Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This Light So Shocked Me......deno......share freely.

       It shocked me when my eyes were opened to the fact that there were many that were healed by Jesus and who said praises to His Name, who later turned against him and from those same lips cried CRUCIFY HIM. CRUCIFY HIM.....No wonder the prophet Jeremiah cried, The heart of people is desperately wicked and deceitful, who can know it? (Who can understand how the heart can be so easily turned?)....
       Speaking of hearts being turned away from God lets think of this truth. One day Solomon with all of the people of Israel, they were beholding the freshly built temple of the Lord and together they SAW GOD MANIFEST HIMSELF with glistening glory and in a pillar of fire as He entered the holy of holy place inside the temple. Then later down the road of his life, the bible said Solomon looked also upon the beauty of the GENTILE WOMEN (Non Jewish Women who had no covenant with God) and they TURNED HIS HEART from God and Solomon for those women WHO WERE IDOL WORSHIPERS, HE SINNED GREATLY. He built for their idols their OWN TEMPLES OF WORSHIP. 
      Solomons heart was so TURNED AWAY FROM THE LORD that he with those women BOWED DOWN on his knees and worshiped them. And to top things off we find that all this and all those temples that Solomon built for those women and for their idols, he did so WITH THE MONEY, the wealth that  GOD PILED INTO HIS LIFE.Is there a thing, or a people, or a person that is turning your heart from God and from faithfulness to the Lord.
      If people who have been actually completely healed by Jesus and know it to be so can praise him one day and cry crucify him the next, then what can peoples hearts do to each other in the last days? 
       Jesus said in that latter hour, children will rise up against their parents, parents will rise up against their children. Brothers will betray brothers, sisters their mothers and mothers their sisters, sons their fathers and fathers their sons. They will even betray one another and have family members put to death because they disagreed with their love and faith in Jesus Christ....Brethren let us love one another and grow together in Christ and not apart. This is the time for heart UNITY in Christ.......DENO.....share freely.

The Atheist Goal......share freely......deno.

       If the Atheist can use their so called intellectual craft and cunning deceit to whooo you into believing that we evolved out of a mud hole from millions and millions of years in the earths past (All by me're chance with no divine hand in the equation), then they have conquered your minds thought processing's and course which is their true goal. Next they will tell you to throw away that bible, it is a fairy tail. Then they will, WITH YOUR NEW PERMISSION, they will tear up also your American Constitution that was God and Biblically founded and based and our America and the world will be changed drastically and sent on a moral decaying downward slope. Such a downward slope this will cause that hopes eternal light and flame is extinguished leaving darkness the so called light of the world. God for even His own Names sake will massacre this evil movement before it would ever come to full fruit.
       Church, the Lord says DO NOT LET THEM WIN for TRUTHS SAKE AND FOR OUR CHILDREN'S SOULS SAKE. There is so much more to life than flesh and blood and Christ Anointing on major display when he was on earth PROVED IT (Acts 10:38 & John 21:24-25). 
       Friends Jesus came down from heaven, from Gods Spiritual glory and eternal domain. The Word, the Son of God became flesh and dwelt amongst us and WE BEHELD HIS SPIRITS GLORY. Jesus said, I came down from heaven, and if I tell you of earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you of the very heavenly things themselves?........deno.......share freely.

Moses Take Off Your Shoes......deno.

........And God said to Moses, Take off your shoes for you are on HOLY GROUND and Moses did that. But later the children of Moses refused to take off their shoes before the God of Moses. Instead they crucified Him in the day of their visitation when His Light was BURNING BRIGHT amongst them for THE WORD HIMSELF had BECOME FLESH in Loves greatest Anointing and Power that perfectly healed so many every where that Jesus went and preached the GOOD NEWS. Seems they preferred the burning bush before THE ACTUAL TRUE PRESENCE OF GOD. Religion over Reality and Relationship. 
      God is no longer hiding within the burning bush, nor is He anymore hid away behind the veil of the curtain, He is walking amongst us all ALWAYS IN CHRIST and in nothing or no one else. Jesus Is Lord.
      Is God and the things of God SACRED to our hearts today? Has the humble heart of Moses that God and His Things were so sacred unto, has that heart been lost on the earth or in the church? As it is written, Sanctify the Lord in your hearts? 
       The more precious the Lord and His Things are to our souls, the more HIS PRESENCE will be known MORE REAL in our lives. But if we just jingle and jangle in un-sacred silliness, the cups will seem so empty being that the Spirit of the Lord and His Presence is grieved. Go and read what Moses did in Gods presence ON THE MOUNT, how he acted and what he SPOKE and let us do likewise.
       Church, in the heart let us take off our shoes at home and in the great congregation for the King is in our midst. Let there be a hushing of the loose lips and now let those lips be unto the Lord sanctified fountains of praise and worship to HIS NAME......deno......share freely.

God and His Covenant Keeping.......deno.......share freely.

         The greatest member of the covenant between God and Abraham was GOD HIMSELF and God was so committed and so true to that covenant that He Himself laid down HIS LIFE thru the blood of the Cross to save those (THE WEAKER VESSELS) who were in that first covenant of circumcision of all their COVENANT TRANSGRESSIONS. THAT IS REAL COVENANT COMMITMENT. All sin has its root in covenant transgressions. There is no way around this truth.
         This is also why the bible calls Jesus, THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE ONE. His cross was from top to bottom and from east to west, all its purpose and coverage A COVENANT SACRIFICE. Like a husband in marital covenant with his wife, he so loves her (His People, The Church) with all truth, honesty, and faithfulness that she being the weaker vessel, he marries her in the SACRED HOLY UNTO GOD COVENANT COMMITMENT of marriage to be for her STRENGTH, SHIELD, & BLESSING as TWO THAT HAVE BECOME ONE FLESH & ONE SPIRIT and the covenant commitment is so real and so strong that if it takes LAYING DOWN HIS LIFE  to bless her and to save her he does, EVEN IF AND EVEN THOUGH SHE IS UNFAITHFUL TO HIM in the holy covenant of marriage. That is real love my friends from hearts of the HIGHEST FORM OF TRUE LOVE AND OF TRUE COVENANT HONOR. Not this evil love of this generation that flees as soon as feelings change, or as soon as trouble comes, or a strange wolf lurks around the house, or a seemingly better opportunity presents itself in tempting you. 

         True covenant keepers exalt covenant commitment far higher than carnal appetites and lust filled feelings. They live and they operate WAY MORE from the heart and from the spirit than from the sinful flesh. They are strong in spirit. They are strong in discipline of the flesh and its sensual, unstable, wavering senses. Paul wrote, in the last days the people will be COVENANT BREAKERS serving their lust above their vows and above their integrity. He was so right on. The marital VOW has become so unsacred to the present heart of America as well as many other covenant ties. The Cross of Christ is (IN PART) the Husband of the first covenant laying down HIS LIFE for the sins, the covenant transgressions of HIS UNFAITHFUL WIFE (Israel). They took off the sacred ring and they cast off the sacred vow and in their casting Him Off he was found by the Gentiles, but still yet Jesus laid down HIS LIFE for the covenant transgressions of His wife Israel.
          ALL THIS GOOD, THE GOOD SHEPHERD WHO GIVES HIS LIVE FOR THE SHEEP, HE DOES FROM COVENANT COMMITMENT. All this he does because He is truly GOOD. But wolves are covenant transgressors serving lust above covenant commitments. Love, Gods love is not so much a feeling as it is a COVENANT UPKEEP, IT IS KEEPING COVENANT. IT IS KEEPING YOUR WORD AND VOWS EVEN TO YOUR OWN HURT. IT IS COVENANT FAITHFULNESS. Gods Love is a path of HONOR and INTEGRITY. You do not break your vow or your swearing, or your commitment no matter what. Feelings may change, emotions may change but to you the COVENANT VOW STANDS and is EXALTED ABOVE ALL FEELINGS SUGGESTIONS AND EMOTIONS ANIMALISTIC VOICES.   

        Even if YOUR OWN WORDS, YOUR OWN SWEARINGS, YOUR OWN VOWS CAUSES YOU TO LAY DOWN YOUR LIFE SO THAT YOUR VOWS BE NOT BROKEN, YOU ARE SO COMMITTED TO THE VOW, TO THE COVENANT YOU WILL DO IT. That is in part, a great part of the root of the Cross of Christ. This is the TRUE COVENANT LOVE  and heart of Jesus Christ. This my blood  is the blood of the NEW COVENANT, JESUS SAID.
        We all could use a higher education about COVENANTS and their Power and Influence. Covenants are the way God does all His business with the present man. WITHOUT being connected to God in a COVENANT CONNECTION, we are then in no way connected to God. Jesus said of his own blood, THIS IS THE BLOOD OF THE NEW COVENANT WHICH I SHED FOR MANY.......Go and read Ephesians 2:11-13. It reveals to us all that without Covenant Connection to God we are without hope and without God.....

       Thank God Jesus is the mediator of the NEW COVENANT that God established upon better promises than the old one. It is written in the red spiritual ink of Christ blood that speaks to us BETTER COVENANT THINGS than the old covenants blood of animals that were mostly bound to carnal physical limits. But Christ blood takes us into heaven itself and into Oneness of Spirit with the Lord Himself our glory......deno......share freely.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Islamic Sexuality A Survey Of Evil.....Ann....America This Is Raw. Straight Foward. This Is Graphic. Rated R. But It Contains The Hidden Truth Of Islam and It's Evil Perversion. Watch and You WIll See..Ann Reveals Why We Can No Longer Go On Being Mr. Nice Guy About The Islamic Movement. Watch And You Will See & Understand Why...

And War Broke Out In Heaven. Americas Present Conflict......share freely....deno

        Revelations 12:7) And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels (angels of the Lords army) fought against the dragon (the devil), and the dragon (the devil) fought and his angels (evil spirits) 8) And the devil lost the war though it was fierce for a while, neither was their place found anymore in heaven (they were cast out).....The next thing we notice is that Satan (the devil) was cast out of heaven to the earth and then we read in Revelations 12:13.17 that the devil makes war with the Jews and the Christians....it reads) vs 13) And the devil persecuted the women (the Womb of Mary and of Israel) who gave birth to the Christ, vs 17) And the dragon (the devil) was enraged at the woman (who gave birth to the Christ on earth) and he went to make war against her offspring which keep the commandments of God and against those who believe and follow Jesus Christ (the Church).
         Now lets back up and read Revelations 12:9-12) All these scriptures above and the ones we are about to read below help explain and help clarify to us all this AntiJesus activity going on in America and in other nations today.
          Revelations 12:9-12) And the dragon (the devil) after losing the war he waged against God in heaven, he was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan which deceives the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his evil spirits were cast out also with him ( these are the spirits we wrestle with as told in Ephesians 6:10-18).  Revelations 12:10) And then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation and the kingdom of our God, and of THE POWER OF HIS CHRIST; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night. 11) And they (THE ACCUSED ONES) overcame him by THE BLOOD of the LAMB, and by the confession of their faith in the Christ, and they stayed faithful and true to Jesus even unto their death. 12) Therefore rejoice (let there be a joyful celebration in the heart) by the saints and the angels in heaven, and by the people (the Christians) that dwell on the earth. There is always a great feeling when victory is won over the devil whether a personal triumph or a group triumph. But we must always be wise to the second round of the battle. As it is written, And left the devil left Jesus to return later.
      (Now after that celebration comes another warfare warred against the church. A storm of persecution rises against the Jews and the Christians on the earth). vs 12).....Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you FEAR FILLED, IN PANIC, and IS VERY ANGRY, because he knows that he has only a short time left. (short time left before his burn in the fire of the wrath of the Lord against him).
         Satan right now is in panic mode. He is feeling the anxiety and the stress and pressure of the fact that he can tell that he only has a short time left before the Angel comes and imprisons him within the torments prepared for him due to his rebellion against 100% True Love and against 100% Unselfishness- against God. This is the main reason for all this hostility in America in the present hour of the conflict that has risen against the Name and faith of Jesus Christ. 
       It is alarming how America (the saints here) does not understand the deep depths of Satan inside this nation at this hour from the top down though the devils pack and their works are masqueraded every where, being very obvious, and even with all in your face boldness. 
       There is satanical stealth going on all over this nation to crack, remove, and to break apart the spiritual foundations and the pillars of Christ and of Christianity in this country that America was founded upon and that has been the strength of our nation for a hundreds of years. If Satan can bring down Christianity in America where the light of the faith of the Son of God has been the brightest that the world has ever know since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, if he can prevail here, the negative domino effect of that will strike all the nations of the world and they will scream for GIGANTIC HELP....Guess who shows up them? You got it, THE ANTICHRIST HIMSELF.....
        Pray in Jesus Name Always. Pray in Jesus Name for the Peace of Jerusalem and Pray for America that we resist the devil to the degree that he loses here as he did in heaven. Our nation can still be GOD FAVORED if we cast the devil out as God did in heaven. Jesus said, take My Name and in My Name cast the devil out. The Lords name is the only name that can stop the devil in his tracks and cast him out. That is the core reason why all this hostility against the use of the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST  in present America. Political correctness is substance of AntiChrist weaponry and material.
       But friends, VICTORY over the devil will not happen by a whisper or the way of sugary sweet Christianity that has no real courage. We must become mighty men and women of valor in the Spirit and in the natural, strong in faith, strong in the Lord and in the power of His Name, Might and Strengths that the devil is no match for. We must be believers that are believing and that know our God and we do exploits in HIS NAME. Remember in our scriptures that a war, a conflict, ca major battle broke out in heaven, in the spiritual heavenly places of God. We are going to have to become spiritual warfare intense in the Spirit, in prayer and in our onward march in Christ Jesus. If we do, then while the devil is in severe panic on the earth, WE AS STRONG CHRISTIANS ARE IN SEVERE HAPPINESS AND REJOICING for the Joy of the Lord is our strength and we know that our great redemption draweth nigh. Resist the devil (correctly) and he will flee from you is an unbreakable scripture. Gods truth and integrity backs it. And Jesus said, But when the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth? Ephesians 6:16 tells us that FAITH will quench every attack and work of the devil no matter how fiery or enraged it is...Jesus Is Lord. Do everything in HIS NAME PAUL SAID..Paul understood why.....deno......share....freely.