Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Prodigal Son, His Story Continues......deno.....share freely.

      When they read them, My life and My Spirit in your words will carry them thru. When they read them.....I'm in you and you are In Me.....He that is forgiven much loves much for where sin abounded grace abounds much more....He that loves me will feed My Sheep and My Sheep recognize and hear My Voice....If they listen to me they will listen to you...No servant is greater than His Master. If they honor Me they will honor you. If they hate Me they will hate you..
       And after the Prodigal son came home and got the exceeding great revelation for himself of HOW MUCH HIS FATHER STILL LOVED HIM, he grew in the grace and in the knowledge of the Father and His Great Love and he set out on another journey. This time to tell the world what He had learned of His Fathers true heart and love. He changed a whole generation telling them of his stories and adventures both good and bad, and sharing his testimonies and of his redeeming discoveries of Gods incredible love and preaching for God So Loved The World.......The love and grace in this story continues in many of us.
        Welcome Home Son. It Has Been A Long Time. So Good To See You Home. I Missed Hanging Out With You and I Missed Fellowshipping With You So Much. I Have So Much I Want To Tell You, Show You, and To Share With You. Come, Lets Sit Down And Dine Together Like Old Times, For Here There Is Plenty.

        In That Evenings Conversation The Father Said To His Son, Son I Have Never Stopped Loving You. I Missed You Everyday. My Love For You Is Greater Than You Presently Understand. In Your Near Future I Am Going To Show You Just How Much I Love You Thru A Cross And Some Time Later God Demonstrated To All Of Us That Same Great Love. He Gave Us His Life and Blood Thru That Cross To Save Us From Our Sins and Three Days Later He Rose Again To Seal Us Unto Eternal Salvation......deno.....share freely.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

Be Looking Up and Don't Look Back....Remember Lots Wife.....deno.....share freely.

       The compass God gave us is dipped in precious blood and is always pointing up. In this hour it is pointing to this grace fact saying, LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION IS DRAWING NEAR. Let us as one body be looking up unto Jesus, the author and completer of our faith. 
      The scriptures preach to us all that Salvation belongs to them that believe unto the saving of the soul. Are you in faith?  Are you and yours ready? Is your lamp full of oil? Are you in tune to His Spirit and hearing His voice in these last days? He is calling us all to the constant watching, constant looking up in readiness. He is calling us to the constant giving of thanks (Being Grateful knowing the incredible price Jesus paid to redeem us unto God). He is calling us afresh to separation and consecration, to intercessions and evangelizing the world and to the unity and building up of the body of Christ in love whose faith and devotion to Christ is unwavering and free of all double mindness.
        Jesus said, he that puts his hands to the plow, to the work of the Lord and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God and Christ work (Remember Lots Wife He Said). Israel in the days of Moses saw so GREAT SALVATION, even fully experienced it and yet the scriptures says their hearts during that journey kept LOOKING BACK. It seems that Satan had blinded them from seeing Gods Great & Glorious Dream and Goodwill plan for them, and that he blinded them from seeing all the blessings God had in store for them just ahead, only if they would believe, follow Him gratefully, and obey Him, ALL WOULD BE THEIRS. But in the flesh they were and in serving the sinful flesh they missed out on all the HIGH places of Gods goodness and grace that He so much wanted for them. They were headed to and being promised a paradise life on earth if only they would really set their hearts love and passion on serving and obeying God. But Satan kept toying with their minds and they kept looking back and he blinded them to all the good that God wanted them to taste and enjoy. Oh be willing and obedient cried the Holy Ghost to the children of Israel and you will eat the good of this land.

      But Israel was lacking insight into Gods great plan and great dream of His goodness to them. They even griped, grumbled, and complained almost step by step with God not seeing His incredible love and goodwill plan for them soon to be unveiled in a land flowing with milk and honey which would yield all its goodness to them IF THEY WOULD BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD FAITHFULLY. But it is written that they were lacking patience and a thankful heart and they were losing faith and were looking back as if to say that being a slave in Egypt was better than WALKING WITH GOD AND BEING CARRIED UPON HIS WINGS. In that undesired state the bible said THEY ROSE UP TO PLAY.
       From that player spirit came forth the great abomination sin of the golden calf and a sin filled sensual liberal revolution right in the mighty presence of God. The people of so great a salvation cast off God their first love for a future mark and engraving history by the piercing markings of hammer and 3 nails swung at Gods Son in the second wave of Israels astonishing unbelief. Oh the wickedness of the heart of men Jeremiah cried. Who can know it?
     Well God was so displeased with their unbelief and their looking back that He said they would not enter into His rest, nor into the promise land for their ways and for their unbelief and double mindness, and they did not. God waited until all that generating died off before He allowed their descendants to enter. Double mindness and the looking back heart is a costly thing so saith the Word of God, not man. What needs to die off in us so that we are ready to enter into all that God has promised us and has for us?....deno.....share freely.

OUR LAMPS MUST BE FULL OF OIL, REMEMBER? THAT MEANS "BE READY." Have your life, your house in order.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Way To Full Satisfaction. The Way Unto The True Blessings By Jesus Christ.....deno.....share freely..

      Not Living by this scripture could very well be what your soul is lacking and that is often times why there is still that emptiness, that constant thirst and dissatisfaction inside you. You try every thing you know to try to fill that void, even try to drink and party it out of you, run it out, even sin it out, even church it out, but still that nagging just want go away. As long as they are crying out and you are still walking on by ignoring them and their needs, God is not happy with you. How could He be? God is love. He put His Spirit and His love in your heart so that He could dwell, walk, live, express, and work, and light up the world thru you. Your selfishness and your hardened heart grieves God and you fill that dissatisfaction, that restlessness in your spirit where the Lord resides. 
       There is more satisfaction given the soul by God to a person who lives to meet others needs than those who are the worlds gluttons, who think every thing in the book is all about them, whose souls are empty and miserable and who cram drugs and alcohol inside themselves, and indulge themselves into pleasure seeking and living to have some form of inward delusional company from their false deceiving highs and intoxications. But so so many of them dry up on the vine of life, worn out, diseased, and made even deader and dryer in the soul from all that deceived them and they thirst, oh how they still so thirst. You cannot touch the fires that flicker from sin, Satan, and from hell and not get wrinkled all up, worn out, and burned.
      But read again the ENTIRETY of that scripture Isaiah 58:1-14 & Ephesians 4:28 in your bible. This is from the bread that came down from heaven for a life of God blessed, God purposed, full satisfaction and joy of heart and soul. This is one of the GOOD WORKS we were CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS TO DO which God before ordained for us that we should live doing them (Ephesians 2:2-10)...deno......share freely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Joel Osteen Light in the Dark Places 2014...A sermon for the discouraged.

Lightning, God Level Stuff.......deno.......share freely.

.....This is God level stuff so don't mess with it and don't play around with it foolishly or you'll get burned. Then again so are the Scriptures and every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. And Jesus said, I beheld Satan fall by Gods power from heaven like lightning.
......In Revelations we read....And out of the Throne of God proceeds lightnings and thunders and many loud thundering voices and sounds,.

God and His Lightning Bolts....God Often Hugged Sinners On Earth and Lightning Bolts Did Not Shoot Our From Him When He Did.......deno......share freely.

.......God in Christ Jesus sat down with sinners. God in Christ Jesus talked face to face with adulterers, fornicators, liars, thieves, gossipers, and murderers and every one of them lived to tell about it. God in Christ Jesus hugged sinners and washed their feet. He wined and dined with people who loved to party at celebration feast such as weddings. He even gave them a taste of His finest God made wine. And when God in Christ Jesus sat down with them, ate with them, wined and dined with them in His love, when God talked face to face with them thru the eyes of His Son even about their sin, He was very gentle with all those humble people and He still hugged them, and not one time did lightning bolts shoot out of His Eternal Spirit and strike them dead, that would be Gods own personal way of stoning them so to speak. 
......On that same light, nor did God stick His nose up in the air at them as if He was better than they were though He of course was, nor did God walk around on earth in His Son and have a holier than thou attitude. He never screamed out as if in embarrassment to be seen or associated with sinners. Oh no terrible sinners amongst us, awful sinners amongst us, lets run away from them. 
.......God in Christ Jesus didn't even run away from or back off from those sinners that were under the curse of leprosy who cried out unto Him in hope of His love and mercy. No, the True God in Christ Jesus was on a love mission, not a stoning or condemning mission. He came to love and to heal the broken hearted. He came to give them life, and a real living hope, and a wonderful future after every storm. He came to die for their sins and for their great pardon and He rose again for their justification. (Romans 4:24-25 & Romans 5:1).
.......So I ask you, where did we get that holier than thou attitude from? Where did we get that spirit that when we are sinned against we forgive not but instead we say, I hope you rot in jail and in hell for what you did to me? Like God said to his disciples one day who wanted to call fire down from heaven to destroy a bunch that sassed them, He told them YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT SPIRIT YOU ARE OF. 
.......Love is the right way. Love is always the right answer. Love never ends. Love forgives all. Love even equalizes the many so different into one harmonious life and walk. Love Gods love, acts at all times just as you see in Jesus. So do you know what and whose Spirit you are of...Have you forgiven all?....share freely....deno

More Strong Delusions #2....share freely.....deno.

More Strong Delusion exposed. 2 Feb 2015,
......Isn't it strange how so many of us have over the years and some even do now, say so many bad things with our mouths and do so many sinful things with and in these bodies here and there, but when we go into what our minds have been trained to esteem as the church, or what we call the house of God, a man made building made of wood and brick, we would not dare do those sinful things or say those same bad things while in there, while in THAT BUILDING. That also is STRONG DELUSION.
...... God does not live in buildings or temples made by the hands of men, in buildings made of brick, or of wood, but in the hearts of those who believe and belong to Christ.
......God the Holy One,the holiest of all lives in the heart and in the flesh and bone body of believers, which is the true temple and the true sanctuaries of God in every place the believers feet trod. You are Gods temple. You are Gods holy sanctuary. You are Gods dwelling place. You are the HOLY BUILDING that you shouldn't be saying and doing those sinful things in. You are the Holy Place. Your one single body is more Gods dwelling holy place than 10 million buildings made of wood and brick. Our minds need to be totally renewed to this truth and proper way of thinking. Jesus always thought this way. He knew his body was the true temple, Gods living breathing place and he never said a word or did one single thing to defile or sin against or with the temple of God his body.
........When our eyes are opened and when we overcome this delusion, when we esteem our bodies as the TRUE CHURCH, GODS TRUE SANCTUARY, THE TRUE TEMPLE OF THE LORD as we have done those man made church buildings, then we will less and less act like the devil any where, for we have come to realize that we are the TRUE new holy of holies, Gods dwelling place. We will start to act like we do in church. We will not dare say what we say on the streets or behind closed doors. We will not talk about sin as if it is a delightsome thing, or speak so vulgar, or do what we do in these bodies in the dens of sin, for we have grown, and we have come to realize and now see our bodies as God knows them to truly be, which is His Holy Place, His Holy Temple, the NEW HOLY OF HOLIES, Gods Holy Habitation for His Spirit.
....... But our minds for so long have been so far from this right way of thinking and from this truth. Many of us have acted like devils on the streets, at the schools, universities, and business places, but we walk inside those man made so called church buildings and suddenly we PUT ON CHRIST and dare not say or do what we do when outside those buildings. Yet we ourselves are those buildings in Gods eyes and its in every place we should PUT ON CHRIST. Those man made buildings are dead and lifeless to God. They have become and are like highly esteemed idols of worship that are dead yet so many think they are living holy places and things but they are not..Only the true temple was raised that third day and only the true temples shall be raised up again in the resurrection.....deno......share freely.