working hands verses HARD WORKING HANDS. Both so loved but only one is
accepted. Law verses Grace. Works verses Faith. Works of men verses the WORK OF GOD. Men offering up the blood of animals on the altar verses God Sacrificing Himself on the Cross. The sweat of the brow verses the blood of
God out poured in the Sacrifice of Himself. Only one can put away sin,
remove sin, forgive sins, take away sin, save from sin. Only one redeems us unto God.
Only one cleanses us of all unrighteousness. Only one causes God to be
merciful to our transgressions and to remember our sins no more. Only by
one came forth the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Only one of these
pics gave us the gift of eternal redemption and eternal salvation. Only
one saves to the uttermost them that believe. One says I, I, I, the other says He, He, He......Left verses right, wrong
verses Christ, YOU CHOOSE......deno.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Destroying Our Bewitchings.......deno....share freely.
.......Romans 14:23......for whatsoever is not from faith is sin (From
the faith of the Son of God - Galations 2:19-21).
......Whatsoever is not of Christ love in the heart PROFITS NOTHING (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
......Also whatsoever is not from Christ and His Spirit and Grace in us, it is then of man and not of the Lord. Many do not want to receive this light. Many love leaning heavily on their own names, their traditions, and their world cultures. They love leaning heavily on their own strengths, on their own talents, on their own good works, and on their own self righteousness, and on the severity of their own fleshes chastisements and disciplines and they are very sensitive about this. The world and all the religions and philosophies on earth depend on these SAME THINGS and they are all lies spun in the world by the enemy of the Cross of Christ and in the end all they lean on profits them nothing. They fall by their delusions and they perish in their sins having nothing of Christ and His grace in them. Their story has the saddest of endings.
...... Folks it is by Christ blood we were redeemed unto God (Fact). It was by Christ death that we were made nigh unto God and reconciled to Him (Fact). It was by Christ resurrection we were justified (Fact). And all that we believers shall be rewarded for shall be based on how we listened, believed, and obeyed Christ, and how faithfully we followed His Spirits leadings and from that which we performed by Christ Grace and Spirit in the heart, in the inner man. Anything of ourselves shall be burned up in the fire that shall try all our hearts.
...... If you are doing things by your self or on your own; if you are doing what YOU WANT, you are then following yourself, following your own advice, hearing your own voice, and you are your own idol.
....... Christ true light strips us of self and of dependence on self to total reliance on Jesus calling upon His Name. We lean and depend on Christ grace and Spirit and on the power of His blood, death, and resurrection. We depend heavily upon Christ and His Spirit and grace to do all things and for all things. Frankly I don't want to go anywhere without Christ in me and with me, and I do not want to do anything that is not of or by the Lord and that is not by His Grace and Spirit. Even if it be raking someones leaves, I want to do it in the Spirit, by the Spirit of the Lords leading and Grace. If we are doing anything not by Christ or that is not by His Spirit and Grace in us, it is then works of men and most often in vain.
Believe on Christ. Live for Christ. Obey Jesus Christ. Love In Christ. Breath in Christ. Go to heaven by Christ. Escape hell by Christ. Live holy thru Christ. Forgive by Christ. Do all you do to the glory of Christ by Christ in you the hope of glory and by the glory of His grace given us.....Destroying our Bewitchings in Jesus Name......share freely.....deno.
......Whatsoever is not of Christ love in the heart PROFITS NOTHING (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
......Also whatsoever is not from Christ and His Spirit and Grace in us, it is then of man and not of the Lord. Many do not want to receive this light. Many love leaning heavily on their own names, their traditions, and their world cultures. They love leaning heavily on their own strengths, on their own talents, on their own good works, and on their own self righteousness, and on the severity of their own fleshes chastisements and disciplines and they are very sensitive about this. The world and all the religions and philosophies on earth depend on these SAME THINGS and they are all lies spun in the world by the enemy of the Cross of Christ and in the end all they lean on profits them nothing. They fall by their delusions and they perish in their sins having nothing of Christ and His grace in them. Their story has the saddest of endings.
...... Folks it is by Christ blood we were redeemed unto God (Fact). It was by Christ death that we were made nigh unto God and reconciled to Him (Fact). It was by Christ resurrection we were justified (Fact). And all that we believers shall be rewarded for shall be based on how we listened, believed, and obeyed Christ, and how faithfully we followed His Spirits leadings and from that which we performed by Christ Grace and Spirit in the heart, in the inner man. Anything of ourselves shall be burned up in the fire that shall try all our hearts.
...... If you are doing things by your self or on your own; if you are doing what YOU WANT, you are then following yourself, following your own advice, hearing your own voice, and you are your own idol.
....... Christ true light strips us of self and of dependence on self to total reliance on Jesus calling upon His Name. We lean and depend on Christ grace and Spirit and on the power of His blood, death, and resurrection. We depend heavily upon Christ and His Spirit and grace to do all things and for all things. Frankly I don't want to go anywhere without Christ in me and with me, and I do not want to do anything that is not of or by the Lord and that is not by His Grace and Spirit. Even if it be raking someones leaves, I want to do it in the Spirit, by the Spirit of the Lords leading and Grace. If we are doing anything not by Christ or that is not by His Spirit and Grace in us, it is then works of men and most often in vain.
Believe on Christ. Live for Christ. Obey Jesus Christ. Love In Christ. Breath in Christ. Go to heaven by Christ. Escape hell by Christ. Live holy thru Christ. Forgive by Christ. Do all you do to the glory of Christ by Christ in you the hope of glory and by the glory of His grace given us.....Destroying our Bewitchings in Jesus Name......share freely.....deno.
The Prayer/Poem That Can Change Us and Our World Completely......deno.....share freely.
Father in Jesus Name, thank You.
The love of the Lord is in our hearts.
His love we absorb each day.
Our souls within sing Gods praise,
For His goodness our souls partake.
The love of the Lord is in our hearts.
His love we absorb each day.
Our souls within sing Gods praise,
For His goodness our souls partake.
He fills us richly with joy afresh
He revives us body and soul.
Our spirits renewed by Christ within
Our minds his grace upholds.
God fills our hearts with His gladness divine
His presence more cherished than gold.
His beauty now fills the vision of our eyes
As more of His grace unfolds.
Into our life Gods blessings do flow
Through Jesus our life and way.
Gods favor and mercies abound in our life
For Christ love is the light of our day.......deno.....share freely.
Say this prayer/poem every day (expecting) as often as you will and see what good shall happen. Amen.
He revives us body and soul.
Our spirits renewed by Christ within
Our minds his grace upholds.
God fills our hearts with His gladness divine
His presence more cherished than gold.
His beauty now fills the vision of our eyes
As more of His grace unfolds.
Into our life Gods blessings do flow
Through Jesus our life and way.
Gods favor and mercies abound in our life
For Christ love is the light of our day.......deno.....share freely.
Say this prayer/poem every day (expecting) as often as you will and see what good shall happen. Amen.
America, Neither Give Place to the Devil.......share freely.......deno.
In Gods word Paul warned us of the schemes of the devil. Peter told us Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking his prey to devour them. Jesus told Peter, Satan wants to sift you as wheat, meaning in part to separate you from the pack, from God, from the saints, remove you out of his world because you pose a threat to he and his works on earth. Paul told us Lucifer is always scheming and has many devices, many tools, many weapons in his arsenal to come at us with. We cannot see all these manifold moves of his with our actual eyes so we must SEE THEM or look at them with the eyes of our understanding BEING ENLIGHTENED. (Ephesians 1:17-18)
I'm not here to write a book on this matter for so many already have covered this light, but I do write to remind you of the reality of the warfare and how important it is to be as Peter put it, BE SOBER, BE ALERT for Satan our common adversary is after you and your territory, and all that people will ALLOW him to steal, to kill, and destroy.
The world and all those that already belong to him in the spirit and in the soul, they at this point being his possession, he owns them even if they are blind to this fact. So little does he worry with them as long as they stay in the dark about this matter. But Christians who believe and belong to Christ, he wants to sift them, to devour them because they belong to God. BUT Lucifer can only do to them what they PERMIT or ALLOW (Read Matthew 8:29-34). And this is what I want to touch on for a few minutes here. Neither give the devil space nor place.
So knowing Satan goes about like a roaring lion looking for prey to deceive in order that he may devour them (in all kinds of ways with it peaking in the belly of this world in hells torments), and KNOWING that there is no love or goodwill in him (John 5:42), for he is a murdering liar as Jesus said he was (John 8:44-45), we must (after knowing this light) truly be SOBER, and truly be ALERT so that we do not GIVE PLACE TO THE DEVIL who is a soul thirsty, blood thirsty, hopeless evil cursed spirit, who when attached to his victims is often times a peace robbing lion and leach (IF HE CAN GET HIS MOUTH AND HANDS ON THEM and the key to this kingdom operation of his is to DECEIVE PEOPLE TO GIVE HIM PLACE AND SPACE to do it, to do his destructive work).
With that truth in mind I want us to read Ephesians 4:26-27) Paul counseled this, When angry do not SIN, do not let the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the thief, the killer, the destroyer (the Devil). It is not the anger itself that gives the devil place. What gives the devil place IS SIN. Paul said when angry SIN NOT.
Many times all of us (YES ALL OF US-Romans 7:14-25) can have strange, ungodly, even unholy thoughts and feel warped feelings, feelings of passions normal or strange, even unnatural affections, perverse lust and anger. Just because we FEEL these motions rise or come against our peace does not mean we have to YIELD OURSELVES TO THEIR SUGGESTIVE VOICES OR THOUGHT OR TEMPTATIONS or to their demonic beckoning. Paul said, When you feel mad, when you FEEL ANGRY (DO NOT SIN). We can also say, when we hear the voices of these sensual, perversed, ungodly, warped, abnormal feelings rise or come against us as to tempt us to go with it, or to go with them into their wicked desires WE ARE TO RESIST THEM AND SIN NOT. For to Sin is to give that rat of all rats place.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13 we have the light given us about the antiChrist to come. Paul foretold us that before he IS ALLOWED to come on the world stage, the world will first do some things and certain things will occur first THAT OPENS THE DOOR FOR HIM AND GIVES PLACE TO THE DEVILS HUMAN YIELDED PRINCE to be given/share Lucifers main throne on the earth (Revelations 13:2).
He said first there will take place a FALLING AWAY (a departure from the faith - (1 Timothy 4:1). People for this reason or that reason, being highly highly TEMPTED, BOMBARDED WITH TEMPTATIONS and cleverly BEWITCHED by the deceiver (Galations 3:1) will turn away from the commandment of life (the gospel of Jesus Christ) unto another so called good news message not of God, but of Satan.
Note: Be wise to this fact. When Jesus road that donkey into Jerusalem those final few days on earth in the flesh, Jerusalem was filled with joy filled multitudes full of excitement singing and saying of the Lord the sweetest of praise. But then Satan SCHEMED and moved in on those same people to devour that spirit of praise and to BEWITCH them with all subtlety and craftiness to set them up to the shouting of the words, to crucify him. How could such a praising Jesus one day people, FALL AWAY within 3 days and their same mouth uttered the dark praise of Satan to CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM? That my friend is demonic deceiving power of the greater kind effecting the hearts and minds of men. In these last days it will be even worse than those days. They turned against the Lord in the green even when he that had the Spirit of God without measure was on earth. Living Water flowed thru Christ on earth unquenched. But Jesus said THE DRY DAYS WERE COMING DOWN THE ROAD. What will they do in those days AGAINST THE BODY OF CHRIST, or AGAINST HIS FLESH ON EARTH (IN THE DAYS OF THE DRY - Luke 23:27-31)?
Satan BY FEAR and BY THREATS (Terror) coming against those crowds in Jerusalem, coming against them from their religious elders that the devil was in and working thru, they turned their backs against the Lord and betrayed Jesus the Son of God with Judas' help even as many are doing today in this present ANTICHRIST atmosphere and move that we see going on in America from even many many elders of our nation political and religious.
America, the nation of God on earth that for centuries was proud of its Christian Sceptre and Christian Heritage, from the same political platforms and universities that use to promote and praise the name of the Lord and were established to bring glory and honor to Christ Name have FALLEN AWAY from the faith and are now promoting darkness in diverse forms of deception. Even to the perverse degree that in their rebellion madness they now openly boldly defy the Lord, defy His gospel, defy Gods rules and laws and PROMOTE THEIR ON ABOVE HIS as we see in their redefining of marriage and their promotion of perversion (Homosexual Activities) on the American Society and false religions and lies. Believe me, if they will defy God and His Word in this manner, these same people will have no real genuine loyalty to the Constitution of the United States, even for the formation of a one world government whose head for 7 years will be Satans smiling, deceiving, lying man of sin whose mouth is like the mouth of a lion against the saints.
America, we are experiencing DOUBLE BETRAYAL unto double the trouble if We The People with Gods help do not stop them, and stop giving them and the devil their space and place in our nation. Right is right and wrong is wrong....If we the people of God allow and permit him and them, Satan will take the throne of America for his own. This is whats on the line along with our children's minds, their world views, and their souls. How deep is our love? Will we allow the lion this massive feast?....deno.....share freely.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
From Grace to More Grace.....deno.......share freely.
(Ephesians 2:8-10) For BY GRACE we are saved thru faith, and that not of ourselves, it is THE GIFT OF GOD. 9) Not of works, lest we boast our deeds above the power of the Cross of Christ. 10) For we are Gods workmanship, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS unto GOOD WORKS which God hath before ordained that we (who are CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS) should live doing them).
Ephesians 2:8-10) shows us that there is a gift by grace, and that there are works of grace, and that there are works accomplished by us thru grace. Grace is how God has done and does everything for us from Adam to Noah, thru the kings and judges of Israel, to Christ who came to us FULL OF GRACE and truth (John 1:16).
It is by grace that God thru Christ blood, death and resurrection saves us (vs 8) and it is thru grace we do all things for God (for without Christ, His Spirit and grace in us we can DO NOTHING. If we do do things not by Christ or by grace ITS ARTIFICIAL and not of God but of men (Important point there).
For since God Himself does all things for us thru Christ and thru grace, do we now go around grace avenue, or side step grace lane and do things on our own grace free? GOD FORBID. We do all things like the Father does, thru Christ and by His all sufficient grace. For whatsoever is not of Christ nor of grace is sin no matter how good it looks on the surface. Such things are man born and not God formed. God does all things thru Christ and By grace and we are called to do all things thru and by the same, thru Christ and His grace. There are all kinds of beliefs and all kinds of religions in the world that push self discipline, restrictive dieting, and sanctified and somewhat set apart behavior rules but all these false religions and beliefs are wrought from the natural force of man and not by the grace and power of Christ.
Many false religions demand flesh discipline and demand fastings and demand good deeds of some sort, but in all those deeds, not a one of them is accomplished by Christ, nor by grace, nor by the Love and Spirit of the Lord, but more by imposed Laws backed by threatenings in fear......Know and understand the difference.
The power of the Cross of Christ and His resurrection saves us BY GRACE. Grace power is how we do the good we are created in Christ Jesus to do. See Ephesians 2:8-10...For whatsoever is not by Christ or by His grace is only of men and not of God. It is because of this truth and because its all by Christ and his grace given us that we rightfully gove Jesus all the praise and all the glory.....deno.......share freely.
Even The DEEP THNGS of God. Body Of Christ Belonging Revelations....deno.....share freely.
Even the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10).
That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:16-23)....This is spiritual meat mainly meant for the STRONG.
Christ blood hides our sin, Christ righteousness makes us shine with the presence of God. Jesus Christ is our life. Jesus Christ is our goodness. Jesus Christ is our holiness. Jesus Christ is our righteousness. Jesus Christ is our salvation. Jesus Christ is our redemption. Jesus Christ is our resurrection and the life. Jesus Christ is our way, our truth, our life. No one accesses God but thru Jesus Christ.
Since you cannot cast out any devil on earth in your own name or in the strength of your own self righteousness or holiness (for such in their own strength have not the power to do so), how then do you think you shall enter into Gods highest glory far above, in the strength or power of your own same name. You need, I need, we all need Christ and all he is and all his power and peace with God.
If we cannot cast out devils on earth thru the glory of our own names, or thru the glory of our own holiness and righteousness and we can't. Try it and see what happens. They will strip your cloths off as they did those 7 sons in the book of Acts. Then how do you think you can stand in your fame or in your own name before Almighty God (in the fame plus shame that is in your own name) and in your own self goodness or righteousness? There you will be cast out. You need Christ to be your all in all. He is the sure thing, the real deal. He is already seated at Gods right hand in the Throne and when you have made Christ your life, your acceptance, your righteousness and holiness and your everything, then you sit there with him in peace with God, even as he is at peace with the Father. As you see yourself THERE as one of the body parts of Christ own Body who sits in the throne at peace with God our Dad.
I give you this revelation. The Spirit of the Lord has sat with the Father in His Throne for eternity. Spirit in Spirit they are and have been since before ever. The risen body of Christ that is now also seated with God in the throne, that body represents THE CHURCH there. The Body there represents the body of Christ which is the Church and the Eternal Spirit fully is and represents God. Together it is God and His Church, Husband and Bride/Wife forever sharing the Husbands Name, Riches, Wealth, Power, and Authority. On that great Throne the Husband loves His wife as himself perfectly in all things. It is the perfect match. God brought Eve to Adam. God brought the church to Christ His Son. We are the Bride of Christ.
The Lord opened my eyes to understand the DEEPER MEANING of what it means for us to be HIS FLESH, for us to be HIS BONE, to be HIS BODY. He caused me to see that we THE CHURCH, we are really the actual Body of Someone who is EXCEEDINGLY GREAT, matter of fact the great One that I am talking about is the Lord from heaven Himself. It is HIS BODY we are.....His Body.
He opened my eyes to see that being His Body, THE BODY OF CHRIST, OF CHRIST, OF CHRIST, HIS BODY, he said that that POSITION of being HIS BODY and that PLACE or placement is the position and the place of the second greatest position of honor and the second greatest placement and place of belonging that exist in all of heaven and earth. He said there is the Godhead which is the first and chiefest seat and the chiefest and highest eternal power and authority in all of heaven and earth. Then right next to the Godhead is where the Church is positioned and placed. It was and is God Himself that wanted us there in that second highest place of honor and it was the Lord himself that wanted it that way and that way forever US IN HIM AND HE IN US.
God deeply and dearly loves His Wife the Church, the Bride and Body of Christ. We being His Body gives us (the Church) GREAT HONOR & HIGH BELONGING. You think king Herod was hot in love for Herodius' his wife's daughter as to offer her up to HALF of his kingdom and possessions? That was puppy love compared to the greatness of Gods love for us His Wife/Bride, THE CHURCH. God has not given us half of His Kingdom but THE WHOLE THING. Jesus said this himself. He said, Do not doubt this love little flock. For it gives God good pleasure to give you THE KINGDOM.
Paul also testified to this truth as well saying, ALL THINGS PRESENT, PAST OR FUTURE FROM GOD ARE YOURS.
Being Christ flesh and bone, being the Body of the Lord is not just a empty meaningless, powerless phrase people throw around as nothing as they do in powerless church-annity). For being the Lords body, the fulness of Him that the church is, means and REVEALS to us who we belong to and TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF.....Come on Church. Come on Body Of Christ. Our feet are a part of Who? Our legs are a part of Who? Our hands are a part of Who? In the natural, your own feet and your own hands, who do they belong to? You right? THATS RIGHT. Then your feet and hands are just as much a part of you as you are of yourself. We THE CHURCH are the hands, fingers, feet, toes, legs, back, of WHO?????....Jesus Christ who is the HEAD of His Body. Christ is our Head and we are his flesh and bone of the same ONE BODY. We, His Body, the Body of Christ are just as much a part of Jesus Christ our Head as he is of himself. God made us one forever from the Cross the the Throne of endless life, peace, and everlasting love.
When I actually saw it and it took time, that sight, that love sight connection amazed me and began to set me free even more. The Lord opened my eyes and I saw and I quote much what the Spirit caused to me to hear and to see (Acts 8:29), They that are My flesh and bone, they that are My Body, they that are My Bodies Members (Pay attention here)...He said are just as much a part of Me as I am of Myself. This oneness revelation is from the language of Gods love for those of us who are IN CHRIST JESUS, who are His Flesh and bone BODY.
Jesus Christ is our all in all, even our total redemption grace identification. Complete these sentences. We are the body members of _______ ______. We are the flesh and bone of _______ ______. We are risen with _______ _______. Does Jesus Christ have feet? Legs? Arms? Hands? Then we HIS BODILY MEMBERS are the body of ________ _______.
If we belong to another's body, or to another's fame or name, then we do not belong to the Lord. Those who are the Lords, those who are His Body are as much a part of Christ now as Christ is of God. They are inseparable as the Godhead. Truly God loves His wife as himself.
Friends those words, they are words from such great love that the world knows not, does not understand, and even many religious people cannot see or would dare to accept them by saying, How could we possibly be as much a part of Jesus as He is of Himself. But nonetheless the love that that ONENESS WITH CHRIST IS BASED ON, those truths are founded upon GODS GREATEST LOVE of all. They (those words) are entirely true and can be seen and understood thru the BODY OF CHRIST light and thru the Body of Christ connection to Christ. We are His Body, His Flesh and Bone, The Members of His Own Flesh risen with Christ indeed.....deno......share freely.
That the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:16-23)....This is spiritual meat mainly meant for the STRONG.
Christ blood hides our sin, Christ righteousness makes us shine with the presence of God. Jesus Christ is our life. Jesus Christ is our goodness. Jesus Christ is our holiness. Jesus Christ is our righteousness. Jesus Christ is our salvation. Jesus Christ is our redemption. Jesus Christ is our resurrection and the life. Jesus Christ is our way, our truth, our life. No one accesses God but thru Jesus Christ.
Since you cannot cast out any devil on earth in your own name or in the strength of your own self righteousness or holiness (for such in their own strength have not the power to do so), how then do you think you shall enter into Gods highest glory far above, in the strength or power of your own same name. You need, I need, we all need Christ and all he is and all his power and peace with God.
If we cannot cast out devils on earth thru the glory of our own names, or thru the glory of our own holiness and righteousness and we can't. Try it and see what happens. They will strip your cloths off as they did those 7 sons in the book of Acts. Then how do you think you can stand in your fame or in your own name before Almighty God (in the fame plus shame that is in your own name) and in your own self goodness or righteousness? There you will be cast out. You need Christ to be your all in all. He is the sure thing, the real deal. He is already seated at Gods right hand in the Throne and when you have made Christ your life, your acceptance, your righteousness and holiness and your everything, then you sit there with him in peace with God, even as he is at peace with the Father. As you see yourself THERE as one of the body parts of Christ own Body who sits in the throne at peace with God our Dad.
I give you this revelation. The Spirit of the Lord has sat with the Father in His Throne for eternity. Spirit in Spirit they are and have been since before ever. The risen body of Christ that is now also seated with God in the throne, that body represents THE CHURCH there. The Body there represents the body of Christ which is the Church and the Eternal Spirit fully is and represents God. Together it is God and His Church, Husband and Bride/Wife forever sharing the Husbands Name, Riches, Wealth, Power, and Authority. On that great Throne the Husband loves His wife as himself perfectly in all things. It is the perfect match. God brought Eve to Adam. God brought the church to Christ His Son. We are the Bride of Christ.
The Lord opened my eyes to understand the DEEPER MEANING of what it means for us to be HIS FLESH, for us to be HIS BONE, to be HIS BODY. He caused me to see that we THE CHURCH, we are really the actual Body of Someone who is EXCEEDINGLY GREAT, matter of fact the great One that I am talking about is the Lord from heaven Himself. It is HIS BODY we are.....His Body.
He opened my eyes to see that being His Body, THE BODY OF CHRIST, OF CHRIST, OF CHRIST, HIS BODY, he said that that POSITION of being HIS BODY and that PLACE or placement is the position and the place of the second greatest position of honor and the second greatest placement and place of belonging that exist in all of heaven and earth. He said there is the Godhead which is the first and chiefest seat and the chiefest and highest eternal power and authority in all of heaven and earth. Then right next to the Godhead is where the Church is positioned and placed. It was and is God Himself that wanted us there in that second highest place of honor and it was the Lord himself that wanted it that way and that way forever US IN HIM AND HE IN US.
God deeply and dearly loves His Wife the Church, the Bride and Body of Christ. We being His Body gives us (the Church) GREAT HONOR & HIGH BELONGING. You think king Herod was hot in love for Herodius' his wife's daughter as to offer her up to HALF of his kingdom and possessions? That was puppy love compared to the greatness of Gods love for us His Wife/Bride, THE CHURCH. God has not given us half of His Kingdom but THE WHOLE THING. Jesus said this himself. He said, Do not doubt this love little flock. For it gives God good pleasure to give you THE KINGDOM.
Paul also testified to this truth as well saying, ALL THINGS PRESENT, PAST OR FUTURE FROM GOD ARE YOURS.
Being Christ flesh and bone, being the Body of the Lord is not just a empty meaningless, powerless phrase people throw around as nothing as they do in powerless church-annity). For being the Lords body, the fulness of Him that the church is, means and REVEALS to us who we belong to and TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF. TO WHOM WE ARE A PART OF.....Come on Church. Come on Body Of Christ. Our feet are a part of Who? Our legs are a part of Who? Our hands are a part of Who? In the natural, your own feet and your own hands, who do they belong to? You right? THATS RIGHT. Then your feet and hands are just as much a part of you as you are of yourself. We THE CHURCH are the hands, fingers, feet, toes, legs, back, of WHO?????....Jesus Christ who is the HEAD of His Body. Christ is our Head and we are his flesh and bone of the same ONE BODY. We, His Body, the Body of Christ are just as much a part of Jesus Christ our Head as he is of himself. God made us one forever from the Cross the the Throne of endless life, peace, and everlasting love.
When I actually saw it and it took time, that sight, that love sight connection amazed me and began to set me free even more. The Lord opened my eyes and I saw and I quote much what the Spirit caused to me to hear and to see (Acts 8:29), They that are My flesh and bone, they that are My Body, they that are My Bodies Members (Pay attention here)...He said are just as much a part of Me as I am of Myself. This oneness revelation is from the language of Gods love for those of us who are IN CHRIST JESUS, who are His Flesh and bone BODY.
Jesus Christ is our all in all, even our total redemption grace identification. Complete these sentences. We are the body members of _______ ______. We are the flesh and bone of _______ ______. We are risen with _______ _______. Does Jesus Christ have feet? Legs? Arms? Hands? Then we HIS BODILY MEMBERS are the body of ________ _______.
If we belong to another's body, or to another's fame or name, then we do not belong to the Lord. Those who are the Lords, those who are His Body are as much a part of Christ now as Christ is of God. They are inseparable as the Godhead. Truly God loves His wife as himself.
Friends those words, they are words from such great love that the world knows not, does not understand, and even many religious people cannot see or would dare to accept them by saying, How could we possibly be as much a part of Jesus as He is of Himself. But nonetheless the love that that ONENESS WITH CHRIST IS BASED ON, those truths are founded upon GODS GREATEST LOVE of all. They (those words) are entirely true and can be seen and understood thru the BODY OF CHRIST light and thru the Body of Christ connection to Christ. We are His Body, His Flesh and Bone, The Members of His Own Flesh risen with Christ indeed.....deno......share freely.
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