God, though he spanked David as a loving Father does his child for his sins and disobediences, God still forgave him and David did such a turn about in his life that later down the road of his penitent heart, God also said of David, This man David has become a man after my own heart. David even became a fore telling prophet writing of the Cross of Christ (Psalms 22).
Let's let God in His great love do the same for us who have participated in the many different sins and in the wickedness of this evil and adulteress generation. Let us do Davids kind of repentance from our hearts and let us also do Davids kind of turn about and return unto the God of our Salvation and Let Christ Love and Blood purge us of all our sins and restore us in the faith. And also like David lets become a people chasing after the heart of God all the way into heaven itself just as David did. He is in heavens glory today with the Lord.
Despite the depravity of his sins, David chose forgiveness rather than the judgement and he went on living to write the story of Gods love and grace and mercies in his life (The Psalms). Friend, lets also make Davids same wise choice...FORGIVENESS INSTEAD OF THE JUDGMENT. God is offering to us all this same choice.....deno.....share freely.