Sunday, January 11, 2015

God Has Blessing Bowls.......deno.....share freely.

       Sometimes growing up I did not like some of the Words my preaching dad had to say to me. But looking back at those Words and those conversations, Dad was always right and me, well my heart was wrestling with God and His holy and righteous ways. At least now as life is having its aging effects and I'm getting older I am blending better with Gods words and will. Still growing. I desire to become perfectly harmonized with Gods Word, Will, and the goodness that He desires to bring in and upon me and my life to the glory of His Name in Jesus Christ for a greater witness and testimony to the love and goodness of God. How about you?
         Even so as it was with the words of my dad to me, so it is with God and His Words to us. We may feel the heat of His Words sometimes and their call to discipline, devotion, surrender, and commitment. Sometimes Gods Words even call us to die to certain things, or ways, and to even leave traditions. But if we will take them (Gods Words) in believingly and obey those Words in the spirit of faith, agreement and of submission, we will experience in our season the harvest of the Lords presence, goodness, and His joy for us.
         And friends, God has many BLESSING BOWLS that contain His promises to the believing and to the consistently obedient (The committed to Him single minded ones). He will open those bowls of blessings and of honor and they will be poured out into us and upon our lives.......And God said to Abraham, in blessing I will bless you. He also said to Abraham, I Am your God, your exceeding great REWARD. Imagine living so close, so faithful and so pleasing to God that each and every day God is your exceeding great REWARD ON EARTH....I sure like that.....deno....Forgetting those things that are behind us WE PRESS TO OBTAIN THE MARK OF THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD GIVEN US IN CHRIST JESUS......Onward.
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America, Jesus Is Speaking......deno......share freely.

      Mark 16:20)..And the Lord went WITH THE DISCIPLES, He confirmed their preaching and there prayers (Acts 4:23-33) ( with His presence, with His signs and with His wonders)....In all we do in the Lord and in society as Salt and as Christians, we have our role and part in the fields of Gods business, but we also must keep this lovely thought in mind, that when we follow Christ and his paths of instructions HE GOES BEFORE US AND HE IS THERE WITH US.
         There is that and those things which we can do and the Lord EXPECTS us to do our part in those works, but the bigger things and the bigger steps only God can do. So in those dark times or in those times when we think and say, "What in the world are WE GOING TO DO" ? In those rough places, in those tough situations, and in those raging stormy seas, He that walked on the water and calmed the raging seas is TO BE CALLED UPON...With this in mind listen to the following.
         Changing and healing and restoring America to the Lords way and light right now is not an easy work seeing how far society has drifted from Him and seeing the Left and their ungodly anti Christians agenda every where. But let us remember this. Israel had not heard from heaven for around four hundred years. Religion was everywhere, but seldom any real form of relationship with God was seen. It was a whole lot of religious ceremony going on but without passionate love for God that makes real faith HOT. Things in Israel was SO SPIRITUALLY DRY. Just a few had their ears and their hearts PLUGGED in and in tune with heaven IN THOSE DAYS. Isaiah fore told of those times saying, When Christ visited Israel, none were righteous. Most were gone astray. None were seeking God with their whole heart. They were giving the Lord the scraps, the leftovers of their energies, passion, and time. Friends, thats when SALT loses its calling and preserving strength and power.
        The people of Israel, their hearts had left the true way of the Lord to do their own religious desires and their hearts became like stone.....No one was seeking God....Half hearted devotion to the Lord was everywhere. Jesus said, THESE PEOPLE honor me in lip service only, but their hearts are far from Me. It seemed to have become a religion and a way that was mostly about them and very little ABOUT HIM (The Lord). It was more of what they wanted to do and less and less of what the Lord wanted them to do. They taught man made up religious doctrine and not the true Word of God.....But guess what ? In that dark and spiritually dry time in Israel, it was in that famine of the true Word of God that God sent His GREATEST LIGHT EVER to the world beyond all the worlds yesterdays including far above Moses' grace and light.
         First came John the baptist, the greatest man ever born from a woman and the greatest prophet ever given from God to preach the coming of the Lord was at hand . He was THE VOICE of the One crying in the wilderness outside the norm of religious tradition in Israel to prepare the entrance and the way for Lord to visit His People FACE TO FACE IN ISRAEL.... And then God CONFIRMED what John prayed and preached in that wilderness by sending the One that John preached of saying, "There is coming One after me who sandals I am not worthy to untie. I baptize you with water, but He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. He is desired far above me for He existed way before me"....And GOD GAVE TO THE WORLD HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON AND HIS OWN MARVELOUS LIGHT. He that was sitting on the throne with the Father, was now HIMSELF in the heart of Christ. He was the Son of God by whom God made the worlds. Friend that is BRIGHT LIGHT, even the BRIGHTEST LIGHT POSSIBLE TO MAN. The Lord, the Creator had become a man in Israel on earth endued with Gods GREATEST MANIFESTED PRESENCE THRU THE ANOINTING. The scriptures reveal that God gave Jesus His Spirit Without Measure. No one therefore exceeds the light and grace that came to Israel and to all the world thru Jesus Christ. Don't you suppose that He by whom God made the worlds by KNOWS MOST AND KNOWS BEST?? He most certainly does. Friends. Jesus Christ is Lord.
       I know right now in our nation and in the world we are undergoing strange times. Evil is like a black cloud in rolling thunder over the earths spiritual atmospheres. All of us are wondering what in the world is going on? Why is all this happening in and to our society? Where have the hearts of our children gone? Is there any hope? Will Heaven move one more time with grace or is it the time for all things to be fulfilled and the world to suffer great trouble and tribulation? Well lets listen to this.
         I assure you by the light of the Word of the Lord, that in those dry dry days of the former generations and of this present hour, God has had and still does have His servants in secret and in quiet places in the temple of the Lord and in closets praying and interceding for the cause of God and His Christ.. In Spirit these prayer warriors and intercessors are ever before Him at the throne.. In Israels driest days God still had His prayer warriors and intercessors in position and they prayed down heaven on earth beyond all the worlds and beyond all of Israels yesterdays MEASURE. God became a man in Christ and dwelt amongst us and it was unknown and un popular men and women that knew of His Visitation and that knew His Cry and Understood His Purpose on earth and his calling as Savior and Messiah. Even when he was conceived miraculously and born of the virgin these FEW knew and THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO GOD THEY KNEW WHAT GOD WAS DOING though they were unknown in Israel. Go and read the first 4 chapters of Matthew and Luke and you will find some of them.
          God seldom makes a move without first being asked or without talking His moves over with His special covenant friends on earth (Remember Abraham and Gods talk and conversation? "Lord, will you spare the city if just 50, 40, 30, even only 10 are found" ?). He just has His Chosen quiet ones in every generation MOSTLY IN SECRET, seldom in the lime light, asking Him in accordance to His Word and Will and He goes with those prayers to confirm them with His presence and light at the dispensation of their appointed time for there confirmations...And the Lord went with them, CONFIRMING HIS WORD AND HIS WILL with HIS SIGNS AND WONDERS following.
          I believe that soon, all our prayers and all our intercessions for our nation, the dispensation for their appointed time will come and God will move and confirm those prayers and those intercessions with His Signs and Wonders called HIS RESPONSE, HIS ANSWERS....If My People Who Are Called By My Name (Remember).
         I know it seems dark and dreary out there right now. Well so it was in Israel right before God shined on them His Face to face grace and the Loving-kindness of HIS PRESENCE WITH THEM BEYOND ALL THE HISTORY OF THEIR YESTERDAYS. Seeing all Christ signs and wonders they said. "Who is this Jesus who has such great power? He was the Lord their Redeemer in the flesh as FORE TOLD AND AS PROMISED WOULD COME.
        There was not an Angel of the Lord in Christ as was in and behind the burning bush that spoke to Moses. No, but in Christ was The Lord from heaven HIMSELF saying, "Before Abraham was, I AM.......Let us call upon the Name of the Lord THE ANSWER. We so often say we are waiting for Gods response and so we should. YES WE SHOULD....But could it be God is waiting for the Church ON EARTHS response to GET SERIOUS WITH GOD AND TO QUIT PLAYING CHURCH LIKE ISRAEL WAS FOUND PLAYING CHURCH IN THE DAY OF THEIR VISITATION BY THE LORD. Salt, Jesus said, that has lost its flavor, its seasoning is no longer good for anything but to be cast out and trodden underfoot by men (BY THE WORLD). That's what playing Church gets us. HELLO. Could it be that there is a SALT PROBLEM in the Church today??? Or maybe the men, the preachers and the teachers are not pouring out from the pulpits or from their lives THE RIGHT AND NEEDED SALT that will preserve a generation??? I know one that did and he warned us for 5 decades that judgement was coming to America if America did not turn back to God and get real with Him.......deno.....share freely.

Measuring the Salt...Jesus said in the garden of his despair in Gethsemene to his disciples, What? Could you not watch and pray with me for ONE HOUR...The salt He sees in most Christians today is this. What? Could you not watch and pray with me for 5 minutes????? Hello....Jesus Is Speaking.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Staff of Moses Vs The Blood of the Lamb.....Noting the difference of their redeeming powers and the importance of that difference......deno....share freely.

         Let us all always remember this most important point....When it came time for the children of Israel to be saved from the WRATH that God was going to pour out on Egypts first born, God demanded that all the house of Israel, all its citizens, all its people young and old to put their complete and total confidence only in the blood of the Lamb and not in any other power that they saw God use and demonstrate in His dealings with the enemy Pharaoh which in the shadow of things revealed, represented Satan and his sin power over the world....God did not want them to put their confidence in Moses or in Moses' Anointed Staff. He did not want them to put their confidence in the power that God flexed when He rained down fire mixed with hail from heaven, nor in the power of God that turned the Nile into blood, or that brought the frogs aboard the city of Egypt.....No this time the wrath of God was aimed directly at the people, and not on animals, fish, or birds etc, but upon the first born of Egypts children which represented in the shadow of things, the most prized, the most highest and most precious priority to God, Christ His Son and Our SOUL.
        For the saving, for the sparring of the first born of Israels families during that outpouring of the wrath of God on Egypts first born, which represented in the shadow of things revealed, that which is most precious to God (THE SOUL OF MAN), God demanded Israels total confidence and total trust in the sacrifice of a male Lamb without spot, wrinkle, or blemish and its blood that covers and sheltered them, saving them all from the wrath of God....Had any of the children of Israel grabbed Moses' Unique & Even Precious Staff and took off running out side that night SAYING, "My confidence is in the Staff of Moses that wrought all those miracles". Well that night that same person would have perished with the first born sons of Egypt having disobeyed God and having placed his confidence in the wrong thing.
       Yes the Staff of Moses was part of Gods power performance, but the power that God used to part the red sea is different and has not the same REDEEMING power of God that God uses and has placed and says is in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. He knew that one day His Son would be placed in the body of the MAIN LAMB that all the Passover Lambs were preaching of in a mystery in the day that the Word would become flesh and dwell amongst us.....As it is written of Jesus, Lo I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, To do Your will, A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME TO BE PLACED IN (For The Cross. The Great Sacrifice)....AND ALSO As it is also written, Without the shedding of blood there is no remission or removal of sin.........And John seeing Jesus approaching said, Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world..... Friend where lays the confidence of your heart today for the saving of your soul? Mine is in the blood of Jesus Christ (The True Lamb of God) and in Him Crucified and three days later risen from the dead. Let us all gather at the Cross where the end result will be that we shall all join ourselves to the same resurrection that our Lord, our fore runner first went thru when God raised him from the dead into HEAVEN ITSELF. Amen. But even as for Our Lord evenso it is with us. Without the cross first, there is no ones resurrection, Not of Christ nor of us. The Cross is THAT IMPORTANT. Jesus taught and revealed that for the Cross he was born so that in His resurrection we all could rise....deno.....share freely.
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Sending This Incense to God. Join Us.......deno.

A prayer to the God of my life.

       Lord deliver us and keep us in Your Great name and save us all from those wicked and evil people who worship lies and false gods, and who are driven by the demons to hurt us, and from those other people who having no faith who also wish upon us ill and even labor to insult, persecute, and humiliate us who belong to Christ and who do believe and from those who strive to take Christ out of Christmas and out of our societies heart and mind. Lord send a mighty revival of Christ love and light and resurrection power to our nation and to the world. Have mercy upon this generation God and rise up and rebuke all this folly of the fools on earth that exalt false gods and that exalt unbelief and Atheism..This I ask in Jesus Name to the rescue and salvation of even billions plus. Amen. So Be It.

Friday, January 9, 2015

To Write Gods Lovely Name (Praise)......deno......share freely.

     Who is like unto the Lord our God? Who can rightly speak or write to the full sum of His divine power or unto the glory that He is and that He so rightly deserves? How can the thing formed say or pen unto the One who formed it the words of the majesty and glory of one so great as God? Oh that my heart would be the fuller filled that my words both written and spoken could render unto God the highest praise He so deserves, for His lovingkindness sought me and His mercy gathered me even from the darkness that my soul was in. My sins He forgave. My tears He did not reject.... So this will I do, I will write His Name. I will let the pen stride and curve and stop and even slope to make the ink press down the forms to the infinite glory of His Great Name according to His Divine Mark and Signature. This then of and in His Name I write.....And He shall be called WONDERFUL.... And yet the desire to praise him cannot stop right there though He Is SO WONDERFUL. I will also pen the glory of His Name in this that Jesus is The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. He is Our Savior. Our Redeemer. The Lord of Eternity and Marvelous Light......That Holy, Wonderful and Marvelous Is The Lord Our God. And Yet we have just touched the surface of the deep depths of the beauty and glory of God our King. Oh that my heart was the fuller that I could speak and write and praise Him unto the matching glory of His Great Name. My Lord and My God I stand In Awe of You......Amen......deno.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

King Davids Wise Choice.....deno.....share freely.

        Our sins have two for sure destinies....Judgement or Forgiveness.....One of these will be the end result.....Jesus Is Speaking.....King David who was caught in the unfaithful selfish sin of adultery and had the husband killed to try to hide his sin. When his sin found him out as the bible says it will do, King David cried in all that ugliness, in all that darkness, in all that despair and gloom, in all that wickedness, in all that weight of guilt and shame, in all that public humiliation and embarrassing sin with the blood of Uriah on his hands, he cried out unto the Lord from the true depths of his heart, Have Mercy Upon Me Oh God and forgive my sins.
      God, though he spanked David as a loving Father does his child for his sins and disobediences, God still forgave him and David did such a turn about in his life that later down the road of his penitent heart, God also said of David, This man David has become a man after my own heart. David even became a fore telling prophet writing of the Cross of Christ (Psalms 22).
      Let's let God in His great love do the same for us who have participated in the many different sins and in the wickedness of this evil and adulteress generation. Let us do Davids kind of repentance from our hearts and let us also do Davids kind of turn about and return unto the God of our Salvation and Let Christ Love and Blood purge us of all our sins and restore us in the faith. And also like David lets become a people chasing after the heart of God all the way into heaven itself just as David did. He is in heavens glory today with the Lord. 

       Despite the depravity of his sins, David chose forgiveness rather than the judgement and he went on living to write the story of Gods love and grace and mercies in his life (The Psalms). Friend, lets also make Davids same wise choice...FORGIVENESS INSTEAD OF THE JUDGMENT. God is offering to us all this same choice.....deno.....share freely.

Going To A Love Meeting Round About The Throne (Donnie Swaggart)......deno.......share freely.

Click On The Video Below And Fasten Your
Seat Belts. A Big Holy Ghost Filled Soul Blessing Awaits You

....Yes & Amen.

....Some Day Soon We Are Going To A Love Meeting Around The Throne.....GLORY TO GOD. WHEN YOU LISTEN TO THIS 3 MINUTE MESSAGE AND HEAR AND JOIN IN THIS SONG YOU WILL GO TO ANOTHER LEVEL IN PRAISE......YAHOOOOOO....This just does some all kind of good to my soul....I'm still bathing in it....deno.....share the joy and delight.....Thank You Jesus.