
these good works mentioned by Jesus above no matter what our political or spiritual convictions
are. Go and read Matthew 25:31-46). It did not go well for those who did not practice LOVEISM. God is merciful and kind and rich to all that call upon His Name.
Let's practice LOVEISM each and every day......So here upon this rock of HIS
TRUTH I STAND. I believe In LOVEISM.....Jesus Is Lord.....deno.....share
What concerns me is that Satan transforms himself and hides behind many
faces and fronts and in some cases, people that call themselves Atheist
who really are Satanist in disguise working against children's faith to
give him unresisted place in their lives and territories. He is not a
kind nor compassionate enemy. Jesus said of Satan that he was a liar, a
deceiver, a thief, a destroyer, a murderer. Lions in the fields always
try to fetch the little ones for the easy feast. Satan is after the hearts and minds of this generation for a huge soul feast for the lions on the earth and within the gates of hell. Wake up young people and return to the Lord and he will abundantly pardon you. Jesus Christ is Lord. The clock of your life is ticking. Where will you soul spend eternity? Amongst the lions of darkness? or with the beauty of the Lord and his holy good angels in light? Romans 10:9-10.....share freely......deno.
Without God and the restraining moral covenant that He gave
us (The Law of commandments contained in ordinances), the world then is left in the darkness of the anything goes counsel
of the humanist that believe man was earth spawned and not God formed,
therefore he answers to no higher power above himself, so do what thou
wilt, no matter what it is, no God is watching. Its the sin loving
lovers dream. Such a thought can lead to chaos down the road in society
beyond description and America today is under the pressure and the influence of a flood of these people who believe this anything goes lie. Paul wrote that the present
curse in the sin stricken man and woman is a curse that includes a
deceitful lust (Ephesians 4:21-23). Knowing this, knowing that we are plagued right now with abnormal unnatural deceiving us lust and desires, then the idea that if it feels good it must be
right idea is dangerous. Such a thought can get you shot or killed if you follow that rule because
others disagree with you touching their wife or husband, or for robbing
that bank or store, or for mugging for money, or for rape. Why did you
shoot me man, sheece it felt so right how could it have been so wrong? Plus there is all hell to pay (LITERALLY).
Within man, we all have a conscience given us from God that
speaks to us the truth if we would only listen. Now I know some are so
hard within that they are on the inside, hard of hearing and that voice is but a
whisper in volume. But all know that there are lines drawn and the
conscience knows the rules though we often break those
rules and cross the lines. Its called SIN.....deno......share freely.
When the Lord in the present works of His grace and Spirit
speaks, when He (Jesus Christ) speaks, His Word transcends the mind and
its streams of glory and light penetrate deep into the heart, into the heavenly place of the inner spirit, and inner
soul, piercing thru to the conscience and to the hard places inside
peoples hearts to cause meltdowns from which tears flow, and causes
faith uprisings, conversions, repentance, surrender and love. Without
these attributes in people there is no salvation. The world and
its education system today speaks to the mind for the intellectual
dance of the partners of thought and of thinking. The Lord in His love
with His illuminating system of His grace and truth speaks to the heart
and to the conscience of mans soul, to bring a resurrection life to our
spirit making it freshly back alive unto the Spirit of God. If Christ wanted to he could easily humble the whole
entire educational system of all the world with His infinite knowledge
and wit on challenging display in a question and answer format. All he would have to do is take back up
His God glory that was within Him and let it all come pouring out of His Spirits Eternal Light And Power. But
he knows that there will be an eternity for such class room activities.
But to get us to those class rooms, the wisdom of God called Christ first
to the Cross, for love saw salvation and redemption at present, mans
greater and greatest need for God from the light of His wisdom and counsel said without the shedding of blood sin cannot be removed or forgiven. Christ came down from His Glory
and Christ was born into our world knowing that there is a heaven for
man to gain and a fiery hell for men to shun. So God because of His
great love for us, chose the Cross for us and for our benefit now and later in glory and in
eternity, the fellowship of His class rooms. But for now we sit at the
table of the bread of the fellowship of his sufferings. Christ our
Savior and Passover Lamb shed his precious blood and died for our sins on the Cross and rose again to someday get us to His eternal
classrooms in He and the Fathers paradise. Will you be one of His
eternal students? Or are you going to join the many who chose to learn
the truth the HARD WAY but then found out it was to late ?... deno.....share freely.
To love thy neighbor as thyself is heavens highest moral
excellence. It is the greatest way if life and the greatest law of any society whether of heaven or
on earth. Without this rule our hearts and without this rule lived, not
even religious holiness matters. A so called holiness and sanctification
without this love rule lived is like a cloud without water. It may look
beautiful, and heavenly awing on the surface in fluffy white glory
causing a look toward heaven, but it is deceitful and cannot
deliver in the end all it promises. It is void of the real need and
empty of the saving truth. (1 John 2:9-10) He that says he is in the
truth and in the true faith (The light of Christ), but at the same time
hates his brother , is not in the light, nor is he in the saving truth.
He is deceived and still in darkness. Loving thy neighbor as
thyself is heavens highest moral excellence. Next to loving God with
all our heart, soul, mind and strength, it is the next number one commandment that Jesus gave us
all. Without it we do not have eternal life within us. (1 John 3:14-15) The apostle John wrote, "We
BRETHREN. He that does not love his brother is still in death and is dead unto the One true God. (God Is Love) 15)
Whosoever hates his brother, well he in the eyes of the Lord is a murderer; and
you know that no murderer has eternal life residing inside him." The reason that boasting Pharisee in the bible was condemned by Jesus even though he did all kinds of religious things and duties like fasting, praying, not watching bad movies, never committed adultery or fornication, and tithed ten percent of all that he had, was not because those things are not the right thing to do for they are. His condemning problem was his love and attitude towards others was haughty, unloving, and it stunk. He looked down on everyone else. He said I thank God that In not like all the rest of these people in this place of worship. They are liars, adulterers, fornicators, but I'm all clean and pure and without sin. ........He was the kind of man that would probably never be seen as the GOOD SAMARITAN in the story that Jesus taught us, but one of those that snurft at the man down on his luck and injured and said, Better you down there than me and just walked on by (1 John 3:11-18).......deno.....share freely.
can love and live at peace with one another. Why can't we? Since
therefore the God of Creation can accept us as awful, and ugly, and as
imperfect as we are and have been compared to His awesome perfect holiness, beauty and
glory and loves us thru His Son Jesus Christ as He loves Himself; then
we are all without excuse about loving one another except that we welcome not, nor have not His
Love in our hearts. And Jesus said to those religious Pharisees who opposed His love and light, who had religion and LAW but
no love, He said I KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE GODS LOVE in your hearts.
The only way one can have Gods love in his or her heart is to receive Christ.
This to is why our dad when he was still with us and others preached and do preach that Jesus is
the answer for the world today. The nations could have all
the riches of the world in full and overflowing possession, but if the hearts of the people
have not the love of God in them, then Babylon will still crumble and
fall....deno....America Founded By Believers For Believer.....share freely.
candle burns with light.......God is not a myth and Jesus Christ His
Son is not in the grave. Both are living in the hearts of billions by
the breath of the risen Son of God. Without the Spirit of the Lord,
without the breath of the Almighty with us and in us, not a one of us,
not even all the world can by no means know the Lord and the rich and
deep meaning of His being born of the virgin, nor understand the
benefits and the glory of His redeeming Cross & resurrection. Blindness
and a heart or mind empty of the Spirit of the Lord can never know or
interpret rightly God and His Sons truth. Such is absolutely impossible.
So don't be offended when the empty people call us "the filled ones"
crazy this Christmas Season for rejoicing in the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior. Instead pray
for their eyes to be opened and their hearts to be
filled........deno......share freely.