tell us that the KJV and many other bible translations are step by
step, word for word translations. They strive for a word for word, as
close as possible word match. That's what God wants to see in us His
children. A Step by step, word for word, as close to Jesus as possible
near My God to Thee match until we are the glorious church of Ephesians
....vs 25)..Husbands love your wives, just like Christ also loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her.
.....vs 26) So that He could separate and sanctify her from a world of sin and darkness, and cleanse the church, bathing her with the washing of the water by His word (His Bright Light).
.....vs 27) That He may present the church (His Bride) unto Himself as a Glorious Church (that's the Lords own high goal for us - A Beautiful Spiritual Bride walking in the newness of her spirit, heart in heart and hand in hand with Christ in what He loves (Holiness), not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing (Pure love relationship all holy - faithful and true to one another, walking in Christ glorious light); but that it should be holy and without blemish (this is relationship to Christ and Christ to us full faithfulness as a husband is to be to his wife and the wife to her husband in all things, resisting all temptations to do other wise, pure and undefiled by the world and evil. God said Israel went away a whoring from Him, Committing adultery and burning incense under every high tree - idolatry-relationship to God unfaithfulness).
........We will never be that level glorious until we (the body and bride of Christ) are all together walking as One heart and as one mind with the fruit of Oneness and unity our constant every day flavor and taste to God and we are together step by step, word for word, faithful to God and to one another, as close as possible near My God to Thee loving one another flawlessly faithful to Christ in all things Church..We will not get there until we THE WEAKER VESSEL humble ourselves leaning on the Mighty Hand of God promise to those who do and are in all things SUBMITTED to Christ Lordship over our lives in all we say and do......deno.
....vs 25)..Husbands love your wives, just like Christ also loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her.
.....vs 26) So that He could separate and sanctify her from a world of sin and darkness, and cleanse the church, bathing her with the washing of the water by His word (His Bright Light).
.....vs 27) That He may present the church (His Bride) unto Himself as a Glorious Church (that's the Lords own high goal for us - A Beautiful Spiritual Bride walking in the newness of her spirit, heart in heart and hand in hand with Christ in what He loves (Holiness), not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing (Pure love relationship all holy - faithful and true to one another, walking in Christ glorious light); but that it should be holy and without blemish (this is relationship to Christ and Christ to us full faithfulness as a husband is to be to his wife and the wife to her husband in all things, resisting all temptations to do other wise, pure and undefiled by the world and evil. God said Israel went away a whoring from Him, Committing adultery and burning incense under every high tree - idolatry-relationship to God unfaithfulness).
........We will never be that level glorious until we (the body and bride of Christ) are all together walking as One heart and as one mind with the fruit of Oneness and unity our constant every day flavor and taste to God and we are together step by step, word for word, faithful to God and to one another, as close as possible near My God to Thee loving one another flawlessly faithful to Christ in all things Church..We will not get there until we THE WEAKER VESSEL humble ourselves leaning on the Mighty Hand of God promise to those who do and are in all things SUBMITTED to Christ Lordship over our lives in all we say and do......deno.