Thursday, March 5, 2015

God Has Placed Wealthy Men & Women Amongst Us For His Covenant Purpose........deno.

      God blesses and makes some people exceedingly fruitful and prosperous in business, even rich and wealthy for often times His work and purpose. The bible says that God gives certain people the power to attain wealth to establish His covenant (blessings) on earth (to people) (Deuteronomy 8:18).
      Be careful therefore friends what your tongues say about some of the rich and the wealthy people on earth. They may be the very ones that God is blessing and that God is using to provide for you work and to MEET YOU & YOUR FAMILIES needs on the earth...And let us all in this light no matter where our place or position is in it, let us all walk humble with God with thankful & grateful hearts from the top to the bottom and all in between. (Deuteronomy 8:10-20)......deno......share freely.
Deno Smith's photo.


YOU ARE GODS HIGHLY FAVORED......deno......share freely.

Luke 1:37-38) 37) For with God all things are POSSIBLE. 38) And Mary said, Behold I am the Lords handmaid; be this done unto me according to your words.

Luke 1:28-32) And the Angel of the Lord came to Mary and said, Greetings to you, for you are HIGHLY FAVORED, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you Mary among women. 29) And when she saw the Angel, she was troubled at his saying and  she wondered in her mind what manner of greeting this should be, what did all of this mean? What was its purpose? 30) And the Angel of the Lord said unto her, Fear not Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31) So listen to my words attentively. You shall conceive in your womb a Son, and you shall call his name Jesus. 32) He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David......

     Friends the Angel said to Mary that she was HIGHLY FAVORED because God was with her to do a SPECIAL GRACE WORK OF HIS REDEEMING LIVING ART ON EARTH. By the finger of God the Holy Ghost, God was going to plant His Eternal Sons Spirit inside her womb for His Eternal Spirits covering with flesh and blood for the great visitation foretold by the prophets of God with man and for the up and coming greatest of all sacrifices for sin as foretold by Isaiah in chapters 52,53,54. Mary inside her womb, without a man, would conceive the Eternal Son of Gods body inside herself . It was a miracle of God that Christ would be conceived in her and would be born into our world. For this Mary forever is and will be amongst the HIGHLY FAVORED OF GOD. For all eternity this will be her SPECIAL memorial and such shall never be taken away from her.

     But evenso are we who are in Christ Jesus, we to are also the highly favored of God. For God is also with us IN WHOM on the inside of us now CHRIST is Born, RESIDES AND LIVES in us and through us. Christ in us Paul preached, the hope of glory. This entrance of Christ in us has also given birth to Christ in our lives. This makes us also HIGHLY FAVORED BY GOD & HEAVEN.

      Now, as the scriptures says, we to are also the sons of God in Christ and Christ is now in us (1 John 3:1-3)..We to are the workings of the miracle of God thru Christ IN US and God with us. And Lo, Jesus said to us who believe and have received Him (John 1:9-13), I am with you always, even to the end of the World (Matthew 28:20). 

     Just because Mary did not have an earthen mansion and billions of dollars to her account did not mean that God was not with her and that she was not by God His HIGHLY FAVORED. If Christ is in you and you are in Him, God then is in you and with you also and this conceiving means in the Spirit of things that you are GODS HIGHLY HIGHLY FAVORED. 

     Mary did not have a mansion or billions of dollars in the bank but she was GODS SPECIAL LADY. She was GODS HIGHLY FAVORED and she loved and followed the Son of God that she gave birth to, into our world, with all her heart. Not for fortune or for fame among the saints, but for the joy of knowing, loving, following, and honoring her special child who was Gods Son, the Savior of the world.

     Blessed are you my friend who is in Christ Jesus and IN WHOM CHRIST DWELLS AND RESIDES, you to are GODS HIGHLY FAVORED no matter if your were born in a clay hut or in a barn. Christ in you makes you GODS SPECIAL & GODS FAVORED much like Mary....deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sin and King Davids Three Choices.......deno......share freely.

.......King David had three choices after his great sins. He could have tried to go on in his life and in public like they never had happened, a thing which God would not allow due to His all knowing and all seeing radar. Then after the prophet of God came to him and exposed his sins he could have took off running from God the rest of his life which was a thing which God would not permit due to the call of God in his life. Or he could have let the memory of those sins destroy his days and his nights peace and joy by magnifying them (his sins) ABOVE GODS LOVE FOR HIM and ABOVE THE GOODNESS AND MERCY OF GOD, a thing which christians and people due all the time loading themselves down with the weights of guilt and shame, as they magnify their sins ABOVE THE LOVE OF GOD AND ABOVE THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
........We find in the Psalms of David that he learned after much heart ache that comes from a penitent heart that God loved him and David believed and trusted in Gods love and that because God so loves, God forgives. As David wrote it, but Lord there is forgiveness with thee so that You can be feared, loved, honored by Your people. He also learned and wrote in faith after God had forgiven him of those great sins, David wrote, Surely Gods goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Truly David learned and believed in the love and mercy of His God.
...... Are you going to let your past or even your present sins destroy your life and peace every day? You do not have to. By Jesus Christ you to can surely let Gods goodness and mercy follow you the rest of your life. Jesus went to the Cross with that also in the mighty purpose of the blood of his interceding cross. He did not shed His blood in vain but for the forgiveness of sins, so making peace (1 John 1:9).....deno.

Temporary Chastisement verses Eternal Condemnation...THE BIG DIFFERENCE explained......deno.....share freely.

      There was a hell, fire, and brimstone preacher that came to town. He shouted the word. Be Sure Your Sins Shall Find You Out and such a word is true and such a Word is so often needed to be preached in these days of abounding sin. But there are also many other BE SURE verses in the bible of the Fathers love and mercies and compassion such as....SURELY Gods goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever....and in Isaiah 53:4 kjv....SURELY He (Jesus) hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows...And in other places where Jesus said Verily Verily, those words mean Truly Truly and SURELY SURELY. Good thing to study out....Like in John 5:24) Jesus said, Surely Surely those that hear (this word HEAR means to hear and do them) My Words and believes on Him that sent me HAS EVERLASTING LIFE and they shall not come into condemnation (The sentence of condemnation unto eternal damnation) but are passed from death unto life (Christ severe punishment on the Cross for their sins SAVED THEM).
       Now this does not mean that God as our Father will not spank us as His dearly loved children, for those He loves He chastises, so sayeth the scriptures the word of truth (1 Corinthians 11:23-34, esp 30-32)...
       Also in John 8:51) Surely Surely, if a man keeps My Sayings (Believes them and does them) he shall never see death (Meaning Satans eternal sentence of spiritual death and everlasting separation from God in hells continuous flow and eternal sorrows.
        The Cross of Christ does not save us (GODS PEOPLE) from the spankings of the Lord, or from the rod or the whip of the Lord, for we as His children, God reserves His Fatherhood right, being the best loving Father of all, to chastise and to spank us temporarily in this life for our disobeying Him and to reward us for our obedience. But the Cross of Christ does save Gods children from the eternal condemnation of the world when the world is thrown into hell and later into the lake of fire for their unbelief and unfaithfulness. If you understand this light you then will better understand God and grace and the great adoption of us as His sons and daughters in Christ Jesus (Revelations 12:5-11).....share freely.....deno.

Thieves Are Thieves..A Message From The Two Thieves Who Were Crucified With Christ.....share freely.....deno

      When a righteous nations belly becomes full of sin, someones about to get a stomach virus.....How can two walk together unless they agree?.....And the angels said to the Lord concerning all those WEEDS he found in his garden, they asked who did this? The Lord who can never lie said, An enemy has done this.
     Our nation today is so full of so many enemies of the Lord. They will themselves unite in secret and then openly do all they can to shame Jesus Christ and His Name publicly and strive as one against His righteous cause. They mock His mercy, scoff at His Cross and like their father the devil they stand day and night making their accusations of the church by fault finding as they point their fingers at our sins and weaknesses as if by so doing they excuse themselves from their own guilt and are justified in their antiChrist cause. 
     These who swarm together against Christ, they have forgotten the light, the message that shines forth from the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus on that unforgettable MAJOR CROSS DAY. Both of those men were as guilty as the other. Both were thieves. Both were dying in their trespasses and sins. Both were headed face forward into hell for sin shows no respect of persons, sin condemns and slays all. And by themselves they were hopeless to escape the eternal punishment that sin brings legally upon all. But some GOOD NEWS for the hopeless was so close to the both of them.  Someone extremely SPECIAL was hanging between them both. Someone so glorious in Spirit was nailed to a Special Cross picked out by God Himself to fight for them and their souls and to stand between their guilt and hells merciless fury and fire, his Name was Jesus Christ the Savior of the World.
      Both of those men equally deserved hell. Both of those men were guilty of the same. Both of those men were as evil as the other.  Neither one had any real right to throw a stone at the other, nor point a finger for disgrace for they were as we all are, they were liars, thieves, self serving sinners in need of great grace and mercy multiplied.
      But they both ALSO  had this truth going for them THE SAME, and that truth was and is that God and His Son on that Cross loved them both equally despite all their sins, guilt and shame. Its just that one overcame the darkness of the world and he recognized that love and the glory of the One hanging there between them and hell and he ASKED JESUS TO SAVE HIM, but the other one, well sin and Satan deceived him and kept his understanding in the dark concerning who Jesus really is and just How Great God Loves Us All THE SAME (John 17:23) and he died in the guilt of his sin while the other thief experienced THE GREAT PARDONING. All the power of God to redeem and to save them both was being poured out right next to the both of them in a river of crimson blood but only one by faith drank of the river of life. The other one, well he remained on the side of those who curse, mock and scoff at the sufferings and at the blood of Christ the Lamb of God on that cross who died for us all to take away the sin of the world and to save us from our common guilt. God said, all who break just one commandment is guilty of all as if he never kept any. This my friend is our COMMON GUILT (James 2:10).
      But to all those scoffers we say be wise and repent for the SAME MIGHTY ONE is hanging between us and them, between God and Satan, between heaven and hell. We can all read the Book of all books THE SAME and clearly see that God shall put them all (ALL HIS SONS ENEMIES Psalms 2) in head spinning derision and send upon them STRONG DELUSION (2 Thessalonians 2:1-13) until they reach the point of no return for they chose to war against the covenant of the blood of Gods Son......And the Lord shall have the last and final word on this matter....And Isaiah the prophet said, Lord who has believed our report concerning You, and to whom has the strong Arm of the Lord been revealed....Jesus is Lord.....deno......share freely.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Satan Bewitched Them and Stole Their Joy (Important Message)... He Attacked Their Liberty & Their Freedom Which We Have In Christ Jesus and Sought To Bring Them Back Under Bondage Just Like Pharaoh Did.......share freely.....deno.

......This needs to be heard....Friends you can be filled with Christ in your heart but toyed with and bewitched in your mind by the enemy that your not saved, your not good enough so you have to do more and more and more. (Galations 3:1-6). There does exist this strange but yet common conflict fighting against our peace.
...... I have known it so to be that you can spend hours upon hours seeking Gods face, interceding and praying for others and for this nation. You can offer up unto God often prayers and fastings. Be about sharing the gospel, helping others, visiting others. Helping at church in the work of the Lord and yet a strange your never good enough, or its not enough you must do more, or you could have done that better than that and on and on and on those type of things of unworthiness or short comings keep one by one back after back keep coming to your mind.
...... Well Jesus said, even just a cup of cold water, just ONE CUP given to another because they belong to the Lord God Sees and is well acceptable and promises to reward us for doing so, but even against that Satan will tell us other wise. He will tell us that is not good enough.Then the next thing you know we listen to that persuasion and we end up thinking well if i give that person 5 cups, that then will be acceptable, but that my friend is what the devil preaches to you, it is not what Jesus Preached. On cup was sufficient for the reward.

....... So then who is this, what is this other voice that always keeps whispering to us, its not good enough you must do more, or that your not good enough you must go get circumcised, or you must go do this or go do that when you are already overflowing with dedication to the Lord.
.......Friend the accuser of the brethren is often times the very rat railing shortcoming after shortcoming at our minds to bewitch us back into a back breaking, falling from grace religion of Laws that Jesus set us free from (He is seeking control, like if you be the son of God do WHAT I SAY, TURN THESE STONES INTO BREAD (he was seeking control). .......Let us Beware of this for so many believers, Satan has bewitched in their minds like he did the church of the Galations and they become what the church of Galatia became, a person, or a people, or even a church fallen from grace who fell in their redemption understanding backwards and they fell back under the Law that Jesus delivered us from with His own precious blood. The devil preached to them, Unless you men go get circumcised you will not be saved as if the blood of Jesus Christ was not good enough or did not profit them anything. Friends the devil is a liar.
.......Well under Satans control of their minds, of their religious thinking about this matter, some of them did that, they did go and they did become circumcised AND then they found out that even that was not enough so some more do's and dont's the devil added to the list and threw at them since he was now CONTROLLING THEIR MINDS (BEWITCHED) and those once freed men became slaves again to religious bundles from the - its never good enough, your never good enough preaching Satan. Read all of Galations and you will see this truth unfold..Its startling what happened. Satan stole their joy and deceived and bewitched them in their minds back into religious bondage and slavery.....Usually these same preyed upon people seldom find the good in anything or in any one else including themselves. But friends Jesus can make you free again and restore unto you the joy of his salvation. Galations 5:1-8)......deno.....learn and share freely

The Power Of Covenant Interceding..Praying For One Another....deno.......share freely.

      The Power of Believers Standing In The Gap For Others, Interceding for one another, even For Nations.

.......Hey deno, its Friday Night, lets go party. Sorry guys, been there done that. And I can tell you, there exist nothing that taste so delicious to the soul than the Spirit and Presence of Jesus in you. For me Friday night is a good night to offer myself up unto God as a living sacrifice, to use that time to stand in the gap for others, for our nations, and to Seek His Face, for I've learned with such sacrifices God is pleased. God is seeking such people, people to stand in the gap for this nation. How about you? Do you to feel the call? Will you make that sacrifice?

Exodus 32:9-14Modern English Version (MEV)
9 Then the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and certainly, it is a stiff-necked people. 10 Now therefore let Me alone, so that My wrath may burn against them and I may destroy them. And I will make of you a great nation.”
11 But Moses sought the favor of the Lord his God, and said, “Lord, why does Your wrath burn against Your people, whom You have brought forth from the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? 12 Why should the Egyptians speak, saying, ‘With evil intent He brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to destroy them from the face of the earth’? Turn from Your fierce wrath and relent of this harm against Your people. 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Yourself, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give to your descendants, and they will inherit it forever.’ ” 14 Then the Lord relented of the harm which He said He would do to His people....Moses was standing in the gap.....share freely.