The compass God gave us is dipped in precious blood and is always pointing up. In this hour it is pointing to this grace fact saying, LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION IS DRAWING NEAR. Let us as one body be looking up unto Jesus, the author and completer of our faith.
The scriptures preach to us all that Salvation belongs to them that believe unto the saving of the soul. Are you in faith? Are you and yours ready? Is your lamp full of oil? Are you in tune to His Spirit and hearing His voice in these last days? He is calling us all to the constant watching, constant looking up in readiness. He is calling us to the constant giving of thanks (Being Grateful knowing the incredible price Jesus paid to redeem us unto God). He is calling us afresh to separation and consecration, to intercessions and evangelizing the world and to the unity and building up of the body of Christ in love whose faith and devotion to Christ is unwavering and free of all double mindness.
Jesus said, he that puts his hands to the plow, to the work of the Lord and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God and Christ work (Remember Lots Wife He Said). Israel in the days of Moses saw so GREAT SALVATION, even fully experienced it and yet the scriptures says their hearts during that journey kept LOOKING BACK. It seems that Satan had blinded them from seeing Gods Great & Glorious Dream and Goodwill plan for them, and that he blinded them from seeing all the blessings God had in store for them just ahead, only if they would believe, follow Him gratefully, and obey Him, ALL WOULD BE THEIRS. But in the flesh they were and in serving the sinful flesh they missed out on all the HIGH places of Gods goodness and grace that He so much wanted for them. They were headed to and being promised a paradise life on earth if only they would really set their hearts love and passion on serving and obeying God. But Satan kept toying with their minds and they kept looking back and he blinded them to all the good that God wanted them to taste and enjoy. Oh be willing and obedient cried the Holy Ghost to the children of Israel and you will eat the good of this land.
But Israel was lacking insight into Gods great plan and great dream of His goodness to them. They even griped, grumbled, and complained almost step by step with God not seeing His incredible love and goodwill plan for them soon to be unveiled in a land flowing with milk and honey which would yield all its goodness to them IF THEY WOULD BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD FAITHFULLY. But it is written that they were lacking patience and a thankful heart and they were losing faith and were looking back as if to say that being a slave in Egypt was better than WALKING WITH GOD AND BEING CARRIED UPON HIS WINGS. In that undesired state the bible said THEY ROSE UP TO PLAY.
From that player spirit came forth the great abomination sin of the golden calf and a sin filled sensual liberal revolution right in the mighty presence of God. The people of so great a salvation cast off God their first love for a future mark and engraving history by the piercing markings of hammer and 3 nails swung at Gods Son in the second wave of Israels astonishing unbelief. Oh the wickedness of the heart of men Jeremiah cried. Who can know it?
Well God was so displeased with their unbelief and their looking back that He said they would not enter into His rest, nor into the promise land for their ways and for their unbelief and double mindness, and they did not. God waited until all that generating died off before He allowed their descendants to enter. Double mindness and the looking back heart is a costly thing so saith the Word of God, not man. What needs to die off in us so that we are ready to enter into all that God has promised us and has for us?....deno.....share freely.
OUR LAMPS MUST BE FULL OF OIL, REMEMBER? THAT MEANS "BE READY." Have your life, your house in order.