Until the veil is removed off the eyes, God could look like a double minded monster in the bible. That is why so many atheist use negative scriptures to try to demean the Lord and to demean that God is love. They, being blind, having that veil still over their eyes cannot see the goodness of God and His love in Christ. They are not able to rightly divide nor properly connect the scriptures from the redemption point of view, from the Spirit of the Lord. It's all a big blaah to them. God being love makes no sense to them by the natural look of things.
Listen carefully....Only until Jesus opened the eyes of those men, his closest disciples, that had been with Him every day for the past three years, only then were they able to understand the scriptures of the Christ and of Gods love and the wisdom of God in the Cross of Christ, ONLY THEN...How much more in the dark are those then that have not faith? How much more then does the world NOT SEE THE LOVE AND THE GLORY OF GOD SHINNING FROM AND TO THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST seeing they have not the Spirit of the Lord or grace? Those in darkness cannot see.
Since therefore the believers were helpless without the Lord giving them His Spirit and grace to open their eyes and to make sense of it all, how much then in the dark are the minds of those who do not believe....Thank God for opening our eyes and for giving us His Holy Spirit and grace in Christ Jesus....deno.....share freely.